המחלקה ללימודי מידע אילן-אוניברסיטת בר 1 גב' דינה גולדשמידט 617-53 משאבים במדעי הטבע תשס"א,'סמסטר א קריאת רקע 1. Gould, Constance, Information Needs in the Sciences: an assessment. Mountain View, RLG, 1991 . 025.524 GOU (180929), RES. 2. Mount, Ellis & Beatrice Kovacs, Using Science and Technology Information Sources. Phoenix, Oryx Pr. 1991. Highlights: Summaries from ch. 3-35, pp.17-167 (offprint). 26 תדפיס 3. Hurt,.Charlie Deuel. Information sources in science and technology . 3d ed. Englewood, Libraries Unltd, 1998 Short introductions to each chapter. 501.6 HUR i3 (424078), In process. כללי- מדריכים-מקורות 5. .Hurt, Charlie Deuel, Information sources in science and technology. 3d ed Englewood, Libraries Unlimited, 1998. 6. Mount, Ellis & Beatrice Kovacs., Using science and technology information sources. Phoenix, Oryx Pr. 1991. 025.065 MOU u (221634), RES. .4 המחלקה ללימודי מידע 2 אילן-אוניברסיטת בר 7. Walker, Richard D.Scientific and Technical literature. Chicago, A.L.A. 1990. 501.4 WAL (234849), RES. דוגמאות-כללי-מדריכים 8. . Chandler, G. How to find out. 1982. 011.02 CHA (63437), RES. 9. Chen, Ching-Chih., Scientific and technical information sources . 2d ed. 1987. 025.065 CHE (63166), RES. 10. .Grogan, Denis., Science and technology. 4th ed. 1982. 025.065 GRO (222915), RES. 11. .Lambert, Jill., How to find information in science and technology. 1986. 025.065 LAM (61146), RES. 12. Malinowsky,H.R. Science and Engineering literature. 1980 13. Parker, C.C. and Turley, V.Information sources in science and technology. 2d ed. 1986 14. Primack, Alice Lefler .1984 Finding answers in science and technology המחלקה ללימודי מידע 15. Subramanyam, Krishna 3 אילן-אוניברסיטת בר Scientific and technical information resources.1982 SPECIAL FIELDS (Selected) CHEMISTRY: 16. Maizell, Robert E. How to find chemical information.; a guide for practising chemists, educators and students. 3d ed. N.Y. Wiley, c1998 17. Bottle, R.T. and J.F.B. Rowland. Information sources in chemistry. 4th ed. London, Bowker-Saur, 1993 18. Wiggins, Gary. Chemical information sources. N.Y. Mc-Graw Hill, 1991 ENGINEERING 19. Mildren, K.W. and P.J. Hicks. Information Sources in engineering. 3d ed. London, Bowker-Saur, 1996 LIFE SCIENCES (BIOLOGY) 20. Davis, Elizabeth B, Using the biological literature. 2d rev. and exp. Ed. N.Y. Dekker, 1995 המחלקה ללימודי מידע 4 אילן-אוניברסיטת בר 21. Wyatt, H.V. Information sources in the life sciences. 3d ed. London, Butterworths, 1987 MEDICINE 22. Morton, L.T. and Shane Godbolt. Information sources in the medical sciences. 4th ed. London, Bowker-Saur, 1992 PHYSICS 23. Shaw, Dennis, F. Information sources in physics. 3d ed. London, Bowker-Saur, 1994 אנציקלופדיות 1. McGraw Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology. Latest ed. check Books in Print, etc. 2. Van Nostrand's Scientific Encyclopedia . 8th ed. rev. 1999 (CD-ROM or Multimedia) 3. Encyclopedia Brittanica. (Available on the internet; CD-ROM and Multimedia)