FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT Important This document must not exceed 35 pages (including references), body of text in font size 11. This constitutes an acceptability criterion for the project proposal. Project proposals that do not satisfy the acceptability criteria will not be evaluated. Acronym of the proposal Title of the proposal in English Project Leader name (JPN) Project Leader name (FR) Keywords Up to 150 characters e-mail: e-mail: Up to 10 keywords to describe the project Type of research Basic Research Industrial Research Experimental Development Total requested funding xxxxxx Yen for Japanese researchers (direct cost only) xxxxxx € for French researchers Duration of Project 36 months Only for French researchers 1/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT (FOR ELIGIBILITY EVALUATION) ............... 3 2. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMME, PROJECT ORGANIZATION .................. 3 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.3.1 2.3.2 Scientific programme, project structure ...................................................... 3 Project management ................................................................................ 4 proposed workplan and description by task ................................................. 4 Task 1 Task 2 4 4 2.4. 2.5. Added value of the France-Japan cooperation .............................................. 4 Task schedule, deliverables and milestones ................................................. 4 3. DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS / INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ........ 5 4. CONSORTIUM DESCRIPTION ................................................................ 5 4.1. Description, suitability and complementarity of the partners .......................... 5 4.2. Qualification and contribution of each partner .............................................. 6 4.3. Qualification of the project leader ............................................................... 6 5. SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION OF REQUESTED RESOURCES – BUDGET PLAN ............. 7 5.1. Partner X (For each French Partner): XXX ................................................... 7 5.2. Partner Y (For each Japanese Partner): YYY ................................................. 8 5.3. Requested funding summarize ................................................................... 8 6. REFERENCES .................................................................................. 9 Important Before submitting this document, delete all the instructions indicated in RED. Give all the bibliographic references in Section 6 (p.9) 2/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT (FOR ELIGIBILITY EVALUATION) (2 pages maximum) Important Scientific eligibility will be evaluated by ANR and JST scientific board. Please read carefully the section 2 “SCIENTIFIC SCOPE” of the call for proposals text (p.5). Out of scope proposals will not be eligible to further evaluation. Copy the summary used in the administrative and financial document (submission document). The summary should contain the following points: - A description of the core concept and innovation in the field of Molecular Technology (an illustration of the molecular structure is indispensable and a schematic representation of the global scientific ambitions highly recommended) - A presentation of the scientific ambitions of the proposal and of the consortium competences, focusing on the innovative aspects and the specific advantages of the proposed technology compared to existing technologies - A position regarding the forecast for the next 20-30 years. Please present how the proposed innovation can develop and impact the future society 2. SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNICAL PROGRAMME, PROJECT ORGANIZATION 2.1. SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME, PROJECT STRUCTURE Present the scientific programme and justify the programme work breakdown into tasks consistent with the objectives. Provide a diagram showing the links between the various tasks (technical flow chart). The tasks represent the broad phases of the project. Their number is limited. In case of multidisciplinary projects, show how the scientific disciplines are interlinked. Do not omit the activities and actions relating to the dissemination and exploitation of the results. 3/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 2.2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT Indicate the organizational aspects of the project and the coordination arrangements with clear statements of what roles Japanese and French researchers will play respectively in the project Describe the expected added value from the proposed joint project, including how the competence, technology and other resources in each group will complement each other and eventual multidisciplinary approach Describe the plan to exchange young researchers between each side and the planed training activities, if applicable 2.3. PROPOSED WORKPLAN AND DESCRIPTION BY TASK For each task, please describe: - the objectives and possible success indicators, - the leader and the partners involved (this can be indicated in graphic form), - the detailed work programme, - the deliverables, - the contributions of the partners (who does what), and manpower (man- months) - a description of the methods and technical choices and the way in which solutions will be brought, - the risks and the back-up solutions envisaged. 2.3.1 TASK 1 2.3.2 TASK 2 Etc. 2.4. ADDED VALUE OF THE FRANCE-JAPAN COOPERATION Present the added value for both each laboratory and country of the specific project between France and Japan. Explain the expected synergies as compared to purely national projects. 2.5. TASK SCHEDULE, DELIVERABLES AND MILESTONES Present in graphic form (Gantt diagram for example) a schedule of the tasks and their dependencies. Provide a table summarizing all the project deliverables (task number, date, title, person responsible). 4/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT Provide a synthesis of the scientific and/or technical milestones, the main meeting points, the blocking points or contingencies that could jeopardize the project outcome, and the planned project meetings. 3. DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF RESULTS / INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Present the strategies for exploiting the results: - scientific communication, - communication to the general public (a specific budget can be planned for this), - exploitation of the expected results, - the scientific and technical repercussions, the industrial or economic spin-offs, etc, - the position of the project in the industrial strategy of the project partner companies, - other repercussions (standardization, information to the public authorities, etc.), - the nature and time-scale of the expected technical-economic spin-offs, - any impact on employment, creation of new activities, etc. Present the broad lines of the methods of protecting and exploiting the results. The partners must conclude a consortium agreement from the starting date of the project if the project is selected for funding. 4. CONSORTIUM DESCRIPTION 4.1. DESCRIPTION, SUITABILITY AND COMPLEMENTARITY OF THE PARTNERS (Maximum 1 page per partner) Briefly describe each partner, giving elements for assessing their qualification in the project ("why who does what"). These elements can be past achievements, indicators (publications, patents), why the partner is interested in the project, etc. Show the complementarity and added value of the collaborations between the various partners. The interdisciplinarity and the openness to diverse collaborations must be justified in accordance with the project orientations. (1 page maximum) 5/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 4.2. QUALIFICATION AND CONTRIBUTION OF EACH PARTNER Qualify the Japanese and French researchers (one table per country), indicating their main activities and specific skills. Fill in the following table for each partner: Japanese Research Team: Japanese Partner Example Name XXX First name yyy Current Position Field of research Professor Effort** Role and Contribution to the project (%) 4 lines max. Effort 15% New catalysts for solar energy…. Leader (PI) Researchers ** to set effort(%) based on the effort(%) written in e-Rad application, to be indicated with respect to the total project duration French Research Team: French Partner Example Name ZZZ First name aaa Current Position Field of research Professor Person months*** 24 PM Role and Contribution to the project 4 lines max. Molecular technology for new catalysts…. Leader (PI) Researchers *** to be indicated with respect to the total project duration 4.3. QUALIFICATION OF THE PROJECT LEADER (0.5 page maximum for each leader) For each Japanese and French leader, provide CVs and main relevant publications lists or patent applications in the last five years. 6/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 5. SCIENTIFIC JUSTIFICATION OF REQUESTED RESOURCES – BUDGET PLAN The scientific and technical justification for the resources requested by each partner in the submission document shall be presented here and summarized on the scale of the project in the "Summary Tables" sheet of the administrative and financial document (submission document) such as it is completed on the submission site. Each partner shall justify the means requested, distinguishing the different expenditure line items. (Maximum 2 pages per partner) 5.1. PARTNER X (FOR EACH FRENCH PARTNER): XXX 1) Salaries for scientific non-permanent staff The non-permanent staff (doctoral and post- doctoral researchers, fixed-term contract staff, etc...) financed on the project must be justified. Provide the job profiles for the staff to recruit. 2) Instrumentation/Equipment and Consumables Indicate the nature of the equipment and justify the choice. If necessary, indicate the share of funding requested for the project and whether the envisaged purchases must be supplemented by other sources of funding. If so, indicate the amount and origin of the said additional funding. 3) Missions fees Indicate: - Mission fees associated with field data acquisition work (measurement campaigns, etc.) - Mission fees associated with exchanges between consortium members - Mission fees associated with symposiums, conferences, conventions, etc. 4) Expenses for publications, workshops, etc. 5) Subcontracting Indicate: - the nature of the subcontracted services - the type of service provider. 7/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 5.2. PARTNER Y (FOR EACH JAPANESE PARTNER): YYY 1) Salaries for scientific staff The non-permanent staff (doctoral and post- doctoral researchers, fixed-term contract staff, etc...) financed on the project must be justified. Provide the job profiles for the staff to recruit. 2) Instrumentation/Equipment and Consumables Indicate the nature of the equipment and justify the choice. If necessary, indicate the share of funding requested for the project and whether the envisaged purchases must be supplemented by other sources of funding. If so, indicate the amount and origin of the said additional funding. 3) Expenses for publications, workshops, etc. 4) Missions fees Indicate: - Mission fees associated with field data acquisition work (measurement campaigns, etc.) - Mission fees associated with exchanges between consortium members - Mission fees associated with symposiums, conferences, conventions, etc. 5) Indirect costs (not exceeding 30% of direct costs (1-4)) 5.3. REQUESTED FUNDING SUMMARIZE Summarize requested funding in the following table Country Organization Last name First name Current position Example 1 University X / ZZZ Company Y aaa Example 2 University X / ZZZ Company Y aaa Role* Involvement in the project (effort% or person month)** Professor PI (Japan) effort 15 % Professor PI (France) 24 PM Requested Requested funding funding to the to the JST (Yen) ANR (Euros) (direct cost only) 23 million yen 250000€ * Please choose between PI (Japan), co-PI (Japan), PI (France), co-PI (France). - PI = Principal Investigator, Leader of each country - co-PI = partner of PI, researcher to be funded (group leader in different institute from PI) ** Effort (%) based on the effort (%) written in e-Rad application (Japanese partners) or person months (French partners), to be indicated for all PIs/co-PIs with respect to the total project duration 8/9 FRANCE–JAPAN JOINT CALL ON MOLECULAR TECHNOLOGY 2015 EDITION Project Give the project acronym SCIENTIFIC DOCUMENT 6. REFERENCES Include the list of bibliographic references used in the " 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY OF THE PROJECT (FOR ELIGIBILITY EVALUATION)" section and the list of the partners' bibliographic references relating to the project. 9/9