2007 – Charlotte ImToxSS Member in Bold Symposium 1) Non-classical Mechanisms of Receptor-Mediated Transcription Chairs: Gary H. Perdew and Michael Gallo Speakers: G. Perdew. Non-classical Mechanisms of Receptor-Mediated Transcription L. Jameson, et al. Physiologic Roles of the Nonclassical Estrogen Receptor Alpha Signaling Pathway T. Beischlag, et al. Combinatorial Control of Gene Expression by Diverse Classes of Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Estrogenic Compounds J.A. Cidlowski, et al. The Glucoocorticoid Receptor: One Gene, Many Proteins, Extensive Post-Translational Modifications Provide New Mechanisms for Tissue Specific Anti-Inflammatory Actions of Glucocortocoids in Health and Disease D.H. Sherr AhR Transcriptional Regulation and its Impact on Mammary Tumor Behavior Y. Tian, et al. Role of NF-B in Regulation of PXR and AHR mediated Gene Expressions: Mechanisms for the Suppression of Cytochromes P450 by Pro-inflammatory Agents --------------------------------------------- Symposium 2) Application of New Concepts in Immunology to Old Problems in Immunotoxicology Chair: Nancy I. Kerkvliet and Stephen B. Pruett Speakers: N.I. Kerkvliet and S.B. Pruett – Introduction S.B. Pruett Toll-like Receptor Signaling as a Target of Disparate Immunotoxicants N.I. Kerkvliet, C.J. Funatake, N.B. Marshall Induction of T-regulatory Cells as a Mechanism of AhR-mediated Immunosuppression R. Pieters, et al. Modified Immune Responses Through Effects on Co-stimulation J.J. Pestka, e al. Ribosome-mediated Stress Response to Biological Toxins in the Macrophage --------------------------------------------- Symposium 3) Immune Biomarkers in Alternative Species: Implications for Risk Assessment Chair: Jamie DeWitt and Judith Zelikoff Speakers: J. DeWitt and J.T. Zelikoff An Overview of the Use of Wildlife Species in Immunotoxicology T.S. Galloway The Invertebrate Immune System as a Target Organ of Toxicity J.T. Zelikoff, E. Carlson, J.E. Duffy Chemical-induced Immunotoxicity in Fish: Translation Across Phyla for Predicting Risk K.A. Grasman Assessing Immunological Health in Wild Birds: General, Integrative and Mechanistic Methods and Ecological Relevance M.M. Peden-Adams, C.D. Rice, et al. Development and Utilization of a Standardized Suite of Immune Assays in Healthy and Non-Healthy Bottlenose Dolphin D. Nacci Incorporating Immunology into Ecological Risk Assessment --------------------------------------------- Symposium 4) Current Issues in Developmental Immunotoxicology Chair: Susan L. Makris and Andrew Rooney Speakers: S.L. Makris Introduction: Current Issues in Developmental Toxicology D.L. Bellinger Autonomic and Neuroendocrine Crosstalk with the Immune System: Relevance to Early Life Experiences, Chronic Disease and Aging L. Kobzik Air Pollutant Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Neonatal Susceptibility to Asthma S. Holladay, R. Gogal, et al. Developmental Exposure to TCDD Increases Autoreactive T-cells in Spleen of C57BL/6 Mice and Lymph Nodes of SNF1 Mice at 24 Weeks of Age, and Causes Other Changes Consistent with Increased Risk of Autoimmune Disease R.R. Dietert Developmental Immunotoxicology (DIT) and Later Life Immune Dysfunction Y.G. Yang Developmental Immunotoxicology and Risk Assessment --------------------------------------------- Symposium 5) Gene Expression and Immune System Susceptibility Chair: Robert Luebke and Dori R. Germolec Speakers: D. Germolec and R. Luebke Gene Expression and Immune System Susceptibility S.B. Pruett Use of Microarrays to Investigate Mechanisms of Immunotoxicity C. Ryan, L. Gildea, L. Foertsch, J. Kennedy, R. Dearman, I. Kimber, F. Gerberick Identification and Prioritization of Gene Expression Changes in Dendritic Cells as a Screen for Contact Allergy B. Yucesoy and M.I. Luster Cytokine Gene Polymorphisms and Susceptibility to Chronic Inflammatory Diseases in Occupational Settings D. Christiani, et al. A Prospective Study of Global Expression Profiling in Whole Blood Samples from Individuals Exposed to Metal Fumes J. Hollingsworth Environmental Exposure, Immune Function and Host Vulnerability --------------------------------------------- Symposium 6) Developments in Exposure-Based Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for Induction of Dermal Sensitization for Fragrance Ingredients Chair: David Basketter and I. Glenn Sipes Speakers: A. Api and P.M. McNamee Developments in Exposure-Based Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) for Induction of Dermal Sensitization for Fragrance Ingredients P.A. Cadby An Introduction to QRA for Induction of Dermal Sensitization for Fragrance Ingredients G. Gerberick Tools for the Identification of a Material as a Dermal Sensitizer I. Kimber The Importance of Using Dose/Unit Area as the Dose Metric in QRA for Induction of Skin Sensitization P.M. McNamee The Principles of QRA for Induction of Dermal Sensitization for Fragrance Ingredients A. Api Application of QRA for Induction of Dermal Sensitization of Fragrance Ingredients --------------------------------------------- Continuing Education Course 1) Allergy and Allergic Disease: A Primer for Toxicologists Chair: Ian Kimber and C. Frank Gerberick Speakers: Ian Kimber Introduction to Allergy and Skin Sensitization/Allergic Contact Dermatitis Jean F. Regal Allergy of the Respiratory Tract Gregory S. Ladics Food Allergy Kenneth L. Hastings Drug Allergy --------------------------------------------- Continuing Education Course 2) Protein Therapeutics: Immunogenicity on Study Design and Interpretation Assessment and Impact of Chair: Yanli Ouyang and Lynne LeSauteur Speakers: Daniel Wierda What Makes Protein Therapeutics Potentially Immunogenic and How to Detect and Characterize Immunogenicity Deborah Finco-Kent How to Measure Immunogenic Response: Method Development , Assay Validation and Sample Analysis Robert House How to Use Animal Models to Evaluate Immunogenicity Susan Kirshner Safety Evaluation of Immunogenicity, Clinical Consequences of Immunogenicity and Risk Assessment --------------------------------------------- Roundtable 1) Can a Single Experimental Model Predict the Respiratory Sensitization Potential of Chemicals and Proteins? Chair: Jon A. Hotchkiss and MaryJane Selgrade Speakers: Jon Hotchkiss Can a Single Experimental Model Predict the Respiratory Sensitization Potential of Chemicals and Proteins? Animal Models Developed as Predictive Models to Identify Respiratory and Food Allergens: Strengths and Weaknesses Comparison of Current and Potential in vitro and in vivo Models to Predict the Potential of Chemicals and Proteins to be Respiratory Allergens Integrating Pathology and Dosimetry to Assess the Toxicity of Inhaled Irritants A Regulatory Perspective; What Data is Essential to Predict Human Respiratory Sensitization by Chemicals and Proteins? Audience Discussion: Summary of Data Presented, Data Gaps, Proposed Path Forward, Risk/Benefits of our Actions --------------------------------------------- Workshop 1) Alternative and Integrated Approaches to Skin Sensitization Testing Chairs: C. Frank Gerberick and Ian Kimber Speakers: I. Kimber and G.F. Gerberick Alternative and Integrated Approaches to Skin Sensitization Testing I. Kimber Skin Sensitization Hazard Identification and Hazard Characterization: What are the Issues? G. Patlewicz, A.O. Aptula, D.W. Roberts The Benefits and Limitations of (Quantitative) Structure-Activity Relationships ((Q)SARs) G.F. Gerberick Protein and Peptide Binding: An Emerging Strategy C. Ryan Cellular Assay Systems: Dendritic Cells and Beyond D. Basketter Integrated Systems and a Modified Local Lymph Node Assay W.S. Stokes Alternative and Integrated Approaches to Skin Sensitization: Recent Progress and the Way Forward --------------------------------------------- Workshop 2) Air Pollution, Oxidative Stress and Neurodegeneration Chairs: Bellina Veronesi and Lung Chi Chen Speakers: B. Veronesi Air Pollution, Oxidative Stress and Neurotoxicity: An Overview L. Chen and B. Veronesi Air Pollution, Oxidative Stress and Neurotoxicity: Introduction B. Veronesi, et al Particulate mattter, Oxidative Stress and Neurodegeneration A. Campbell, A. Nel, J. Araujo, M. Kleinman Particulate Matter Present in Urban Air Pollution Enhances Innate Immune Responses in the Mouse Brain S. M. MohanKumar, et al. Exposure to Concentrated Ambient Particles Increases Stress Axis Activity by Affecting Brain Stem Noradrenergic Neurons M. Block, et al. Microglia Mediate Diesel Exhaust Particle-Induced Dopaminergic Neurotoxicity: The Role of MAC1