Logistics questionnaire 2014-09-15 Dnr: 2014-188 Logistics questionnaire for marine polar research expedition Use the space you need to explain; you may also include drawings, maps, etc. To add lines or tables: take away document protection, no password needed. Enclose this form with your application for support from the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat. Principal Investigator, P.I.: Project title: Project leader on expedition (if other than P.I.): Participants in the field (tentative): Total: persons Names and function: Proposed expedition dates, with justification if appropriate Briefly describe sampling methods and equipment Sampling sites/areas when ship in motion Site/area/transect Box 50003 SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden Tel +46 8-450 25 00 Type of sampling to be performed, volume of H2O collected Abisko naturvetenskapliga station SE-981 07 Abisko, Sweden Tel +46 980 400 21 office@polar.se www.polar.se 1/4 Sampling from stationary ship Sampling site Type of sampling, weight/volume of samples and equipment, etc. Time per station Sampling away from the ship, on ice Sampling site No. of persons Type of sampling, weight/ volume of samples and equipment, etc. Time per station Deployment/retrieval of equipment Site Type of equipment, weight/ volume, procedure, etc. Time per station Which are the most prioritized sampling areas/methods? Site/area Method/type of sample Other info The following equipment needs to be installed onboard (describe in detail, and specify connections to electricity, water, gas etc.) 2/4 Lab space Wet lab Dry lab Other / specify Metres of bench space Power needs (VA) 220/380 V Cold water (yes/no) Hot water (yes/no) Sewage (yes/no) Compressed air (yes/no) Gas (yes/no) Fume hood (yes/no) Sea water intake (yes/no) Other (specify) Special lab areas needed Clean air room Other (specify) Other (specify) Storage of equipment and samples Space needed (m /m3) Container Cold +2C Freezer -20C Other (specify) The following chemicals, gases or other hazardous substances will be used, including radioisotopes or other substances which may constitute a threat of contamination for sensitive analyses Substance Weight/vol. To be used for 3/4 Hazardous waste Substance Weight/vol. Comments Disturbance to, or sampling of organisms 1. Species (scientific and English name) 2. Handling/sampling method 3. Storage or handling onboard 4. Possible risks to health or environment 5. Consideration required from other projects/people Cargo to be taken onboard the ship Type, handling/storage Weight (kg) Volume (m3) Weight (kg) Volume (m3) Cargo and samples to be taken off the ship Type, handling/storage Other support needed onboard ship, or in preparation phase 4/4