Recommendations on the proposals of (a) Seminars/conferences/workshops etc. (b) Travel Support (c) Exhibition (d) Popular Lecture considered by the Departmental Committee on Promotion and Popularization of Biotechnology in its 12th Meeting (2011) held on 14th December, 2011 a) Seminars/conferences/workshops etc. S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C1 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 056 Seminar on Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture: Emerging trends 10-032012 - 11-03-2012 , at Department of Botany Aligarh Muslim University Aligarh Uttar Pradesh Aligarh Muslim University, Interdisciplinary Brain Research Centre, J.N. Medical College Aligarh (UP) 202002, India , Uttar Pradesh -202002 ; Professor M. Anis, Chairman and Professor anism1@rediffm ;anismohd37@g 360000 C2 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 065 International Conference on Angiogenesis: Basics and Applications 01-032012 - 03-03-2012 , at AUKBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet Chennai Tamil Nadu Anna University, AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Chromepet, chennai AU-KBC Research Centre, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chromepet , Chennai , Tamil Nadu 600044 Dr Suvro Chatterjee, Faculty Scientist soovro@yahoo.c a ; 1000000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks 265000 "UGC" : Rs 40000; Yes Submitte d --- 300000 "Tamilnadu state council for Science and Technology" : Rs 100000; "Defence Research & Development Organisation" : Rs 100000; "Indian Council of Medical Research" : Rs 100000; "Department of Science and Technology" : Rs 200000; "Council of No Not Applicabl e Subje ct to all clear ances /appr oval for inter natio nal confe rence Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.1.0 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. -1- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Scientific & Industrial Research" : Rs 200000; None Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Yes Submitte d --- Reco mme nded Rs.0.5 lakh. Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal confe rence --- Reco mme nded Rs.1.0 lakh. C3 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 046 Conference on BIOINVEST 2011 20-12-2011 - 20-122011 , at The Chancery Pavilion, Residency Road Bangalore Karnataka Association of Biotechnology Led Enterprises 123/C, 16th Main, 5th Cross, 4th Block, Koramangala, , Bangalore , Karnataka -560034 Ms. Nandita Chandavarkar, Director Operations nandita@ableind 200000 145000 C4 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 052 International Conference on Recent Advances in Cognition and Health (ICRACH-2012) 23-01-2012 - 24-01-2012 , at Department of Psychology, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, (UP), India Varanasi Uttar Pradesh Banaras Hindu University, Institute of Technology, Registrar office, Central office , Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh -221005 Prof. Indramani L. Singh, Professor ilsingh_bhu@red ;trayambakbhu 935000 160000 "DRDO" : Rs 100000; "BHU" : Rs 75000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; "ICSSR" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "DST" : Rs 200000; Yes Submitte d C5 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 018 Conference on Recent trends of Biotechnological Approaches in Aquaculture 01-02-2012 03-02-2012 , at Bharathiar university, Coimbatore Coimbatore Tamil Nadu Bharathiar university, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641046 Dr. V. Ramasubramani an, Assistant Professor vraman68@redif 237000 237000 None Yes Submitte d Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. -2- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C6 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 024 Bharathiar University, CONSERVATION BIOLOGYZOOLOGY DEPARTMENT Coimbatore - 641 046 Tamil Nadu, India -641046 ; Dr. K. SASIKALA, Professor and Head drk_sasi@yahoo. com ;geneticbala@ya 1225000 C7 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 036 Bioved Research Institute Of Agriculture & Technology 103/42 Moti Lal Nehru Road , Allahabad , Uttar Pradesh -211002 ; Dr. B.K. DWIVEDI, Director bioved2003d@y ;bioveddirector2 C8 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 034 International Conference on "Environment,Genes,Heal th and Disease"2011(EGHD'2011) 09-122011 - 11-12-2011 , at Bharathiar University Coimbatore - 641 046 Tamil Nadu, India COIMBATORE Tamil Nadu Conference on Diversification in Agriculture & Agripreneurship 18-022012 - 19-02-2012 , at Vigyan Parishad,(University of Allahabad), Allahabad Allahabad Uttar Pradesh International conference on recent perspectives in Macro Molecular Structure and Functions 27-01-2012 - 28-01-2012 , at Central Agricultural Research Institute, Post Box #181, Garacharma, Port Blair - 744 101. Port Blair Andaman and Nicobar Islands Central Agricultural Research Institute, Post Box #181, Garacharma, Port Blair - 744 101. , Andaman and Nicobar Islands -744101 Dr.M.Balakrishna n, Senior Scientist mbkrishnan@ho ;mbkrishnan72@ Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Not reco mme nded. Event is over. 200000 None No Not Applicabl e --- 635000 635000 None No Not Applicabl e --- Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. 800000 300000 "BRNS" : Rs 50000; "UGC-SAP" : Rs 50000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "INSA" : Rs 50000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; "DRDO" : Rs 50000; Yes Submitte d Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal confe rence Reco mme nded Rs.2.0 lakh. -3- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C9 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 019 International Symposium on Airway Diseases: Etiology to Clinic 24-022012 - 25-02-2012 , at Village Sehroul, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar Industrial Area, Gurgaon “ 122015 (Haryana). Gurgaon Haryana Daiichi Sankyo India Pharma Private Limited (DSIR approved) Village Sehroul, Sector-18, Udyog Vihar Industrial Area, Gurgaon “ 122015 (Haryana). -122015 pradip.bhatnagar.d4@dsin Dr Pradip Bhatnagar, President pradip.bhatnaga 500000 C1 0 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 016 Directorate of Rice Research DRR, Rajendranagar , HYDERABAD , Andhra Pradesh -500030 Dr. B.C. Viraktamath, Project Director viraktamath123 ;rbvemuri@redif C1 1 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 017 Conference on Dialogue on Designer Rice for Future: Perceptions and Prospects 09-07-2012 - 1007-2012 , at ICRISAT Campus, Patancheru Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh International Conference on Green Technologies for Environmental Rehabilitation 11-02-2012 - 13-02-2012 , at Faculty Of Engineering & Technology, Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar Uttarakhand Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, Haridwar Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya, , Haridwar , Uttarakhand 249404 ; n Prof. R. D. Kaushik, Dean gter201@gmail.c om ;rduttkaushik@y Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks 300000 None No Not Applicabl e 1500000 500000 None No Not Applicabl e Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal symp osiu m Subje ct to appr oval from MoF 510000 365000 None No Not Applicabl e Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal confe rence Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.2 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.2.0 lakh. -4- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks C1 2 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 070 International Congress on Advances in Human Healthcare Systems: Healthcare India 2012 2002-2012 - 23-02-2012 , at Indian Habitat Centre (IHC), Lodhi Road New Delhi Delhi Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 in Prof Bhuvanesh Gupta, Professor bgupta@textile.i ;bhuvanesh.univ 3450000 1000000 "DRDO" : Rs 700000; "DST" : Rs 950000; "csir" : Rs 350000; No Not Applicabl e C1 3 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 037 International Conference on Advances in Biological Sciences 15-03-2012 - 1703-2012 , at Kairali Heritage Conference Hall. Dept. of Biotechnology and Microbiology. Kannur University. Thalassery Campus. Palayad P.O Kannur Kerala Kannur University, Dept. of Biotechnology and Microbiology, Thalassery Campus. Palayad P.O , Kerala -670661 ;c_sadasivan@rediffmail.c om Dr. A Sabu, Assistant Professor drsabu@gmail.c om ;sabuahameed@ 1200000 350000 "Kannur University" : Rs 100000; "Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment" : Rs 75000; "Inter University Centre for Bioscience" : Rs 200000; No Not Applicabl e Subje ct to all clear ances /appr oval for inter natio nal confe rence Subje ct to all clear ances /appr oval for inter natio nal confe rence Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.3.0 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.2.2 5 lakh. -5- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C1 4 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 026 Kuvempu University, Department of Applied Botany, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga Dist, Karnataka 577451 ;ylkrishnamurthy@yahoo. com Dr Y L Krishnamurthy, Associate Professor & Chairman murthy_ylk@yah ;ylk@kuvempu.a 1200000 C1 5 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 025 Symposium on Biodiversity and Sustainability: Present Problems and Future Prospects 05-03-2012 - 0603-2012 , at Department of Applied Botany, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga Dist, Karnataka Shankaraghatta Karnataka Conference on GCP training for Investigators 11-02-2012 - 11-02-2012 , at Sahyadri Guest House, Malabar Hill, Mumbai-400 001 Mumbai Maharashtra Maharashtra University of Health Sciences,Vani road,Mhasrul , Nashik 422004 C1 6 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 029 Conference on Emerging Trends in Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Research: Indian Perspectives 18-02-2012 19-02-2012 , at Mangalayatan University Extended NCR, 33rd Milestone, AligarhMathura Highway, Beswan Aligarh Uttar Pradesh Mangalayatan University Extended NCR, 33rd Milestone, AligarhMathura Highway, Beswan , Uttar Pradesh -202145 gk.aseri@mangalayatan.e ; Ms Tejashree Hagawane, Assistant Professor teju113@yahoo. com ;iddmuhs@gmail .com Dr. G. K. Aseri, Director gk.aseri@mangal ;gkaseri@gmail.c om Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.1.0 lakh. 250000 "CSIR" : Rs 100000; "MoEF" : Rs 150000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 50000; Yes Submitte d Subje ct to appr oval from MoF. 200000 100000 "DST" : Rs 60000; Yes Submitte d --- Reco mme nded Rs.0.5 0 lakh. 265500 150000 None No Not Applicabl e --- Not reco mme nded. Not focus ed. -6- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID C1 7 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 068 C1 8 C1 9 Total Budget Workshop on Training on Molecular Biology and Organic Synthesis 10-042012 - 24-04-2012 , at Mody Institute of Technology and Science Lakshmangarh, Sikar Rajasthan Mody Institute of Technology and Science , Lakshmangarh, Sikar , Rajasthan -332311 dean.fasc@mitsuniversity. ; m Rajarshi Kumar Gaur, Head rkgaur.fasc@mit ;gaurrajarshi@h 300000 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 066 4th International Symposium on Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 17-022012 - 19-02-2012 , at Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, Mohali Punjab National Institute of Pharmceutical Education and Research Sector-67, S.A.S.Nagar, , Mohali , Punjab -160062 Dr Abhay T Sangamwar, Assistant Professor abhays@niper.a ;atsangam@yah DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 051 Indo-African Workshop on Eco and Bio Processing of Materials for Societal Applications 13-12-2011 14-12-2011 , at PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu Coimbatore Tamil Nadu PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu , Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu 641004 ; Dr.S.Jayakumar, Professor and Head s_jayakumar_99 ;organisingchair.i cam2011@gmail .com Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks 300000 None Yes Submitte d --- 1150000 100000 "DST" : Rs 100000; "CSIR" : Rs 100000; Yes Submitte d 505000 250000 None No Not Applicabl e Subje ct to all clear ances /appr oval for inter natio nal confe rence --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Trans fered to HRD. Reco mme nded Rs.1.0 lakh. Not reco mme nded. Event is over. -7- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C2 0 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 032 Punjab University Prof(Dr) Promila Pathak Botany Department, Panjab University Chandigarh -160014 m ; 200000 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 013 Prof. Tapas Mukhopadhyay, Professor and Director, National Centre for Human Genome Studies and Research tmukhopa@hot ;tmukhopa@pu. Dr. P. Ananda kumar, Project Director kumarpa@nrcpb .org ;polumetla@hot 1000000 C2 1 ISHG-2012 International Conference on Genes, Genetics & Genomics: Today & TomorrowHuman Concerns and XXXVII Annual Conference of The Indian Society of Human Genetics 03-032012 - 05-03-2012 , at ICSSR complex Panjab University Chandigarh Chandigarh Chandigarh International Conference on Plant Biotechnology for food security: New Frontiers 21-02-2012 - 2402-2012 , at Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Room no. 225, NRCPB, LBS Building Pusa Campus, New Delhi “ 110012 New Delhi Delhi 1490000 C2 2 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 060 Hand on Workshop on Bioprospecting of medicinal plants. 11-012012 - 23-01-2012 , at Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi Delhi The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110003 Dr Vibha Dhawan, Executive Director vibhad@teri.res.i n ;kaushikn@teri.r 1295000 Society for Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology Room no. 225, NRCPB, LBS Building Pusa Campus, New Delhi “ 110012 -110012 ; Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks "ICMR" : Rs 50000; "CSIR" : Rs 50000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "INSA" : Rs 50000; No Not Applicabl e Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal confe rence 1000000 None No Not Applicabl e 1295000 None Yes Submitte d Subje ct to all clear ances /appr oval for inter natio nal confe rence --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.1.0 lakh. Trans ferre d to HRD. Event more than -8- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e 12 days C2 3 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 061 C2 4 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 064 Workshop on Integrated Training and Exposure visits of vegetable growers on Tissue culture Technology, IPM, High Tech nursery production, Precision farming, Sustainable agriculture and marketing. 15-01-2012 - 25-01-2012 , at Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEW PROCESSES AND APPLICATIONS FOR PLANT AND MICROBIAL PRODUCTS (ISNPMP-2012) 14-02-2012 - 15-02-2012 , at Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road New Delhi Delhi The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110003 Mr Vister Joshi, Research Associate vister.joshi@teri. ;kaushikn@teri.r 834500 834500 None Yes Submitte d --- Trans ferre d to HRD. The Energy and Resources Institute Darbari Seth Block, IHC Complex, Lodhi Road , New Delhi , Delhi 110003 Dr. Nutan Kaushik, Senior Fellow ;kaushikn2008@ 2368000 2368000 None Yes Submitte d Subje ct to all clear ances /appr oval for inter natio nal confe rence Reco mme nded Rs.2.0 lakh. -9- S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C2 5 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 072 International Conference on Biologically Active Molecules (ICBAM 2012) 08-03-2012 - 10-03-2012 , at The Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed University, Gandhigram Dindigul Tamil Nadu The Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed University, Gandhigram , Dindigul , Tamil Nadu 624302 ; Dr.N.S.Nagarajan , Professor of Chemistry nsnrajan@yahoo ;icbam2012@gm 960000 C2 6 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 043 5th International Symposium on Recent Trends in Macromolecular Structure and Function 2301-2012 - 25-01-2012 , at Triple Helix Auditorium, Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Adyar, Chennai “ 600 020 Chennai Tamil Nadu University of Madras Chepauk, Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600005 ; m Prof. D. Velmurugan, Director and Head shirai2011@gma ;dvelmurugan@ C2 7 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 044 Conference on Annual Meeting of the Indian Biophysical Society 19-012012 - 21-01-2012 , at Triple Helix Auditorium, Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Adyar, Chennai University of Madras Chepauk, Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600005 ; m Prof. D. Velmurugan, Director and Head shirai2011@gma ;dvelmurugan@ Assistan ce requeste d from DBT Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks 400000 "AYUSH" : Rs 100000; "DST" : Rs 100000; "ICMR" : Rs 150000; No Not Applicabl e 535000 210000 None Yes Submitte d 505000 210000 None Yes Submitte d Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal confe rence Subje ct to all clear ances for inter natio nal confe rence --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.2.0 lakh. Reco mme nded Rs.1.5 lakh. - 10 - S. N. Propo sal Code Type, Title of the event, Date and Place Organization Name, Address, Email ID Convener Name, Designation, Email ID Total Budget C2 8 DBT/ CTEP/ 01/20 1101 023 Conference on MOLMED2012 19-02-2012 - 22-022012 , at VIT University Vellore Campus Vellore 632 014 Tamil nadu, India Vellore Tamil Nadu VIT University Vellore Campus Vellore - 632 014 Tamil nadu, India -632014 ; Prof. M.A. Vijayalakshmi, Director indviji@yahoo.c om ;director.cbst@vi 2000000 Assistan ce requeste d from DBT 300000 Amount Requested/Received /Committed from organizations other than DBT Previous grant from DBT UC/SE status for previous grant Rem arks "CSIR" : Rs 200000; "ICMR" : Rs 100000; "DST" : Rs 300000; "INSA" : Rs 100000; Yes Pending --- Reco mme ndati on of the com mitte e Reco mme nded Rs.2 lakh subje ct to submi ssion of pendi ng UC/SE for the previ ous event . - 11 - b) Travel Support S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T1 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0104 2 Ms KUSAMPUDI SHILPA , 26 years, Research Scholar (PhD) ; m No 60000 None DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0106 9 Dr.V. RAMASUBRAMANIAN , 44 years, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR m ; Pathogenesis of Diabetes: Emerging Insights into Molecular Mechanisms Santa Fe Community Convention Center Santa Fe New Mexico USA 29-012012 - 02-02-2012 Aquaculture America 2012 Las Vegas, Nevada, USA Las Vegas Nevada United State of America 28-02-2012 02-03-2012 Poster "Lead author" "EVALUATION OF THE ANTI-ADIPOGENIC AND ANTI-DIABETIC POTENTIAL OF COSTUS PICTUS" T2 Anna University, Chennai-600025, Tamil Nadu. 600025 mahendiravarman; biotechsiva_2006 Bharathiar university, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu -641046 vsrbotany@gmail.c om Oral "Lead author" "STUDIES ON THE INDUCED SPAWNING OF GREEN MUSSEL PERNA VIRIDIS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES" No 72134 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Yes --- Reco mmen ded. CSIR Rs. 100000. 00 Request ed CSIR - Rs. 100000. 00 Request ed Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 12 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T3 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0103 5 Dr. Pullabhatla Srinivas , 56 years, Chief Scientist and Head, Plantation Products, Spices and Flavour Technology ;pullabhatla_s@cftri.res.i n 2nd World Congress on Pharmaceutics & Novel Drug Delivery Systems San Francisco Airport Marriott, USA San Francisco California USA 20-02-2012 - 2202-2012 Oral "Single author" "Synthesis, Bioactive attributes and Therapeutic Potential of Novel Derivatives of Nutraceutical Constituents of Selected Spices" Yes 80904 None T4 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0104 5 Dr. Philip Raj Abraham , 31 years, DBT-Research Associate ;microphilip_14@rediffm Central Food Technological Research Institute, Mysore 570 020, (CSIR) India , Karnataka -570020 ; centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics CDFD, Bldg.7, Gruhakalpa Complex, 5-4-399 / B, Nampally, , Hyderabad , Andhra Pradesh 500001 in; 16th Annual Conference-The North America region Crowne Plaza Hotel River Park San Antonio Texas USA 23-02-2012 - 25-022012 Poster "Lead author" "“Screening of Mycobacterium tuberculosis PPE Proteins/Peptides as potential serodiagnostic markers in tuberculosis―" No 80000 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Yes --- Reco mmen ded. Indian Council of Medical Researc h - Rs. 175000. 00 Request ed Dept. of Science and Technol ogy - Rs. 175000. 00 - Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 13 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT T5 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0105 3 Dr. G. Padmavathi , 49 years, Principal Scientist ;padmaguntupalli6@gmai Directorate of Rice Research DRR, Rajendranagar , HYDERABAD , Andhra Pradesh 500030 Oral "Lead author" "Mapping QTLs for alkalinity tolerance in a rice cultivar CSR 27" No 30000 T6 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0102 7 Dr. B.N.SRINIVASA MURTHY , 52 years, Principal Scientist Oral "Lead author" "Strawberry cultivation in mild-tropics: Prospects and challenges from diseases perspective" No T7 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0102 Mr. Sanjay Kumar Upadhyay , 32 years, Ph. D. Student ;sanjaybioinfo23@gmail.c Indian Institute of Horticultural Research Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore560089 , Karnataka -560089 director@iihr.ernet .in Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Department of BioSciences and The 12th SABRAO Congress on plant breeding towards 2025: Challenges in a rapidly changing world THE EMPRESS CHIANG MAI HOTEL,CHIANG MAI, THAILAND , Bangkok THAILAND 13-01-2012 16-01-2012 VII International Strawberry Symposium, Beijing, China Forestry & Pomology Institute of Beijing, China Beijing China 18-02-2012 - 2202-2012 56 Annual Meeting of Biophysical Society 11400, Rockville Pike, Suite 800,Rockville, MD 20852. P: (240)290- Poster "Lead author" "MODELING BINDING INTERFACES IN GAL3PGAL80P AND GAL1PGAL80P COMPLEXES: No Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee --- Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Request ed None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. 60000 None None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. 88000 None None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 14 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event 5600, F:(240)290-5555, Email: , W: SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA 25-02-2012 - 2902-2012 Molecular Mapping and Marker Assisted Selection University of Veterinary Medicine, Veterinarplatz 1, 1210 Vienna, Austria. Vienna Austria 08-02-2012 11-02-2012 IMPLICATION FOR GAL GENES REGULATION" Poster "Lead author" "Development and Utilization of Molecular Markers for Genome Mapping in Tea (Camellia sinensis)." Yes PLANT AND ANIMAL GENOME XX TOWN & COUNTRY HOTEL SAN DIEGO CALIFORNIA USA 14-01-2012 - 18-012012 Poster "Lead author" "Identification and application of molecular markers for assessment of genetic diversity, structure and phylogenetics of Yes 2 om Bioengineering I.I.T. Bombay, Powai , Mumbai , Maharashtra 400076 T8 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0106 7 Mr RAHUL KUMAR , 32 years, SRF ;rahul.kumar1980@yaho T9 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0105 5 Mr. VIKAS , 31 years, SENIOR RESEARCH FELLOW (SRF) ; Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology IHBT CSIR P.O Box-6 , Palampur , Himachal Pradesh 176061 director@ihbt.res.i n; psahuja@ihbt.res.i n Institute of Himalayan Bioresource Technology IHBT CSIR P.O Box-6 , Palampur , Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee 42056 None None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. 81765 None CSIR Rs. 81765.0 0Request ed DST - Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 15 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Himachal Pradesh 176061 director@ihbt.res.i n; psahuja@ihbt.res.i n T1 0 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0105 0 Miss Adyasha Bharati , 26 years, Student adyasha.bharati@gmail.c om ;adyasha_bharati@yahoo T1 1 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0102 8 Mrs Seema Ahlawat , 33 years, Research Scholar seema.dahiya.ahlawat@g ; Institute of Life Sciences, Bhubaneswar NALCO Square , Bhubaneswar , Orissa -751023; dpradhan@ils.res.i n Jamia Hamdard, Hamdard Nagar , New Delhi , Delhi 110062 nalam@jamiaham Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Oral "Lead author" "A spectrophotometric assay for quantification of Artemisinin" No 41091 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Rs. 112109. 00 Request ed INSA - Rs. 50000.0 0Request ed None Poster "Lead author" "Application of Agrobacterium rhizogenes for artemisinin production in A. annua L. plant" No 18068 None None Indian bamboo germplasm" Hong Kong International Tropical Medicine Forum Harbour Plaza 8 Degrees 199 Kowloon City Road, Tokwawan, Kowloon, Hong Kong Hong Kong China 1301-2012 - 14-01-2012 First World Congress of Biotechnology Saif Dubai UAE 14-02-2012 - 15-02-2012 Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Yes --- Reco mmen ded. Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 16 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation T1 2 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0105 7 Mrs Asmy A.B , 27 years, Research scholar T1 3 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0104 9 Ms. Jagrani Minj , 26 years, Research Scholar ; Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal University Campus , Karnataka 576104 info.mcops@mani; office.cops@manip National Dairy Research Institute , Karnal , Haryana 132001 Dubai International Pharmaceuticals and Technologies Conference 2012 (DUPHAT 2012) DUBAI INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION AND EXHIBITION CENTRE Dubai UAE 12-03-2012 - 14-03-2012 5th International Conference on Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes Centre Convencions Internacional Barcelona (CCIB) Plaça de Willy Brandt 11-14 08019 Barcelona Tel: +34 93 230 10 00 Fax: +34 93 230 10 01 E-mail: Website: Barcelona Spain 08-022012 - 11-02-2012 Poster "Lead author" "ANTI-CANCER EFFECTS OF ELEPHANTOPUS SCABER IN HUMAN EPITHELIAL CANCER CELLS" Yes 40000 Poster "Lead author" "Probiotic Potential Of Lactobacillus rhamnosus RSI3 Isolated From Traditional Cereal-Based Fermented Dairy Product (Raabadi)" No 157090 Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. None None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 17 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID T1 4 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0102 0 Mr. Mandar Ankolkar , 27 years, PhD Student ; T1 5 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0107 1 Mr Harisha Poojary , 31 years, Research Scholar ; m T1 6 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0106 2 Mrs. Pooja S , 27 years, Ph.D. Research Scholar pooja.shivanand@gmail.c om ;poojabiotechno@gmail.c om National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, J M Street, Parel, Mumbai 400012 , Maharashtra 400012 m; National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Srinivasnagar, Surathkal , Mangalore 575025 National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Srinivasnagar, Surathkal , Mangalore 575025 Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Epigenomics Keystone Colorado, USA Keystone Colorado United States of America 17-01-2012 22-01-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Imprinting aberrations in sperm DNA of normozoospermic individuals – A study in recurrent spontaneous abortions" Yes 90857 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Yes --- Reco mmen ded. 2nd International Engineering Symposium (IES-2012) Kusunoki Kaikan Hall Kumamoto University japan Kumamoto Japan 05-03-2012 - 07-032012 2nd International Engineering Symposium (IES 2012) Kumamoto University 2-39-1, Kurokami, Kumamoto 860-8555, Japan Kurokami Kumamoto Japan 05- Oral "Lead author" "Effect of Culture Conditions on the Production of Laccase by an Unidentified Basidiomycete-F-35b" No 91500 None None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. Oral "Lead author" "Isolation and screening of halophilic bacteria for ectoine, xylanase and cellulase production from agro-wastes" No 91500 "CSIR ",29062010, Rs.15 000.0 0; None Yes --- Not recom mende d. Alread y receive d grant - 18 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks 03-2012 - 07-03-2012 T1 7 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0103 1 Mrs. Anupam Saini , 33 years, Research Scholar m Panjab University Chandigarh 160014 T1 8 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0103 0 Ms. Poonam , 32 years, Senior Research Fellow Punjab University Prof(Dr) Promila Pathak Botany Department, Panjab University Chandigarh 160014 ppathak_2000@ya; Pittcon conference and Expo 2012 Orange County Convention Center, 9800 International Drive Orlando, Florida 32819, USA Orlando Florida USA 11-03-2012 - 1503-2012 Pittcon Expo and Conference 2012 Orlando, Florida, USA Orlando Florida USA 11-03-2012 - 15-032012 Poster "Lead author" "Three novel cocrystals of Oxcarbazepine with pharmaceutically acceptable coformers: Preparation and characterization" No 74585 None None Yes --- Poster "Lead author" "Characterization of polymorphic forms of lamivudine by thermoanalytical and diffraction techniques" No 74585 None None Yes --- Recom menda tion of the commi ttee in last three years. Reco mmen ded. Reco mmen ded. - 19 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs T1 9 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0103 3 Dr. Gurpreet kaur , 40 years, Associate Professor ; Punjabi University , Patiala -147002 World Congress on Pharmaceutics and Novel Drug Delivery System Airport Marriott Waterfront San Francisco California USA 20-02-2012 - 2202-2012 Oral "Single author" "Colon Delivery of Drugs Employing Natural Polysaccharides" No 60000 None T2 0 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0106 3 Ms. Sonam Tulsyan , 27 years, Women Scientist sonam_tulsyan@yahoo.c ; m Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli Road , Lucknow , Uttar Pradesh 226014 n Up Close And Personalized 2012International Congress On Personalized Medicine Secretariat: Paragon Conventions,Florence, Italy Florence Italy 0202-2012 - 05-02-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Influence of genetic variants of Cytochrome P450 enzymes on breast cancer patients with adjuvant tamoxifen treatment" No 94925 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Punjabi Universi ty - Rs. 30000.0 0Sanctio ned AICTE Rs. 50000.0 0Request ed None Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Yes --- Reco mmen ded. Yes --- Reco mmen ded. - 20 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper T2 1 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0103 9 Mr. Avinash p. Ingle , 30 years, Research Student m ;avinash_ingle123@rediff Nanolight-2012 Centro de Ciencias de Benasque Pedro Pascual Av. Francia 17 Benasque Aragon Spain 11-03-2012 - 17-032013 Poster "Lead author" "Fusaria: Novel agents for the extracellular biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles and their antibacterial activity" T2 2 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0104 0 Dr RIYAZALI ZAFARALI SAYYED , 39 years, Assistant Professor ; m Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati Tapovan Road, Amravati , Maharashtra 444602 mkrai123@rediffm; ingleavinash14@g Shri S I Patil Arts, G B Patel Science & STSKVS Commerce College , SHAHADA , Maharashtra 425409 m; riyaz829@yahoom Heavy Metal Resistant PGPR For Biocontrol of Phytopathogens And Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil 1st Biotechnology World Congress P.O. Box 121223 SAIF Zone Sharjah U.A.E. Email:info@biotechwor URL:www.biotechworld Tel:+9716-5575783, Fax: +971- Oral "Single author" "Heavy Metal Resistant PGPR For Biocontrol of Phytopathogens And Bioremediation of Heavy Metal Contaminated Soil" Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs No 130000 "ICM R, New Delhi" ,01122010, Rs.54 000.0 0; No 20450 None Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources None Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee Yes --- None Yes --- Not recom mende d. Alread y receive d grant in last three years. Reco mmen ded. - 21 - S. N. Prop osal Cod e Applicant Name, Age, Designation Organization Name, Address, Email ID Title, Place & Date of the Conference/Event Mode of presentation, Author type and Title of the proposed paper Whether the findings being presente d are results of DBT project/ program me Amount request ed from DBT Trave l assist ance receiv ed durin g last three yrs from Govt. Orgs Particul ars of financia l assistan ce the applica nt is applyin g for/ receivin g from other sources Lett er of acc ept anc e upl oad ed Remar ks Recom menda tion of the commi ttee None None Yes --- Reco mmen ded. 6-5575784 Sharjah UAE 14-02-2012 - 15-022012 T2 3 DBT/ CTEP /02/ 2011 0104 8 Dr. K.N.Sangeetha , 30 years, Research associate (RA) sangee22_2001@yahoo.c ; University of Madras Chepauk, Chennai , Tamil Nadu -600005 .in; deanresunom@gm Genetic and Molecular Basis of Obesity and Body Weight Regulation Santa Fe community convention centre, Santa Fe, New Mexico Santa Fe New Mexico USA 29-012012 - 03-02-2012 Poster "Lead author" "Obesity induced cardiac hypertrophy in H9C2 cellsA Mechanistic Insight" Yes 69500 - 22 - c) Exhibition S. N. E1 Proposal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation DBT/CTEP Ravi /03/20110 Boratkar 48 1047 years Jt. Managing Director Organization Name, Address, Email ID MM Activ Sci Tech Communications Pvt. Ltd. 2 Kamdhenu Building II Floor Senapati, Bapat Road , Pune , Maharashtra -411016 ; Title, Place & Date of the exhibition Pride of India Expo- 99 ISC at KIIT University Campus, Bhubaneswar, Orissa during 03-01-2012 - 07-012012 Stall Stall Rate Space Per Options Square meter (In Rs.) 13500 36 Sqm/ 27 Sqm Remarks Recommendati on of the committee --- Recommende d. 27sqm d) Popular Lecture S.N. Propo sal Code Applicant Name, Age, Designation P1 DBT/C TEP/0 4/201 10105 4 Dr Jatinder Kaur Arora 48 years Addl. director Organization Name, Address, Email ID Punjab State Council for Science & Technology, MGSIPA Complex, Sector 26 , Chandigarh -160019 ; Title & Date of Lecture(s) Title/Topic Functuional Foods & Nutraceuticals Biopreservation- an enviornmen friendly approach to improve safety and shelf-life of foods Enzymes in Food Industry Date 17-02-2012 Expected No. of Audience Previous grants received from DBT 320 Yes Amount Request ed from DBT Rema rks 29000 --- Recomme ndation of the committe e Recomme nded. 17-02-2012 17-02-2012 - 23 -