Appendix 4 – Evening Celebration Speaker Briefs

God is the ultimate Game Changer. We want to create space to encounter
him. Through that encounter we become a team of game changers in our
society, transforming communities in the name of Jesus. God is at work,
constantly doing new things by the power of his Spirit. The exciting question
is: do we want to join him? In every circle of our influence, his presence makes
us game changers. Together, we can change the world.
There is a daily theme word to help us unpack the overall theme. Please do relate to
both this, and the passage. In the mornings we are looking at pivotal moments in the
life of Moses. In the evenings we are looking at clear parallels from Jesus in the
The evening celebrations draw the theme together at the end of each day, while
giving space for people to encounter God’s presence. This means opening the
passage but also inspiring everyone to meet with God each night. We aim for a 30minute talk (25 minutes on the final morning when we will also share communion).
Night 1: Encounter
Moses at the Burning Bush Exodus 3:1-18
Moses was going about his everyday tasks when a dramatic encounter with God
transformed everything for him. How can we make sure that we are encountering
God in our busy lives today? How might we make space to encounter God over the
noise of the world?
1. Encourage people that they can encounter God powerfully today.
2. Give space for encounter.
3. Set up the theme for the week and help people to be excited about what is to
Night 2: Enlist
The Baptism & Temptations of Jesus Matthew 3: 13 – 4:17
When we have encountered God, the natural result is to respond by signing up to his
purposes. What does it look like to be prepared to step into all that the Lord has for
us and join in God’s work? How do we make sure that we are not tempted by the
wrong things or put off by seeing life from the wrong perspective?
1. An opportunity to understand some of the stumbling blocks we may face and
how not to be derailed by them.
2. An opportunity to overcome temptations we are currently facing.
3. An opportunity to enlist to serve Christ as a response to encountering him
(for the first time, a recommitment or in a new way).
Night 3: Everyone
The Calling of the 12 John 1:35-51
When it comes to serving Jesus we are all needed! The 12 disciples are not all the
same and will not view the world in a uniform manner. We want to get across the
importance of us all being different and the fact that if we are going to see cultural
transformation for Christ in the UK then it will take everyone playing their part and
making an impact where they find themselves.
1. For everyone to realise that they are in full-time Christian service. Are they
up for playing their part?
2. To affirm the unique contribution bought by each individual and to minister
into some of the hurt caused by this not being celebrated in the past.
3. To have a greater understanding of the fact that as part of the Body of Christ
we are all vital.
Night 4: Equip
The Sending of the 72 Luke 10:1-20
We are commissioned as the people of God to go out into the world and serve
together. Christ will be with us and we will have all we need. The harvest may be
plentiful but the workers are few! What would it look like for us to raise the game
and be those workers in order that the harvest may become a reality?
1. Encourage folks that the harvest is plentiful
2. Help people know the Lord goes with them
3. We can be brave with Christ on our side
Final Morning: Empower
Joshua as Moses’ Successor / The Ascension
Deuteronomy 34:1 – Joshua 1:11 and Acts 1:1-11 (focus on verse 8)
It may be the next generation who see the incredible things we have laid the
foundations for. How are we investing in new generations and where are we making
space for them to succeed and go further? Who are we investing in? What legacy are
we leaving?
1. Guests to be challenged about who they are investing in.
2. Seeing serving God as something we do across the generations - working
together and not competing.
3. Excitement about going home and getting stuck in!
Night 5: Empower
The Ascension Acts 1:1-11 (focus on verse 8)
When Jesus ascends to heaven, what will it look like for the disciples to continue the
work? Jesus empowers them to keep going even after he has ascended. This same
mandate is handed on to us. What are we going to do, and be, in the light of this?
What impact do we dream of making?
1. Challenged to go and be the church God has called us to be – excitement
2. Help people make the connection between what they have experienced this
week and what God wants to see them doing as they return home. We don't
gather at SH to just have a good time but be empowered for the work of his
kingdom in our local churches.
Final Morning:
Big Picture Sum up – The whole of the Moses Story
Despite his insecurities and weaknesses, Moses was an incredible game changer in
his day. How might we go home and be these too?
1. We can make a difference in our day.
2. We need to make space for encounter, we need to enlist, go with everyone,
be equipped and empower the next generation.