Langdon Heritage Commission June 6, 2012 Min

Langdon Heritage Commission
June 6, 2012 Min.
Quorum in attendance: Ron Batchelder, Carole-Anne Centre, Andrea Cheeney, Caroline Cross, Dennis
McClary, Katie Gallagher, Cliff Oster, , Bud Ross
Acknowledged guest: David Durling
Minutes read: Approved by all members
Treasurer’s report: LCHIP 50% of bathroom project check arrived $5,362.50.
LHC checking act, total: $19,261.13 including LCHIP ck. $5,362.50 No new invoices
controlling donor contacts and donations Excel sheet / Andrea FOLH
Correspondence: 1. Dennis will provide Bob Cunniff dates of LHC members appointments
currently posts LHC minutes /updates on town web site to.
Bob Cuniff
2. Ron told LHC the Town Hall Rules for using the TH building approved by Selectboard with small
changes. 3. Kohler & Lewis engineers provided a third party review and site visit to Town Hall . Agreed
the current plans for installing a furnace were accurate. In lieu of a consultant fee a blueberry pie was
offered and accepted. Bud offered to make the pie, Dennis offered the blueberries. 4. Bruce Bellows,
Alstead Historical Society, spoke to Dennis regarding bringing LHC Langdon artifacts to Langdon that are
held at the historical society. Bruce will attend a future meeting 5. Carole-Anne will send a thank you
note to Bob Fant for repairing the town bulletin board at Town Hall
Meetinghouse Rehab Update: 1. Furnace design reviewed engineers Koehler and Lewis. They approved
current furnace plans. 2.Fergusson Well Drilling never contacted us with bid do to his illness.3. Cushing
began June 4. Cushing drilled 260 feet / 2 1/2 gallons per min.. After water has run, suggested to get
water tested. 4. Sand donated 5. Digging & landscaping donated by Jay Grant 5.Flowers for 4th of July
decorations will be donated by B& E Supply
NH Historic Registry Update: Andrea submitted application. Extra copy of application stored in file
cabinet in archival room.
Archival Update: 1). May 21,Dennis, Cliff & Carole-Anne met to prepare for meeting with Keene State
College rep. Matt Crocker, Prof of History re: Internship and Allan Rumrill director of Cheshire Historical
Society. Itemized list of ideas we would like the intern to work on. 2.LHC votes to approve funds for
archival supplies. 3. June 4 , Tour of TH, archival room and meeting with Matt Crocker & Allan Rumrill to
discuss LHC’s internship program 4.. Cliff Oster donated a scanner for archival use. 5. Andrea will set
scanner and laptop computer up in archival room 6. Past perfect software , previously approved for
purchase , Andrea will try trial on line.
7. Andrea talked to Bob Cuniff about getting a wireless
connection in archival room
8. Archival committee and volunteers plan on
meeting at least once a month First meetinf scheduled June 25, 7pm 9. Carolyn of Works on Paper
been approached to assist for a fee, with grant writing, storage advice and valuation. She is willing to
write a grant. Cliff will follow up with her.
Web Site Update: In progress
Fund Raising Update: 1.) Fun Run/Walk, June 16. Katie updated LHC, She has several donated prizes for
winners, contacted police / fire dept about run , volunteers should be there by 9 to set up, mark road,
Mike will be there to cross runners on Rt12A, PR sent out to local publications. 2. Moose Plate
application sent in before deadline
4.) Fall Festival fundraising , committee thinking of ways to generate fund
Old Business 1. Salt shed to be cleaned out possibly by fire dept, of their items stored there. 2. Friends
of Langdon Heritage welcome letter / correspondence / invite to next event in progress
New Business: 1. Dennis will contact Mike to see if he is still interested in being an alternate LHC
member. 2. CA, Andrea & Katie will look for appropriate fixtures for TH bathroom.3. Dennis will ask
Peter Young, electrician his recommendations. 4. Dennis will contact Griffin construction when he plans
on starting bathroom project 5. Cliff will follow up with Caroline of Works on Paper to see what her
schedule is like. 6. Caroline & David Durling very interested in the archiving committee and will help in
identifying items.
Adjourn: Ron motioned to adjourn, Andrea second, all in favor.