Glossary of terms Decoding: Interpreting the symbols on paper which represent soundsReading! Encoding: Using symbols as marks on paper to communicate what we want to say- Writing! Phonemes: Basic sounds from which speech is composed For example, ‘sprout’ can be separated into five Phonemes- s/p/r/ou/t There are about 44 phonemes in common use in speaking English Graphemes: These are the written codes for the basic sounds Graphemes can be one or more letters but they represent one phoneme, ‘ie’ can be represented by Y (my) i-e (time) ie (pie) igh (sigh) Blending: Saying sounds smoothly together to hear a word- Reading. Segmenting: Saying a word and hearing individual sounds- Spelling. Tricky words: sets of high frequency words to build a child’s vocabulary. Page 1 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Phonics in the Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 The school’s phonics programme is based on ‘Letters and Sounds’ (resources from the Department for Education and Skills) and Jolly Phonics. These resources provide a structured scheme to support teachers and teaching assistants in delivering high quality synthetic phonics across Foundation Stage, Key Stage One and early Key Stage Two. Letters and Sounds Phases 1-6: Letters and Sounds is built around 6 phases, enabling children to progress at an individual level. Letters and Sounds should be taught daily for approximately fifteen minute pure phonics teaching time. Children entering pre-school and Nursery should begin working within Phase One. Teachers and Teaching assistants should carry out regular assessments to ensure children are making progress and set challenging targets throughout the programme. Phases 1-6 are progressive and children should move through the phases at an appropriate pace. Children entering F.1 (Nursery) will work within Phase One. Phase One falls largely within the Communication, Language and Literacy area of learning in the Early Years Foundation stage. In particular it will support linking sounds and letters in the order in which they occur in words, and naming and sounding the letters of the alphabet. The activities in Phase One are mainly adult-led with the intention of teaching young children important basic elements of the Letters and Sounds programme such as oral segmenting and blending familiar words. Phase One activities are arranged under the following seven aspects: Aspect 1: Aspect 2: Aspect 3: Aspect 4: Aspect 5: Aspect 6: Aspect 7: General sound discrimination- environmental sounds General sound discrimination- Instrumental sounds General sound discrimination- body percussion Rhythm and rhyme Alliteration Voice sounds Oral blending and segmenting Page 2 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Each aspect is divided into three strands Tuning into sounds (auditory discrimination) Listening and remembering sounds (auditory memory and sequencing) Talking about sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension) Activities within the seven aspects are designed to help children: Listen attentively Enlarge their vocabulary Speak confidently to adults and other children Discriminate phonemes Reproduce audibly the phonemes they hear, in order, all through the word. Use sound-talk to segment words into phonemes. Children entering F.2 will have experienced a wealth of listening activities, including songs, stories and rhymes. They will be able to distinguish between speech sounds and many will be able to blend and segment words orally. Every child entering F.2 will progress to Phase 2. The purpose of Phase Two is to: Teach at least 19 letters, and move children on from oral blending and segmentation to blending and segmenting with letters. Enable children to read VC (Vowel/ Consonant) words and CVC (Consonant/ Vowel/ Consonant) words. Read high frequency ‘tricky’ words Recognise and say the sounds of the following letters Set 1: s a t p Set 2: i n m d Set 3: g o c k Set 4: ck e u r Set 5: h b f ff l ll ss Page 3 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Phase Three Children entering Phase Three will know around 19 letters and be able to blend phonemes to read VC and segment VC words to spell. The purpose of Phase Three: To teach another 25 graphemes, most comprising two letters (oa) so children can represent each of about 42 phonemes by a grapheme. Children will continue to practise CVC blending and segmenting. Children will learn letter names throughout this phase. Children will learn the following sounds Set 6: j v w x Set 7: y z zz qu Children will learn 25 graphemes sh ch th ng etc Page 4 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Phase Four Children entering Phase Four will be able to represent each of 42 phonemes by a grapheme and be able to blend and read CVC words and segment for spelling. The purpose of Phase Four: To consolidate children’s knowledge of graphemes in reading and spelling words containing adjacent consonants and polysyllabic words. To teach CVCC and CCVC words. Phase Five Children entering Phase Five are able to read and spell words containing adjacent consonants and some polysyllabic words. The purpose of Phase Five: Children to broaden their knowledge of graphemes and phonemes for use in reading and spelling. Phase Six Children should know most of the common grapheme- phoneme correspondences. They should be able to read hundreds of words, doing this in three ways: Reading the words automatically if they are very familiar; Decoding them quickly and silently because their sounding and blending routine is now well established. Decoding them aloud. Introduce past tense Adding suffixes Supporting the application of spelling in children’s own writing. Page 5 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 The School’s phonics programme aims to: Show pupils that the words we say can be broken up into identifiable individual sounds Demonstrate that writing is a code, and that we can write down the sounds that we hear. In the Foundation Stage and Key Stage One: Listening is very important A range of learning styles are acknowledged through multi sensory strategies: Hearing the sound Saying the sound Making the sound through actions Writing letters Reading Throughout Phases 1-3 the main focus of each lesson is to help pupils identify and count the number of sounds in each word and then write down these sounds in order. Phases 3-6 build on children’s knowledge and focus on graphemes. Lessons also focus on letter formation and handwriting Page 6 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Skill Development Sequencing Pupils are given lots of practice in identifying first, last and middle sounds from a sequence of sounds before phonemes are introduced. For example, various combinations of claps, whistles, hoots. When sequencing skills have been acquired, pupils move onto identifying phonemes, reproducing them and encoding them as their commonest graphemes. Segmenting Pupils are given extensive practice in breaking words up into their phonemes. For example ‘cat’ is segmented c / a / t Blending Blending is running phonemes back together to form words. Segmenting and blending are both essential skills in reading and writing text. Page 7 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Appendix s a t i p n ck e h r m d g o u l f b ai j oa ie ee or z w ng v Jolly Phonics Actions Weave hand in a s shape like a snake, and say ssssss Wiggle fingers above elbow as if ants crawling on you, say aaa Turn head from side to side as if watching tennis and say t,t,t Pretend to be a mouse by wriggling fingers at end of nose and squeak i,i,i Pretend to puff out candles saying p,p,p Make a noise, as if you are a plane- hold out arms and say nnnn Raise hands and snap fingers as if playing castanets ck,ck,ck Pretend to tap an egg on the side of a pan and crack it saying eh,eh,eh Hold hands in front of mouth panting as if you are out of breath and say h,h,h Pretend to be a puppy holding a piece of rag, shaking head from side to say saying rrrrr Rub tummy as if seeing tasty food and say mmmmm Beat hands up and down as if playing a drum and say d,d,d Spiral hand down, as if water is going down a drain and say g,g,g Pretend to turn light switch on and off and say o,o,o,o Pretend to be putting up an umbrella and say u,u,u Pretend to lick a lollipop and say l l l l Let hands gently come together as if toy fish deflating and say ffff Pretend to hit a ball with a bat and say b b b Cup hand over ear and say ai,ai,ai Pretend to wobble like a bowl of jelly Bring hand to mouth as if you have done something wrong and say oh! Stand to attention and salute ie ie Put hands on head as if ears on a donkey and say eeyore, eeyore Put arms out at sides and pretend to be a bee, saying zzzzz Blow on to open hand, as if you are the wind, saying wh, wh, wh Imagine you are a weightlifter, and pretend to lift a heavy weight above your head and say ng,ng Pretend to be holding the steering wheel of a van and say vvv Page 8 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 oo oo y x ch sh th th qu ou oi ue er ar Move head back and forth as if it is a cuckoo in a clock Pretend to be eating a yogurt and say y,y,y Pretend to take x ray of someone with an x ray gun and say ks ks Move arms at sides as if you are a train and say ch, ch, ch Place index finger over lips and say sh sh sh Pretend to be naughty clowns and stick tongue out a little for th sound Stick tongue out further for thumb Make a duck’s beak with your hands and say qu qu qu Pretend your finger is a needle and prick thumb saying ou ou ou Cup hands around mouth and shout to another boat saying oi! Point to people around you and say you, you, you Roll hands over each other like a mixer and say erererer Open mouth wide and say ah Page 9 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Appendix Phoneme i a e u o oo ooh ar or ee ue er ay ie oy ou oa air p t c b d g f th tthh s sh h v z zh m Page 10 of 12 English Phonemes Example Words Pig, myth Cat Peg, bread, said, friend, any But, touch, some, blood, won Log, want Look, put, would Moon, flew, do, blue, rule, you, fruit, two Park, rather, calm, heart Port, claw, more, door, roar, caught, call, walk, water Deep, happy, me, meat, chief, money, these Tune, cue, pupil, pew, view Kerb, shirt, fur, learn, were word Day, pain, fame, steak, they, eight I, kite, pie, wild, night, buy, fly, bye, guide Toy, soil House, cow Boat, go, grow, note, toe, most, though, sew Hair, there, square, bear, their Apple, pet Tin, kittens, debt, pterodactyl, looked Cup, kite, duck, Christmas Bat, rabbit Dog, sudden, filled Gap, digger, ghost Fish, stuff, phone, tough Thing That Sun, miss, centre, circle, voice, science Ship, sugar, machine, station, special Hit, whole Van, give Zebra, easy, is, dogs, xylophone, drizzle Treasure, vision Man, summer, comb, autumn POLICY CONTROL NO D9 n ng ch j r l w y cs* cw* Nut, dinner, knee, gnat, pneumonia Long Church, match Jug, giant, gentle, bridge Rat, carry, write, rhino Lip, full, cradle Wonder, when Yes Fax Quick *These are really two phonemes but are dealt with together in this programme as they are represented by a single grapheme. Page 11 of 12 POLICY CONTROL NO D9 Appendix ICT links - (useful resources- free download) – (useful website to download resources- lotto games etc) RESPONSIBLE PERSON KD Page 12 of 12 LAST REVIEWED MAY 12 NEXT REVIEW DATE MAY 13 POLICY CONTROL NO D9