SOUND ORTHOPAEDICS FOOT & ANKLE CENTER P.A. 8418 East Bay Blvd Navarre, Florida 32566 Phone: 850-939-5275 Fax: 850-939-4152 *Please have paperwork completed by your appointment time and bring diagnostic films to review* Patient Name: _________________________________________Date: ______/_______/_______ Address:________________________________City_______________State____Zip_________ Sex: FemaleMale Marital Status: Single Married Widowed Divorced Social Security #:________________________________Date of Birth: ______/_______/_______ Phone #’s: Home: (____)____________Work: (____)____________ Cell: (____)____________ Occupation (if student please indicate):______________________________________________ Employer:_____________________________Address:_________________________________ Nearest Relative in Case of Emergency______________________________________________ (Name) (Phone) (Relationship) Insurance Information (Please complete guarantor information if parent or spouse is responsible for patient.) Insurance Company (Primary):_____________________________________________________ Group #:____________________________Policy #:___________________________________ Insurance Company (Secondary):___________________________________________________ Group #:____________________________Policy #:___________________________________ Guarantor Name:________________________ Social Security Number:___________________ Phone #’s: Home: (____)___________Work: (____)_____________Cell: (____)____________ Occupation: ___________________________ Insured Date of Birth: ______/_______/_______ Employer:_____________________________Address:_________________________________ Workers Compensation Did this result from an accident at work? Yes No Date of Injury:______/_______/_______ If yes, give the employer’s name and where injury occurred:_____________________________ If you have an Attorney their name:_________________________________________________ 24-Hour Cancellation Notice is Required, Otherwise You Will Receive a No Show Charge of $50.00 1 Release of Benefits and Information I authorize my insurance benefits to be paid directly to the doctor. I am financially responsible for any balance due. I authorize the doctor or insurance company to release any information required for this claim. Signed (X): __________________________________________Date:______/_______/_______ I authorize and give consent to Dr. Hollis to evaluate and treat, which may include x-rays. Signed (X): __________________________________________Date:______/_______/_______ Non-covered Services: I understand that most insurance contracts DO NOT COVER DME PRODUCTS AND SUPPLIES AND INJECTIONS, I AGREE TO ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR THESE CHARGES SHOULD THEY OCCUR. Signed (X): __________________________________________Date:______/_______/_______ I acknowledge that I have received a copy of Sound Orthopaedics & Foot and Ankle Center, P.A. Notice of Privacy Practices with the effective Date of April 14, 2003 and have a full understanding of the contents. Signed (X): __________________________________________Date:______/_______/_______ I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to pay al balances on my account within 30 days of notice. If for any reason I do not pay this, and the account is turned over to collections, I will be responsible for collection fees that may be added to my delinquent account. Signed (X): __________________________________________Date:______/_______/_______ 2 SOUND ORTHOPAEDICS FOOT & ANKLE CENTER P.A. 8418 East Bay Blvd Navarre, Florida 32566 Phone: 850-939-5275 Fax: 850-939-4152 Patient Name________________________________________________________Age:______________ Referring Physician / Person:_____________________________________________________________ Primary Care Physician:_________________________________________________________________ Who else have you seen for this problem?___________________________________________________ CHIEF COMPLAINT: Please state your main problem:___________________________________________________________ Please describe your problem in detail:_____________________________________________________ Date of onset:________________ How long have your symptoms been present?____________________ INJURY AND ACCIDENT INFORMATION: Please describe the mechanism of injury:____________________________________________________ On the job injury (please describe): ________________________________________________________ Are you still working? Yes No Do you like your job? Yes No Have you missed work Yes No If Yes, how much time?________Last date worked____/____/____ Have your symptoms changed since your initial injury Yes No If Yes, Describe:_________________ Motor Vehicle Accident (please describe):___________________________________________________ HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Which hand / wrist is bothering you the most: Right Left How severe is the problem? Mild Moderate Severe Disabling Are you right left hand dominant? How bad is your pain (please circle)? No Pain 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Worst Pain Mark the area on your body where you feel the described sensations. Numbness ///// Burning XXXXX Stabbing OOOOO Pins & Needles -------- PALM BACK BACK FRONT Physician/PA__________________________________________________ Date___________________ 3 SOUND ORTHOPAEDICS FOOT & ANKLE CENTER P.A. 8418 East Bay Blvd Navarre, Florida 32566 Phone: 850-939-5275 Fax: 850-939-4152 HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS (CONT): Describe your pain (burn, ache, sharp, etc)___________________________________________________ How often do you have pain? (intermittent, constant)__________________________________________ When does the pain occur (night, with motion, at rest, etc)?_____________________________________ Does your pain radiate into other areas? Yes No If Yes, Describe__________________________ What makes it better? __________________________What makes it worse?_______________________ Do you have swelling? Yes No Did you have swelling within 2 hours of injury Yes No Do you have locking (cannot straighten finger / wrist)? Yes No Describe:______________________ Do you have weakness / history of dropping things? Yes No If Yes, Describe___________________ Do you have instability / history of dislocations? Yes No If Yes, How Often_________________ Do you have catching or popping sensations? Yes No If Yes, Describe:___________________ Do you have numbness / tingling? Yes No If Yes, Describe__________________________ Have you had prior injury / problems with this foot/ankle? Yes No If Yes, Describe_____________ TREATMENT INFORMATION: What prior treatments have you had (i.e. physical therapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, etc)? Please list and describe. 1. Treatment Name of Prescribing Doctor Location Date Improved/Unchanged ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ Have you had any diagnostic tests? Yes No If so please list: Name of Prescribing Doctor Location of test Date of test Results MRI_________________________________________________________________________________ Bone Scan____________________________________________________________________________ Electrical Studies______________________________________________________________________ EMG/NCV___________________________________________________________________________ X-Rays______________________________________________________________________________ CT Scan_____________________________________________________________________________ Other________________________________________________________________________________ Physician/PA______________________________________________ Date_______________________ 4 SOUND ORTHOPAEDICS FOOT & ANKLE CENTER P.A. 8418 East Bay Blvd Navarre, Florida 32566 Phone: 850-939-5275 Fax: 850-939-4152 REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Please describe any problems with head, eyes, ears, throat (i.e. sore throat, headache) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any problems with your gastrointestinal system: (i.e. nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any problems with your musculoskeletal & neurologic system (i.e. weakness, numbness) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any problems with your genitourinary system (i.e. urinary / fecal incontinence) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any problems with your pulmonary system (i.e. cough, shortness of breath) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please describe any problems with your cardiovascular (i.e. palpitations, chest pain) _____________________________________________________________________________________ PAST MEDICAL HISTORY: Please list all medical problems. Anemia Heart Disease Stroke AIDS/HIV/STD Skin Disease Thyroid Disease Asthma/COPD Hepatitis Tumor (benign) Arthritis High Cholesterol Tumor (malignant) Bleeding Problems Osteoporosis Ulcers Diabetes Parkinson’s None of the above High Blood Pressure Seizure Disorder Other Please list details or comments regarding above checked disorders: _____________________________________________________________________________________ PAST SURGICAL HISTORY: Please list all previous operations and hospitalizations. TYPE YEAR REASON 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY HISTORY: Please list any disorders in immediate family members. 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL HISTORY: Do you exercise regularly? Yes No Type and amount per week_________________ Occupation:____________________________ Education / Last Grade Completed:__________________ Please check if applicable: Married Single Divorced Retired Pregnant # of Children _______ Physician/PA______________________________________________ Date_______________________ 5 SOUND ORTHOPAEDICS FOOT & ANKLE CENTER P.A. 8418 East Bay Blvd Navarre, Florida 32566 Phone: 850-939-5275 Fax: 850-939-4152 MEDICATIONS: Please list all drugs including aspirin, laxatives, vitamins, herbs, and supplements. DRUG NAME DOSE FREQUENCY 1. ______________________________________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________________________________________________ 4. ______________________________________________________________________________ Do you smoke? Yes No Number of packs______ How many years?______ Quit When?______ Do you use tobacco? Yes No Number of tin_______ How many years?______ Quit When?______ Do you drink alcohol? Yes No Type and number of drinks/week/month?_____________________ Do you use drugs that are not medical? Yes No Type_____________________________________ Are you taking any pain medications? Yes No Type_____________________________________ ALLERGIES (including drug, latex, or other substance): Yes No Please list drug name and reaction (i.e. rash, difficulty breathing, etc) _____________________________________________________________________________________ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Weight ___________Height ___________Pulse ___________SW5.07___________ Girth Measurements: L R Calf _______ _______ Thigh ________ ________ Arm _______ _______ Forearm _________ _________ I. Head/Neck II. Spine/ribs/pelvis III.RUE IV.LUE V.RLE VI.LLE Gait Inspection/Palpation: alignment symmetry crepitation effusion tenderness defects masses Stability: laxity subluxation dislocation Strength/tone: atrophy flaccid spasticity Skin: induration erythema nodules rash lesions ulcers Neuro: sensation touch pin vibration DTR/babinski Lymphatic(2 areas): neck axillae groin other Psychiatric: mental status orientation (time, place, person) mood/affect (depression, anxiety, agitation) Cardiovascular: PVDZ swelling varicosities temp tenderness edema Physician/PA______________________________________________ Date_______________________ 6