STAFF REPORT TO: YAVAPAI COUNTY PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION PREPARED ON: November 18, 2008 STAFF PLANNER: Kristy Dargue/Elise Link PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION HEARING DATE: December 3, 2008 APPLICATION NUMBER: H8124 PARCEL NUMBERS: 303-05-012Z, 083, 084C, 084D, 085B, 085E, 085F, 086D, 086E, 086F, 086H, 086J, 086P, 086R, 086T, 086U, 090D, 090F, 090H, 090J, 090K, 090L, 090M, 090P, 090Q, 092, 092B, 092D, 092E, 141B, and a portion of 012G; SUPERVISOR DISTRICT: 1 AGENDA DISCUSSION ITEM: 8 APPLICATION TYPE: Use Permit APPLICANT/AGENT NAME: Yavapai County Development Services PROJECT NAME: Big Springs PROPERTY LOCATION: Located immediately north of Runway Road and Big Springs Airstrip approximately 5,000 feet south of the intersection of Big Springs Ranch Road and Big Chino Road in the vicinity of Paulden. S25 T18N R3W G&SRB&M BIG SPRINGS SITE SIZE: Thirty-one (31) Parcels, totaling approximately two-hundred fifty-seven (257) acres. SITE ZONING: RCU-2A (Residential; Rural; 2-acre minimum) zoning district ADJACENT ZONING: RCU-2A (Residential; Rural; 2-acre minimum) zoning district surrounds the specified area in all directions. ADJACENT OWNERSHIP/LAND USE: To the West, North & East of Big Springs area is privately owned and partially developed residential land use. Arizona state land is to the South. FLOOD STATUS: FEMA floodplain zone Unshaded X. The project area is impacted by a FEMA 100-year Floodway and a 100-year Floodplain on the north side and an irrigation ditch on the western side. UTILITIES AND SERVICES: FIRE: Not located within a fire district WATER: Well SANITARY: Septic Page 1 of 7 Staff Report To The Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Commission BACKGROUND/PREVIOUS ACTION: The Big Springs airstrip was created primarily for agricultural use and used as a destination for local property owners and their guests. Area residents report that the airstrip has been in use since its creation in 1985. Since the airstrip was created after the Planning & Zoning Ordinance was adopted, it is not considered a pre-existing land use. As a result of the recent growth in Yavapai County over the past five years or so, the area of land that surrounds the airstrip has been split off and sold to many different private property owners. A number of nearby property owners feel they have a right to utilize the airstrip, taxi to and from their property, and park their aircraft on their private, residentially zoned properties, and are currently conducting these uses at this time. The Yavapai County Zoning Ordinance does not permit a single-family residence to store aircraft nor does the Zoning Ordinance permit the taxiing of aircraft to and from a singlefamily lot. A Use Permit is being requested to resolve the potential zoning violations relative to the storage and taxiing of aircraft from residential parcels. The private Big Springs airstrip, FAA identifier AZ27, is recorded on a land survey as a 100’ foot ingress, egress, irrigation, airstrip and utility easement. The airstrip easement lies across many different parcels as a portion of their ingress/egress easement, and is not owned by just one entity. Approval of this Use Permit does not constitute authorization from Yavapai County, for private property owners, to utilize any nearby private airstrip. REQUEST/DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: To resolve this issue and to establish a fixed boundary for properties that can store and taxi aircraft, a Use Permit is being requested to allow for the parking & taxiing of fixed wing aircraft, not exceeding 10,500 pounds, for private use only, on thirty-one (31) parcels, totaling approximately twohundred fifty-seven (257) acres, in the vicinity of Paulden. ZONING: The property is currently zoned RCU-2A (Residential; Rural; 2-acre minimum) which would allow as a matter of right all uses allowed in the R1L, RMM and R1 Districts. Section 500 of the Planning and Zoning Ordinance, titled General Provisions states: The following provisions shall apply to all Districts, except as may be modified, supplemented or supplanted under the provisions of any particular District. A. ACCESSORY USES (including facilities and equipment) are permitted in conjunction with any principal use, provided same is compatible and common to the district in which it is located and does not alter the character of the premises; any reference to a permitted use shall be deemed to include such accessory use. B. ACCESSORY BUILDINGS may be attached to or detached from the principal building, except that no accessory building housing fowl or animals (other than domestic pets) may be attached to any dwelling unit. C. ACCESSORY USES OR STRUCTURES are allowed prior to installation of the principal structure only when a construction permit is issued for the principal structure and construction of same is commenced within six (6) months. Page 2 of 7 Staff Report To The Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Commission There is no reference made to aircraft as an accessory use in the Planning & Zoning Ordinance. DEFINITIONS: VEHICLE - The result of arranging materials and parts together for conveyance over roads (whether or not self propelled). Such is not deemed a structure in qualifying for a building permit, but as being accessory to the principal use on a lot (except in connection with vehicular rental or sales agencies and mobile home courts). VEHICLE (JUNK) – A vehicle that is in such a state of deterioration that it cannot be profitably dismantled or salvaged for parts and cannot be profitably restored (from A.R.S. §28-4881). VEHICLE (RECREATIONAL) - Means a motor vehicle that is designed and customarily used for private pleasure, including vehicles commonly called motor homes, pickup trucks with campers and pickup trucks with a fifth wheel trailing device. (See also TRAILER (TRAVEL)). Aircraft is not mentioned as a vehicle in the Ordinance definitions. The Zoning Ordinance does not specifically refer to aircraft use and/or where the use of aircraft may be allowed. Section 400 Use Districts, of the Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Ordinance, states: Those areas of Yavapai County subject to the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby divided into Use Districts that together with the General Provisions (where applicable) control the uses and structures, and their manner of installation and operation in the various County areas. Any use or structure not specifically permitted by District Provisions (or analogous to a permitted use or structure) shall be deemed prohibited and unlawful (nor shall same be considered an accessory use or structure for the District). Thus, the storage, parking and operation of aircraft on any property, would require a Use Permit, since no Use District exists that would allow for operation and/or storage of aircraft. ACCESS: The properties around the Big Springs airstrip are accessed from dirt, ingress/egress easements that are privately maintained by the owners, via Big Chino Road to Big Springs Ranch Road. Big Chino Road is a County maintained and paved road, west of Highway 89 up to Big Springs Ranch Road, which is a private dirt road. TRAFFIC: General practice is to give way to the aircraft, and there have not been any reported accidents to date. Conflict may also exist with easement width, if there is to be aircraft taxiing to and from their properties to the airstrip, due to varying widths of all the private easements in the area. . Private easement access to and from the airstrip is a private, civil issue, not a subject of County regulation. SIGNAGE: Any signage is required to go through the permitting process and conform to the existing Yavapai County Planning & Zoning Ordinance as well as all local, state and federal regulations. Page 3 of 7 Staff Report To The Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Commission FIRE: This Big Springs area is not served by any fire department. The Chino Valley fire district boundary is approximately one thousand (1,000’) feet east of the subject property. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PROCESS: Development Services Staff has contacted the surrounding property owners by way of physical mail out notifications and community meetings. Staff has also contacted the Paulden Area Community Organization (PACO) and attended their community meeting. (See attached CP report) CONFORMANCE WITH COUNTY GENERAL PLAN: The Yavapai County General Plan Transportation Goals and Objectives states; T.2 GOAL: PROVIDE FOR PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. T.2.a Objective: promote alternative modes of transportation and increase public transit opportunities to reduce dependence on automobiles and to decrease traffic and air pollution T.2.c Objective: support general aviation at local airports; assess costs, impact of regional airport The use or existence of Private airports is not specifically referenced in the Yavapai County General Plan. CONFORMANCE WITH COMMUNITY PLAN: The subject property is not located within a community plan. OTHER APPLICATIONS: On February 6, 2006, the Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to approve the Use Permit for Moreton Airpark, HA# H5223, as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission with the addition of Stipulation #8. The Use Permit was to allow for the construction of four (4) aircraft hangars and to allow aircraft from those hangars to taxi to and from and utilize the existing nearby Moreton Airstrip in an RCU-175 (Residential; Rural; 175,000 minimum) zoning district. Moreton Airstrip being located approximately ¾ mile southwest of the SR89/SR93 intersection northwest of the Town of Wickenburg. Due to stipulations seven (7) and eight (8) not being met, the Use Permit for the Moreton Airpark has expired and was formally extinguished on August 28, 2007. The stipulations of approval were as follows: 1. Use Permit to be granted on a permanent and transferable basis and subject to ADRE approval. 2. Use Permit shall be in general conformance with the Letter of Intent and Flight Plan dated Dec 14, 2005, and Site Plan received Dec 23, 2005. 3. The Use Permit shall allow for the construction of 4 aircraft hangers with the right to taxi to and from runways. 4. The airstrip shall be used for private purposes only. 5. The applicant shall adhere to all local, state, and federal regulations. 6. Any deviation from the above stipulations shall require prior approval by an Amendment to this Use Permit through the full public hearing process. 7. No further splitting of the proposed 10 acre parcels allowed. Applicant shall return with a rezoning application for the four (4) proposed parcels within 1 year of BOS approval. Parcels shall be rezoned to a 10-acre minimum lot size. Page 4 of 7 Staff Report To The Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Commission 8. Certificate of Compliance to be issued within one year. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION PROVIDED ARS 28-8278. Landing prohibition; liability A. Landing of aircraft on lands or waters of another without consent of the owner of the lands or waters is unlawful, unless it is a forced landing. B. The owner or lessee of the aircraft or the aeronaut is liable for damages caused by a forced landing as provided in section 28-8273. ARS 28-8411. Authority of cities, towns and counties; limitation A. The governing body of a city or town or the board of supervisors of a county may: 1. Acquire, establish, construct, own, control, lease, equip, improve, maintain, operate and regulate airports for the use of aircraft within or outside the limits of the city, town or county. 2. For the purpose described in paragraph 1 of this subsection, use property that is suitable and that is or may hereafter be owned or controlled by the city, town or county. B. This section does not: 1. Authorize the governing body of a city or town or the board of supervisors of a county to restrict or limit the length or width of an airstrip or runway used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and any such restriction or limitation is void. 2. Affect the zoning authority of a county, city or town pursuant to other provisions of law. ARS 28-8462. Airport hazard; public nuisance; prevention and elimination A. It is declared that: 1. The creation or establishment of an airport hazard is a public nuisance and a public injury to the community served by an airport. 2. It is necessary in the interest of the public health, public safety and general welfare that the creation or establishment of an airport hazard be prevented. 3. Prevention of an airport hazard should be accomplished to the extent legally possible by exercise of the police power without compensation. B. The prevention of the creation or establishment of an airport hazard and the elimination, removal, alteration, mitigation or marking and lighting of an existing airport hazard are public purposes for which a political subdivision may raise and spend public monies and acquire land or interests in land. REVIEWING AGENCY COMMENTS: Building Safety Unit: Any future buildings, structures, and grading work will require building and/or grading permits under the provisions of the Yavapai County Grading Ordinance and the adopted building codes. Environmental Services: No technical comments. Chino Valley Fire District: No technical comments. Flood Control: Any future development of the Big Springs area will require a grading and drainage plan and drainage report for Floodplain Unit review and approval. Public Works: No technical comments. Page 5 of 7 Staff Report To The Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Commission ADOT Aeronautics: The State of Arizona requires private airports to obtain FAA determination from FAA form 7480-1 and to comply with local zoning and planning regulations. Since the Pilots Rest is an existing airport, State Transportation Board Approval is not required. Paulden Area Community Association: No concerns or comments. STAFF SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION: The use of Big Springs airstrip has been going on for quite some time and the properties continue to be split based on the underlying 2acre zoning. These properties are being sold – similar to the existing parcels – with the representation that they have access to the airstrip and are allowed to store and taxi aircraft on their property. The purpose of this application is to provide a means to remedy this situation by allowing these parcels the ability to construct hangars and store airplanes on the parcels. Right now, these uses are not allowed uses by right. Some of the properties included in the proposed application could still be split to the minimum zoning density of two (2) acres. Those property owners want to continue to be allowed the right to split, so those future parcels can be sold with the ability to store and operate aircraft. Additional points to consider: For comparison, the Commission just recommended approval of a zoning ordinance amendment that allows by right (1) commercial vehicle up to five tons (10,000 pounds) to be stored on any size parcel. This Use Permit today is to allow (2) unsheltered airplanes (up to 10,500 pounds) to be stored and allows storage of additional airplanes within an enclosed hangar. The Moreton Airstrip Use Permit stipulated that the properties be rezoned to a ten (10) acre minimum. Because this did not occur, the Use Permit was revoked. Big Springs Use Permit is only to allow the storage of aircraft and the taxiing of the aircraft from the property to the private easements. It does not constitute authorization from the county for any private property owners to utilize the private airstrip. The County does not regulate the use of private easements. The particular area that has been designated to be included in this Use Permit request was based on several criteria including the historical usage area, properties that were sold or may be sold with the representation that these uses are allowed, and parcels currently in violation of the zoning ordinance. In addition, there are natural barriers that include the State Land to the south. There are additional property owners, outside the proposed Use Permit area, that have expressed the desire to have their property included in this Use Permit. They feel that it is a reasonable request because their properties either abut the airstrip or they were sold their property as “aircraft” property and with the understanding that they had the right to use the airstrip. Page 6 of 7 Staff Report To The Yavapai County Planning and Zoning Commission The County Zoning Ordinance, Section 582, states that Use Permits are considered on the basis of public health, welfare, and safety. Although the County does not regulate the use of private easements, nor does this use permit include the use of private easements for airplanes, it should be noted that the private easements in this area are narrow and used by both airplanes and automobiles. Page 7 of 7