CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation e

CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
A Free Weekly Electronic Newsletter Promoting Civic Existence, Expression & Engagement
22 December 2006
ISSUE No. 319
The importance of civil society in the year 2006
By Kumi Naidoo, CIVICUS Secretary-General
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen
Kumi Naidoo
Eric Muragana
Julie Middleton
Henri Valot
John Treat
Vicente García-Delgado, Esq
Anne S. Walker
Bronwen Jones
Chauyen Lai Shrestha
David Barnard
Faisal Yousaf
Gender Action
Gevork Manoukian
Héctor Villaverde
Nina Baltes
May Miller-Dawkins
Michael C. Gilbert
Roshni Mallik
Ruben Diaz-Plaja
Sami Hasan
The CIVICUS weekly electronic
publication is keeping tens of
thousands of people informed of
the developments taking place in
civil society, the factors that are
affecting them and the impact they
are having on creating an informed
and knowledgeable society.
Dear e-CIVICUS Subscriber,
As the year 2006 draws to a close on behalf of all of us at CIVICUS we wish you a
peaceful time with your family, friends and colleagues and extend our very best wishes for the New
Year. Civil society has grown more powerful, not only at the national level but also globally,
governments and critics of civil society increasingly question the legitimacy, transparency and
accountability of civil society. For more information, see To download CIVICUS Seasons
Greeting card, please log at
CIVICUS Poll Questions
Each week, a new question is posted on the CIVICUS website. Let us know what you think. If you
have any questions you would like to ask, please email
This week’s question: In January 2007, Africa will host its first World Social Forum (WSF). In light
of this, do you think that international events will benefit local communities, in particular, the rural
population and vulnerable groups? Answer the question at
Previous question: Do you think that the United Nations remains best avenue for achieving the key
goals of international relations?
Results: Yes - 91%, No - 7%, Don’t Know - 2%
In this section, we publish comments we receive from readers. Please send your comments and
questions to the editors at
By Chauyen Lai Shrestha, Association of World Citizens, Nepal Chapter
Dear Friends,
I would like to extend HEARTY GREETINGS and BEST WISHES to e-CIVICUS
subscribers and the whole CIVICUS family on the AUSPICIOUS OCCASIONS of CHRISTMAS and
NEW YEAR 2007. I also wish all of you GOOD HEALTH, HAPPINNESS, PEACE AND
e-CIVICUS offers a useful channel
through which you and your
organisation can share your news,
publicise your events and articulate
the issues you face. Please send
us your contributions no later
than Tuesday for publication in the
coming week to
All contributions must focus on civil
society issues or have a civil
society angle. To read the
contribution guidelines, please visit
Readers are welcome to
reproduce, in part or in full, all
sections of this newsletter, however
please request permission to do so
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retransmitting content, please credit
sources and authors. The content
of this newsletter can be translated
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reproduced in other publications, as
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By Anne S. Walker, Association for Women’s Rights in Development: Resource Net
Merry Christmas everyone and all the best for a great 2007. Let’s hope for peace at all levels, with
women in the forefront of peace-making, peace-building, and peace negotiations.
--------------------BEST WISHES FOR 2007 FROM SANGONeT
By David Barnard, Executive Director, Southern African NGO Network (SANGONeT)
Dear Kumi,
I would like to wish you, as well as your colleagues and the CIVICUS family, in particular your
membership and subscribers of e-CIVICUS, a joyous festive season and prosperous 2007.
--------------------CIVIL SOCIETY NEWS
Please send your comments and suggestions on these stories to
Christmas at the roadblock in Argentina
With a nativity scene and a big Christmas tree set up on the highway to the nearby bridge leading to
Uruguay, residents of the Argentine town of Gualeguaychú plan to continue blocking traffic between
the two countries until a pulp plant being built on the other side of the river moves elsewhere. "There
is no other way for us to impose our wishes. If we leave the highway, the conflict is over from
Uruguay’s standpoint," says a member of the Citizen Environmental Assembly of Gualeguaychú at
the camp set up at a spot known as Arroyo Verde. For more information, see
Civil society vs. terrorism in Kazakhstan
What can be the role of NGOs, media, and their interaction with the state? All these issues have
been discussed at a recent roundtable organised by the Ministry of Culture and Information in
Kazakhstan. Despite the relevance of terrorism, it has been somewhat overlooked lately. When the
situation stabilised in hot areas around Kazakhstan (Chechnya, Ferghana Valley, Kyrgyz Batken),
the society calmed down about terrorism. Besides, some analysts believe that it is not useful to
discuss the problem of terrorism too often – since they argue that it can only worsen the situation.
For more information, see
World Social Forum 2007: A race to leave informal settlements behind
About 10,000 residents of various informal settlements in the Kenyan capital of
Nairobi are expected to compete in a 'Marathon for Basic Rights’ alongside
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counterparts from other countries, in a bid to compel governments to improve living
conditions in slums. According to the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UNHABITAT), about a billion people globally are living in informal settlements, most of them in Asia,
Do you have a friend who works for Africa and Latin America. "We want to send a message of hope to slum populations that another free
a more just world?
and just world is possible, even with the slum dwellers," Danielle Moschetti, who is helping to
Would you like to share this
arrange the event, told IPS. For more information, see
newsletter with them?
Please forward their e-mail address
Democracy Coalition Project survey shows UN resolutions against worst human rights
violations lacking
We value your comments,
A concerted push by “spoiler” states to halt the practice of condemning the worst human rights
suggestions and contributions.
violators through country specific resolutions suffered a set-back at the United Nations in November,
Speak to us at
a new survey by the Democracy Coalition Project shows. Four resolutions that took Belarus, Iran,
North Korea and Myanmar to task for their human rights records were passed by the UN General
Assembly’s Third Committee, with key support from democratic countries. Efforts to censure
You can make an on-line donation
Uzbekistan for its human rights violations, however, failed when a resolution to halt debate on that
at country passed by a narrow margin. For more information, see
Join or renew your CIVICUS
Membership on-line now at
Civil Society Watch Monthly
The CIVICUS e-newsletter Civil
Society Watch Monthly Bulletin is
an action-oriented newsletter
distributed to over 7,400 people
around the world, featuring
insightful interviews, updates on
threats to civil society, and
analyses of current situations.
7th CIVICUS World Assembly:
Acting Together For a Just World
Visit our website for updates on:
Conference Registration,
Conference Programme, Call for
Workshop Proposals, Exhibitor
Opportunities, News, and
Discussion Board at
What do you think? Have your say on
the CIVICUS Blog! CIVICUS seeks to
amplify the voices and opinions of
ordinary people and give expression
to the enormous creative energy
within civil society. Our recently
launched blog gives you the
opportunity to use your voice and
engage with the rest of civil society.
Have your say by visiting or
(Submitted by Ruben Diaz-Plaja)
Civil society forum meets to discuss Israeli-Palestinian conflict
Representatives of civil society advocating for the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict met in
Kuala Lumpur on 17 December to explore the role of civil society in supporting a lasting solution to
the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The forum’s resulting declaration called on governments to provide
urgent protection to Palestinian people living under occupation and to adopt a concrete approach
towards the plight of the Palestinians. It also supported all United Nations efforts to alleviate the
humanitarian hardships of those living in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. For more information,
US civil society mobilises for migrants’ rights
As they honoured International Migrants Day (IMD) on 18 December, immigrant communities
mobilised around the USA to condemn restrictive and repressive U.S. immigration laws and to call
for immigration policies based on the principles of dignity, justice, and equality. The National
Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights released a national statement endorsed by almost 140
organisations calling for greater recognition of the human rights of all migrants. For more
information, see
Russian police arrest protesters
Russian police arrested several dozen activists among some 3000 protesting in Moscow on 16
December against President Vladimir Putin's alleged infringements of rights and constitutional
freedoms in the country. Authorities said the demonstrators disobeyed police orders to cease yelling
and waving signs as they exited a central Moscow square. Several of Putin's recent measures to
control internal dissent and weaken watchdog NGOs have drawn widespread international and
domestic criticism. For more information, see
Civil society gets $5 million to monitor 2007 elections in Nigeria
Fifteen civil society organisations in Nigeria have been granted a total of about $5 million to mobilise
Nigerians for the 2007 elections, enhance women's participation and monitor the conduct of the polls
to ensure a credible, free and fair election. The organisations were selected after an open and
competitive selection process, said a statement from the United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP). For more information, see
UN agency to increase transparency on the Millennium Development Goals
The United Nations Development Programme is working towards bringing more focus
to its efforts to reach global development goals, respond better to emergencies based
partly on lessons learned from the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami and raise
its transparency level up to wider UN standards. Associate Administrator of the UN Development
Programme (UNDP), Ad Melkert, said “it was particularly important to better coordinate its work to
achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a set of time-bound targets to reduce poverty
and other social ills, because July next year is the mid-point to achieving the goals by 2015”. For
more information, see or
Youth for a Sustainable Future Pacifika (YSFP) celebrate 3rd birthday
Three years ago, a group of youth delegates from the Pacific set out to create ‘Youth for a
Sustainable Future Pacifika (YSFP)’, the only youth & Millennium Development Goals resource
network in the Pacific run by young people for young people. Dissatisfied with the lack of recognition
and voice for Pacific youth at international forums and conferences, the group had a vision to
empower young people in the Pacific by promoting their participation in the promotion and
achievement of the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). For more information,
This section provides updates and analyses of civil society’s growing role at the global level. Please
send your comments and questions to
Civil society calls for end to economic policy conditionality
On the occasion of the Conference on Conditionality organised by the Norwegian government in
Oslo on 28-29 November, 36 civil society organisations including CIDSE have signed a common
statement calling for the phase out of harmful economic policy conditionality in World Bank and IMF
development lending. For more information, see
Global freedom of expression rapporteurs condemn violence against journalists
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, said that violence against
journalists should never go unpunished. Commenting on a joint declaration he signed together with
the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, the OAS Special Rapporteur on
Freedom of Expression and the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights Special
Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression, Haraszti said: "Those who commit violence against
journalists must not be allowed to do so with impunity." For more information, see
Africa, Caribbean and Pacific calls for more development aid from EU
Under World Trade Organisation rules, the European Union's preferential trade agreements with 79
countries of Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group are "no longer legal." Gathering in Khartoum
for its heads of state summit in December 2006, the ACP group discussed the January 2008
replacement of the preferential EU-ACP trade agreements with EPAs (Economic Partnership
Agreements), where parties have to open their markets reciprocally. The summit issued a statement
calling for more EU aid to compensate for lost tariff revenues and finance investments in
infrastructure to prepare domestic industries for increased competition. For more information, see
(Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique)
NGO Capacity Analysis Toolkit
This toolkit is designed to help community-based and non-governmental organisations
identify their capacity-building needs, plan technical support interventions, and monitor
and evaluate the impact of capacity building. It provides tools for analysing and building
capacity, using methods such as holding a planning and preparation meeting with
management, facilitating workshops, gathering information and agreeing on conclusions.
For more information, see
Tinker Foundation
The Foundation grants are awarded to organisations and institutions that promote the exchange of
information within the community of those concerned with the affairs of Latin America, Iberia and
Antarctica. Emphasis is placed on those activities that have strong public policy implications, offer
innovative solutions to many of the problems facing these regions today, and incorporate new
mechanisms for addressing environmental, economic, political and social issues. Programmatically,
the Foundation funds projects addressing environmental policy, economic policy or governance
issues. For more information, see
Centre for Human Rights and Development (CHRD)
CHRD is a non-profit non-governmental public-benefit organisation operating under the laws of
Mongolia. The CHRD aims to contribute to the promotion and protection of human rights in Mongolia
through research, information, advocacy, monitoring and education. CHRD carries out cooperative
activities with international and regional human rights organisations, NGOs and teaching institutions.
For more information, see
Get back to basics South Asia, says Oxfam International
Every 30 minutes an Afghan woman and six Indian women die in childbirth, yet
annually India welcomes 150,000 "medical tourists" who fly in for cheaper treatment
than they can receive at home in the 'developed' world. It is time that South Asia's
governments got back to investing in essential services for their own citizens, says a
new report by Oxfam International. "When you have to pay your own money to access
services either you don't do it, if you're very poor, or you go to a very cheap provider," said report
author Swati Narayan, adding with a wry smile: "India has 1.5 million 'quacks'." For more information,
(Submitted by Bronwen Jones, Director, Children of Fire Trust)
Philanthropy and Social Justice in Islam: Principles, Potentials, and Practices
The book analyses the principles and practices of philanthropy and distributive justice in Islam. It
argues, with analyses and examples, that the accomplishment of purposive philanthropy (not just
charity), as commanded by the fundamental tenets of Islam, through the professionalisation and
rationalization of zakat management, modernisation of awaqaf, etc. has the potential of optimising
impacts of philanthropic activities and thereby augmenting distributive justice in Muslim societies.
For more information, see
(Submitted by Sami Hasan)
Gender Guide to World Bank and IMF Policy-Based Lending
The new Guide highlights the gendered impacts of World Bank and International Monetary Fund
policy-based loans. These loans impose policies on borrowing countries such as decreasing public
spending, privatisation of essential services and unilaterally liberalising trade. These policies often
deepen poverty, undermine gender equality, contribute to the spread of HIV/AIDS and bring about
increased violence against women. The case studies demonstrate that the Bank and Fund neglect
gendered impacts of their policy-based loans. For more information, see
(Submitted by Gender Action)
NGO launches campaign against law restricting NGOs in India
In response to the approval of the revised Foreign Contributions Regulation Bill, 2006, Voluntary
Action Network India (VANI) has developed a petition. They ask all their friends, members and other
stakeholders to show their solidarity on the issue by signing the petition. To sign the petition, go to
(Submitted by Roshni Mallik)
COMPASS - a Manual on Human Rights Education with Young People
The Armenian Constitutional Right-Protective Centre in support with the CoE Directorate of Youth
and Sport Budapest, the British Embassy and the Council of Europe in Armenia, has successfully
implemented the Armenian translation and publication work of ”COMPASS - a Manual on Human
Rights Education with Young People”, the exclusive copyright of which has been granted to ACRPC
by the Council of Europe. For more information, see
(Submitted by Gevork Manoukian)
The CNN effect: can the news media drive foreign policy?
New technologies appeared to reduce the scope for calm deliberation over policy, forcing policymakers to respond to whatever issue journalists focused on. The phrase ‘CNN effect’ encapsulated
the idea that real-time communications technology could provoke major responses from domestic
audiences and political elites to global events. For more information, see
Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia
The report “Muslims in the European Union: Discrimination and Islamophobia”, presents available
data on discrimination affecting Muslims in employment, education and housing. Manifestations of
Islamophobia range from verbal threats through to physical attacks on people and property. The
report stresses that the extent and nature of discrimination and Islamophobic incidents against
European Muslims remain under-documented and under-reported. For more information, see
(Submitted by Faisal Yousaf)
Register for the 2007 UN Commission on the Status of Women
26 February to 9 March 2007
The deadline is fast approaching for accredited NGOs to register for participation in the 51st session
of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) to be held at UN headquarters in New York.
In accordance with its 2007-2009 multi-year program of work, the CSW will consider "The elimination
of all forms of discrimination and violence against the girl child" as its priority theme. In accordance
with the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the definition of "child" and "girl child" is persons
younger than 18 years, unless under the law applicable to the child, majority is attained earlier. For
more information, see
An International Conference on Social Transformations and Education
Application Deadline: 15 January 2007
The conference will be held at the University of Gdansk, Poland, in 15-17 June 2007. The
conference will create a forum for debates on current processes of learning, adaptation and
resistance taking place in rapidly changing societies. For more information, see
Strategic human resources management in a global context
7 February 2007, Geneva, Switzerland
Aimed at senior managers with responsibility for people management,
this one day conference will cover issues such as resourcing, management and learning, addressing
both the humanitarian-emergency and development-focused perspectives. For more information,
(Submitted by Nina Baltes)
Reminder: Oxfam International Youth Partnerships
Application Deadline: 31 January 2007
Oxfam International Youth Partnerships is a global network of young people working with their
communities to create positive, equitable and sustainable change. Between 2007 and 2010, 300
young people will have opportunities to develop their skills and knowledge and to exchange with
other young people from around the world. The OIYP builds a network of like minded young people
working in different communities all over the world. For more information, e-mail at or visit the website at
(Submitted by May Miller-Dawkins)
Ashoka - Changemakers Innovation Awards: Ending Violence
Application Deadline: 10 January 2007
Ashoka/Changemakers invite you to join the 8th Changemakers Collaborative Competition "Entrepreneuring Peace: innovation in managing group conflict." Ashoka now offers participants the
opportunity to gain access to investors, a community of innovators, and wealth of new ideas. Twelve
finalists will attend the "2007 Skoll World Forum on Social Entrepreneurship" in Oxford, England in
March 2007. Three winners will receive each $5,000. For more information, see
(Northern Hemisphere) Summer Course: Teaching Law, Human Rights and Ethics
Application Deadline: 14 February 2007
The Public Interest Law Initiative (PILI) is hosting a one-week course for junior law faculty and senior
students interested in pursuing academic career, who wish to learn more about the use of innovative
methods of teaching about human rights in relation to various aspects of rule of law, ethics, including
experiential learning. The course is devoted to giving participants knowledge on cutting-edge topics,
specifically within the themes of: (1) human rights and the rule of law, and (2) professional ethics.
For more information, see
(Submitted by Michael C. Gilbert, The Gilbert Center)
Online Seminar: Non-profit Technology Consulting Skills
23-25 January 2006
The field of non-profit technology consulting has grown and evolved enormously in the last few
years. One of the essential tensions in the field is the sense that technology consultants, in order to
do their job responsibly, have to become communication and management consultants as well. As
non-profits get more sophisticated and the technology develops to address mission critical needs,
this tension is only getting worse. For more information, see
Call for proposals to host the 9th CIVICUS World Assembly
Application Deadline: 15 January 2007
CIVICUS is inviting bids from interested organisations to partner with CIVICUS in hosting
the 9th World Assembly, a global meeting of civil society leaders and activists, concerned
business leaders, government representatives, donors and media. The CIVICUS World
Assembly was, until most recently, organised as a biennial event, in a different city on each
occasion. In 2006, when the event moved to Glasgow city, it was changed to an annual event in a
fixed location for three years as a pilot project. For more information, see or The proposals are also available in
French ( or and Spanish
( or
Regional Fund for Promotion of Transparency
Application Deadline: 31 December 2006
The Regional Fund for Promotion of Transparency (FONTRA), a tool of the programme "Involvement
of Civil Society to improve Transparency and Accountability" is receiving proposals for funding (from
Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay). For Brazil the Fund is receiving proposals from 1
December 2006. The contest will receive proposals until 31 December 2006 (31 January 2007 for
CSOs from Brazil). The objetive of FONTRA is to give small grants to civil society organisations in
Argentina, Brazil, Bolívia, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay, for initiatives focused on the promotion of
transparency and the fight against corruption. For more information, see
(Submitted by Héctor Villaverde)
Call for Nominations for the Council on Foundations International Committee
Application Deadline: 31 December 2006
The Council seeks nominations to fill soon-to-be vacant positions on its International Committee.
The Council is looking for individuals who are committed to helping build and extend the field of
international philanthropy and increase the field’s effectiveness. Self-nominations are welcome U.S.
foundations represented on the committee must be Council members. Like all Council committees,
the International Committee seeks nominees whose participation will help to create a committee
displaying diversity with respect to race, gender, foundation type and size, and geographic area. To
download nomination form, please see
Consultant to Develop a Capacity Building Toolkit of National NGO Networks
Application Deadline: 15 January 2007
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Location: Flexible
For more information, see
GCAP Campaign Manager
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Application Deadline: 11 January 2007
For more information, see
GCAP Outreach/Mobilisation Coordinator
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Application Deadline: 11 January 2007
For more information, see
GCAP Media Officer
CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa
Application Deadline: 11 January 2007
For more information, see
We value your comments, suggestions and contributions. Please send these to
Editorial Team at
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