Air Force Research Laboratory Space Vehicles Directorate UN-SPEC-12311 Revision A DRAFT November 2005 DRAFT STRESS ANALYSIS GUIDELINES UNIVERSITY NANOSAT-4 PROGRAM University Nanosat Program Office 3550 Aberdeen Ave. SE Building 472 Kirtland AFB, NM 87117-5776 The publication of this material does not constitute approval by the government of the findings or conclusion herein. Wide distribution or announcement of this material shall not be made without the specific approval of the sponsoring government activity. Distribution limited to US Government agencies and their contractors. University Nanosat-4 Program Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV SIGNATURE PAGE Prepared by: Jeff Ganley, University Nanosat Structural Engineer Date AFRL/VSSV Approval: Scott Franke, University Nanosat Program Manager Date AFRL/VSSV Approval: George Hunyadi, University Nanosat Systems Engineer Date Jackson & Tull Chartered Engineers, AFRL/VSSV Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page i University Nanosat-4 Program AFRL/VSSV Rev A DRAFT REVISIONS Revision Description — Initial Release A Nanosat-4 Cycle Revision Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Date Approval 3/9/2003 MEK 11/14/05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. JMG UN-SPEC-12311 Page ii University Nanosat-4 Program Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................1 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................................1 3. LOADS ASSESSMENT .....................................................................................................................................1 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL LOAD CASES .................................................................................................... 1 TEST LOAD CASES ........................................................................................................................ 2 SUMMARY OF LOAD CASES .......................................................................................................... 2 FACTORS OF SAFETY ..................................................................................................................... 3 4. INITIAL HAND CALCULATIONS .................................................................................................................5 5. FINITE ELEMENT MODELING ....................................................................................................................5 6. STIFFNESS ANALYSIS ....................................................................................................................................5 7. ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL DETAILS ............................................................................................................5 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 8. STRESS CALCULATIONS ................................................................................................................ 6 ALLOWABLES ................................................................................................................................ 6 STABILITY ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................... 7 JOINTS ANALYSIS .......................................................................................................................... 7 MARGINS OF SAFETY .................................................................................................................... 7 OPERATING MARGINS ................................................................................................................... 7 CREATE A MARGIN OF SAFETY SUMMARY...........................................................................................8 Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page iii University Nanosat-4 Program Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1: Table 3-2: Table 3-3: Table 7-1: Nanosat Structure Design Limit Load Factors ........................................................................... 1 Individual Load Cases ................................................................................................................ 3 Factors of Safety (valid for test-verified hardware and configurations only)............................. 4 Example Margin of Safety Summary ......................................................................................... 8 Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page iv University Nanosat-4 Program 1. AFRL/VSSV Rev A DRAFT Purpose The purpose of this document is to establish guidelines for the preparation of stress analysis reports in support of the University Nanosat Program. This document provides a general outline for stress analysis reports (Sections 2-8), including guidelines/instructions on the contents of each Section. This document should be used as a guide, as appropriate - University program specific deviations based on unique requirements are expected. Further questions should be directed to the University Nanosat Program Office. 2. System Description The system description should including the following information: 3. Description of overall system, from a structural standpoint, including labeling of all subsystems. Clear use of diagrams and unambiguous naming convention is critical. Relevant geometry/dimensioning, including alternate geometries (e.g. deployed antennas). Component and system level mass properties and CG locations (supporting analysis is required as a separate deliverable). Description of sign conventions and coordinate systems. Universities should use the coordinate system origin as defined in Figure 6-1 of UN4-0001, “Nanosat-4 User’s Guide”. Loads Assessment Identify loads that are being used to calculate margins (i.e. summary of load cases). Reference UN4-0001, “Nanosat-4 User’s Guide”, Section 6.3. 3.1 Environmental Load Cases There are three types of environmental loads that must be considered in the structural analysis: Limit: Table 6-3 from document UN4-0001, “Nanosat-4 User’s Guide”, (replicated as Table 3-1 below) provides generalized design limit load factors for NS-4. These loads take into account the worst case launch load environment, which is a combination of steady state, low frequency, transient loads and high frequency vibration loads. The load factors are in g's and should be applied on each spacecraft major axis, independently. All accelerations should be applied through the center of mass of the analyzed component using the NS -4 coordinate system origin defined in Figure 6-1 of document UN4-0001, “Nanosat-4 User’s Guide”. Table 3-1: Nanosat Structure Design Limit Load Factors Load Factor (g) Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 NX NY NZ 20.0 20.0 20.0 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 1 University Nanosat-4 Program 3.2 Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV Pressure: For pressurized or vented containers, stresses resulting from internal/external pressure loads must be superimposed on stresses resulting from limit and thermal loads. According to NSTS 14046, in circumstances where pressure stresses have a relieving or stabilizing effect on structural capability, the minimum guaranteed value of the relieving pressure shall be used to determine the stress relief. To be conservative, it is recommended that pressure stresses only be combined with mechanical and thermal stresses when additive. Thermal: thermal stresses shall only be combined with mechanical and pressure stresses when additive. Thermal stresses shall not be used for stress relief. Test Load Cases In addition to the environmental loads given in Section 3.1 above, the satellite system must also be analyzed for the sine burst test loading given in Section 8.1.3 of document UN4-0001, “Nanosat4 User’s Guide”. The sine burst test (conducted at AFRL) will verify the structural integrity of the integrated Nanosat-4 System (University nanosatellite, plus Lightband Nanosat-4 Separation System (NSS), via a sine burst test at a level 1.2 times limit loads (x, y, and z axes). During this test, no detrimental permanent deformation or ultimate failures shall occur. Note that because the sine burst test may constitute a critical load case, test loads, in addition to the environmental loads described in Section 3.1, must be considered in the sizing and analysis of structural members. 3.3 Summary of Load Cases The stress analysis should address Load Cases 1 - 6 as applicable below. Depending on the specifics of each university satellite design, additional load cases may be required. Load Case 1 – Limit Loading: Load Case 1 includes all permutations of positive and negative 20G loading, and ensures that maximum tensile and compressive stresses are accounted for in the analysis. Load Case 2 – Test Loading: Load Case 2 ensures that the applied test loads do not result in permanent deformation or structural failure. This should not be the case if Load Case 1 is properly designed for. However, it is prudent to complete a separate load case summary for the test loads, as higher margins of safety are appropriate for the test loading (a known loading that the satellite will experience). Load Case 3 – Pressure Loading: For pressurized or sealed compartments, maximum design pressures should be used to calculate stresses for superposition on other load cases. If pressure loads result in stress relief, then minimum guaranteed pressure may be used to calculate relief stresses per NSTS 14046 (not recommended). For vented compartments, transient pressure loads shall be included if such loads are significant. Proper design of vents, however, should limit pressure loading to less than 0.5 psi. Load Case 4 – Thermal Loading: Thermal stresses shall be calculated based on the maximum and minimum temperatures (plus margin) to which the payload is subjected. Maximum and minimum temperatures values should be based on a nanosatellite thermal analysis and should be Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 2 University Nanosat-4 Program AFRL/VSSV Rev A DRAFT coordinated (i.e. verified) through AFRL. Load Cases 1-4 are summarized in Table 3-2 below. Table 3-2: Individual Load Cases Load Case Ref 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 3A 3B 4A 4B Inertial Loads X Y Z +20.0G -20.0G +20.0G -20.0G +20.0G -20.0G +24.0G -24.0G +24.0G -24.0G +24.0G -24.0G - Pressure Maximum Design Minimum Guaranteed - Thermal Max Temp. Min Temp. Note 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 Notes for Table 3-2: 1. See Section 3.4 for applicable factors of safety for yield and ultimate 2. Applicable in cases where the pressure related stresses add to overall stress state 3. Can be used in cases where pressure related stresses result in overall stress relief 4. Applicable in cases where thermal stresses add to the overall stress state. Load Case 5 – Combined Loading: Combines inertial, pressure, and thermal loads as appropriate to account for cases in which such loads result in additive (i.e. worst case) stresses. 3.4 Factors of Safety Factors of safety to be used in structural design and analysis are: 2.0 for yield and 2.6 for ultimate. The University is required to perform stress analysis in sufficient detail to sho w that design Factors of Safety (FS) are met or exceeded and that a Margin of Safety (MS) of zero or greater exists for both yield and ultimate stress conditions, i.e., MS AllowableS tress 1 0 where FS = Factor of Safety ( FS ) ( ActualStress ) Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. (Eqn. 1) UN-SPEC-12311 Page 3 University Nanosat-4 Program AFRL/VSSV Rev A DRAFT All stress analysis shall incorporate methods and assumptions consistent with standard aerospace practices. Allowable mechanical properties of structural materials shall be obtained from MIL-HDBK-5H, Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures. Buckling, crippling, and shear failures shall be considered ultimate failures. Factors of safety (FS) shall be applied to the load cases given in Table 3-2. A summary of required factors is provided in Table 3-3 below. Table 3-3: Factors of Safety (valid for test-verified hardware and configurations only) Load Type Inertial (analysis) Inertial (Sine Burst Test) Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Thermal Component Applicability All All Pressure vessels Pressure lines Pressure fittings Sealed containers All FS (yield) K1, YIELD = 2.0 K1, YIELD = 1.67 FS (ult.) K1, ULT = 2.6 K1, ULT = 2.17 Note K2, YIELD = 2.0 K2, YIELD = 2.0 K2, YIELD = 2.0 K2, YIELD = 2.0 +10C (over max T) -10C (below min T) K2, ULT = 5.0 K2, ULT = 5.0 K2, ULT = 5.0 K2, ULT = 5.0 +10C (over max T) -10C (below min T) 1 1 2 Notes for Table 3-3: 1. Definitions for pressurized versus sealed containers are according to NASA-STD-5003, Para. 3.0 2. K3, YIELD and K3, ULT as determined by increase in thermal stresses at 10C above TMAX and 10C below TMIN. Factors of safety shall be applied to individual stress components and combined according to NSTS 14046, Para. This will result in a factored, combined stress that can be used in safety margin calculations (see Equation 2). KC S K1SI K 2SP K3ST (Eqn. 2) Where, S = combined stress in a given direction SI = stress component due to inertial loading SP = stress component due to pressure loading ST = stress component due to thermal loading KC = combined FS K1 = FS for SE K2 = FS for SP K3 = FS for ST Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 4 University Nanosat-4 Program 4. Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV Initial Hand Calculations With the environmental loading and required factors of safety defined in Section 3, an initial structural design should be developed utilizing hand calculations (and possibly rudimentary FEA), with conservative design assumptions. While this step will likely not be included in the final stress analysis report because of significant design changes through the design process, it is nonetheless an important and required step in the design process. This analysis should be used as a baseline in the development of a detailed finite element model in section 5. 5. Finite Element Modeling Per document UN4-0001, “Nanosat-4 User’s Guide”, Universities are required to provide a Nanosatellite structural finite element analysis (FEA) as part of the flight competition. For detailed finite element models (FEM) it may be possible to determine stresses directly from the FEA. For finite element analysis, always include specific details of the model, including: Loads inputs (location, type of load, load vector) Element properties Boundary conditions In addition, verify the output using simple checks: Check that applied loads are equal to reaction loads Check F.E. output with hand calculations Use engineering judgment to focus on areas you believe to be critical and verify the FE results with hand calculations where possible. To the maximum extent possible, finite element analysis should be verified through independent checks – this should be an integral part of the process of building the satellite finite element model. 6. Stiffness Analysis Per document UN4-0001, “Nanosat-4 User’s Guide”, the Nanosat shall have a fundamental frequency above 100 Hz given a fixed-base condition at the SIP. The universities are responsible for demonstrating by analysis and test that the Nanosat meets the stiff ness requirement. The finite element model developed in Section 5 will be used to verify the above analysis requirement. Further model verification is then accomplished through University stiffness testing (the testing requirement). Acceptable tests for verifying natural frequencies include modal survey and sine sweep vibration. Sine sweeps shall be conducted from 20 to 2000 Hz at 0.25g. Following integration of the Nanosat with the Lightband, AFRL will conduct a system level sine sweep test to determine the natural frequency of the integrated Nanosat -4 System. The integrated sine sweep will be conducted from 20 to 2000 Hz. 7. Analysis of Critical Details The stress analyst should identify critical structural details. Some examples of where critical Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 5 University Nanosat-4 Program Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV details may exist within a given structure are as follows: All structural members that are part of a structural load path. Critical fasteners and joints (including those loaded in tension and shear) Structural or mechanical supports for heavier items Pressurized components (along with potential interactions with other structural loads) Components (typically interfaces) subject to thermal stresses It may also be possible to use FEA results to identify highly stressed hardware. But you should always corroborate FEA results with engineering judgment and hand calculations where possible. 7.1 Stress Calculations Using the load cases identified in Section 3, determine the stresses to which all critical details are subjected. Hand Calculations Often, the simplest and fastest method of analysis is hand analysis. In cases where the load path is well-understood (i.e., single load path), hand analysis may be used to determine loads and stresses. In cases where redundant load paths exist, overlapping assumptions may be used to determine a reasonable estimate of internal loads and stresses. For example, if two [approximately equal] load paths exist, then one might assume that 60% of the load is taken in eac h of the load paths for 120% of load (note: a good FE analysis may obviate the need for overlapping assumptions). Always include a free-body diagram showing applied loads and reaction loads. The free-body diagram serves to document your load path assumptions. In many cases, seemingly complicated structures can be simplified to a beam or plate for the purpose of analysis. Engineering judgment would be required in establishing the end constraints for beams, effective section, and type of loading. For hand calculations of such models, show the appropriate formula used to determine stresses. Formulas for beams and plates with various end constraints may be found in Young, Roark’s Formulas for Stress & Strain, or Bruhn, Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. 7.2 Allowables Allowables for metals Allowable mechanical properties of structural metals shall be obtained from MIL-HDBK-5H, “Metallic Materials and Elements for Aerospace Vehicle Structures”. Allowables for metallic materials are dependent on the type of material, temper, grade, and orientation. Be sure to include the correct parameters in your determination of allowables. In addition, only the materials with high resistance to stress corrosion cracking listed in the latest version of MSFC-STD-3029, “Metallic Materials for Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in a Sodium Chloride Environments ” shall be used. Allowables for non-metallic materials used in structural applications It is the responsibility of the university to provide strength data to support the analysis of nonmetallic components. Data may be obtained from material suppliers, independen t tests, or other Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 6 University Nanosat-4 Program Rev A DRAFT AFRL/VSSV references. Regarding supplier-furnished strength data, it will be necessary to ensure that the material provided is the material for which strength data is applicable. This is generally accomplished with a certificate of compliance. For test-derived allowables, adequate testing must be conducted to ensure validity of results. In addition, test conditions must take into account actual environmental conditions expected during flight. As an alternative, data may be provided that demonstrates the material’s behavior when subjected to anticipated environmental conditions. All allowables must take into account all appropriate “knockdown” factors for temperature, pressure, radiation, etc. 7.3 Stability Analysis Structural elements should be analyzed for compressive failure modes, such as column or plate buckling. Susceptibility to this type of failure mode depends on the following: Type of loading, including the eccentricity of the applied compressive force (i.e., distance from the centroid of the section) Material Boundary conditions such as beam end fixity or plate edge fixity Beam slenderness ratio, or thickness of plate Some of the methods used for analyzing this type of failure mode may be found in Bruhn, Analysis & Design of Flight Vehicle Structures. Margins of safety for this failure mode should be included in the margin of safety summary. 7.4 Joints Analysis Identify all critical fasteners, and calculate margins of safety for these fasteners based on the applied load and the material capability of the fastener. Hole bearing - in cases where fasteners are used in shear, it will be necessary to show that bearing stresses caused by the fasteners against the hole do not exceed the capability of the joined material. 7.5 Margins of Safety For each critical detail, a margin of safety (MS) should be calculated for the critical load case (i.e., the load case resulting in the highest combined stress). The margin of safet y is calculated using Equation 3, which is obtained by combining equations 1&2: MS Allowable Stress 1 0 KC S (Eqn. 3) Where K C S is the combined, factored stress as calculated in Equation 2. 7.6 Operating Margins Mechanisms are required to maintain specified operating and holding torque/force margins (see Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 7 University Nanosat-4 Program AFRL/VSSV Rev A DRAFT Equations 4 and 5). Operating Torque Margin Holding Torque Margin Available Driving Torque 1 1.0 Resisting Torque (Eqn. 4) Available Holding Torque 1 1.0 Torque applied by limit load (Eqn. 5) Note: For linear devices, “Force” replaces “Torque” in the above equations Calculations of the required holding force/torque margins should be included in the analysis. 8. Create a Margin of Safety Summary Once the university has completed the stress analysis, the results should be summarized in a margin of safety (MS) summary. This summary provides key information on each structural detail, including the load case in question, failure mode, and margin of safety. When AFRL reviews the stress analysis, they will review this table first. For the lowest margins, AFRL will review the approach in detail to ensure that the analysis is acceptable. An example of a margin of safety summary is provided in Table 7-1. For each University satellite design, there will be numerous entries in this table (>25) - enough to completely summarize key areas of concern. It is not acceptable for a margin of safety to be less than zero. The margin of safety summary provides a means of verifying that the structural design is sufficient to withstand the predicted launch and on-orbit environment. Table 7-1: Example Margin of Safety Summary Structural Detail Fastener X1, Stack Separation System Upper plate Fastener X4, battery box to MSDS ... ... ... Load Case +20.0G x-direction (Load Case 1A) -24.0G z-direction (2F) -20.0G z-direction (1F) Failure Mode Margin of Safety Ref. Page Fastener Yield, tension Yield in tension 1.5 X2 2.5 X3 Fastener Yield, tension 6.2 X5 -END- Revision A DRAFT Issue Date: Nov 05 Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this document. UN-SPEC-12311 Page 8