XXV BIENNIAL CONGRESS OF THE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF SOUTH AFRICA SUN CITY, PILANESBERG REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PROGRAMME WEDNESDAY 28 JULY 2004 REGISTRATION – Sun City Convention Centre, Foyer From 15:00 SETTING UP OF POSTERS – Main Conference Venue, Pilanesberg Room From 15:00 OPENING COCKTAIL PARTY – Sponsored by Eli Lilly Superbowl 18:00 TRADE EXHIBITION – Superbowl 28/7/2004 – 31/7/2004 Acknowledgements: Prof MS Bornman Prof CF Heyns Dr E Kok Ms K Wannenburg THURSDAY 29 JULY 2004 BREAKFAST SYMPOSIUM – Sponsored by Novartis Pilanesberg Room 07:00-08:00 Speaker: F deBruyne “Biphosphonates” OPENING Pilanesberg Room 08:25 P Reyneke Past President of the South African Urological Association UROLITHIASIS Pilanesberg Room 08:30-10:00 Chair: D Barnes and D Celliers 08:30-08:50 Medical evaluation (made easy) and medical management of urolithiasis 08:50-09:10 How I do it: management of the ureteral, lower pole, staghorn and renal calculi 09:10-09:30 Ureteroscopic management of renal calculi 09:30-09:45 The treatment of calcium oxalate stones (A1) 09:45-10:00 Discussion G Preminger Division of Urologic Surgery Duke University Medical Center Durham, USA M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria G Preminger Division of Urologic Surgery Duke University Medical Center Durham, USA A Rodgers Department of Chemistry University of Cape Town Cape Town, SA TEA – Sponsored by The Vaccine Bureau Superbowl 10:00-10:30 ENDOUROLOGY AND LAPAROSCOPY Pilanesberg Room 10:30-12:30 Chair: M Bongers and A Naude 10:30-10:50 Laparoscopy in Urology B Malavaud Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France 10:50-11:10 Minimally invasive management of pelvi-ureteral junction obstruction 11:10-11:50 Laparoscopic highlights 11:50-11:54 The peculiarities of transcutaneous nephrostomy in newborns and early age children (A2) Initial experience with laparoscopic nephrectomy in Tygerberg hospital (A3) Unrecognised retained basket during ureteroscopic extraction of distal ureteric stone (A4) G Preminger Division of Urologic Surgery Duke University Medical Center Durham, USA B Malavaud and C Vaessen Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France B Ergashev Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan 11:54-11:58 11:58-12:02 12:02-12:06 Complications of laparoscopic surgery in Urology - our experience (A5) 12:06-12:10 Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital experience with laparoscopic management of uretero-pelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) (A6) Surgical complications after 360 laparoscopic procedures in general practice of urology in South Africa. Initial review report (A7) Discussion 12:10-12:14 12:14-12:30 A Naude Tygerberg Hospital Tygerberg, SA G Basiewicz, M Haffejee and O Adebisi Department of Urology University of the Witwatersrand SA G Basiewicz and H Asim Department of Urology Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, Johannesburg SA G Basiewicz and H Asim, Department of Urology Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, Johannesburg SA R Mierzwinski and F Nel Private practice Durban SA POSTER VIEWING SESSION (Authors present) See Annexure A & B Pilanesberg Room 12:30-13:00 LUNCH – Sponsored by Astra Zeneca Superbowl 13:00-14:00 UROGENITAL TRAUMA Pilanesberg Room 14:00-15:30 Chair: Z Bereczky and F van Wijk 14:00-14:10 Conservative management of renal trauma – what does the evidence say? R Santucci Urology Detroit Receiving Hospital Detroit, USA 14:10-14:25 Male erectile dysfunction (MED) in relation to pelvic ring and femoral shaft fractures Female sexual dysfunction and pelvic surgery B Malavaud Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France 14:25-14:40 14:40-15:20 Diagnosis and management of urological injuries: the fundamentals 15:20-15:30 Discussion B Malavaud Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France R Santucci Urology Detroit Receiving Hospital Detroit, USA COFFEE – Sponsored by The Vaccine Bureau Superbowl 15:30-16:00 BENIGN PROSTATIC HYPERPLASIA (BPH) Pilanesberg Room 16:00-19:00 Chair: C Steinmann and J Myburgh 16:00-16:20 Future management of BPH 16:20-16:40 Alpha-blockers for BPH: are all created equal? 16:40-16:55 Update on technologies 16:55-17:10 Durability of minimally invasive treatment for BPH 17:10-17:45 17:30-19:00 College of Urologists meeting GlaxoSmithKline M Emberton The Middlesex Hospital London, UK F Debruyne University Medical Center Nijmegen The Netherlands I Cameron World Of Medicine United Kingdom F Debruyne University Medical Center Nijmegen The Netherlands Pilanesberg Room Eland Room (venue to be advised) THEME EVENING – Sponsored by Pfizer Royal Ballroom 19:30 FRIDAY 30 JULY 2004 BREAKFAST SYMPOSIUM – Sponsored by Sanofi-Synthelabo Pilanesberg Room 07:00-08:00 Speaker: M Emberton Topic: ? PROSTATIC CARCINOMA Pilanesberg Room 08:30-10:20 Chair: C Heyns and L Coetzee 8:30-08:45 Early detection of prostatic carcinoma: when is rebiopsy needed? 08:45-09:00 Urological cancer care in the UK – in the midst of revolution 09:00-09:15 High grade, low PSA, low testosterone prostate cancer – a clinical entity? 09:15-09:30 Prostate brachytherapy (A8) 09:30-09:50 Bicalutamide (Casodex®) 150 mg – Results of the Early Prostate Cancer (EPC) Treatment Programme (A9) What role, if any, is there for chemotherapy in the treatment of metastatic prostatic carcinoma 09:50-10:00 10:00-10:10 10:10-10:20 The Gleason grade in prostate biopsy samples versus radical prostatectomy specimen: are we underestimating the disease? (A10) Discussion M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria M Emberton The Middlesex Hospital London, UK M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria M Mackenzie Private Urologist, Durban, SA C Heyns Department of Urology University of Stellenbosch Cape Town, SA N Vogelzang Nevada Cancer Institute Las Vegas Nevada, USA S Wentzel Department of Urology University of the Free State Bloemfontein, SA TEA - Sponsored by The Vaccine Bureau Superbowl 10:20-10:50 BLADDER CANCER Pilanesberg Room 10:50-13:00 Chair: A Pontin and T Fourie 10:50-11:05 Diagnostic tools for the detection of urothelial cancer from the urine 11:05-11:25 Superficial bladder cancer 11:25-11:40 T1G3: the rationale for immediate cystectomy 11:40-11:55 What is new in urinary bladder cancer? 11:55-12:15 Chemotherapy in bladder cancer (adjuvantly, neoadjuvantly, and for metastatic disease 12:15-12:30 Systemic therapy for renal cancer 12:30-12:34 Antegrade scrotal sclerotherapy versus inguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in the treatment of varicocele –a randomized, parallel, prospective study (A11) A 3 day random prostate study with follow up of the abnormal PSA's (A12) 12:34-12:38 12:38-12:42 Comparing transrectal ultrasound guided biopsies of the prostate and MR spectroscopy for early cancer detection (A13) 12:42-13:00 Discussion M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria A Holm-Nielsen Department of Urology Copenhagen County Hospital Denmark B Malavaud Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France G Sauter Molecular Pathology University Hospital Basel Basel, Switzerland N Vogelzang Nevada Cancer Institute Las Vegas Nevada, USA N Vogelzang Nevada Cancer Institute Las Vegas Nevada, USA A Botha and C Heyns Department of Urology University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital SA P de Bruin and D Barnes Department of Urology University of Cape Town SA P van der Schyff1, S Wentzel1, P Potgieter2, C de Vries2 and M Nel3 Departments of Urology1, Radiology2 and Biostatistics3 University of the Free State Bloemfontein, SA LUNCH – Sponsored by Aventis Superbowl 13:00-14:00 PAEDIATRIC UROLOGY Pilanesberg Room 14:00-15:30 Chair: I van Heerden and S Wentzel 14:00-14:20 Hypospadias 14:20-14:40 Management of epispadias 14:40-15:00 Evolution and natural history of antenatal hydronephrosis 15:00-15:15 Enuresis: how I manage it 15:15-15:25 Surgical Management of Duplex Systems in Children (A14) 15:25-15:30 Discussion G Manzoni Paediatric Urology Ospedale di Cirolo di Varese Italy A El-Kassaby Department of Urology Ain-Shams University Egypt G Manzoni Paediatric Urology Ospedale di Cirolo di Varese Italy G Manzoni Paediatric Urology Ospedale di Cirolo di Varese Italy J Lazarus Department of Urology University of Cape Town Cape Town SA COFFEE – Sponsored by The Vaccine Bureau Superbowl 15:30-16:00 RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY Pilanesberg Room 16:00-18:00 Chair: P Porteous and J Pretorius 16:00-16:20 Management of urethral strictures 16:20-16:35 Management of urethral strictures and bladder neck contractures after prostatic surgery 16:35-16:50 Penile curvature 16:50-17:05 A new technique for the repair of the posterior urethra (A15) A El-Kassaby Department of Urology Ain-Shams University Egypt R Santucci Urology Detroit Receiving Hospital Detroit, USA A El-Kassaby Department of Urology Ain-Shams University Egypt Z Bereczky Department of Urology University of Kwa-Zulu Natal Durban, SA 17:05-17:15 17:15-18:00 18:00-19:00 Radiographic and sonographic comparison in evaluation of anterior urethral stricture (A16) SIU General Meeting Nu Angle Medical FREE EVENING M Kahloon Department of Urology MEDUNSA, SA Pilanesberg Room Speaker to be announced European Experience with Obtape Eagle Room SATURDAY 31 JULY 2004 BREAKFAST SYMPOSIUM – Sponsored by Aventis The Pilanesberg Room 07:00-08:00 Speaker: N Vogelzang Topic: ??? FEMALE UROLOGY AND INCONTINENCE Pilanesberg Room 8:30-10:15 Chair: M Haffejee and A van der Merwe 8:30-8:50 Female incontinence: How I do it 8:50-9:10 Evidence based approach to stress incontinence Urodynamics in female incontinence 9:10-9:20 9:20-9:40 9:40:09:50 09:50-10:02 10:02-10:15 T.O.T.® (OBTAPE) as secondary procedure for Genuine Stress Incontinence (A17) Obtape transobturator suburethral tape in problematic stress urinary incontinence (A18) The Inverted Distensible Sling (I.D.S.) - An alternative for male urinary incontinence (A19) Discussion M Slack Urogynaecology Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, UK Speaker to be announced M Slack Urogynaecology Addenbrooke’s Hospital Cambridge, UK F van Wijk Private Urologist Pretoria, SA T Fourie University of KwaZulu Natal Durban, SA J Pretorius Private Urologist Pretoria, SA TEA – Sponsored by The Vaccine Bureau Superbowl 10:15-10:45 ED, INFERTILITY AND AGEING MALE Pilanesberg Room 10:45-12:30 Chair: A Schmidt and E Kok 10:45-11:00 Is erectile dysfunction a marker for cardiovascular disease? I Eardley Department of Urology St James’ University Hospital Leeds, UK 11:00-11:15 Management of the ageing male: how I do it 11:15-11:25 What are we doing to male reproductive health? 11:25-11:40 Oral treatment for ED 11:40-12:00 Management of ED after radical prostatic cancer surgery 12:00-12:04 Relationship between erectile dysfunction and total serum testosterone (A20) 12:04-12:08 High positive ADAM score on St Louis University Questionnaire and low androgens in men with coronary artery disease (A21) 12:08-12:30 Discussion M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria M Bornman Department of Urology University of Pretoria Pretoria, SA I Eardley Department of Urology St James’ University Hospital M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria A Lecuona, G Stellmacher and A Schmidt Department of Urology University of Stellenbosch Cape Town, SA M Bornman1, E Erasmus2, J Ker2, P Becker3 and S Reif1 Department of Urology1 & Internal Medicine2 Pretoria Academic Hospital University of Pretoria MRC Pretoria3 Pretoria, SA POSTER VIEWING SESSION (Authors present) See Annexure A & B Pilanesberg Room 12:30-13:00 LUNCH – Partly sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline Superbowl 13:00-14:00 ORAL PRESENTATION: SELECTED POSTERS (Strictly 4 minutes/presentation) The Pilanesberg Room 14:00-15:30 14:00-14:04 Small intestine submucosa (sis) graft A Ahmad, G Basiewicz, used for reconstruction of the urethra D Ekanem, H Asim and O Adebisi (A22) Department of Urology Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital Soweto, SA 14:04-14:08 Does urethral stricture have influence on the level of PSA? (A23) 14:08-14:12 A randomized prospective study of periprostatic lignocaine injection versus intrarectal lignocaine or placebo gel for transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided prostate biopsy (A24) Ileo-vesicostomy: The Groote Schuur Experience (A25) 14:12-14:16 14:16-14:20 14:20-14:24 14:24-14:28 14:28-14:32 14:32-14:36 G. Basiewicz and F. Kasapatu Department of Urology Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto Johannesburg, SA A Naidoo, C Heyns, P Theron and N Aziz Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch Cape Town, SA A vd Merwe, R Barnes, and A Pontin Department of Urology Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town, SA A Naude1, C Heyns1 and Laparoscopic urology training in S Matin2 South Africa: first report Department of Urology, (A26) University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital SA1 and Department of Urology University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre Houston, Texas, USA2 E Diner, M Rosenblum, S Patel*, Primary ureterorenoscopy and J Yeamans, A Kwart* and holmium laser lithotripsy for large J Pahira renal and staghorn calculi Center for Kidney Stone (A27) Disease Georgetown University Hospital and the Department of Urology Washington Hospital Center* Washington, DC Retrograde endopyelotomy for pelvi- L Fourie ureteric-junction stenosis in the Private Urologist paediatric and adult population – Empangeni KwaZulu Natal, SA South Africa’s first series (A28) Laparoscopic lymph node dissection for carcinoma of the prostate: the Durban experience (A29) Prospective evaluation of the difference in core and surface body temperature, severity of symptoms and prevalence of hot flushes after bilateral orchidectomy for prostate cancer (A30) M Alli, E Goad, M Conradie, P Chetty, Z Bereczky Department of Urology Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine University of KwaZulu Natal Durban, SA N Aziz and C Heyns Department of Urology University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital SA P Chetty, Z Bereczky, O Alli and E Goad Department of Urology Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine University of KwaZulu Natal Durban, SA S Sinha and A Pontin Division of Urology Groote Schuur Hospital Cape Town, SA 14:36-14:40 Paperless hospital: first in Africa (A31) 14:40-14:44 Preferential use of the right kidney in living organ donation (A32) 14:44-14:48 Laparoscopic versus conventional surgical treatment of genuine urinary stress incontinence (A33) 14:48-14:52 Evaluation of dynamic sentinel lymph node localization by means of scintigraphy in patients with squamous carcinoma of the penis (A34) Unusual complications of suburethral T Fourie Department of Urology tapes University of KwaZulu Natal (A35) 14:52-14:56 14:56-15:00 Renal abscess: an evolving condition (A36) 15:00-15:04 Partial adrenalectomy: the National Cancer Institute experience (A37) 15:04-15:08 Does fibrin sealant decrease immediate post-operative urinary leakage following radical retropubic prostatectomy? (A38) Intensive medical management for ureteric calculi: the rationale and evidence for its use in uncomplicated ureteric calculi illustrated with cases. (A39) Discussion 15:08-15:12 15:12-15:30 T Salam1, M Ramaran 1 and M Shafik2 Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1 and Urology 2 Faculty of Medicine University of Alexandria, Egypt P Theron, C Heyns, A Ellman, A Möller and W Bates University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital SA Durban, SA A Sekhu and A Pontin Department of Urology University of Cape Town SA E Diner, M Franks, A Behari, W Linehan and M Walther Urologic Oncology Branch Center for Cancer Research National Cancer Institute Bethesda E Diner, S Patel and A Kwart Department of Urology Washington Hospital Center Washington DC A Bhorat and R Barnes Department of Urology Grey’s Hospital Pietermartizburg SA COFFEE – Sponsored by The Vaccine Bureau Superbowl 15:30-16:00 RENAL CELL CARCINOMA Pilanesberg Room 16:00-18:30 Chair: M de Kock and J van Wyk 16:00-16:20 Early ablative treatment of renal cell carcinoma 16:20-16:40 Nephron-sparing surgery and adjuvant immune therapy 16:40-16:50 Laparoscopic nephrectomy 16:50-17:05 Large fraction size radiotherapy for prostate cancer – results and implications for IMRT/concurrent boost Progress in awareness of lymphatic filariasis among surgeons (A40) 17:05-17:20 17:20-18:30 SA Association of Urologists general meeting M Marberger Department of Urology University of Vienna Vienna, Austria B Malavaud Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France C Vaessen Toulouse University Hospital Toulouse Cedex, France R de Muelenaere Private Radiotherapist Pretoria SA C deVries University of Utah, International Volunteers in Urology, Salt Lake City, UT, USA Pilanesberg Room BANQUET–Partly sponsored by Abbott Laboratories, Johnson & Johnson and Tyco Healthcare Royal Ballroom 19:30 Annexure A POSTERS Pilanesberg Room 1. The registrars’ log book – evaluation of a computer database for the recording of registrars’ surgical experience CF Heyns, AM Naudé, MA Pretorius, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa (A41) 2. Urological surgery at an academic teaching hospital – changes in the spectrum of procedures during the 27-year period 1976 to 2002 CF Heyns, AM Naudé, MA Pretorius, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa (A42) 3. Surgical experience obtained by registrars during Urology training – has there been a decline in the past two decades? CF Heyns, AM Naudé, MA Pretorius, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa (A43) 4. Uncomplicated cystitis A Cronje, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa (A44) 5. Hematogenic prostate cancer metastases to the foreskin J Henning, E Theron, G Davel, Department of Urology, University of Pretoria, South Africa (A45) 6. Splenic hamartoma presenting as supra-renal mass J Henning, R Feilat, E Theron, Department of Urology, University of Pretoria, South Africa (A46) 7. The Metabolic Stone Clinic - the Groote Schuur Hospital experience J Lazarus, Department of Urology, University of Cape Town, South Africa (A47) 8. Intersex in feral sharptooth catfish (Clarias gariepinus) MS Bornman1, IEJ Barnhoorn1*, GM Pieterse2 and JHJ van Vuren2 Andrology, Department of Urology, University of Pretoria, South Africa1 and Department of Zoology, Rand Afrikaans University2, South Africa (A48) 9. Testicular degeneration coincident with fat residues of nonylphenol in the common eland (Tragelaphus oryx): a possible link to endocrine disruption? MS Bornman, IEJ Barnhoorn, L Dreyer *, D Veeramachaneni **, C De Jager, Andrology, Departments of Urology and *Anatomical Pathology, University of Pretoria, South Africa, **Animal Reproduction and Biotechnology Laboratory, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA (A49) 10. Low-dose cyclophosphamide in the treatment of hormone refractory prostate cancer-a phase I/II clinical trial N Quatan and H Pandha (A50) 11. Primary rhabdomyosarcoma of the kidney in an adult male: a case report P Smit, E Theron, GH Davel, Department of Urology, University of Pretoria, South Africa (A51) 12. PDT with porfimer sodium-associated LDL and vinorelbine-tartrate exert synergistic MT depolymerizing action, antiangiogenicity, antimetastatic potential and induction of D2 apoptosis in chemo- and radioresistant hormone refractory metastatic prostate carcinoma overexpressing bcl-2, MMP-9 and MDR-1 J Giannios1, E Michailakis1, F Lambrinos2 and N Alexandropoulos3, Department of Clinical Oncology, GSHA1, Department of Oncology, PF2, Department of Biochemistry and Genetics, IH, GR, EU3 (A52) 13. PEG-liposomal formulation with linked anti-DNMT1/HDAC2 bispecific singlechain Fv molecules (bs-ScFv), EBRT and encapsulated vinorelbine induces ADCC and apoptosis in nondiploid chemo- and radioresistant hormonerefractory metastatic prostate carcinoma (HRMPC) characterised by LVI, bcl2 and HDAC2 overexpression and 5’CpG island hypermethylation of growth regulators, signal transducers, tumour suppressor genes, invasion/metastasis suppressor genes, DNA repair genes, hormone and kinase receptors, angiogenesis inhibitors, tumour antigens, GTP proteins and apoptotic genes J Giannios1, E Michailakis1, E Maragudakis2, N Alexandropoulos3 Department of Clinical Oncology GSHA1, Radio-Oncology, IASO2 and Department of Clinical Biochemistry and Genetics, IH, GR, EU3 (A53) Annexure B SELECTED POSTERS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Pilanesberg Room 1. The peculiarities of transcutaneous nephrostomy in newborns and early age children B Ergashev, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan (A2) 2. Initial experience with laparoscopic nephrectomy in Tygerberg hospital AM Naude, Tygerberg Hospital, Tygerberg, South Africa (A3) 3. Unrecognised retained basket during ureteroscopic extraction of distal ureteric stone G Basiewicz, M Haffejee and OO Adebisi Department of Urology, University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa (A4) 4. Complications of laparoscopic surgery in Urology - our experience G Basiewicz and H Asim, Department of Urology, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa (A5) 5. Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital experience with laparoscopic management of uretero-pelvic junction obstruction (UPJO) G Basiewicz and H Asim, Department of Urology, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto Johannesburg, South Africa (A6) 6. Surgical complications after 360 laparoscopic procedures in general practice of urology in South Africa: Initial review report R Mierzwinski and F Nel, Private practice, Durban, South Africa (A7) 7. Antegrade scrotal sclerotherapy versus inguinal microsurgical varicocelectomy in the treatment of varicocele –a randomized, parallel, prospective study AA Botha and CF Heyns, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa (A11) 8. A 3 day random prostate study with follow up of the abnormal PSA's P de Bruin and D Barnes, Department of Urology, University of Cape Town, South Africa (A12) 9. Comparing transrectal ultrasound guided biopsies of the prostate and MR spectroscopy for early cancer detection PM van der Schyff1, S Wentzel1, P Potgieter2, C de Vries2 and M Nel3, Departments of Urology1, Radiology2 and Biostatistics3, University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa (A13) 10. Relationship between erectile dysfunction and total serum testosterone A Lecuona, G Stellmacher and AC Schmidt, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa (A20) 11. High positive ADAM score on St Louis University Questionnaire and low androgens in men with coronary artery disease MS Bornman, EF Erasmus, JA Ker, P Becker and S Reif, Department of Urology & Internal Medicine, Pretoria Academic (A21) 12. Small intestine submucosa (sis) graft used for reconstruction of the urethra A Ahmad, G Basiewicz, D Ekanem, H Asim, OO Adebisi, Department of Urology, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, South Africa (A22) 13. Does urethral stricture have influence on the level of PSA? G. Basiewicz and F Kasapatu, Department of Urology, Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Soweto, Johannesburg, South Africa (A23) 14. A randomized prospective study of periprostatic lignocaine injection versus intrarectal lignocaine or placebo gel for transrectal ultrasound (TRUS) guided prostate biopsy A Naidoo, CF Heyns, P Theron and N Aziz, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa (A24) 15. ileo-vesicostomy: The Groote Schuur Experience A vd Merwe, RD Barnes, A Pontin, Department of Urology, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa (A25) 16. Laparoscopic urology training in South Africa: first report AM Naude1, CF Heyns1 and SF Matin2, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa1 and Department of Urology, University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston, Texas, USA2 (A26) 17. Primary ureterorenoscopy and holmium laser lithotripsy for large renal and staghorn calculi EK Diner, M Rosenblum, SV Patel*, JC Yeamans, AM Kwart* and JJ Pahira, Center for Kidney Stone Disease, Georgetown University Hospital and the Department of Urology, Washington Hospital Center*, Washington DC (A27) 18. Retrograde endopyelotomy for pelvi-ureteric-junction stenosis in the paediatric and adult population – South Africa’s first series L Fourie, Private Urologist, Empangeni, KwaZulu Natal, South Africa (A28) 19. Laparoscopic lymph node dissection for carcinoma of the prostate: the Durban experience MO Alli, EHA Goad, M Conradie, P Chetty, ZB Bereczky, Department of Urology, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa (A29) 20. Prospective evaluation of the difference in core and surface body temperature, severity of symptoms and prevalence of hot flushes after bilateral orchidectomy for prostate cancer NA Aziz and CF Heyns, Department of Urology, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa (A30) 21. Paperless hospital: first in Africa P Chetty, Z Bereczky, O Alli and E Goad, Department of Urology, Nelson R Mandela School of Medicine, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa (A31) 22. Preferential use of the right kidney in living organ donation S Sinha and A Pontin, Division of Urology, Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, South Africa (A32) 23. Laparoscopic versus conventional surgical treatment of genuine urinary stress incontinence TA Salam1, M Ramaran 1, M Shafik2, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1 and Urology 2, Faculty of Medicine, University of Alexandria, Egypt (A33) 24. Evaluation of dynamic sentinel lymph node localization by means of scintigraphy in patients with squamous carcinoma of the penis PD Theron, CF Heyns, A Ellman, A Möller, W Bates, University of Stellenbosch and Tygerberg Hospital, South Africa (A34) 25. Unusual complications of suburethral tapes T Fourie, Department of Urology, University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa (A35) 26. Renal abscess: an evolving condition AN Sekhu and A Pontin, Department of Urology, University of Cape Town, South Africa (A36) 27. Partial adrenalectomy: the National Cancer Institute experience EK Diner, ME Franks, A Behari, WM Linehan and MM Walther, Urologic Oncology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda (A37) 28. Does fibrin sealant decrease immediate post-operative urinary leakage following radical retropubic prostatectomy? EK Diner, SV Patel and AM Kwart, Department of Urology, Washington Hospital Center, Washington DC (A38) 29. Intensive medical management for ureteric calculi: the rationale and evidence for its use in uncomplicated ureteric calculi illustrated with cases. Bhorat AE, Barnes RD, Department of Urology Grey’s Hospital, Pietermartizburg, South Africa (A39)