The Thomas J Watson Fellowship Program Application for Fellowship APPLICATION FORM Personal Data Applicant Name Undergraduate Major Project Information Proposed Project Title (75 characters or less) Proposed Countries Brief Summary of Proposed project (575 characters or less) Please list your equipment needs, if any, indicate your total equipment purchases (expenditures in excess of $1000 will require approval by the fellowship program) Permanent Address Street City State Country Zip code Phone number If not a US citizen, are you a permanent resident? If yes check the box Miscellaneous Information Plans for Postgraduate Study and Future Career Possibilities Current Marital status Do you intend to have a spouse or dependent child accompany you on your Watson fellowship? If yes check the box If yes, please provide the name of your spouse or child Secondary School (name, city, state) and Year graduated Page 1 of 6 Do you have any medical or other conditions which may preclude or limit your ability to carry out your proposed project? If yes check box If yes, explain how you would carry out your project Are you aware of any reason why you would be unable to pursue a Watson fellowship abroad for a continuous year? If yes check the box If yes, please explain Nominees for Watson Fellowship may have extensive previous foreign travel experience or none at all. We request the information in this section to assist in evaluating the project proposal and to have a better understanding of a nominee’s overall background. All previous Foreign Travel & Experience Living outside the United States Please list countries or areas lived in or visited, including the date, duration, and reasons for travel. If you have not traveled abroad, please state so. Please indicate your participation in any academic programs abroad, including when, where, and the program sponsor. Competency in Language other than English If you do not have any language competency please type none (the proficiency can be left blank in this case) Proficiency Language Proficiency Language Proficiency Language Activities (If you do not have any activities type none) Page 2 of 6 REFERENCES Please list two references (one must be a faculty member from Vassar College) Full Name Email Address Phone Mailing Address Full Name Email Address Phone Mailing Address In order to be considered for this opportunity you must complete a confidentiality waiver and submit it to the Office for Fellowships. This should be submitted BEFORE you request letters of recommendation. Project Proposal and Personal Statement The specific content of the statements are up to you, but it is required that neither statement exceed 1500 words, using at least 11 point font. Note also that paragraphs must be separated by a blank line, making material easier for the selection committee to review. We do not seek bibliographies and suggest keeping footnotes to a minimum: This is not a research paper. The committee will frown on statements that do not meet program guidelines. Page 3 of 6 The project proposal should describe your plan for the 12 month fellowship year, including a description of your proposed project and details about how you intend to carry it out. In addition, you should include information about what it is that prepares you to undertake your project. Please be sure that your project does not involve travel to countries under a US travel warning or embargo or to areas where you have lived or studied for a significant length of time. If you are not sure which countries carry such warnings, you can find them on the State Department website. You should also familiarize yourself with the visa requirements for the destinations you propose. The specific content of the proposal is up to you, but we require that it is double spaced and not exceed 1500 words. Page 4 of 6 In your personal statement, you should discuss how your project is your project--and how it reflects your talents, concerns and commitments. It may include a description of your background, your college years, your professional goals and aspirations, and your reasons for seeking a Watson Fellowship to undertake your project. The personal statement is an opportunity to provide the Watson Fellowship Program with a sense of who you are, including how you would benefit from the unique experiences the Watson Fellowship permits and how you would embrace the challenges of immersing yourself in cultures other than your own for a year. The specific content of the personal statement is up to you, but we require that it is double spaced and not exceed 1500 words. Page 5 of 6 Autobiographical Abstract: Because the Watson Fellowship emphasizes the “person” first and project second, we ask you to supply a short biographical summary that we can use in our materials and publications. Within the 100-word limit, feel free to mention your accomplishments while also demonstrating how your project might be rooted in your past and/or present life. Indeed, because Watson projects often grow organically out of who you are and what you’ve done, it is especially nice for the biography to reflect such connections. The Watson foundation reserves the right to edit your abstract for size, content and style. Transcripts - It is necessary for the Watson selection Committee to have a copy of your Vassar transcript and schedule. Please provide a copy of each with your application. To download a copy of your unofficial transcript and current schedule from Ask Banner: Open your transcript and schedule in Ask Banner: o For a Mac: save as a pdf file (Select print, select the pdf button on the bottom of the print box, select “save as a pdf” from the dropdown box) o For PC: save as a text file o Name the file as follows: your last name.first initial.trans.pdf or .txt o (for example: doe.j.trans.pdf for a Mac user/ doe.j.trans.txt for a PC user) Page 6 of 6