Note: This paper is based on collaborative research effort between Quest Software and Dell Computers, with all research having been done
by the four authors whose bios are listed at the end of this paper. This presentation is being offered on behalf of both companies and all the
authors involved. Also an extra special thanks to Dell for allocating a million dollars worth of equipment to make such testing possible 
When businesses start small and have low capital budget to invest, configuration of computer systems are minimal,
consisting of a single database server with a storage array to support the database implementation. However, as the
business grows, expansion follows and consequently the current configuration (single node – storage system) is not
able to handle the increased load due to increased business. It is typical at this point to either upgrade the current
hardware by adding more CPU’s and other required resources or to add additional servers to work as a cohesive unit
/cluster. Increasing resources is similar to placing a temporary bandage on the system as it solves the current
situation of increased business and demand, but only shifts the issue to be dealt with at a future date as the workload
will invariably increase once again. Instead of adding more memory or CPU to the existing configuration, which
could be referred to as vertical scaling, additional server(s) should be added to provide load balancing, workload
distribution and availability. This functionality is achieved by scaling the boxes horizontally, or in a linear fashion, and
by configuring these systems to work as a single cohesive unit or a cluster.
Figure 1.0. Vertical and Horizontal / Linear Scalability Representation1
Figure 1.0 illustrates the advantages of horizontal scalability over vertical scalability. The growth potential on a
vertically scalable system is limited and, as explained earlier, reaches a point where the addition of resources does not
provide proportionally improved results. From a systems perspective, a hardware clustering provides this. (Note: A
cluster is a group of independent hardware systems or nodes that are interconnected to provide a single computer source). Linear
(horizontal) scalability brought about by clustered hardware solutions also provides distribution of user workload
Source: Oracle Real Application Clusters By Murali Vallath (Publisher digital press)
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among many servers (nodes). Clusters offer both horizontal (linear) and vertical scalability, the cluster model
provides investment protection. Horizontal scalability is the ability to add more nodes to the cluster to provide more
functionality. These nodes may be relatively small and/or inexpensive commodity hardware, offering economical
upgradeability options that might offer enhancements to a single large system. Vertical scalability is the ability to
upgrade individual nodes to higher specifications. Oracle real application cluster (RAC) version 10g with its unique
architecture is the only database solution available today that provides true clustering, in a shared database
environment and provides horizontal scalability.
RAC is a configuration of two or more nodes comprising of two or more instances clustered together using Oracle
Clusterware2 using its unique cache fusion technology it is able to share resources and balance workload providing
optimal scalability for today’s high end computing environments. A RAC configuration consists of:
Many instances of Oracle running on many nodes
Many instances sharing a single physical database
All instances having common data and control files
Each instance contains individual log files and undo segments
All instances can simultaneously execute transactions against the single physical database
Cache synchronization between users requests across various instances using the cluster interconnect
Oracle Clusterware is called Cluster Ready Services (CRS) in 10g Release 2
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Network Switch
Public Network
Network Switch
Cluster Interconnect
Comm. Layer
Comm. Layer
Comm. Layer
Comm. Layer
Listeners | Monitors
Listeners | Monitors
Listeners | Monitors
Listeners | Monitors
Operating System
Operating System
Operating System
Operating System
SAN switch
Shared Disk
Figure 2.0. Cluster components in a 10g RAC cluster3
Oracle Clusterware is three tiered, comprising of the cluster synchronization services (CSS), event manager (EVM)
and the cluster ready services (CRS) that provides a unified integrated solution bringing maximum scalability to the
RAC environment.
Interconnect is a dedicated private network between the various nodes in the cluster. RAC architecture uses the
cluster interconnect for instance to instance block transfers by providing cache coherency. Ideally interconnects are
Source: Upcoming book Oracle 10g RAC, Grid, Services & Clustering By Murali Vallath (Publisher digital press)
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Gigabit Ethernet adapters configured to transfer packets of maximum size supported by the operating system.
Depending on the operating system the suggested protocols may vary, on Linux clusters the recommended protocol
is UDP.
Traditionally users and applications have connected to the RAC cluster and database using a public network interface.
The network protocol used for this connection has typically been TCP/IP. In a RAC environment, when a node or
instance fails, the application unware of such failure attempts to make a connection, at which time the time taken for
TCP/IP to acknowledge such a failure could be over 10 minutes causing unresponsive behaviors to the users.
VIP is virtual connection over the public interface. When an application or user makes a connection using the VIP,
during a node failure, the Oracle Clusterware based on an event received from the EVM will transfer the VIP address
to another surviving instance. Now when a new connection is attempted by the application there are two possible
situations based on the Oracle 10g database features implemented.
1) If the application uses fast application notification calls, Oracle notification services (ONS) will inform the
ONS running on the client machines and the application using Oracle provided API can receive such
notifications and make connections to one of the other available instances in the cluster. Such proactive
notification mechanisms will avoid connections to the failed node.
2) If the application attempts to connect using the VIP address of the failed node, an immediate failure is
notified to the through an acknowledgement when the connection is refused because of a mismatch in the
hardware address.
Another important component of RAC cluster is its shared storage that all participating instances in the cluster will
access. The shared storage contains the datafiles, control files, redo logs and undo files. Oracle Database 10g
supports three different methods for storing files on shared storage.
1) Raw devices
A raw device partition is a contiguous region of a disk accessed by a UNIX or Linux character-device interface.
This interface provides raw access to the underlying device, arranging for direct I/O between a process and the
logical disk. Therefore, the issuance of a write command by a process to the I/O system directly moves the data
to the device.
2) Oracle clustered file system (OCFS)
OCFS is a clustered file system developed by Oracle Corporation to provide a solution for easy data file
management at the same time providing performance characteristics similar to RAW devices. Oracle initial
release OCFS 1.0 only supports database files to be stored on devices formatted using OCFS. The latest release
OCFS 2.0 is a more generic file system support both Oracle and non-Oracle files. OCFS supports both Linux
and Windows operating systems.
3) Automatic Storage Management (ASM)
ASM is new storage management solution introduced in Oracle Database 10g, it bridges the gap in today’s storage
management solution and I/O tuning burden present among the administrators. ASM integrates the file system,
volume manager and using the OMF architecture distributes I/O load across all available resources optimizing
performance and throughput using the SAME methodology.
Primary functions that RAC systems provide apart from improved performance are availability and scalability.
Availability because when one of the nodes or the instances in the cluster where to fail, the reminder of the instances
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would continue to provide access to the physical database. Scalability because when the user workload or work
pattern increases users can access the database from any of the available instances that have higher amount of
resources available. Scalability also provides the option to add additional nodes when the user base increases.
When organizations move to a RAC environment, it would be in their best interests to perform independent
performance tests to determine the capacity of the cluster configured. Such tests will help determine at what stage in
the life cycle of the organization and its application, the cluster will require additional instances to be added to
accommodate higher workload.
The basis of these tests is to provide a similar baseline to users regarding the scalability levels of the DELL servers
using ASM.
Benchmark Factory (BMF) for Databases provides a simple yet robust GUI (figure 3.0) for creating, managing and
scheduling industry standard database benchmarks and real-world workload simulation so as to determine accurate
production database hardware and software configurations for optimal effectiveness, efficiency and scalability. Using
BMF for Databases, DBA’s can easily address the two of the most challenging tasks they face: what hardware
architecture and platform should they deploy, and what performance related SLA’s (Service Level Agreements) can
they agree to.
Figure 3.0: Benchmark Factory for Databases (BMF)
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While BMF for Databases offers numerous industry standard benchmarks, the tests performed for this article were
similar to the TPC-C (shown above):
The TPC-C like benchmark measures on-line transaction processing (OLTP) workloads. It combines readonly and update intensive transactions simulating the activities found in complex OLTP enterprise
The benchmark tests were setup to simulate loads from 100 to 5000 concurrent users in increments of 100 against a
10 GB database (which BMF for Databases creates). The idea was to ascertain two critical data points: how many
concurrent users can each RAC node sustain, and does the RAC cluster scale both predictably and linearly as
additional nodes and users are added.
Spotlight on RAC (SoRAC) is a new, innovative database monitoring and diagnostic tool for RAC. It extends the
proven architecture and intuitive GUI of Quest Software’s Spotlight on Oracle to RAC environments. Spotlight on
RAC is designed to provide a comprehensive yet comprehendible overview of numerous RAC internals visualized by
a world-class dash-board like display that makes clustered database monitoring and diagnostics a snap. With its simple
street-light like color coded scheme (where green is good and red is bad), plus its point-and-click to drill-down into
details design – DBA’s can easily monitor their clusters in order to detect, diagnose and correct all potential problems
or hotspots. SoRAC (figure 4.0) even offers alarms with automatic prioritization and weighted escalation rankings to
help less experienced RAC DBA’s focus their attention on the most critical or problematic issues. SoRAC is shown
below monitoring over 2300 users on a 10 node cluster – with all being well.
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Figure 4.0: Spotlight on RAC (SoRAC)
Note that SoRAC requires only a Windows client install to monitor all the nodes on the cluster. It requires no server
side agents and no data repository. It’s truly a light footprint, simple to install, launch and start to use tool.
The hardware configuration illustrated in figure 5.0 reflects the primary configuration and hardware layout used for
this benchmark operation and the tables below provide the details:
Hardware and Software Setup:
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Benchmark Factory Servers
Windows 2003 server
2 x 4CPU Dell PowerEdge 6650
Quest Benchmark Factory Application
Quest Benchmark Factory Agents
10 x 2CPU Dell PowerEdge 1850
 3.8GHz P4 processors
 1 x 1Gb NICs (Intel) for LAN
 2 x1 Gb LOM teamed for RAC interconnect
 1 x two port HBAs (Qlogic 2342)
Servers, Storage and
EMC PowerPath 4.4
EMC Navisphere agent
Oracle 10g R1
Oracle ASM
Oracle Cluster Ready Services
Linux bonding driver for interconnect
Dell OpenManage
Oracle 10g RAC Cluster Servers
Quest Spotlight on RAC
 1 x Dell | EMC CX700
 1 x DAE unit: total 30 x 73GB 15K RPM
 Raid Group 1: 16 disks having 4 x 50GB
R1/0 LUN’s for Data and backup
 Raid Group 2: 10 disks having 2 x 20GB
LUN’s for Redo Logs
 Raid Group 3: 4 disks having 1 x 5 GB
LUN for voting disk, OCR, and spfiles
 2 x Brocade SilkWorm 3800 Fibre Channel
Switch (16 port)
 Configured with 8 paths to each logical
Flare Code Release 16
 1 x Gigabit 5224 Ethernet Switches (24
port) for private interconnect
 1 x Gigabit 5224 Ethernet switch for Public
Linux binding driver used to team dual
onboard NIC’s for private interconnect
Database Configuration
Database Version
Oracle database 10g R1 (10.1.04) Enterprise Edition
ASM Diskgroups:
All disk groups were created using external redundancy
option of ASM
Quest_data in DATADG disk group size 40GB using
OMF feature
All Other database tablespaces were created in
SYSTEMDG disk group.
Redo log files were created in REDO01DG
Page 8 of 20
Quest_index in INDEXDG disk group size 10GB using
OMF feature
REDO02DG disk groups
Page 9 of 20
Figure 5.0 10 Node physical hardware layout.
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Methodology is of critical importance for any reliable benchmarking exercise – especially those of a complex and
repetitive nature. A methodology allows for comparison of current activity with previous activities, while recording
any changes to the baseline criteria. RAC testing is no different – a methodology to identify performance candidates,
tune parameters or settings, run the tests, and then record the results is critical. And because of its highly complex
multi-node architecture, RAC benchmarking should follow an iterative testing process that proceeds as follows:
1. For a single node and instance
a. Establish a fundamental baseline
i. Install the operating system and Oracle database (keeping all normal installation defaults)
ii. Create and populate the test database schema
iii. Shutdown and startup the database
iv. Run a simple benchmark (e.g. TPC-C for 200 users) to establish a baseline for default
operating system and database settings
b. Optimize the basic operating system
i. Manually optimize typical operating system settings
ii. Shutdown and startup the database
iii. Run a simple benchmark (e.g. TPC-C for 200 users) to establish a new baseline for basic
operating system improvements
iv. Repeat prior three steps until a performance balance results
c. Optimize the basic non-RAC database
i. Manually optimize typical database “spfile” parameters
ii. Shutdown and startup the database
iii. Run a simple benchmark (e.g. TPC-C for 200 users) to establish a new baseline for basic
Oracle database improvements
iv. Repeat prior three steps until a performance balance results
d. Ascertain the reasonable per-node load
i. Manually optimize scalability database “spfile” parameters
ii. Shutdown and startup the database
iii. Run an increasing user load benchmark (e.g. TPC-C for 100 to 800 users increment by 100)
to find the “sweet spot” of how many concurrent users a node can reasonably support
iv. Monitor the benchmark run via the vmstat command, looking for the point where excessive
paging and swapping begins – and where the CPU idle time consistently approaches zero
v. Record the “sweet spot” number of concurrent users – this represents an upper limit
vi. Reduce the “sweet spot” number of concurrent users by some reasonable percentage to
account for RAC architecture and inter/intra-node overheads (e.g. reduce by say 10%)
e. Establish the baseline RAC benchmark
i. Shutdown and startup the database
ii. Create an increasing user load benchmark based upon the node count and the “sweet spot”
(e.g. TPC-C for 100 to node count * sweet spot users increment by 100)
iii. Run the baseline RAC benchmark
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2. For 2nd through Nth nodes and instances
a. Duplicate the environment
i. Install the operating system
ii. Duplicate all of the base node’s operating system settings
b. Add the node to the cluster
i. Perform node registration tasks
ii. Propagate the Oracle software to the new node
iii. Update the database “spfile” parameters for the new node
iv. Alter the database to add node specific items (e.g. redo logs)
c. Run the baseline RAC benchmark
i. Update the baseline benchmark criteria to include user load scenarios from the prior run’s
maximum up to the new maximum based upon node count * “sweet spot” of concurrent
users using the baseline benchmark’s constant for increment by
ii. Shutdown and startup the database – adding the new instance
iii. Run the baseline RAC benchmark
iv. Plot the transactions per second graph showing this run versus all the prior baseline
benchmark runs – the results should show a predictable and reliable scalability factor
As with any complex testing endeavor, the initial benchmarking setup and sub-optimization procedure is very time
consuming. In fact reviewing the steps above, nearly two thirds of the overall effort is expended in getting the single
node and instance correctly setup, plus the baseline benchmark properly defined. Of course once that initial work is
completed, then the remaining steps of adding another node and retesting progresses rather quickly. Plus if the DBA
simply duplicates all the nodes and instances like the first once it’s done, then the additional node benchmarking can
be run with little or no DBA interaction (i.e. eliminates steps 2-a and 2-b). This also provides the greatest flexibility to
test any scenario and in any order that one might prefer (e.g. test 10 nodes down to 1 node). So a little up front work
can go a long way.
In our benchmarking test case, the first three steps (establish a fundamental baseline, optimize the basic operating
system and optimize the non-RAC database) were very straight forward and quite uneventful. We simply installed
Redhat Advanced Server 4.0 update 1 and all the device drivers necessary for our hardware, installed Oracle 10g
Release 1, and patched Oracle to version We of course then modified the Linux kernel parameters to best
support Oracle by adding the following entries to /etc/sysctl.conf:
kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
kernel.sem = 250 32000 100 128
fs.file-max = 65536
fs.aio-max-nr = 1048576
net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 1024 65000
net.core.rmem_default = 262144
net.core.rmem_max = 262144
net.core.wmem_default = 262144
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 net.core.wmem_max = 262144
We then made sure that asynchronous IO was compiled in and being used by performing the following steps:
1. cd to $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
a. make -f async_on
b. make -f ioracle
2. Set necessary “spfile” parameter settings
a. disk_asynch_io = true (default value is true)
b. filesystemio_options = setall (for both async and direct io)
Note that in Oracle 10g Release 2 asynchronous IO is now compiled in by default. Next we then created our RAC
database and initial instance using Oracle’s Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA), being very careful to choose
parameter settings that made sense for our proposed maximum scalability (i.e. 10 nodes). Finally, we made the final
manual “spfile” adjustments shown below:
 optimizer_index_cost_adj=40
The key idea was to eek out as much SGA memory usage as possible within the 32-bit operating system limit (about
1.7 GB). Since our servers had only 4 GB of RAM each, we figured that allocating half to Oracle was sufficient – with
the remaining memory to be shared by the operating system and the thousands of dedicated Oracle server processes
that the TPC-C like benchmark would be creating as its user load.
Now it was time to ascertain the reasonable per node load that our servers could accommodate. This is arguably the
most critical aspect of the entire benchmark testing process – and especially for RAC environments with more than
just a few nodes. We initially ran a TPC-C on the single node without monitoring the benchmark run via the vmstat
command. So simply looking at the transactions per second graph in BMF yielded a deceiving belief that we could set
the “sweet spot” at 700 users per node. The issue was that even though the graph continued in a positive direction up
to 700 users, that in reality the operating system was being overstressed and exhibited minimal thrashing
characteristics at about 600 users. Moreover we did not temper that value by reducing for RAC overhead. The end
result was that our first attempt at running a series of benchmarks for 700 users per node did not scale either reliably
or predictably beyond four servers. Our belief is that by taking each box to a near thrashing threshold by our
overzealous per node user load selection, the nodes did not have sufficient resources available to communicate in a
timely enough fashion for inter/intra-node messaging – and thus Oracle began to think that nodes were either dead
or non-respondent.. Furthermore when relying upon Oracle’s client and server side load balancing feature, which
allocates connections based upon node responding, the user load per node became skewed and then exceeded our per
node “sweet spot” value. For example when we tested 7000 users for 10 nodes, since some nodes appeared dead to
Oracle – the load balancer simply directed all the sessions across whatever node were responding. So we ended up
with nodes trying to handle far more than 700 users – and thus the thrashing was even worse.
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Note: This will not be of any concern in Oracle database 10g Release 2. With the runtime connection load balancing
feature and FAN technology the client will be proactively notified regarding the resource availability on each node
and the client can place connections on instances that have more resources. Load balancing can be performed either
by connections or by response time.
So with a valuable lesson learned by our first attempt, we made two major improvements. First, we re-ascertained
what our true “sweet spot” was by monitoring the single node 100 to 800 user load test – watching very carefully for
the onset of excessive paging, swapping or consistent CPU idle time near zero percent. That number was 600 users,
not 700 as we had tried before. We then adjusted that number down to 500 users – by simply figuring that the RAC
architecture would require 15% overhead. This is not a recommendation per se; we simply wanted to pick a number
that would yield a purely positive scalability experience for the next set of benchmarking test runs. If we had more
time, we could have selected a less conservative “sweet spot” and kept repeating our tests until a definitive reduction
percentage could be factually derived. Again, we simply erred on the side of caution and chose a “sweet spot” value
that we expected to work well and yet that did not overcompensate. And second, we decided to rely upon Benchmark
Factory’s load balancing feature for clusters – which simply allocates or directs 1/nth of the jobs to each node. That
way we could be absolutely sure that we never had more than our “sweet spot” of users running on any given node.
With the correct per node user load now correctly identified and guaranteed load balancing, it was now a very simple
(although time consuming) exercise to run the TPC-C like benchmarks listed below:
1 Node:
100 to 500 users, increment by 100
2 Node
100 to 1000 users, increment by 100
4 Node
100 to 2000 users, , increment by 100
6 Node
100 to 3000 users, , increment by 100
8 Node
100 to 4000 users, , increment by 100
 10 Node
100 to 5000 users, , increment by 100
Benchmark Factory’s default TPC-C like test iteration requires about 4 minutes for a given user load. So for the single
node with five user load scenarios, the overall benchmark test run requires 20 minutes. During the entire testing
process the load was monitored to identify any hiccups using SoRAC. As illustrated in figure 6.0 when we reached
our four node tests we did identify that CPU’s on node racdb1 and racdb3 reached 84% and 76% respectively.
Analyzing the root cause of the problem it was related to temporary overload of users on these servers, and the ASM
response time.
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Figure 6.0 Four node tests - high CPU usage on nodes racdb1 and racdb3
We increased the following parameters on the ASM instance ran our four node tests again and all was well beyond
Default Value
New Value
This was the only parameter change we had to make to the ASM instance and beyond this everything work just
smooth. Figure 7.0 gives another look at the cluster level latency charts from SoRAC during our eight node run. This
indicated that the interconnect latency was well within expectations and in par with any industry network latency
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Figure 7.0 Cluster Latency charts eight node tests
And once you factor in certain inherent latencies and delays between test runs, it actually takes about 30 minutes. So
as you add nodes and thus more user load scenarios, the overall benchmarking test runs take longer and longer. In
fact the 10 node test takes well over four hours. Other than some basic monitoring to make sure that all is well and
the tests are working, there’s really not very much to do while these tests run – so bring a good book to read. The
final results are shown below in Figure 8.0.
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Figure 8.0. Results for 1 to 10 RAC nodes
Monitoring the storage subsystem using the SoRAC (figure 9.0) indicated that ASM was performing excellently well at
this user load. 10 instances with over 5000 users indicated an excellent service time from ASM, actually the I/O’s per
second was pretty high and noticeably good toping to over 2500 I/O’s per second.
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Figure 9.0. ASM performance with 10 RAC nodes
The results are quite interesting. As the graph clearly shows, Oracle’s RAC and ASM are very predictable and reliable
in terms of its scalability. Each successive node seems to continue the near linear line almost without issue. Now there
are 3 or 4 noticeable troughs in the graph for the 8 and 10 node test runs that seem out of place. Note that we had
one database instance that was throwing numerous ORA-00600 [4194] errors related to its UNDO tablespace. And
that one node took significantly longer to startup and shutdown than all the other nodes combined. A search of
Oracle’s metalink web site located references to a known problem that would require a database restore or rebuild.
Since we were tight on time, we decided to ignore those couple of valleys in the graph, because it’s pretty obvious
from the overall results we obtained that smoothing over those few inconsistent points would yield a near perfect
graph – showing that RAC is truly reliable and predictable in terms of scalability. And using the 6 node graph results
to project forward, Figure10.0 shows a reasonable expectation in terms of realizable scalability – where 17 nodes
should equal nearly 500 TPS and support about 10,000 concurrent users.
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Figure 10.0. Projected RAC Scalability
Apart from the minor hiccups at the initial round where we tried to determine the optimal user load on a node for the
given hardware and processor configuration, beyond this scalability of the RAC cluster was outstanding. Addition of
every node to the cluster showed steady - close to linear scalability. Close to linear scalability because of the small
overhead that the cluster interconnect would consume during block transfer between instances.
The interconnect also performed very well, in this particular case NIC paring/bonding feature of Linux was
implemented to provide load balancing across the redundant interconnects which also helped provide availability
should any one interconnect fails.
The DELL|EMC storage subsystem that consisted of six ASM diskgroups for the various data files types performed
with high throughput also indicating high scalability numbers. EMC PowerPath provided IO load balancing and
redundancy utilizing dual Fibre Channel host bus adapters on each server.
It’s the unique architecture of RAC that makes this possible, because irrespective of the number of instances in the
cluster, the maximum number of hops that will be performed to before the requestor gets the block requested will
not exceed three under any circumstances. This unique architecture of RAC removes any limitations in clustering
technology (available from other database vendors) giving maximum scalability. This was demonstrated through the
tests above.
These tests would also conclude that Oracle’s direction to bring a true technology grid environment where RAC and
ASM are only the stepping stones is encouraging. Oracle® 10g Real Application Clusters (RAC) software running on
standards-based Dell™ PowerEdge™ servers and Dell/EMC storage can provide a flexible, reliable platform for a
database grid. In particular, Oracle 10g RAC databases on Dell hardware can easily be scaled out to provide the
redundancy or additional capacity that the grid environment requires.
Anthony Fernandez: Fernandez is a senior analyst with the Dell Database and Applications Team of Enterprise
Solutions Engineering, Dell Product Group. His focus is on Database optimization and performance. Anthony has a
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bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from Florida International University.
Bert Scalzo: Bert Scalzo is a product architect for Quest Software and a member of the TOAD development team.
He designed many of the features in the TOAD DBA module. Mr. Scalzo has worked as an Oracle DBA with
versions 4 through 10g. He has worked for both Oracle Education and Consulting. Mr. Scalzo holds several Oracle
Masters, a BS, MS and PhD in Computer Science, an MBA and several insurance industry designations. His key areas
of DBA interest are Linux and data warehousing (he designed 7-Eleven Corporation's multi-terabyte, star-schema
data warehouse). Mr. Scalzo has also written articles for Oracle’s Technology Network (OTN), Oracle Magazine,
Oracle Informant, PC Week, Linux Journal and He also has written three books: "Oracle DBA
Guide to Data Warehousing and Star Schemas", "TOAD Handbook" and "TOAD Pocket Reference". Mr. Scalzo can
be reached at or
Murali Vallath: Murali Vallath has over 17 years of IT experience designing and developing databases with over 13
years on Oracle products. Vallath has successfully completed over 50 successful small, medium and terabyte sized
RAC implementations (Oracle 9i & Oracle 10g) for reputed corporate firms.
Vallath is the author of the book titled ‘Oracle Real Application Clusters’ and an upcoming book titled ‘Oracle 10g
RAC, Grid, Services & Clustering’. Vallath is a regular speaker at industry conferences and user groups, including the
Oracle Open World, UKOUG and IOUG on RAC and Oracle RDBMS performance tuning topics.
Vallath is the president of the RAC SIG ( and the Charlotte Oracle Users Group
Zafar Mahmood: is a senior consultant with the Dell Database and Applications Team of Enterprise Solutions
Engineering, Dell Product Group. He has been involved in database performance optimization, database systems,
and database clustering solutions for more than eight years. Zafar has a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering with
specialization in Computer Communications from the City University of New York.
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