Academia Sinica E-news No. 139 LECTURES Date Thu 10/22 Fri 10/23 Time Moderator 14:00 Prof. Chien-Chih Chen, Simulations about Slip Pulses Auditorium, 3F, Inst. Dr. Jeen-Hwa Dept. of Earth Sciences, and Aftershocks from of Earth Sciences Wang Nat'l Central Univ. Spring-Slider Systems 15:30 Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, Inst. of Atomic and Prof. Toshio Kasai, Molecular Science Osaka Univ., Japan (NTU Campus) 15:30 Conference Room A108, Inst. of Chemistry Exploring Molecular Recognition and Sensing Prof. Kyo Han Ahn , Dr. Pohang Univ, of Science Systems for Amines, Shih-Sheng and Technology, Korea Carboxylic Acids, and Metal Sun Ion 14:00 Room 1101, 11F, S, BHSS Environmental Monitoring and Evaluation of Tolerability Dr. Jiri Smolik, Academy of Sciences of of the Indoor Emvironment in the Baroque Library Hall of the Czech Republic the National Library 14:00 Room 716, the Physics Dept. Building, NTU Dr. Induk Lee, NCU 14:30 Room 1101, 11F, S, BHSS New Type of HTDMA for Dr. Jakub Ondracek, Long Time Measurement of Academy of Sciences of Hygroscopic Properties of the Czech Republic Atmospheric Aerosol 10:10 Prof. Shui-yin Lo, Room 901, 9F, South Quantum Health Research Wing/ Building for Institute, American Stable Water Clusters Humanity and Social Univ. of Complementary Sciences Medicine, USA 14:00 Room 1101, 11F, S, BHSS 14:00 Applying EBSD to Asst. Prof. Chin-Ho Tsai, Petrographic Study of Auditorium, 3F, Inst. Dr. Georg Inst. of Earth Sciences, Metamorphic Rocks: of Earth Sciences Zellmer Examples from Tongbai and Nat'l Dong Hwa Univ. Dabie Mountains 14:10 Prof. Atul N. Parikh, Meeting Room of the Univ. of California, Joint Library, BHSS Davis, USA 15:00 Prof. Edward Shih-chang Dade's Conjecture for Some Lecture Hall, Inst. of Huang, National Cheng Finite Simple Mathematics Kung Univ. Groups(Colloquium) 15:30 Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, Prof. Chung-Shi Yang, Monitoring of Nanoparticles Inst. of Atomic and Dr. Ying-Cheng National Health Research In Vivo and the Biomedical Molecular Science Chen Institution Applications (NTU Campus) Wed 10/28 Thu 10/29 Venue Speaker Title Division of Mathematics and Physical Sciences Stereodynamics Aiming at Ecological Reaction Control: Prof. A Bridge to Link Micro- and Huan-Tsung Macroscopic Views of Chang Chemical Reactions Bright Quasar Survey at Low Galactic Latitude Dr. Yia-Chung Chang Running in place with Local Assistant Prof. Shu-Chih Ensemble Transform Kalman Filter for Typhoon Yang, NCU Assimilation and Prediction 1 Dynamic Self-Assembly: Fluid Lipid Bilayers and Cellular Membranes Dir. Yia-Chung Chang Academia Sinica E-news No. 139 Date Fri 10/30 Time Speaker Title Moderator 15:30 Conference Room A108, Inst. of Chemistry Nuclear Translocation of 5'AMP-activated Protein Dr. Yijuang Chern, Dr. Joseph J.-T. Research Fellow, Inst. of Kinase α1 Contributes to the Huang Pathogenesis of Huntington's Biomedical Sciences Disease 14:00 Room 1203 of the Physics Dept. Building, NTU Witnessing the Formation and Prof. Sebastien Foucaud, Evolution of Massive NTNU Galaxies 15:30 Conference Room A108, Inst. of Chemistry Prof. Pierre Dixneuf, Ruthenium-carbenes in Inst Sci Chim Rennes, Catalysis: From Dr. Shih-Sheng Lab Catalyse & Cyclopropanation to Alkene Sun Organomet, Univ Rennes, Metathesis CNRS, France 15:30 Dr. Poe Lecture Hall, Prof. Hsi-ya Huang, Inst. of Atomic and Chung Yuan Christian Molecular Science Univ. (NTU Campus) 10:30 Conference Room A108, Inst. of Chemistry Thu 11/05 Fri 11/06 Venue Prof. Jacqueline K. Barton, California Institute of Technology, USA Study on Capillary Prof. Electrochromatography with Huan-Tsung Polymer-based Aromatic Chang Stationary Phase DNA-mediated Signaling Dr. Steve Sheng-Fa Yu Division of Life Sciences Thu 10/22 15:00 Auditorium, Dr. Chih-Horng Kuo, Biodiversity Research Univ. of Arizona, USA Center The Evolution of Bacterial Genome Complexity Dr. Wen-Hsiung Li 10:00 Auditorium, Mr. Colin Wen, Biodiversity Research Ph. D Candidate, James Center Cook Univ., Australia Recruitment Hotspots of Predatory Fishes on Coral Reefs Dr. Chaolun Allen Chen 11:00 B1B Lecture Room, Prof. Shin-Ru Shih, Inst. of Biomedical Chang Gung Univ. Sciences RNA Viruses and Host Proteins Interactions. Dr. Hsiu-Ming Shih Mon 10/26 11:00 Dr. Yong Wan, Associate Orchestrating DNA Damage Dr. Ming F. IMB 1F Auditorium Professor, U. Pittsburgh Checkpoint by School of Medicine Ubiquitin-proteasome System Tam B1B Lecture Room, Dr. Hee-Sup Shin, Role of the Thalamic Nuclei Dr. Bai Chuang Inst. of Biomedical Korea Inst. of Science and in the Control of Pain Shyu Sciences Technology Signaling. Tue 10/27 John B. Robbins, M.D., Ph.D.(Chief, Laboratory of Developmental and Conjugates: New Vaccines, Molecular Immunity, Basic Information, and NIH, Maryland, Member Prospects for the Future of the National Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Medicine) 15:00 Conference room 1, 2nd Floor of Center of Academic Activities 11:00 Dr. Richard Behringer Stem Cells, Organogenesis, IMB 1F Auditorium (Chair Professor, UT MD and Disease Anderson Cancer Center) 15:00 Dictyostelium in the Auditorium, 1st Floor, Prof. Joan E. Strassmann, Environment: Symbiosis and Dr. Biodiversity Research Social Interactions of a Soil Wen-Hsiung Li Rice Univ., USA Center Dwelling Amoeba Wed 10/28 2 Dr. Bon-chu Chung Academia Sinica E-news No. 139 Date Thu 10/29 Time Speaker Title Prof. David Queller, Rice Univ., USA Genes for Social Evolution 15:00 Dr. Kabir G. Peay, U. C. Berkeley, USA Blowing in the Wind: Spore Dispersal and the Assembly Dr. Sen-Lin of Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Tang Communities Mon 11/02 14:00 15:00 B1C Lecture Room, Prof. Yingxiao Wang , Molecular Engineering and Inst. of Biomedical Univ. of Illinois, Live Cell Imaging for Sciences Urbana-Champaign, USA Mechanobiology. Prof. Hiroshi Ueda, The Univ. of Tokyo, R114, The Institute of Japan Biological Chemistry Prof. Victor Nizet, UCSD School of Medicine Dr. Ling Wang Open-Sandwich Dr. Immunoassay as A Sensitive Chun-Hung Analytical Method of Various Hans Lin Biomolecules Streptococcal and Vice President Staphylococcal Subversion of Andrew H.-J. Host Phagocyte Defenses Wang B1B Lecture Room, Prof. Yusuke Nakamura, Biobank Japan Project toward Dr. Yuan-Tsong Inst. of Biomedical Univ. of Tokyo, Japan Personalized Medicine. Chen Sciences 16:00 Room 106, Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology 10:00 Room 106, Inst. of Plant and Mcirobial Biology Fri 11/06 11:00 Dr. Chao-Wen Wang, Assistant Research A Viral Protein Hitches a Fellow, Institute of Plant Ride to the Cell Cortex and Microbial Biology Dr. Kai Hsieh, Postdoctoral fellow, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and kidney disease National Institute of Health, USA Lipid Storage in Cells Dr. Yun-han Chu, Distinguished Research Fellow, IPSAS 14:00 IPSAS Conference Room B 14:30 The Archives Dr.Yung-Fa Chen, Shattered Dream of "New Building, Institute of Research Fellow, Inst. of Village": From Jiang Jieshi, Modern History Modern History Fu Bocui to Mao Zedong 14:00 Conference Room, 1F, RCHSS, Academia Sinica 10:00 2nd Conference Republican Free Speech Mr. Jimmy Chia-Shin Room, Institutum Theory in the Context of Hsu, Ph.D Candidate, Iurisprudentiae Democratic Consolidation Institutum Iurisprudentiae (Preparatory Office) and Its Implications on Thu 10/22 Dr. Shu-Hsing Wu Dr. Der-fen Suen, Postdoctoral fellow, National Institute of Dr. Yue-Ie Mitochondria Quality Control Neurological Disorders Hsing and Stroke National Institute of Health, USA Division of Humanities and Social Sciences Tue 10/27 Dr. Wen-Hsiung Li 11:00 Wed 11/04 Fri 10/23 Moderator 16:00 11:00 Tue 11/03 Venue Mr. Chia-Ching Lin, Ph.D. Candidate, Graduate Institute of Industrial Economics, NCU 3 A Typological Analysis of Democratic Legitimacy Hal R. Varian: Position Auctions Academia Sinica E-news No. 139 Date Tue 10/27 Fri 10/30 Time Speaker 14:30 Conference Room B110, Building B, Inst. of Economics 14:30 Director Hsin-Huang Room 802, 8F, Michael Hsiao, Institute of Sociology Institute of Sociology Title Defamation Laws Moderator Experimentation on Dividing Prof. Cheng-Chen Yang, Gain: Political Institution IEAS versus Market Institution Ms. Yue-Rong Yao, Lecturer, East China University of Political Science and Law; Ph.D. Candidate, East China Univ. of Political Science My Experiences in NGO (NPO) and "Public Sociology" Practices 【in Chinese】 System and Action: Another Reading of Interpretation of Constitution in Mainland China 10:00 2nd Conference Room, Institutum Iurisprudentiae 14:30 Conference Room, Prof. Erik Ringmar, 1F, Inst. of European National Chiao Tung and American Studies Univ. How to Fight Savage Tribes: The Global War on Terror in Historical Perspective 14:00 Conference Room, 1F, RCHSS S. Athey and G. Ellison: Position Auctions with Consumer Search Tue 11/03 Fri 11/06 Venue Ms. Hsiang-Ling Shen, Ph.D. candidate, NTU 4 Dr. Yu-yueh Tsai