Publications 1. S. N. Salloum “An Algorithm for Writing Efficient Recursive Functions in Assembly Languages” at the Third Annual Conference of the South Western Region of the Consortium for Computer Sciences in Colleges, March 26-27, 2010, Thousand Oaks , CA The same paper is also published in the Journal of Computing Sciences in Colleges. 2. Samira Hussain and S. N. Salloum, “Test Case Generation for White-Box Unit Testing,” Proceedings(online) of The International Computer Science and Technology Conference, April1-3, 2008, San Diego, CA. 3. S. N. Salloum, “Optimal and Heuristic Testing Procedures for k-out-of-n Systems with Precedence Constraints,” Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference on Computer Design, June 25-28, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada. 4. Der-Haw Wang and Salam N. Salloum, “Fault-Tolerance Analysis of Some Sorting Networks for Single and Multiple Passes,” Proceedings of the 2004 International Conference on VLSI, June21-24, 2004, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA 5. Salam N. Salloum, “Fault-Tolerant Routing Analysis of Two Classes of Multistage Interconnection Networks,” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communication, Computer, and Signal Processing, August 28-30, 2003,Victoria, BC, Canada. 6. Salam N. Salloum and Der-Haw Wang, “Fault-Tolerance Analysis of OddEven Transposition Sorting Networks with Single Pass and Multiple Passes,” Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communication, Computer, and Signal Processing, August 28-30, 2003, Victoria, BC, Canada. 7. Salam N. Salloum, “Fault-Tolerance Analysis of Multistage Interconnection Networks with Fixed Control Values,” Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Communication in Computer, June 23-26, 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 8. S. N. Salloum and A. L. Perrie, “Fault Tolerance Analysis and Diagnostic Procedure for some Sorting Networks,” Proceedings of the 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cypernetics and Informatics (SCI2002), July 14-18,2002, Orlando, Florida. 9. S. N. Salloum "Optimal Diagnosis Procedures for Generalized k-out-n:G Systems," Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Systems, Anaheim, California, Aug. 21-24, 2001, pp. 425-430. 10. S.N. Salloum and A. L. Perrie "Fault tolerance Analysis of Odd-Even Transposition Sorting Networks,” Proceedings of the IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, and Signal Processing (PACRIM99), Victoria, B.C. Canada Aug 22-24, 1999, pp. 155- 157. 11. S.N. Salloum, "Efficient Binary-to-Residue and Residue-to-Binary Converters for Moduli Set 2ni - 1,” Proceedings of the Seventeenth IASTED International Conference on Applied Informatics, Feb. 15-18, 1999, Innsbruck, Austria. 12. S.N. Salloum and Murali Gala, “Testing and Fault Tolerance Properties in a Class of Sorting Networks,” Proceedings of 10th IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PACRIM 97),Victoria B.C., Canada, Aug. 22,1997. 13. S. N. Salloum and M. Breuer, "Fast Optimal Diagnosis Algorithms for k-out-n Systems," IEEE Transactions on Reliability, April 1997. 14. N. Wafi, S. N. Salloum, M. Ali, and H. Rotithor, “Fast Convolving Multiplier Modulo a Fermat Number,” Proceedings of the ISCA International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, San Diego, CA., Dec.15-17, 1994. 15. S.N. Salloum and S.Abdulla, “Multiple-key Hashing Functions for Names & Dictionary Roots,” Journal of Mutta, No.7, 1993. 16. S. N. Salloum, “Toward Designing an Efficient Relational Database Management Software for the NEC Warka'a Computer,” Electronic Computer Journal, No. 22, 1990. 17. A.R. Hamed, S.N. Salloum and A.H. Al-Kalele, “On the Usage of Decision Tables in the Diagnosis of Back Ailments,” Electronic Computer Journal, No. 20, Dec. 1988. 18. K. Ibrahim, and S.N.Salloum, “Efficient Residue-to-Binary Converter,” IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems, Sept. 1988. 19. S. N. Salloum and K. Ibrahim, "Binary to Residue and Residue to Binary Converter," International Journal of Electronics, Vol. 16, pp. 79-84, 1986. 20. S.N.Salloum and M. Breuer, "An Optimum Testing Algorithm for Some Symmetric Coherent System," Journal of Math Analysis and Application, Vol.101, No.1, June 1984. - N. Wafi, S. Salloum, and M. Abdulla, "New Multiplier Design of Integers Modulo Format Number," Proceedings of the 15th International Conference for Statistics and Computers, Cairo, Egypt, March 17- 22, 1990. - S.N. Salloum, "Fault-Tolerance Analysis of Interconnection Networks," Proceedings of Performance, Evaluation, Reliability and Exploitation of Computer Systems, Poland, 1989. - S. Khalipha and S. N. Salloum, "Evaluation and Implementation of Some Public Key Cryptosystems," Proceedings of the Scientific Conference for Engineering, Baghdad, 1987. - S. N. Salloum et. al, "Correlation Properties of Geffe Sequences," Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Communication, U.S.A., 1986. - M. Mahmoud and S. N. Salloum, "Some Properties of Non- Linear PN Sequences," Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of Engineering, Baghdad, 1985.