Compact Circularly Polarized Square Patch Antennas L. Lolit Kumar Singh1, Bhaskar Gupta2, Partha P Sarkar3 Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Mizoram University, Tanhril, Aizawl-796004, India1, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Jadavpur University, Kolkata-700032, India2, Dept. of Engineering & Technological Studies, University of Kalyani, Nadia- 741235, West Bengal, India3, gupta_bh@yahoo.com2, Abstract— Two numbers of compact circularly polarized patch antennas are developed by using slot loading techniques. Compact circularly polarized (CP) operation of a pair of corner truncated square microstrip antenna with slits on the patch and ground plane is proposed and investigated. Compactness of the proposed CP design is achieved due to the inserted slits on patch and ground plane. These two different slot loaded compact circular-polarized microstrip antennas are as follows :-Compact CP microstrip antenna with slits on patch and ground plane ( Let us say Antenna 1) and another Compact CP microstrip antenna with four slits on patch (Let us say Antenna 2). At first a pair of corner truncated square microstrip patch embedded with a pair of slits in patch and four slits in the finite ground plane along the directions of + 450 (Antenna 1) is developed to achieve compact CP operation. These inserted slits in both patch and ground plane can result in meandering of the excited fundamental-mode patch surface current path, which effectively lowers the resonant frequency of the modified square patch. The proposed compact CP design can have an operating frequency reduction of about 21.95% as compared to the conventional corner-truncated square microstrip antenna of same size without any slits in the patch and ground plane. Another compact CP patch antenna with a pair of corner truncated square microstrip patch with embedding four slits of equal length and width in patch (Antenna 2) to achieve a simple compact CP operation. The proposed compact CP design can have an operating frequency reduction of about 23.16% as compared to the conventional corner-truncated square microstrip antenna of same size without any slits on patch. These inserted slits in both patch effectively lowers the resonant frequency of the modified square patch. I. INTRODUCTION One of the many advantages of microstrip patches over conventional antennas is their small size. However, there are many present day applications where even these small radiators are considered too large. To satisfy the requirement of miniaturization of portable communications equipment, studies of compact microstrip antennas have received much attention, and several related designs with circularly polarised radiation [1 – 4] have also been reported. By embedding suitable slots or slits, such as a cross slot [1], four narrow slits [2] and four bent slots [3] in the radiating patch of microstrip antennas a compact circularly polarised microstrip antenna can be obtained. The load of the slots or slits in the radiating patch can cause meandering of the excited patch surface current paths and result in lowering of the resonant frequency of the antenna, which corresponds to a reduced antenna size for such an antenna, compared to a conventional circularly polarised microstrip antenna at the same operating frequency. A compact circularly polarized microstrip antenna with slotted ground plane is also reported [4]. In this paper at first we presented a pair of corner truncated square microstrip patch with embedding a pair of slit in patch and four slits in the finite ground plane along the directions of + 450 to achieve a compact CP operation (Antenna 1). The compactness of the proposed CP design is achieved due to the inserted slits at the square patch and finite ground plane. The proposed compact CP design can have an operating frequency reduction of about 21.95% as compared to the conventional corner-truncated square microstrip antenna of same size without any slits in the patch and ground plane. Also, the 3 dB axial ratio (AR) centre frequency bandwidth is 0.43%. Another, a pair of corner truncated square microstrip patch with embedding four slits of equal length and width in patch to achieve a simple compact CP operation (Antenna 2). The compactness of the proposed CP design is achieved due to the inserted slits at the square patch. The proposed compact CP design can have an operating frequency reduction of about 23.16% as compared to the conventional corner-truncated square microstrip antenna of same size without any slits on patch. The 3 dB axial ratio (AR) centre frequency bandwidth of 0.21% is obtained. These inserted slits can result in meandering of the excited fundamental-mode patch surface current path, which effectively lowers the resonant frequency of the modified square patch. Details of the proposed compact CP design are described, and simulated results are presented. The IE3D simulation software based on Method of Moments (MoM) is used for simulation and analysis. II. ANTENNA DESIGN Analysis is performed for single layer single feed square patch antenna with finite ground plane. The substrate dielectric constant (εr = 4.4) and height (h =1.6 mm) of substrate from ground plane is used. Figs. 1(a-c) show the proposed Antenna 1 single-feed square microstrip antenna for compact CP operation. The square microstrip patch has a side length L = 28 mm and finite ground plane length LG = 50 mm. The slits are of equal length 8 mm and width 1 mm and are inserted in the patch. A pair of truncated corners is of equal side length ∆L= 2.5 mm. The four numbers slits of equal length (L S) and width (WS) are also inserted in the ground plane along the directions of + 450. The single probe feed is placed at point along Y- axis, a left- hand CP operation is obtained. Figs. 2 (a, b) show the proposed Antenna 2 single-feed square microstrip antenna for compact CP operation. The square microstrip patch has a side length L = 28 mm, four numbers slits of equal length (LS) and width (WS) are inserted in the patch along the directions of + 450. A pair of truncated corners is of equal side length ∆L= 2.5 mm. The single probe feed is placed at point along Y- axis, a right- hand CP operation is obtained. a. a. b. b. Fig. 2 Antenna 2 a. Geometry of the compact circularly polarized square microstrip antenna b. Side view. III. ANALYSIS AND RESULTS For running simulations in IE3D Zeland Software, finite ground plane is considered for Antenna 1 and infinite ground for Antenna 2. c. Fig. 1 Antenna 1 a. Geometry of the compact circularly polarized square microstrip antenna b. Side view c. Geometry of ground plane. (All the dimensions are in mm). Antenna 1: Several designs with the feed point position along Y-axis and slit length (LS) on ground plane for left- hand CP operation were studied. Figs. 3 (a-b) shows return loss, axial ratio (AR) against frequency for case 1 of Ls = 15 mm, WS= 1mm, XS = YS = + 6.5 mm. The axial ratio bandwidth of 0.43% at centre frequency, total gain of 2.51 dBi and total directivity of 5.42 dBi are obtained at 1.966 GHz. a. a. b. Fig. 3 a. Return loss Vs Frequency b. Axial Ratio (AR) Vs Frequency . b. Fig. 4. a. Radiation patterns (E-total) at 1.966 GHz b. Radiation Patterns (Eleft and E-right) at 1.966GHz. The Simulated radiation characteristics at 1.966 GHz are shown in Figs. 4 (a, b) for the case 1. The corresponding gains of E-left and E-right are 2.24 dBi and -10.06 dBi respectively at phi = 0 (degree). The performances of the proposed CP microstrip antenna with different parameters are shown in Table 1. TABLE 1: Performance of the proposed CP microstrip antenna (Antenna 1) ∆L= 2.5 mm, L=28 mm, LG= 50mm, εr = 4.4 , h =1.6 mm Antenna Parameter (dimensions are in mm) Feed point YF (mm) Frequency (GHz) Gain(dBi), Directivity (dBi) Main , Back Lobe (dBi) Reference Square patch with pair of truncated corner -7 2.519 5.25/6.66 15.31 Case 1 Slits on patch ( X=-5,Y=10, l=1,w=8) (X=10,Y=-5, l=8, w=1) Slits on ground plane (XS=YS= + 6.5, LS=15,WS=1) -4 1.966 2.51/5.42 5.03 Percentage of frequency reduction % 3 dB BWAR % 0.55 21.95 0.43 Fig. 5 a. Return loss Vs Frequency b. Axial Ratio (AR) Vs Frequency . The back lobe size increases as slits are introduced in ground plane and simultaneously radiation efficiency decreases to 46.3%, operating frequency also decreases from 2.519 GHz to 1.966 GHz (case 1). Antenna 2: Two different designs with the feed point position along Y-axis and slit length (LS) in patch for right- hand CP operation were studied. Figs. 6(a-b) shows return loss, axial ratio (AR), against frequency for case 1 of Ls = 15.4 mm, WS= 1mm, XS = YS = + 6 mm. The 3 dB axial ratio bandwidth of 0.21% obtained at 1.921 GHz. The Simulated radiation characteristics at 1.921 GHz are shown in Figs. 6 (a, b) for the case 1. The corresponding gains of E-left and E-right are -25.59 dBi and -0.021 dBi respectively at phi = 0 (degree). a. a. b. Fig. 6. a. Radiation patterns (E-total) at 1.921 GHz b. Radiation Patterns (Eleft and E-right) at 1.921 GHz. b. The performances of the proposed CP microstrip antenna with different parameters are shown in Table 2. TABLE 2: Performance of the proposed CP microstrip antenna (Antenna 2) ∆L= 2.5 mm, L=28 mm, εr = 4.4, h =1.6 mm Antenna Referenc e Case 1 Parameter (dimensions are in mm) Feed point YF (mm) Frequency (GHz) Gain(dBi), Directivity (dBi) Main lobe (dBi) Square patch with pair of truncated corner -7 2.5 4.98/6.355 4.98 Four Slits on patch along + 450 XS=YS= + 6, LS=15.4,WS=1) -2.5 1.921 -1.91/6.15 -1.91 IV. CONCLUSION The compactness of the proposed CP design is achieved due to the inserted slits at the square patch and finite ground plane. These inserted slits result in meandering of the excited fundamental-mode patch surface current path, which effectively lowers the resonant frequency of the modified square patch. The proposed compact CP (Antenna 1) design can obtained an operating frequency reduction of about 21.95% as compared to the conventional corner-truncated square microstrip antenna of same size without any slits on patch and ground plane. 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