What’s New and Exciting about Subduction Zones? Week 1– Sept. 1: Overview Zandt/Anderson Stern (2002) review paper on subduction zones. Stern, R. J., Subduction zones, Rev. Geophys., 40, 4, 1012, doi:10.1029/2001RG000108, 2002. Week 2– Sept. 8: Silent Slip Events Alvarado/Guynn Recent geodetic observations have shown subduction zones are slipping episodically in discrete aseismic events. What’s going on? Miller, M.M., T. Melbourne, D.J. Johnson, and W.Q. Sumner, Periodic slow earthquakes from the Cascadia subduction zone, Science, 295 (5564), 2423-2423, 2002. Rogers, G., and H. Dragert, Episodic tremor and slip on the Cascadia subduction zone: The chatter of silent slip, Science, 300 (5627), 1942-1943, 2003. Week 3– Sept. 15: Subduction Erosion Ducea/Volkmer What happens to all that stuff that falls into the trench? Clift, P., Vannucchi, P., Controls on tectonic accretion versus erosion in subduction zones: Implications for the origin and recycling of the continental crust, Review of Geophysics, v. 42, RG2001, 2004. Week 4– Sept. 22: Flat Slabs Guynn/Anderson How do they get that way and what happens above them? Kay, S.M., and M. C., Central Andean ore deposits linked to evolving shallow subduction systems and thickening crust, GSA Today, 11, 4-9, 2001. van Hunen, J., A.P. van den Berg, and N.J. Vlaar, A thermo-mechanical model of horizontal subduction below and overriding plate, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 182, 157-169, 2000. Saleeby, J., Segmentation of the Laramide slab-evidence from the southern Sierra Nevada Region, GSA Bulletin, v. 115, no. 6, 665-668, 2003. Week 5– Sept. 29: Slab petrology & Phase Changes Ozacar/Wagner Mineral physics calculations and thermal models are combined to produce detailed models of phase changes. Reality or fantasy? Hacker, B.R., G.A. Abers, and S.M. Peacock, Subduction factory - 1. Theoretical mineralogy, densities, seismic wave speeds, and H2O contents, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 108 (B1), 2003. Hacker, B.R., S.M. Peacock, G.A. Abers, and S.D. Holloway, Subduction factory - 2. Are intermediate-depth earthquakes in subducting slabs linked to metamorphic dehydration reactions?, Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth, 108 (B1), 2003. Peacock, S.M., Are the lower planes of double seismic zones caused by serpentine dehydration in subducting oceanic mantle?, Geology, 29, 299-302, 2001. Week 6– Oct. 6: Water and Melting Valencia/Cardwell Still a popular topic. Still a few slab melters around. What’s new? Iwamori, H., Transportation of H2O and melting in subduction zones, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 160 (1-2), 65-80, 1998. Schmidt, M.W., and S. Poli, Experimentally based water budgets for dehydrating slabs and consequences for arc magma generation, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 163 (1-4), 361-379, 1998. Week 7– Oct. 13: Hydration and Dehydration Anderson/Alvarado Wet mantle is getting major attention these days. What’s wet and who cares? van Keken, P.E., The structure and dynamics of the mantle wedge, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 215, 323-338, 2003. Jung, H., and Karato, S., Water-induced fabric transitions in olivine, Science, v. 293, 14601463, 2001. Kerrick, D., Serpentinite seduction, Science, 298 (5597), 1344-1345, 2002. Week 8– Oct. 20: Mantle Flow (in the mantle wedge) Guest: M. Billen Corner flow? Trench parallel flow? How do fluid and melt movement interact with solid flow? Mehl, L., Hacker, B. R., Hirth, G., Kelemen, P. B., Arc-parallel flow within the mantle wedge: Evidence from the accreted Talkeetna arc, south centeral Alaska, JGR, v. 108, no. B8, 2375, 2003. Smith, G.P., D.A. Wiens, K.M. Fischer, L.M. Dorman, S.C. Webb, and J.A. Hildebrand, A complex pattern of mantle flow in the Lau backarc, Science, 292 (5517), 713-716, 2001. Week 9– Oct. 27: Arc Volcanism Guest: Gill Slab Penetration and Interaction with Convection Volkmer/ How deep do they go? Do they interact with convection or are they convection? Fukao, Y., S. Widiyantoro, and M. Obayashi, Stagnant slabs in the upper and lower mantle transition region, Reviews of Geophysics, 39 (3), 291-323, 2001. Insergueix-Filippi, D., L. Dupeyrat, E. Tric, and M. Menvielle, The influence of plate kinematics, convection intensity, and subduction geometry on the Earth's upper-mantle dynamics in the vicinity of a subduction zone, Geophysical Journal International, 138, 275-284, 1999. Thermal State Still an important parameter for calculating everything else. Subduction zones are cool but how cool? Peacock, S. M., Thermal and petrologic structure of subduction zones: in, Subduction: Top to Bottom, Bebout, G., Scholl, D. W., Kirby, S. H., and Platt, J. P., eds., American Geophysical Union, Wahington, D. C., 119-133, 1996. Seismic Imaging Wagner/ Tomographers are getting better images, how good are they and what can we learn from them? Zhao, D., Seismological structure of subduction zones and its implications for arc magmatism and dynamics, Physics of Earth and Planetary Interiors, 127, 197-214, 2001. Slab Breakoff or Detachment Subduction Initiation Coupled Mantle and Fluid Flow Subduction Zone Dynamics Subduction Zone Ore Deposits Rips/Tears/Bends/Folds Deformation of the Upper Plate The Third Dimension of Subduction Zones