COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 WINTER MAINTENANCE ORGANISATION CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER 1. Responsibility 3 2. Aim 3 3. Application 3 4. Winter Maintenance Period 3 5. Level of Service 3 6. Operational Plan 6 7. Organisation and Situation Reports 6 8. Meteorological Information 6 8.1 24-Hour and 5-Day Weather Forecast 6 8.2 Ice Sensors 8 9. 10. Precautionary Salting Arrangements 8 9.1 Salting of Scheduled Routes 8 9.2 Salting of Non Scheduled Routes 9 9.3 Agreements with Other/Adjacent Authorities 10 9.4 Notification of Action 10 9.5 Car Parks 11 Snow Conditions 12 10.1 Organisation of Emergency Works 12 10.2 Administration 12 10.3 Priority of Routes 12 10.4 Closure of Mountain Roads 13 10.5 Deployment of Equipment 13 10.6 Measures to Conserve Salt Stocks 13 10.7 Grit Bins 14 10.8 Action when thaw comes 14 11. Footways & Pedestrianised Areas 15 12. Telephone Numbers 16 12.1 Bridgend County Borough Council 16 12.2 South Wales Trunk Road Agency 19 12.3 Vale of Glamorgan County Borough Council 20 12.4 Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council 20 12.5 Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council 21 12.6 South Wales Fire Service 21 12.7 Welsh Ambulance Service (NHS) Trust 21 August 2011 Page 1 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 12.8 South Wales Police 21 12.9 Weather Information 22 12.10 Media Information 22 12.11 National Farmers Union 22 12.12 Farmers Union of Wales 22 12.13 Helicopter Services 23 Appendices Appendix I - Precautionary Salting Routes 24 Route 1 25 Route 2 26 Route 3 27 Route 4 29 Route 5 30 Route 6 31 Route 7 33 Route 8 35 Route 9 36 Route 10 37 Route 11 38 Heights of Strategic Locations 39 All Salt Routes Contour Plan Appendix II– Secondary Streets 40 Appendix III – Bridgend Town Centre Pedestrian Area 41 Appendix IV– Secondary Footways 42 Secondary Footways Area A 43 Secondary Footways Area B 44 Secondary Footways Area C 45 Secondary Footways Area D 46 Appendix V – SWTRA Gritting Routes treated by Highways Direct Services 47 Appendix VI – Forms 48 Distribution List 49 Winter Maintenance Action 50 August 2011 Page 2 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 WINTER MAINTENANCE ORGANISATION 1. RESPONSIBILITY Bridgend County Borough Council as a Highway Authority, is responsible for clearing of snow from the County Borough Highways and precautionary salting of specified routes. 2. AIM The aim is to maintain, or reinstate, free and safe traffic flow, on all routes as quickly as possible during the winter period and to ensure that vehicles and pedestrians can use them with safety. 3. APPLICATION This document serves as a guide to the Authority’s staff and workforce who may be involved in any necessary winter maintenance operations. 4. WINTER MAINTENANCE PERIOD The winter maintenance period commences on the first day of October and finishes on the last day of April. Extensions to this period may be necessary if unforeseen circumstances demand. The core period however is from Sunday 6th November 2011 through to Saturday 31st March 2012. 5. LEVEL OF SERVICE The level of service required will be determined daily by the Designated Highways Manager who will base his decisions on the day’s weather forecast and will instruct accordingly (see page 43 for instruction proforma). Daily weather forecasts are received from the forecasting contractor, MeteoGroup UK Ltd, at the Waterton Office of the Street Scene Department during the working week and at the home of the designated Highways Manager at weekends. The forecast is also available from the MeteoGroup, BCBC Roadcast Web Site. The Designated Highways Manager decides the appropriate action and transmits his instructions to the Highways Direct Services’ supervisor, copying the information to the Group Manager Highways and Flee, MeteoGroup, South Wales Police, Civic Offices, The Rhiw Car Park, South Wales Trunk Road Agency (SWTRA), Vale of Glamorgan Council, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council during the working week. At weekends, the Designated Highways Manager will decide the appropriate action and transmit his instructions to Highways Direct Services’ supervisor, and copy the information to the homes of the three other Highway Managers on the rota, the Duty Officer (via phone), MeteoGroup, South Wales Police, SWTRA, Vale of Glamorgan Council, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council and Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council August 2011 Page 3 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 The Designated Weekend Highways Manager rota is given on page 15 of this document. Instructions for the level of service are at the discretion of the Designated Highways Manager and, depending on weather conditions, will fall into one or more of the following categories. i. No action ii. Early morning inspection - undertaken by Highway Maintenance Officers. iii. Presalt - undertaken by drivers in gritting vehicles to apply salt at the specified rate for the complete length of the scheduled routes, or selected routes, or part of selected routes. iv. Treatment of pedestrian areas in Bridgend Town Centre v. Snow ploughing and salting - ploughing and presalting to be undertaken simultaneously. Operational instructions issued by the Designated Highways Manager will be in the following format: i. ii. iii iv August 2011 The resources required: number of salters etc. The time the action is to commence. The rate of spread required is to be stated. The recommended rates of spread are given in the table below. The routes/locations to be treated with priority order stated, if appropriate. (Unless otherwise instructed the priority order is to be route 3,4,5,8,1,6.7.2) Page 4 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Recommended rates of spread of rock Salt (Based on advise given in WG Trunk Road Manual) Treatment Matrix. Air Temp Weather Conditions Road Surface Conditions Road Surface Temperature(RST) (MARGINAL CONDITIONS) Frost or forecast frost, RST at or above 2oC and dry or damp road conditions. Frost or forecast frost, RST at or above 2oC and wet road conditions. Frost or forecast frost, RST below -2oC and above -5oC and dry or damp road conditions Frost or forecast frost, RST below -2oC and above -5oC and wet road conditions Frost or forecast frost, RST at or below 5oC and above -10oC and dry or damp road conditions Frost or forecast frost, RST at or below 5oC and above -10oC and wet road conditions Light snow forecast (<10mm) Treatment Dry Ploughing Salting (g/m2) 12 No 15 No 20 No 25 No 25 No 2x20 No 10-20 No Medium/heavy snow or freezing rain forecast Freezing rain falling After freezing rain Ice formed (minor accumulations) above -5oC Ice formed at or below -5oC 2x20 20 (successive) 20 (successive if required) 20 No No No No 2x20 No 10-20 (successive) Yes Hard packed snow/ice above -8oC 20 (successive) No Hard packed snow/ice at or below Salt/abrasive -8oC (successive) No Rates of spread for precautionary treatments may be adjusted to take account of residual salt or surface moisture. Snow covering exceeding 30mm Foercast readiness Amber August 2011 Discuss with forecaster where appropriate. Generally the situation will be monitored and an update will be issued to upgrade the Readiness Colour to RED if necessary Page 5 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 6. WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 OPERATIONAL PLAN Precautionary salting and snow clearance must be undertaken in a realistic and practical manner having due regard to the following basic requirements. 7. a) b) Simplicity Labour c) Plant d) Material Concise instructions must be issued at all levels. Only qualified men are to be engaged on suitable plant and equipment. Units will be single manned when precautionary salting without a plough, but when a plough is fixed the units will be double manned in the interest of the safety of the operatives and the public. There should be sufficient front and second line equipment to deal with the problems in the Authority. The plant should be regularly checked and in working order. 6mm rock salt is stockpiled in the Waterton Depot Salt Barn with a secondary stockpile at Crown Road, Maesteg. ORGANISATION AND SITUATION REPORTS During periods when road conditions are affecting the free and safe passage of vehicles and pedestrians, situation reports will be issued by the Communities Directorate on each day the condition lasts to all Corporate Directors and Heads of Service, Council departments, and the public via the BCBC Website. All inspection staff will provide situation reports to the Designated Highways Manager before 09:00 hrs. 8 METEOROLOGICAL INFORMATION 8.1 24 hour and 5-day Weather Forecasts 24 hour and 5-day weather forecasts are provided each day by MeteoGroup UK through out the year. 1) 24 Hour Domain Weather Forecast (delivered by 13:30hrs) The Bridgend County Borough area has been divided to account for the coastal and inland climatology. The domains being split into the areas shown on the Contour Plan and described below: Inland (High Ground) Inland (Low Ground) Above 150m, north of (Salt Routes 9 and 10) M4 Generally north of M4 (Salt Routes 3, 4, 5, 8 & 11) Coastal Generally south of M4 (Salt Routes 1, 2, 6 & 7) The domain boundaries are shown on the All Salt Routes plan, and the Contour Plan Each 24 hour forecast will include the following main features. Readiness Colour (Green, Amber, Red) RED Road surface temperatures are expected to fall below freezing with ice and/or snow accumulations. August 2011 Page 6 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 AMBER Road surface temperatures are expected to fall close to or below freezing with ice and/or snow accumulations possible. GREEN Road surface temperatures are expected to remain above freezing with no ice and/or snow accumulations. Min. Road Surface Temperature, Min. Air Temperature Ice Extent, Hoar Frost, Fog, Wind, Rain, Snow, 24 hour weather summary for each domain including details on timing and height of sub zero roads Forecasts will give positive statements of weather expectation and be qualified with the forecaster’s confidence in his forecast i.e. H - High or L - Low 2) 5 Day Weather Forecast Forecast information as 24-hour forecast with the exception that the weather summary relates to each day rather than domain 3) Amendments 24-hour text forecasts will be amended and re-issued when any of the following criteria have been met. a A change of frost status (no frost to frost, or expected frost to no frost– in this case frost refers to road surface temperature of zero degrees Celsius or less) b Actual Road surface temperatures are below (or are now forecast to fall below) plus 1 degree Celsius, when initially forecast predicted otherwise. c There is a change in snow status as follows: Change of accumulations category e.g. nil to slight, slight to moderate, moderate to heavy and vice versa. (Slight <2.5cm, 2.5cm<moderate<10cm, heavy>10cm) Change from isolated to widespread (e.g. for snow showers) Earlier or later thaw than expected Change in commencing/cessation time. d There is a significant change in surface wetness and road temperatures are expected to fall to zero degrees Celsius or below e There is a change in the timing of a frost. The forecaster will phone the Winter Maintenance Duty Manager to notify him that an amendment to the original forecast has been issued 4) Site Specific Forecast Site specific forecasts are supplied to Bridgend County Borough Council for the Stormy Down, Heoly-Cyw and Werfa Weather Stations. They are available via the MeteoGroup “Roadcast” web site and the Vaisala “Icecast” web site. August 2011 Page 7 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 8.2 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Ice Sensors A network of road weather stations has been installed throughout South Wales enabling the status and condition of certain roads to be monitored. There are five sites within Bridgend and one other adjacent site pertinent to our local weather. Route Location Site Name A4063 Cymer Road, Croeserw Caerau A48 Stormy Down Stormy Down B4280 Heol-y-Cyw Heol-y-Cyw A4107 Bwlch Mountain Werfa A4061 Bridgend Town Market Street A48 Colwinston Colwinston (Operated by Vale of Glamorgan BC) The main parameters measured by the weather stations are the road surface temperature and the surface condition, which can be wet, dry or icy. Four levels of salt concentration can be detected. In addition wind speed and direction and air temperature are measured. Information from the Weather Stations is accessible via the Vaisala Icecast System Bureau. Stations are polled on a regular basis and the information is available in tabular or graphical form. Graphical information from the Ice Stations is directly comparable with the specific forecast preparation by the forecaster. . MeteoGroup forecasters will monitor the ice stations throughout the night and will inform the Designated Winter Maintenance Duty Manager especially when the road surface temperatures are expected to fall to zero or below when this was not originally predicted. 9 PRECAUTIONARY SALTING ARRANGEMENTS 9.1 Salting of Scheduled Routes i. Manning - Operatives The Winter Maintenance core period will extend from Sunday 6th November 2011 through to Saturday 31st March 2012. The operation during this period will be organised as permanent evening shift running usually from 16:00 hrs to 24:00 hrs manned by dedicated personnel These hours may be varied when conditions require to cater for an early start of salting or evenings or nights where rain is forecast and a late start is necessary. Outside the core period standby and call out arrangements will operate. ii Manning – Supervisors A rota of supervisory staff will supervise the commencement of precautionary salting operations. August 2011 Page 8 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE iii WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Routes All routes are contained in Appendix A of this document. Supervisors and operatives must become familiar with these routes which must be adhered to. The salting routes have been reviewed and the western ring road in Broadlands has added. Caerau Road. Blaencaerau Road and Blaencaerau Estate, Caerau have been deleted due to serious health and safety problems arising from vehicles being attacked by youths throwing missiles. This not only places the operative in danger but also the public should control of the vehicle be lost. iv Salt Levels The extreme severe weather experienced in the winters of 08/09, 09/10 and again in 10/11 resulted in very heavy use of salt with salt stock levels across the UK becoming perilously low. BCBC endeavours to have sufficient salt at the start of the winter period. For the coming winter 4,800 tonnes is stored in the Waterton salt barn with a further 1000tonnes stored under sheets in the compound located off Crown Road, Maesteg. Should, due to extreme weather conditions, local and national salt levels become very low, the length of the network routinely salted in advance of forecasted freezing road surface temperatures may be reduced to conserve available salt for the primary road network. Further details are given in section 10. v Weather Deterioration If, during the course of precautionary salting operations, the weather deteriorates and snow starts falling and accumulating, the Winter Maintenance Duty Manager must be informed and authority obtained for any increased level of action. 9.2 Salting of Non Scheduled Routes Other than during snow emergencies (see Section 10) requests for the salting of roads that do not form part of the precautionary salting network will be logged and the sites inspected to establish validity and to determine priorities. Salting action will be effected only under the following circumstances. i Ice resulting from a highway defect e.g. defective drain or culvert; ii Ice resulting from a water leak. Note that such action is rechargeable; iii Ice preventing access or egress for emergency services at their bases or an incident; iv Ice existing at the site of any other emergency situation which requires vehicular use of the highway. Consideration will also be given to lesser situations during the currency of a precautionary salting action i.e. when all routes have been completed and time allows attendance for the additional cost of salt and fuel only. Note that the above procedure applies only to ICE situations. August 2011 Page 9 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 9.3 Agreements with Other/Adjacent Authorities a Rhondda Cynon Taff Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC will salt the following lengths of highway: i Route A473 between the County boundary and Penprysg roundabout. ii Brynna Road from Penprysg Roundabout to the County boundary. iii 50m of the A4061 Bwlch Mountain Road to the junction of the A4107 / A4061. Bridgend CBC will salt the length of Felindre Road within RCT administrative area between the County boundary and the roundabout at the entrance to Pencoed Science Park . b South Wales Trunk Road Agency (SWTRA) The Precautionary salt routes for the M4 Motorway will take account of the new layout at Junction 36, Sarn. From the westbound offslip, the right turn (northbound), and the dedicated left slip (southbound) will be salted by SWTRA. c Neath Port Talbot Bridgend CBC will salt the length of the A4107 between the County boundary and the turn around location agreed (Picnic Area) with Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council 9.4 Notification of Action The daily forecast and action instruction will be distributed each day to the following BCBC Highway Services South Wales Police MeteoGroup BCBC officers South Wales Trunk Road Agency Neath and Port Talbot Rhondda-Cynon-Taff Rhondda-Cynon-Taff Vale of Glamorgan Car Parks Manager office and home Highway Asset Maintenance Manager office and home Highway Services Manager office and home Group Manager Streetworks office and home Highway Works Manager office and home August 2011 Page 10 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 9.5 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Car Park Winter Maintenance A copy of the winter maintenance forecast will be e-mailed to the Rhiw Car Park Office each day The car parks at the Bridgend Recreation Centre, the Bowls Hall, Angel Street, Brewery Field, Tondu Road, together with the open air car park, Brackla Street, Bridgend have been added to the Precautionary Salting network. In other Pay & Display Car Parks, if hoar frost, ice or snow is forecast, the car parks will be inspected at the start of the following working day ( Mon – Sat ) and if a problem is present salt or a non-saline de-icer will be applied to the affected areas. If a serious problem of ice and/or snow exists or is observed following the above mentioned inspection, then the car park or that part of the car park affected will be closed to the public until such time as resources can be made available to clear the problem. Salt containers will also be provided at Pay & Display and free car parks for the Authority’s operatives and/or the public to spread salt on areas affected by ice and/or snow. August 2011 Page 11 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 10. 10.1 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 SNOW CONDITIONS Organisation of Emergency Works Please refer to the BCBC Communities Directorate Emergency Planning Manual, Section 10 Snow Plan for further details. In a full emergency the Highway Maintenance Office at Waterton Depot should be manned continually and a log of reports from supervisors, drivers, police and public etc., be kept. Supervisors and operatives must report back to their line managers on severity of conditions regularly and to obtain further instructions. 10.2 10.3 Administration i. Communications - lists of home and mobile telephone numbers are included within this document. ii. Plant - the allocation of plant and vehicles has been pre-determined and distributed to the Supervising Officers. iii. Labour - the works unit labour force must be thoroughly trained and versed in the use of suitable plant and equipment to deal with normal emergencies. If additional labour is required, resources will be obtained from Other Cleansing and Parks personnel. The prior approval of the Group Manager, Highways and Fleet, must be obtained before external contractors are engaged. iv. Hire of Plant - this should be done through current highway maintenance contracts. However, in emergency situations the Highway Services Manager will hire plant from other sources. Priority of Routes The first priority in snow clearing will be to clear the Precautionary Network identified in Salting Routes 1 to 8 and to attend emergency situation. Once sufficient plant has been allocated to these tasks the remainder will be allocated to clear the secondary salting streets which are identified in Appendix II. The secondary streets have been established to cover emergency service centres, bus routes not included in the precautionary salting network, roads leading to isolated villages, streets on steep inclines, industrial and shopping areas, school frontages, approaches to cemeteries, Doctor’s surgeries and homes for the elderly and disadvantaged. Further factors that may have to be taken into consideration and influence the deployment of resources will be; the onset of drifting snow, the blocking of roads by accidents, or other special circumstances, which can only be judged by the supervisor on site. Once the secondary salting routes have been cleared any of the following not already cleared will be addressed i ii iii iv v vi VII vii August 2011 Local interconnecting roads. and other Class IlI roads. School bus routes. Industrial Estate roads. Through routes in built up areas. “Short cut” routes. Lanes to isolated farms. Cycle routes which are not located alongside carriageways Any other routes not already mentioned. Page 12 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 10.4 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Closure of Mountain Roads. On receipt of a forecast of heavy or drifting snow, a decision may be taken by the Group Manager, Highways and Fleet with senior officers in neighbouring Authorities, to close the A4107 and A4061 Bwlch Mountain roads. The date and time of the closure will be noted on a closure notice, which will have been prepared in advance. Close liaison should be maintained with the Highway Network Managers of Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council and Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, when considering closure of the route. The Police, Fire Brigade and Ambulance Service will be advised of the position, as will the Forestry Commission, the media and public via the County Borough Council’s Press Officer. At the appointed time the roads will be physically closed with barriers and drop down signs will be opened. As soon as the roads are closed a single patrol will be undertaken. 10.5 10.6 Deployment of Equipment 1. First line gritting vehicles will revert to strategic and main distributor network, road gritting and ploughing at the onset of snow and will continue until the situation is under control. 2. Second line plant, i.e. “JCB” type excavators, demountable and unibody salters with snowploughs, will plough and grit the identified secondary routes until the situation is under control. 3. Hand spreading of salt is NOT to be undertaken off the back of moving vehicles. 4. Operatives of hired equipment should preferably be given precise orders and a responsible employee of Bridgend County Borough Council will be provided to direct work and keep a log of hours worked by each machine. If at all possible, no hired equipment is to be deployed unsupervised. 5. ‘Road Closed’ signs are to be kept at the ready for immediate deployment. Measures to Conserve Salt During Extended Periods of Snow The extreme severe weather experienced in the winters of 08/09, 09/10 and again in 10/11 resulted in very heavy use of salt with salt stock levels across the UK becoming perilously low. Should, due to extreme weather conditions, BCBC and national salt levels become very low in he coming winter, the following steps will be taken to conserve salt stocks. Salt stock at start of winter 5800tonnes Trigger Level 1 Trigger Level 2 August 2011 Salt Stock Level Period up to Period up to Limitation on winter 31st January 31st March Maintenance action to be undertaken 2000 tonnes 1000 tonnes No salting of secondary routes or footways other than town centres, main shopping areas and emergency situations will be undertaken. Grit bins will continue to be refilled. 1000 tonnes 500 tonnes Only the principle route network (A Roads) will be treated, plus selected essential routes such as access to hospitals, main shopping areas and emergency situations. Routine refilling of grit bins will no longer be undertaken. Page 13 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 10.7 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Grit Bins There are approximately 400 grit bins placed across the authority at problem locations off the precautionary salting network. Approximately 15% of these have been funded by Community Councils. The bins will be filled with a 50:50 salt/sharp sand mix, at the start of the winter and refilled through out the winter when resources and salt stocks are available. 10.8 Action When Thaw Comes. Signs must be ready for placement at known flooding areas. All gullies and water outlets should be opened up to permit free flow of water. Inspection of carriageways for frost damage and snow clearing damage must be undertaken for remedial action to be carried out. August 2011 Page 14 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 11. WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 FOOTWAYS & PEDESTRIANISED AREAS Legislation passed in June 2003 to amend Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980, imposed a duty upon Highway Authorities to: “… ensure, as far as is reasonably practical, that safe passage along a highway is not endangered by snow and ice”. This winter maintenance plan has been reviewed taking into account the legislation as follows: 1. CARRIAGEWAYS BCBC currently carry out precautionary salting to strategic routes amounting to 38% of the total maintainable carriageway network. This exceeds the all Wales average of 35%, as identified by the CSS Wales Benchmarking Returns. This is considered reasonable and meets the requirements of the new legislation. 2. FOOTWAYS & PEDESTRIANISED AREAS The policy concerning pedestrianised areas, footways and cycle routes is to be as follows: The decision to treat the pedestrianised area in Bridgend Town Centre will be taken using information from various sources including MeteoGroup forecasts and the ice sensor station in Market Street, but generally will be based on actual conditions. The normal activity will be a morning action, to treat the pedestrian area. In exceptional conditions of continuous frost/ice or snow conditions treatment of other priority footways, and cycle routes may be undertaken when resources become available. The purchase of 10 “Pram” type salt spreaders followed a successful trial last winter and these will be deployed to treat priority areas. Hand gangs will clear any snow and ice before salt is spread. Hand spreading of salt is to be avoided except in isolated situations due to the high volume of salt this operation requires. The trial with the “Pram” spreaders resulted in a saving of between 50% and 75% on the quantity of salt being used to treat equivalent areas. When treating footways priority will be given to the following Shopping Areas and approaches, schools, doctors surgeries, footways leading to emergency service centres and other footways on steep inclines Schedules of the secondary footways to be given priority are given in Appendix IV August 2011 Page 15 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 12 12.1 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 CONTACT TELEPHONE NUMBERS BRIDGEND COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Street Scene Department Communities Directorate Civic Offices, Angel Street, BRIDGEND. CF31 1LX Telephone Number FAX 01656 642541 01656 642580 DEDICATED WINTER MAINTENANCE email - OUT OF HOURS DUTY OFFICER 07831 143600 DESIGNATED HIGHWAY MANAGER HOME TELEPHONE NUMBERS ARE FOR EMERGENCY USE ONLY IF DUTY OFFICER IS UNOBTAINABLE. Jason Jenkins Highway Asset Maintenance Manager Steve Cottrell Highway Services Manager Milan Dragic Highway Woks Manager Huw Jenkins Group Leader - Streetworks Mobile No Home No Office No 07768655879 01656667382 01656642814 07710310650 01443226605 01656642851 07771 904992 01656 767208 01656642849 07971087041 01656645348 01656643416 Weekend Duty Rota for Designated Highway Managers 1st & 2nd October 2011 8th & 9th October 2011 15th & 16th October 2011 22nd & 23rd October 2011 29th & 30st October 2011 5th & 6th November 2011 12th & 13th November 2011 19th & 20th November 2011 26th & 27th November 2011 3rd & 4th December 2011 10th & 11th December 2011 17th & 18th December 2011 24th & 25th December 2011 31st December 2010 & 1st January 2011 7th & 8th January 2012 14th & 15th January 2012 21st & 22nd January 2012 28th & 29th January 2012 4th & 5th February 2012 11th & 12th February 2012 18th & 19th February 2012 25th & 26th February 2012 3rd & 4th March 2012 10th & 11th March 2012 17th & 18th March 2012 24th & 25th March 2012 31st March & 1st April 2011 7th & 8th April 2012 14th & 15th April 2012 21st & 22nd April 2011 28th & 29th April 2011 August 2011 Glyn Jenkins Steve Cottrell Glyn Jenkins Milan Dragic Huw Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Milan Dragic Jason Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Milan Dragic Jason Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Milan Dragic Jason Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Milan Dragic Jason Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Milan Dragic Jason Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Milan Dragic Jason Jenkins Steve Cottrell Huw Jenkins Page 16 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 AREA STAFF Area A: Maesteg, Caerau, Kenfig Hill, Nantyffyllon, Garth, Cwmfelin, Llangynwyd, Coytrahen, Tondu, Aberkenfig, Cefn Cribbwr, Pyle Area B: Porthcawl, North & South Cornelly, Laleston, Penyfai, Merthyr Mawr, Bryntirion, Newcastle, Cefn Glas . Bridgend (East), Coychurch, Litchard, Brackla, Coity, Pencoed, Heol-y-Cyw. Area C: Area D: Blaengarw, Pontycymmer, Bettws, Sarn, Brynmenyn, Nantymoel, Ogmore Vale, Blackmill, Sarn, Llangeinor, Evanstown . OUT OF HOURS VODAPHONE 07831 143600 HOME TELEPHONE NUMBERS EMERGENCY USE ONLY IF VODAPHONE IS UNOBTAINABLE. Key: H - Home, M - Mobile Gary Owen Assistant Highways Maintenance Engineer Neil Minchington Inspector David Hearne Inspector Lee Bale Inspector Nigel Hopkins Inspector August 2011 AREA A - D AREA A AREA B AREA C AREA D H M H M H M H M H M 01656 07768 01656 07768 01656 07768 01656 07901 01656 07768 725559 655868 648736 655901 864081 655925 729700 712447 860396 655907 Page 17 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 HIGHWAY & CONSTRUCTION SERVICES STAFF TELEPHONE NUMBERS Waterton Depot, Waterton, BRIDGEND Office Telephone Number FAX 01656 642800 01656 642856 Out of Hours Duty Supervisor 07771 888534 Home Telephone Numbers - Emergency Use Only Key: O - Office, H - Home, M - Mobile, R - Radio call sign Steve Cottrell Highway Construction Manager Milan Dragic Highway Works Manager Clive Blackshaw Assistant Highway Works Manager Raphael Combarro Highway Superintendent Paul Reynolds Assistant Highway Superintendent O H M F R O H M 01656 01443 07710 01443 204 01656 01656 07771 642851 226605 310650 224731 O H M R O H M R O H M R 01656 642865 01656 658268 07899 926180 212 01656 642889 01656 655538 07899 921747 301 01656 642887 01656 729458 07799 863172 101 642849 767208 904992 FLEET SERVICES Emergency Standby 07771 903879 Anthony Thomas H 029 20889155 Fleet Services Manager M 07880 798254 Dave Bunyan H 01639 641179 Commercial Operations Manager O 07814 690481 STREET LIGHTING SERVICES OUT OF HOURS DUTY OFFICER 07771888539 CAR PARKS Rhiw Car Park: August 2011 01656 667992 (also fax number) Page 18 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 STREETSCENE, STREET WORKS STAFF TELEPHONE NUMBERS Civic Offices, Angel Street, BRIDGEND Telephone Number FAX Radio Call Sign 01656 643643 01656 646972 ‘920’ Home Telephone Numbers - Emergency Use Only Key: O - Office, H - Home, M - Mobile STREETSCENE, STREET WORKS GROUP Huw Jenkins Group Leader Street Works 12.2 O H M F 01656 01656 07971 01656 643416 645348 087041 645348 South Wales Trunk Road Agency E-mail Richard Jones Andrew Barker Rhodi Paul Head of Trunk Road Agency Network Manager Network Resilience Engineer Andrew Gould Network Resilience Engineer Mike Yeoman Area Engineer Central Adrian Nash Route Steward Central August 2011 O H M O H M O H M O H M O H M O H M 01792 325910 07814 393581 01792 325925 07773 547259 01792 325927 07773 547261 01792 325928 01443 412372 07773 547262 01792 325957 01792 325934 01656 861824 07773 547265 Page 19 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 12.3 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 VALE OF GLAMORGAN COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL E-mail Council Office, The Alps, Wenvoe O 01446 700111 Daytime Highways Office Fax F 029 2067 3019 Out of Hours Contact Number (Ask for the Winter Maintenance Duty Officer) Tel 01446 747874 Andrew Loosemore Operational Manager Highways Maintenance O 0292067 3200 Stephen Bowen Highway Works Manager O 029 2067 3251 Karl Lawrence Senior Highway Maintenance Officer O 029 2067 3031 USE THIS DURING OUT OF HOURS ONLY 12.4 NEATH PORT TALBOT COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL E-mail Winter Maintenance e-mail address Environment Directorate Service Response Centre, The Quays Briton Ferry, SA11 2GG O F 01639 686868 01639 686111 Emergency Contact Number 24 hrs Tel 01639 686012 Mr Colin Deere Trunk Road and Support Manager Mr Steve Grange Operational Support Manager M 07967 388248 M 07776 172395 Mr Steve Owen Drainage, Streetwoks and Trunk Road Manager Mr Mike Roberts Head of Streetcare Mr John Flower Director of Environment M 07770 728762 M 07870 249079 M 07767 896910 August 2011 Page 20 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 12.5 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 RHONDDA, CYNON, TAFF COUNTY BOROUGH COUNCIL Winter Maintenance e-mail address Tel Office-hours Out of Hours 07769 164649 Rhondda Cynon Taff Carelink 24 Hours – For all public enquiries FAX O 01443425001 F 01443 494784 Dan Bond Senior Engineer – Highways Glen Fortt Construction Steve Owen Streetcare Manager Howard Thomas Technical Services Manager O 01443 494793 O 01443 743900 O 01443 827702 O 01443 494801 Out of Hours Standby Officer This number is for Officer use only and must not be issued to the public –Any public enquiries are to be directed to Carelink. 12.6 SOUTH WALES FIRE SERVICE Emergency H.Q. Lanelay Hall, All Divisions and all Stations 12.7 999 O 01443 232000 (24hrs) F 01443 232180 WELSH AMBULANCE SERVICE (NHS) TRUST Emergency South East Region Ambulance Control South East Region Division Headquarters 999 O 01443 205331 O 01495 765400 12.8 SOUTH WALES POLICE E-mail Emergency Chief Constable B Wilding, South Wales Police Headquarters Cowbridge Road Bridgend CF31 3SU Principal Stations Bridgend Maesteg Porthcawl Treforest (Traffic Base) August 2011 999 O 01656 655555 F 01656 869399 O O O O 01656 01656 01656 01443 655555 655555 655555 743734 Page 21 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE 12.9 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 WEATHER INFORMATION MeteoGroup (24 hours) 08456030563 Website FAX See page 6 for details 02079637579 Account Manager: Richard Hogg 07870247814 Visalla Customer Support Help Desk 0121 6831269 Website See page 6 for details 12.10 MEDIA INFORMATION Michelle Bower, Corporate Communications Marketing Manager, Bridgend CBC and O 01656 643648 F 01656 643688 H 01656 657069 Liam Ronan, Media/External Communications Officer, O 01656 643217 Bridgend CBC F 01656 643688 H 01656 723987 A.A. Roadwatch O 0900 3401125 F 0191 2355333 (FAO Roadwatch) Red Dragon Radio O 029 20662720 F 029 20662702 Bridge F.M. Radio O 01656 647777 F 01656 673618 Real Radio O 029 20315110 F 029 20315111 B.B.C. Llandaff O 029 20322000 H.T.V. Culverhouse Cross O 029 20590590 12.11 NATIONAL FARMERS UNION J. Kelly - Group Secretary O 01656 653111 12.12 FARMERS UNION OF WALES Executive Office Mrs. N. Jones August 2011 O 01446 774838 O 01446 781149 M 07710 942082 Page 22 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 12.13 HELICOPTER SERVICES Veritair Limited, Cardiff Heliport, Foreshore Road, Eastmoors Road, Cardiff Tel: 029 20465880 August 2011 Page 23 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Appendix I Primary Precautionary Salting Routes August 2011 Page 24 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE 1 Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt MAJOR ROADS –INLAND LOW GROUND Description A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway West /B - A473/A48 Waterton R/A - Picton Court R/A - Heol Yr Ynys - A48 Ewenny R/A - A48 By-Pass Road - A48 Broadlands R/A - A48 Laleston R/A - A48 Redhill R/A - A48 Stormy Down West /B - A48 Pyle R/A Junction A4229 - M4 Junction 37 R/A South /B - A4229 M4 To South Cornelly By-Pass Northern R/A - M4 Interchange Junction 37 R/A - A48/A4229Pyle R/A – exit A48 Pyle R/A A48 Pyle R/A To Dual Carriageway Near M4 Bridge A48 Stormy Down East /B - A48 Redhill R/A - A48 Laleston R/A - A473 High Street, Laleston - A473 Bryntirion Hill - Park Street - A4063 Park Street Junction - A4063 Tondu Road R/A - A4061 Cross Valley Link Road E/B - Cross Valley Link Gyratory System – Northern Distributor N/B - Brackla R/A - Northern Distributor Heol West Plas R/A - A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A - Litchard Hill Dual C/w N/B- A4061 Pen-Y-Cae R/A Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - Designer Outlet Village Access Roads - A4061 PenY-Cae R/A - Pen-Y-Cae Lane - Designer Outlet Village - Rear Service Yard Rear Service Yard – Front Car Park Designer Outlet Village Car Park Designer Outlet Village - Designer Outlet Village Access Roads - A4061 Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - A4061 Sarn Interchange M4 Over Bridge N/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Northern R/A - A4061 Sarn Interchange M4 Over Bridge S/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - Pen-Y-Cae R/A - Litchard Hill Dual Carriageway S/B - A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A - Bridgend Northern Distributor Heol West Plas R/A Northern Distributor Brackla R/A - Cross Valley Link Gyratory System - A4061 Cross Valley Link Road W/B - A4063 Tondu Road R/A - Park Street Junction - A473 Inner ByPass S/B Cowbridge Road A473 Waterton R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway E/B - A473 Coychurch R/A - Bocam Park R/A E/B - M4 Junction 35 R/A E/B - A473 North /B Felindre Road R/A - A473 S/B M4 Junction 35 R/A - A473Bocam Park R/A W/B - A473 Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B- Waterton Depot Approximate Total distance salted Approximate Total distance travelled August 2011 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 43.36 3.12 km 15.24 1.20 11.95 0.60 5.48 1.32 10.69 km km Page 25 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE: 2 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 PORTHCAWL & PYLE - COASTAL Description Waterton Depot - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B - Waterton R/A - A48 ByPass Road - Picton Court R/A - Ewenny R/A - Broadlands R/A - Laleston R/A - W/B A48 Redhill R/A A48 Redhill R/A - A4106 Bridgend Road - Danygraig R/A - A4106 Newton Nottage Road - A4106 Newton Nottage Road R/A - A4106 The Portway Dual Carriageway S/B - The Portway R/A - The Portway Dual Carriageway N/B - A4106 Newton Nottage Road R/A Newton Nottage Road - Fulmar Road - South Road - John Street - Lias Road – The Portway R/A - The Portway - Esplanade - Mary Street - Church Place - Lias Road – Junction John Street Lias Road - A4106 The Portway R/A – Esplanade –Junction Mary Street Esplanade - West Drive - Mallard Way - Fulmar Road – Junction South Road Fulmar Road - Newton Nottage Road A4106 Newton Nottage Road R/A - A4229 - South Cornelly By-Pass – B4283 Porthcawl Road - B4283 Curwen Terrace - B4283 Heol Fach – Heol Llan – Heol Las B4283 Heol Fach – from Heol Las – to Heol Llan B4283 Heol Fach - B4283 Water Street - Boundary Boundary - B4283 Water Street - Heol Fach – Junction Meadow Street Meadow Street - Heol-Y-Parc – Ffordd-yr-Eglwys – Heol y Parc – Junct Meadow St Heol y Parc to Junct Marlas Road Marlas Road – Pyle Cross - A48 Pyle Road - Boundary Boundary - A48 Pyle Road – Pyle Cross Pyle Cross – A48 Pyle Road - A48 Pyle R/A Junction A4229 - Fairfield - School Terrace B4283 Heol Fach - Mawdlam Cross Mawdlam Cross - Ton Kenfig - West Road Nottage - Ty Canol - Newton Nottage Road Newton Nottage Road - A4106 Newton Nottage Road R/A A4106 Newton Nottage Road R/A Newton Nottage Road A4106 Danygraig R/A Bridgend Road A48 Redhill R/A A48 Redhill R/A To Laleston R/A E/B A48 Laleston R/A A48 By-Pass Road Laleston R/A To Broadlands R/A A48 Broadlands R/A A48 By-Pass Road Broadlands R/A To Ewenny R/A A48 Ewenny R/A A48 By-Pass Road to Picton Court R/A A48 Picton Court R/A A48 By-Pass Road Picton Court R/A To Waterton R/A A473 Waterton R/A A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway E/B - A473 Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B - Waterton Depot Approximate Total distance salted Approximate Total distance travelled August 2011 km 7.35 8.94 0.20 1.08 0.81 5.05 0.38 2.98 0.28 2.27 0.3 1.61 0.77 2.07 0.68 2.18 0.70 0.58 1.65 0.16 1.17 5.45 0.24 0.11 3.34 0.15 0.77 0.10 2.11 0.09 1.85 0.19 0.55 35.8 km 23.61 km Page 26 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE: 3 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 LLYNFI VALLEY Description Travel km Waterton Depot - A473 Waterton Rd. Dual C/w W/B - A473 Waterton R/A - A473 Waterton Rd. Dual C/w E/B - A473 Coychurch R/A - Heol Simonston - Heol West Plas - BNDR Heol West Plas R/A A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A - A4061 Pen-Y-Cae R/A - A4061 Sarn I/C Southern R/A - A4061 Sarn I/C 9.99 Northern R/A - A4063 Sarn Link W/B Salt A4063 Aberkenfig R/A - Aberkenfig By-Pass - Maesteg Rd., Tondu - Coytrahen - Bridgend Rd., Llangynwyd - Maesteg Rd.- Maesteg Rd., Cwmfelin -Llwydarth Rd., Maesteg - Bethania St.- Bridge St. - Castle St. - High St., Nantyffyllon - Picton St. - Tonna Rd.,- Duffryn Rd., Caerau - Cymer Rd. Boundary Travel Boundary - Cymer Rd. – Jtn. Caerau Road 1.22 Salt Access to new school 0.30 Travel Access to new school - Duffryn Rd. 0.45 Salt Caerau Square - Hermon Rd. - Coegnant Rd. - Heol Tywith, Nantyffyllon –Jtn. A4063 2.02 Travel High St., Nantyffyllon (south) - Castle St., Maesteg 0.99 Salt Talbot St., Maesteg - Church St. & Bus Station - Talbot St. - Neath Rd. - Boundary 1.99 Travel Boundary - Neath Rd. – Jtn Heol Ty-Gwyn 0.87 Salt Heol Ty-Gwyn - Heol Ty-Gwyn Industrial Estate 0.80 Travel Heol Ty-Gwyn Industrial Estate 0.56 Salt Heol Ty-Gwyn - Forge Industrial Estate 1.03 Travel Forge Industrial Estate 0.61 Salt Heol Ty-Gwyn, Maesteg - Garnwen Rd., Nantyffyllon - Davies Tce – Jtn. A4063 1.01 Travel Picton St., - High St. - Castle St.,- Talbot St. - Neath Rd. - Jtn. Brynmawr Place 2.21 Salt Brynmawr Place - St Michaels Rd. - Station St. - Nant Yr Crynwydd - Bryn Celyn Lane - St David's Place - Keir Hardie Rd. 2.09 Travel Keir Hardie Rd. - St David's Place 0.40 Salt Fairfield Avenue - School Rd. - West St. - 0.83 Travel Station St. 0.21 Salt Garn Rd. 0.31 Travel Bethania St. 0.08 Salt Commercial St. 0.67 Travel Talbot St. – Talbot St. Square 0.17 Salt Talbot St. Square – Jtn. Castle St. 0.07 Travel Castle St. – Jtn. Bridge St. 0.44 Salt Bridgend Rd., Garth - Cemetery Rd. - Crown Rd. - Access to school 1.93 Travel Access to school 0.44 Salt Crown Rd 0.11 Travel Bridgend Rd., Garth - Jtn. Ewenny Rd. 0.41 Salt Ewenny Rd., Garth 0.32 Travel Bethania St., Maesteg 0.23 Salt Bethania St. Jtn. - Oakwood Drive 0.29 Travel Ewenny Rd. - Bridgend Rd. – Jtn. Cemetery Rd. 0.18 Salt Bridgend Rd., Garth – Heol Faen – Jtn. Brookfield Rd. 0.92 Travel Heol Faen 0.44 Salt Bridgend Rd. - Mill St., Cwmfelin – Jtn. A4063 0.98 Travel Maesteg Rd., Cwmfelin – Jtn. Llan Rd. 0.37 Salt Llan Rd. – Jtn. A4063 2.54 August 2011 15.04 Page 27 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE 3 Continued Travel WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 LLYNFI VALLEY Jtn. A4063 - Bridgend Rd., Llangynwyd - Coytrahen - Tondu - Aberkenfig R/A - - Sarn I/C - Pen-Y-Cae R/A - Heol-Y-Groes R/A – BNDR - - Coity - - Coychurch R/A - Waterton Depot Approximate Total distance salted Approximate Total distance travelled August 2011 33.25 36.30 14.93 km km Page 28 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE: 4 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 OGMORE VALLEY & PENCOED Dexscription Waterton Depot - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B - A473 Waterton R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway E/B - A473 Coychurch R/A - Heol Simonston – Coity By Pass -Heol West Plas - Heol Spencer - B4280 Pant Hirwaun To Masons Arms - A4061 Masons Arms R/A - Blackmill Road - Cefn Carfan Road Blackmill - Oak Ridge - Ifor Terrace To Heol Pant-Yr-Awel - Inter Valley Access Road From A4093 To A4061 Heol Pant-Yr-Awel - Blackmill Road - Cemetery Road Ogmore Vale - Bridge Street High Street - Bethania Row - Aber Road, Price Town - Clock Tower - Stormy Lane Pembroke Terrace, Nant-Y-Moel - Rowland Terrace - Vale View Terrace - North Vale View - Bwlch-Y-Clawdd Road - A4107 Bwlch-Y-Clawdd Road Boundary - To Turning Point Turning Point A4107 Bwlch-Y-Clawdd Road - North Vale View - Vale View Terrace Rowland Terrace - Pembroke Terrace - Stormy Lane - Clock Tower Clock Tower - Waun Wen Terrace - Dinam Street - Commercial Street - Nant-Y-Moel Row - Glanavon Terrace - Aber Lane Aber Road - Clock Tower - Aber Road - Aber Lane Wyndham Street - Dunraven Place - Fronwen Terrace - North Road - Tynewydd Row - Llywelyn Street - Prospect Place - Meadow Street - Park Avenue - Walters Road Cemetery Road - Bridge Street - High Street - Bethania Row Commercial Street, Llywelyn Street - Prospect Place - Meadow Street - Park Avenue - Walters Road Cemetery Road - Blackmill Road- Heol Pant-Yr-Awel A4061 Ifor Terrace To Heol Pant-Yr-Awel, Pant-Yr-Awel A4061 Oak Ridge - Blackmill - Cefn Carfan Road - Blackmill Road - A4061 Masons Arms R/A B4280 Masons Arms R/A - Pant Hirwaun Heol-Y-Cyw - High Street Ffordd Rhaglan Heol y Felin to Riding School Heol y Felin - Ffordd Rhaglan -High Street, Heol-Y-Cyw– Jtn B4280 Jtn High Street / B4280 - Wern Tarw Road – Entrance to Rockwool Wern Tarw Road - Jtn Wern Tarw Road / B4280 Jtn Wern Tarw Road / B4280 - B4280 /A473Penprysg R/A - Penybont Road - A473 Agricultural College R/A - A473 Felindre Road R/A – end Dual C/w A473 – end Dual C/w - A473 Agricultural College R/A A473 Agricultural College R/A , Pencoed Penybont Road, Pencoed A473 Penprysg R/A A473 Penprysg R/A - Penprysg Road Penprysg Road - Penybont Road - A473 Agricultural College R/A A473 Agricultural College R/A - Penybont Road - Jtn Penprysg Road Penybont Road - The Square - Hendre Road (Do not salt 10m either side of railway level crossing) Kennedy Drive - Deri Avenue - jtn Hendre Road Hendre Road – Jtn Min-Y-Nant Min-Y-Nant - Hendre Road Relief Road Penprysg Road - Penybont Road - The Square Coychurch Road - Felindre Road - A473 Felindre Road R/A – Felindre – new R/A Felindre Road A473 Felindre Road R/A Felindre Road, Pencoed Coychurch Road - Ffordd Pencoed - A473 Bocam Park R/A A473 Bocam Park R/A - Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway West /B – Waterton Depot Approximate Total distance salted Approximate Total distance travelled August 2011 km 13.45 13.26 8.02 3.07 1.73 2.22 0.89 0.22 3.20 0.45 4.35 4.05 0.81 2.46 1.02 3.86 0.49 0.25 0.41 0.15 0.85 1.71 0.47 1.45 0.30 0.54 0.30 2.40 1.47 0.23 0.49 1.37 3.06 37.69 km 41.05 km Page 29 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE 5 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 GARW VALLEY & EVANSTOWN Description Waterton Depot - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway West Bound - A473 Waterton Roundabout - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway East Bound - A473 Coychurch Roundabout - Heol Simonston – Coity By Pass -Heol West Plas - Heol Spencer – Junction Heol Hopkin John Junction Heol Hopkin John - Heol Spencer – Junction B4280 B4280 Junction Heol Spencer to Masons Arms - Masons Arms Roundabout A4061 Masons Arms Roundabout - A4061 Sarn Interchange Northern Roundabout A4063 Sarn Link West Bound - A4063 Aberkenfig Roundabout - A4063 Sarn Link East Bound – exit A4061 Sarn Interchange A4061 Sarn Interchange - Junction Heol Canola Heol Canola - Junction Eustace Drive – Eustace Drive – Bakers Way – Junction Heol Canola Heol Canola - Junction Eustace Drive – Junction Meadow Rise Meadow Rise - Pugsley Gardens - Daleside A4061 - Junction A4065, Bryncethin Junction A4065, Bryncethin A4061 Junction A4065 - Masons Arms Roundabout A4061 Masons Arms Roundabout - Ogmore Terrace - Brynmenyn Industrial Estate Roundabout - Millers Avenue (Brynmenyn Industrial Estate) - Chilcott Avenue - St Theodores Way Millers Avenue, Brynmenyn Industrial Estate - A4065 Brynmenyn Industrial Estate Roundabout A4065 Brynmenyn Industrial Estate Roundabout - Abergarw Road - New Road A4064 Llangeinor Road - Heol Llangeinor - Cuckoo Street, Pant-Y-Gog - Oxford Street, Pontycymer - Victoria Street - King Edward Street, Blaengarw - Bridge Street - Blaengarw Square Blaengarw Square - Bridge Street - King Edward Street - Victoria Street, Pontycymer – Commercial Place Commercial Place - Bridgend Road, Braich-Y-Cymer - Beech Road, Pont-Y-Rhyl A4064 Tylagwyn Rail Bridge A4064 Tylagwyn Rail Bridge – Junction A4093 Llangeinor A4093 Inter Valley Road - Pant-Yr-Awel - A4061 Blackmill - A4093 Glynogwr - Boundary Boundary – Hendreforgan - B4564 Gilfach Goch - High St, – Boundary B4564 Abercerdin Road Evanstown - Coronation Road - Boundary Boundary – Gilfach Goch - B4564 – Hendreforgan - A4093 Boundary - Glynogwr – Blackmill – junction A4061 A4061 Blackmill - A4061 Masons Arms Roundabout A4061 Masons Arms Rbt - B4280 - Heol Spencer – Heol West Plas – to Traffic Light Junction start of Coity By Pass Entrance to Junction – Coity By Pass – Rbt Heol Simonston Coity By Pass Traffic Light Junction With Heol West Plas Heol West Plas – BNDR Rbt – Heol West Plas to start of splitter islands Main Ave Traffic Signal Junction Salt through Junction Heol West Plas – to entrance to Coity By PassTraffic Light Junct Salt through Junction Coity By Pass - Heol Simonston - B4181 - A473 Coychurch Roundabout - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway West Bound - Waterton Approximate Total Distance Salted Approximate Total Distance Travelled August 2011 36.68 31.99 km 7.15 1.47 0.19 4.87 0.73 1.51 0.3 0.86 0.04 0.04 0.21 1.85 0.38 9.30 1.52 3.35 1.06 7.54 4.74 1.23 6.87 3.56 2.9 0.8 0.8 0.1 0.1 0.1 3.8 km km Page 30 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE: 6 (to be used by the small gritter) Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt August 2011 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 BRIDGEND EAST Description Waterton Depot - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B- A473 Waterton R/A A48 Waterton R/A To Ewenny River E/B - W/B A473 Waterton R/A - Cowbridge Road – junction Bridgend Industrial Estate Access Road Bridgend Industrial Estate Access Road - York Road - Kingsway R/A West Kent Road - North Road - David Street - Kingsway R/A East – Kingsway Kingsway R/A West - Western Avenue - Kingsway R/A East Kingsway Gate Road - South Road - Bridgend Industrial Estate Access Road Cowbridge Road - A473 Waterton R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway E/B - A473 Coychurch R/A B4181 - Heol Simonston - Wyndham Close - Coegnant Close - Main Avenue Heol West Plas - BNDR Heol West Plas R/A - Heol West Plas - Litchard Cross - Litchard Terrace - Garfield Avenue - Heol-Y-Groes - A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A - Litchard Hill Litchard Cross Litchard Cross - Coity Road – to Juct Cemetery Road Coity Road Tremains Road – Coychurch Road – Brackla Way R/A - Brackla Way – Princess Way R/A – Princess Way – Northern R/A - Access To BNDRW/B – BNDRBrackla R/A – Access From BNDRE/B – Northern R/A Princess Way Princess Way Dan-Y-Coed Rise Northern R/A - Meadow Rise Princess Way Dan-Y-Coed Rise Southern R/A – Princess Way Brackla Way Princess Way R/A – Brackla Way - Channel View Brackla Way Brackla Way – Brackla R/A Heol Simonston – Brackla Way - Church Acre Wyndham Close Heol Simonston –Coity By Pass Rbt Coity By Pass Heol West Plas to BNDR BNDRHeol West Plas R/A – BNDR South Bound – Brackla R/A – BNDR South Bound – Bridgend Cross Valley Link Gyratory System – A4061 Bridgend CVL Road W/B - A4063 Tondu Road R/A – Park Street Junction – Angel Street – Junction Water Street km 1.06 Water Street – The Rhiw - Nolton Street - Brackla Street – Cheapside – Brackla Street Tremains Road Minerva Street – Waunscil Avenue – Coychurch Road - Asda( internal R/b) Coychurch Road – Brackla Way R/A Coychurch Road – Junction Heol Simonston B4181 Coychurch Road - start Dual C/w B4181 Coychurch Road start Dual C/w - A473 Coychurch R/A A473 Coychurch R/A - junction Main Road, Coychurch Main Road, Coychurch – East Street, Bridgend Industrial Estate – North Road 0.91 1.17 0.30 6.42 0.57 1.34 2.14 5.86 0.12 0.49 0.03 1.1 0.54 4.04 0.18 0.74 0.83 3.00 0.40 1.59 0.07 1.24 0.8 0.5 2.77 0.29 1.3 0.9 1.47 0.15 0.31 0.91 1.28 Page 31 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 SALT ROUTE: 6 (CONTINUED) (to be used by the BRIDGEND EAST small gritter) Description Travel David Street Salt Junction David Street - A473 Coychurch R/A Travel A473 Coychurch R/A Salt Brocastle Avenue - Brocastle Avenue R/A -Horsefair Road Travel Horsefair Road Salt Brocastle Avenue R/A - Brocastle Avenue Travel A473 Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B – Waterton Lane Change to 7.5T demount salting unit Travel A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B- Waterton R/A - Cowbridge Road - A473 Inner By-Pass N/B - BCVL E/B to Quarella RoadSalt Quarella Road to Junction of Cemetery Road Travel Cemetery Road – Coity Road - A4061 Bridgend Cross Valley Link Road W/Bto Quarella Road lights Salt Quarella Road - Bus Station Travel Quarella Road - A4061 Bridgend Cross Valley Link Road W/B – A4063 Bridgend Inner By Pass – Angel St – to Bridgend Recreation Centre Car Park Salt Bridgend Recreation Centre Car Park Travel Angel St – to Bowls Car Park Salt Bowls Car Park Travel Angel St – Water St – The Rhiw – Nolton Street – Brackla St – to Open Air Car Park Salt Brackla Street Open Air Car Park Travel Brackla Street – Tremains Rd – Coychurch Rd – Cowbridge Road Link – Cowbridge Road – A473 Waterton E/B Coychurch Rbt- A473 W/B to Waterton Depot Approximate Total Distance Salted Approximate Total Distance Travelled August 2011 36.00 23.39 km 0.25 0.22 0.23 0.81 0.30 0.59 0.79 3.7 1.4 1.4 0.23 0.83 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.76 0.3 5.4 km km Page 32 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE 7 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 BRIDGEND WEST Description Travel A473 Waterton Rd. Dual C/W W/B- A473 Waterton R/B Cowbridge Rd. - Picton Court Retail Park - A48 Picton Court R/B - Picton Court Retail Salt Park - Cowbridge Rd. - A473 Inner By-Pass North Bound - Merthyr Mawr Rd. Travel A48 By-Pass Rd. Junction Merthyr Mawr Rd. To Ewenny R/B Salt A48 Ewenny R/B - Ewenny Rd. - Boundary Travel Ewenny Rd. A48 Ewenny R/B - Ewenny Rd. - Cowbridge Rd. - Coychurch Rd. link – Coychurch Road Salt - Temains Rad Junction Travel Tremains Rd. - dualling Dualling Tremains Rd. - Bridgend Cross Valley Link Gyratory - Coity Rd. junction Salt Cemetery Rd. Travel Coity Rd. – Start dualling at Princess of Wales Hospital Start of dualling at Princess Of Wales Hospital turn right at Princess of Wales Hospital Salt around Hospital roundabout - Coity Road - to north end dualling Travel Litchard Cross – Litchard T/S Salt Litchard Terrace - Wildmill Lane - Quarella Rd. - Cemetery Rd. Travel Coity Rd. - Bridgend Cross Valley Link Gyratory Bridgend Cross Valley Link Gyratory - Cross Valley Link Rd. West Bound - Derwen Rd. Salt Nolton St. T/S Travel Nolton St. T/S - A473 Inner By-Pass North Bound- Junction Merthyr Mawr Rd. A473 Inner By-Pass North Bound Junction Merthyr Mawr Rd. - Tondu Rd. R/B - A4063 Salt Tondu Rd. - Bridgend Rd. – Junction Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn Travel Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn to junct Graham Ave Graham Ave – turn rt Graham Ave – Turn left into Chantal Ave – Chantal Ave – Graham Salt Ave to entrance link Travel Graham Ave to Chantal Ave – Turn Rt Salt Chantal Ave Travel Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn Pen-Yr-Heol - Heol Eglwys - Heol Pen-Y-Fai - A4063 Tondu Rd. Dual C/W S/B–to Salt southern end of dualling Travel A4063 Tondu Rd. – North entrance to Brewery Field Car Park Salt Brewery Field Carpark - A4063 Tondu Rd. R/B Travel A4063 Tondu Rd. R/B - Park St. - junction Heol-Y-Nant Heol-Y-Nant - Llangewydd Rd. - Shakespeare Ave - Merlin Cres - Cefn Glas Rd. - St Salt Winifreds Rd. Travel Llangewydd Rd. Llangewydd Rd. - Bryn Golau - Llangewydd Rd. - Barnes Ave - Merlin Cres - Bryn Golau Salt Bryn Golau T/S - B4622 Broadlands Spine Rd. - A48 Broadlands R/B Travel B4622 Broadlands Spine Rd. – entry Broadlands South R/B Salt B4622 Broadlands South R/B - Careg Llwyd - Ffordd Tirion Travel Careg Llwyd – to junct Clos Castell Coity Salt Clos Castell Coity Travel Careg Llwyd – to Ffordd Tirion Careg Llwyd - Broadlands North R/B – Acess road passing entrances to Dan-y-Deri / Cwrt Salt Newydd / Pant Gwyn / Banc Gelli Las / Broadlands South Roundabout – end of dual section from Broadlands South R/A to entrance Banc Gelli Las (To be Added) Access road passing entrances to Banc Gelli Las / Pant Gwyn / Cwrt Newydd / Dan y Deri Travel to start of dual section (To be Added) Salt Dual section from entrance Dan y Deri – Broadlands Roundabout North (To be Added) Travel B4622 Broadlands Spine Rd. - entry Bryn Golau T/S Salt entry Bryn Golau T/S - exit Bryn Golau T/S Travel Bryn Golau - junction Ton Glas Salt Ton Glas - Mount Pleasant - Llangewydd Rd. Travel Bryn Golau – junction Heol-Y-Frenhines Salt Heol-Y-Frenhines - junction Heol-Y-Nant August 2011 km 1.20 3.31 0.98 1.37 1.21 1.43 0.67 0.60 0.49 0.41 0.27 1.73 0.39 1.05 0.23 3.57 0.05 1.18 0.26 0.90 0.90 2.51 0.24 0.20 0.74 2.52 0.11 3.77 0.24 2.1 0.31 0.18 0.21 1.60 0.92 0.10 0.25 0.09 0.21 1.14 0.18 0.85 Page 33 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 SALT ROUTE 7 Continued BRIDGEND WEST Description Travel Heol-Y-Nant - Park St. - junction St Leonards Rd. St Leonards Rd. - West Rd. - Westfield Ave - Llangewydd Rd. - St Mary's School Salt Llangewydd Rd. - St Illtyds Rd. - Cefn Glas Rd. Travel St Winifreds Rd. - Llangewydd Rd. - junction Heol-Y-Nant Salt Llangewydd Rd. junction Heol-Y-Nant - Glannant Rd. - Ystrad Fawr Travel Westfield Ave Salt West Rd. - Newcastle Hill - Cefn Glas Rd. - junction St Illtyds Rd. Travel junction St Illtyds Rd. - Cefn Glas Rd. Salt Cefn Glas Rd. Lane To Pen-Y-Fai Heol Pen-Y-Fai - A4063 Tondu Rd. Dual C/W S/B - A4063 Tondu Rd. R/B - Park St. Travel Glan-Y-Parc - Angel St. Salt Sunnyside Rd. - Rice St. Travel A473 Inner By-Pass North Bound - Tondu Rd. R/B – junction Quarella Rd. T/S Salt Quarella Rd. T/S - Market St. Travel Derwen Rd. Salt Station Hill - Court Rd. Travel Nolton St. - Nolton St. T/S - Cowbridge Rd Coychurch Road Junction Salt Coychurch Road – Junction with Cowbridge Road Link Travel Coychurch Road Link – Cowbrige Road to Cowbridge Rd. dualling Salt Cowbridge Rd. dualling A473 Waterton R/B - A473 Waterton Rd. Dual C/W E/B- A473 Coychurch R/B - A473 Travel Waterton Rd. Dual C/W W/B- Depot Approximate Total Distance Salted Approximate Total Distance Travelled August 2011 39.77 18.51 km 0.40 1.72 0.59 0.73 0.23 0.95 0.36 1.07 2.95 0.22 0.58 0.21 0.06 0.29 0.53 0.23 0.66 0.62 2.95 km km Page 34 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE 8 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 PYLE, CEFN CRIBWR, ABERKENFIG, BETTWS & SARN Description A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B- Waterton R/A - Cowbridge Road - A473 Inner By-Pass N/B- Park Street - Bryntirion Hill – start dualling Bryngolau T/S start dualling Bryngolau T/S - end dualling Bryngolau T/S A473 - High Street Laleston - entry Rogers Lane R/A Entry Rogers Lane R/A - Rogers Lane - B4281 Cefn Road, Cefn Cribwr- High Street, Kenfig Hill - Moriah Place - Commercial Street – Waunbant Rd – Woodland Park Waunbant Road Bridge Street - Pisgah Street - Ffald Road, Pyle – A48 Pyle Road - Heol Mostyn - Village Farm Road to west end Village Farm Road to junction with Heol Mostyn Village Farm Road to east end Village Farm Road - Heol Mostyn – to junction with Marshfield Avenue Marshfield Avenue – Junction B4281 B4281 Pisgah Street Kenfig Hill - Bridge Street - Commercial Street - Moriah Place - High Street - Cefn Road – Cefn Cross B4281 Farm Road, Cefn Cribwr - Tycribwr Hill - Fountain Road, Aberkenfig - Park Road Bridgend Road – Bryn Rd T/S Maesteg Road, Tondu – junction Derllwyn Road Derllwyn Road - New Road – Cwmrisca Crossroads Fountain P/H (Do not salt 10m either side of railway level crossing) Fountain Road, Aberkenfig - Park Road - junction Bridgend Road Park Road - A4063 Aberkenfig R/A - A4063 - Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn - Pen-Y-Fai Road Bridgend Road Park Road - A4063 Aberkenfig R/A - A4063 Sarn Link E/B Sarn Hill - Heol Ganol to junction with Bryncoch Road Bryncoch Road – to Sarn Hill junction Sarn Hill passed Cemetery to Heol Ganol junction Heol Ganol to junction with Bryn Coch Road Heol Canola - Junction A4061 A4061 Junction Heol Canola - Royal Oak T/S Royal Oak T/S - A4065 Brynmenyn Industrial Estate R/A A4065 Brynmenyn Industrial Estate R/A - Abergarw Road – Junction of Llangeinor Road A4064 Abergarw Road - Gasworks Terrace - Bryn Road, Tondu - Bryn Rd T/S Bryn Rd T/S - A4063 Maesteg Road, Tondu – Coytrahen – junction Shwt Shwt Village junction A4063 - Glannant Row Shwt - Bettws - Bettws Road - Pen-Y-Bryn Road – junction A4065 Bryn Road - Abergarw Road – junction A4064 Llangeinor Road junction A4064 Llangeinor Road west leg of A4064 A4064 Llangeinor Road - Heol Llangeinor – Llangeinor Junction Bettws Road Bettws Road, Llangeinor - Heol Richard Price, Bettws - Heol Glannant (west junction) Heol Glannant - Heol Glannant (east junction) Heol Richard Price Heol Glannant (east junction) - Heol Glannant (wast junction) Bettws Road – junction Shwt Bettws Road - Pen-Y-Bryn Road - Bryn Road - Gasworks Terrace – junction Heol-YrYsgol, Ynysawdre Heol-Yr-Ysgol, Ynysawdre - Heol Cwrdy, Sarn - Bryncoch Road – junction A4063 Sarn Link A4063 Sarn Link - Sarn Interchange – junction Heol Hopcyn John Heol Hopcyn John - Heol Spencer - Heol West Plas -to Coity By Pass Traffic Light Junction , Coity By Pass - Heol Simonston - B4181/A473 Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B - Waterton Depot Approximate Total Distance Salted Approximate Total Distance Travelled August 2011 36.10 29.58 km 4.78 0.14 1.54 6.85 0.7 3.2 0.70 0.58 1.30 0.37 3.73 3.93 0.81 2.32 1.17 2.25 0.45 0.60 0.30 0.31 0.27 1.15 0.32 0.72 0.34 2.05 2.67 3.89 0.58 0.29 2.76 3.08 0.19 0.34 2.75 1.58 1.07 2.42 3.65 km km Page 35 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE: 9 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 (Above 500 ft and Cold Spots, West) Description A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B - A473/ A48 Waterton R/A - A48 ByPass Road - A48 Picton Court R/A - A48 Ewenny R/A A48 Broadlands R/A - A48 Laleston R/A - A473 - Rogers Lane R/A - Rogers Lane – Llangewydd Cross Llangewydd Cross - Rogers Lane - Cefn Cross - B4281 - Kenfig Hill Monument Kenfig Hill Monument - Cefn Cross Cefn Cross - B4281 - Fountain Road - A4063 Aberkenfig R/A A4063 Aberkenfig R/A - A4063 Aberkenfig By-Pass North - Maesteg Road, Tondu – Coytrahen - Cwmfelin - Bridgend Road, Garth - Castle Street, Maesteg - High Street, Nantyffyllon – jct Heol Tywith Picton Street, Nantyffyllon - Picton Street - Tonna Road - Duffryn Road, Caerau Cymer Road - Boundary km 8.54 4.21 2.79 3.63 10.76 4.35 Travel Salt Travel Boundary - Cymer Rd. – Jtn. Caerau Road Access to new school Access to new school - Duffryn Rd Salt Caerau Square - Hermon Rd. - Coegnant Rd. - Heol Tywith, Nantyffyllon –Jtn. A4063 Travel High St., Nantyffyllon (south) - Castle St., Maesteg - Talbot Street – jtn Brynmawr Place 1.45 Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Neath Road - Boundary Boundary - Neath Road – jtn. Heol Ty-Gwyn Maesteg Heol Ty Gwyn - Heol Ty Gwyn Industrial Estate Heol Ty-Gwyn Industrial Estate Heol Ty Gwyn - Forge Industrial Estate Forge Industrial Estate – jtn, Heol Ty Gwyn Heol Ty-Gwyn - Garnwen Road - Davies Terrace, - Picton Street, Nantyffyllon Picton Street - High Street - Castle Street - Talbot Street - Neath Road - jtn Brynmawr Place Brynmawr Place - St Michaels Road - Station Street - Bryn Celyn Lane - St David's Place - Keir Hardie Road Keir Hardie Road - St David's Place St David's Place - Fairfield Avenue - School Road - West Street – jtn St Michaels Road Station Street – jtn Garn Road Garn Road - jtn Bethania Street A4063 south Bethania Street - Llwydarth Road - jtn Llan Road Llan Road, Llangynwyd – A4063 south Bridgend Road - Shwt Village – Bettws Heol Richard Price - Heol Glannant (East jtn) - Heol Glannant - Heol Glannant (West jtn) Heol Glannant (West jtn) - Heol Richard Price - Heol Glannant (East jtn) Heol Richard Price – Llangeinor – A4064 north - Pontycymer - Blaengarw Blaengarw - Pontycymer – Commercial Place Commercial Place - Bridgend Road, Braich-Y-Cymer - Beech Road, Pont-Y-Rhyl - A4064 Tylagwyn Rail Bridge A4064 Tylagwyn Rail Bridge – Junction A4093 Llangeinor A4093 Inter Valley Road - Pant-Yr-Awel – jtn A4061 A4061 south - Blackmill – Bryncethin - Coity - Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B – Waterton Depot 1.38 0.87 0.81 0.54 1.29 0.61 1.01 2.21 Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Approximate Total Distance Salted Approximate Total Distance Travelled August 2011 46.97 44.86 1.22 0.3 0.45 2.02 2.09 0.40 0.83 0.21 0.31 1.28 9.40 0.19 7.80 1.52 3.35 1.06 2.86 10.97 km km Page 36 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE: 10 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel (Above 500 ft and Cold Spots, East) Description A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B - Waterton R/B - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway E/B - A473 Coychurch R/B Exit Coychurch R/B - Heol Simonston - Coity By Pass- Heol West Plas - Heol Spencer B4280 - Bryncethin - A4061 Blackmill Road – Blackmill - Pant-Yr-Awel - Ogmore Vale Price Town - Clock Tower - Pembroke Terrace Nant-Y-Moel - North Vale View - BwlchY-Clawdd Road - A4107 To Neath Port Talbot Boundary - To Turning Point Turning Point - A4107 Neath Port Talbot Boundary - A4061Bwlch-Y-Clawdd Road North Vale View, Nant-Y-Moel - Clock Tower, Price Town Clock Tower, Price Town - Waun Wen Terrace - Dinam Street - Commercial Street, Nant-Y-Moel - Nant-Y-Moel Row - Glanavon Terrace - Aber Lane Aber Road (north) - Clock Tower, Price Town - Aber Road (south) - Aber Lane Wyndham Street - Fronwen Terrace - North Road - Llewellyn Street - Meadow Street Park Avenue - Walters Road – jtn A4061 A4061 (north) – Jtn Commercial Street Ogmore Vale Commercial Street – jtn Llewellyn Street Llewellyn Street - Meadow Street - Park Avenue - Walters Road – jtn A4061 - A4061 (south) - Pant-Yr-Awel – Blackmill – jtn A4093 Jtn A4061 Blackmill - A4093 - Glynogwr - Boundary Boundary – Hendreforgan - B4564 Gilfach Goch - High St, – Boundary B4564 Abercerdin Road Evanstown - Coronation Road - Boundary Boundary – Gilfach Goch - B4564 – Hendreforgan - A4093 Boundary - Glynogwr – Blackmill –A4061 (south) - Masons Arms R/B, Bryncethin B4280 Masons Arms R/A - Pant Hirwaun Heol-Y-Cyw - High Street Ffordd Rhaglan Heol y Felin to Riding School Heol y Felin - Ffordd Rhaglan -High Street, Heol-Y-Cyw– Jtn B4280 Jtn High Street - B4280 - Wern Tarw Road – Entrance to Rockwool Wern Tarw Road – jtn B4280 B4280 – entry Penprysg R/B Entry A473 Penprysg R/B, Pencoed - A473 Agricultural College R/B - A473 Felindre Road R/B - M4 Junction 35 R/B Pencoed - A473 Bocam Park R/B - A473 Coychurch R/B - A473 Waterton Road Dual Carriageway W/B – Waterton Depot Approximate Total Distance Salted Approximate Total Distance Travelled August 2011 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 40.57 41.13 km 3.17 23.8 8.02 3.07 1.73 2.22 0.89 0.22 4.48 3.85 4.74 1.23 10.58 4.05 0.81 2.46 1.02 1.78 6.40 km km Page 37 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE SALT ROUTE 11 Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Salt Travel Inland Low Ground Description Waterton Depot - A473 Waterton Rd Dual C’way W/B - Waterton R/A - A48 By-Pass Road - Picton Court R/A - Ewenny R/A - Broadlands R/A - B4622 Broadlands Spine Road - Broadlands South R/A - Broadlands North R/A Bryn Golau T.S. - Bryn Golau - Merlin Crescent Cefn Glas Road Lane To Pen-Y-Fai - Heol Pen-Y-Fai - A4063 Bridgend Road – junction Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn to junct Graham Ave Graham Ave – turn rt Graham Ave – Turn left into Chantal Ave – Chantal Ave – Graham Ave to entrance link Graham Ave to Chantal Ave – Turn Rt Chantal Ave Heol Ty'n-Y-Garn Pen-Yr-Heol - Heol Eglwys Heol Pen-Y-Fai - Bridgend Road - A4063 Aberkenfig R/A - A4063 Sarn Link E/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Northern R/A A4061 Sarn Interchange Northern R/A - A4061 Sarn Interchange M4 Over Bridge S/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - A4061 Dual C’way S/B - Pen-Y-Cae R/A - A4061 Dual C’way N/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - Designer Outlet Village Access Roads - A4061 Pen-Y-Cae R/A - Pen-Y-Cae Lane - Designer Outlet Village – Rear Service Yard Rear Service Yard – Front Car Park Designer Outlet Village Car Park Designer Outlet Village - Designer Outlet Village Access Roads A4061 Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - A4061 Sarn Interchange M4 Over Bridge N/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Northern R/A A4061 Sarn Interchange Northern R/A - A4061 Sarn Interchange M4 Over Bridge S/B - A4061 Sarn Interchange Southern R/A - A4061 Dual C’way S/B - Pen-Y-Cae R/A Pen-Y-Cae R/A - Litchard Hill Dual C’way S/B - A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A Litchard Hill Dual C’way N/B - A4061 Pen-Y-Cae R/A A4061 Pen-Y-Cae R/A - Litchard Hill Dual C’way S/B- A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A A4061 Heol-Y-Groes R/A - A4061 Bridgend Northern Distributor S/B - Heol West Plas R/A - Bridgend Northern Distributor N/B - Heol-Y-Groes R/A Litchard Hill S/B - Litchard Cross T.S, Litchard Cross T.S. - Litchard Terrace Litchard Terrace Access To Garfield Avenue - Garfield Avenue - Heol-YGroes - Heol-Y-Groes R/A Heol-Y-Groes R/A - A4061 Bridgend Northern Distributor S/B - Heol West Plas R/A Heol West Plas – Coity – By – Pass - Heol Simonston - Wyndham Close Coegnant Close - Main Avenue – Junction Heol West Plas Heol West Plas - Coity – By – Pass - - Heol Simonston – junction Wyndham Close Heol Simonston – B4181 Coychurch road - A473 E/B Coychurch R/B A473 E/B Bocam Park R/B - A473 / M4 Junction 35 R/B – A473 Pencoed By Pass E/B – Felindre Road R/B - A473 Pencoed By Pass W/B - M4 Junction 35 R/B – A473 Bocam Park R/B - A473 Coychurch R/B A473 East Junction to Coychurch - A473W/B Coychurch R/A - A473 Waterton Road Dual C’way W/B - Waterton Depot Approximate total distance salted Approximate total distance travelled August 2011 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 km 7.13 3.13 0.05 1.18 0.26 0.9 0.9 0.71 4.19 2.55 0.6 1.06 0.61 0.7 0.45 1.92 0.24 1.32 0.6 3.04 1.19 9.1 1.76 21.885km 18.749km Page 38 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Heights Above Sea Level of Strategic Points on the Highway Network Location A4107 Bwlch Mountain A4061 Key Hole Bend A4061 Clock Tower Pricetown A4061 Ogmore Vale A4061 Pantyrawel A4061 Blackmill A4061 Bryncethin Rbt A4063 Cymmer Hill A4063 Caerau Square A4063 Talbot Street A4063 Coytrahen A4063 Aberkenfig Rbt A4064 Blaengarw A4064 Pontycymmer Height in Metres 527 366 184 144 120 89 75 297 190 130 60 35 230 160 A4064 Llangeinor A4093 Inter Valley Road A4093 Glynogwr B4564 Evanstown B4282 Neath Road B4281 Cefn Cribbwr Llangwynydd Village Bettws 98 189 197 241 246 128 200 160 August 2011 Page 39 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Appendix II Secondary Streets August 2011 Page 40 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Appendix III Pedestrian areas August 2011 Page 41 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Appendix IV Secondary Footways August 2011 Page 42 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Secondary Footways Area A Plan Ref A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 August 2011 Location BRIDGEND ROAD, ABERKENFIG NEW STREET, ABERKENFIG MEADOW/WEST STREET, ABERKENFIG DAB-Y-LAN, ABERKENFIG HEOL PERSONDY, ABERKENFIG WAUNBANT ROAD, KENFIG HILL REAR LANE PWLLYGARTH STREET, KENFIG HILL COMMERCIAL STREET, KENFIG HILL BRIDGE STREET, KENFIG HILL PYLE ROAD, PYLE FFALD ROAD, PYLE MEADOW AVENUE, KENFIG HILL LONGLANDS CLOSE, PYLE PRINCE ROAD, KENFIG HILL SCHOOL ROAD, KENFIG HILL DERLLWYN ROAD, TONDU A4063, MAESTEG COMP., LLANGYNWYD A4063, BRIDGEND ROAD, LLANGYNWYD A4063, MAESTEG ROAD, CWMFELIN MISSION ROAD, GARTH CEMETERY ROAD, GARTH CROWN ROAD, MAESTEG FFORDD DYSGU, MAESTEG PENYRYSGOL, MAESTEG MAESTEG TOWN CENTRE PLASNEWYDD STREET, MAETSEG HEOL TYWITH, NANTYFYLLON WOODLANDS TERRACE, CAERAU NEW SCHOOL ACCESS, CAERAU PRIMARY CAERAU ROAD, CAERAU Comments SHOPS CLINIC SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE CARE HOME/CLINIC SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY CHURCH FIRE STATION/SHOPS SCHOOL ENTRANCE CARE HOME COM. CENTRE CARE HOME CARE HOME SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE CARE HOME CARE HOME SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS Page 43 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Secondary Footways Area B Plan Ref B1 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 B12 B13 B14 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B20 B21 B22 B23 B24 Location JOHN STREET/WELLFIELD AVENUE, PORTHCAWL MEADOW LANE, PORTHCAWL HAWTHORN PLACE/CLEVIS CRESCENT, NEWTON NEW ROAD, PORTHCAWL PARK AVENUE, PORTHCAWL ANGEL STREET, BRIDGEND SUFFOLK PLACE, PORTHCAWL SEVERN ROAD, PORTHCAWL PENYLAN AVENUE, PORTHCAWL WEST ROAD, NOTTAGE GREENFIELD TERRACE, NORTH CORNELLY HALL DRIVE/HEOL FACH, NORTH CORNELLY HEOL-Y-PARC, NORTH CORNELLY ANGEL STREET, BRIDGEND WELL STREET, LALESTON ELM CRESCENT, BRYTIRION FFORDD TIRION, BROADLANDS FFORDD TIRION, BROADLANDS BRYNGOLAU, BRYNTIRION HEOL Y FRENHINES, CEFN GLAS NEW COTTAGES, PENYFAI MERLIN CRESCENT, CEFN GLAS LLANGEWYDD ROAD, CEFN GLAS LLANGEWYDD ROAD, CEFNGLAS B25 B26 B27 ST. WINIFREDS ROAD, CEFN GLAS LLANGEWYDD ROAD, CEFN GLAS LLANGEWYDD ROAD, CEFN GLAS B2 B3 August 2011 Comments CARE HOME/SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE FIRE STATION SCHOOL ENTRANCE CARE HOME CARE HOME CARE HOME SCHOOL/SURGERY SCHOOL/SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRNCE CIVIC OFFICES SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY/SHOPS SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS/NURSERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS/COM. CENTRE/SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE Page 44 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Secondary Footways Area C Plan Ref C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 Location PENCOED SQUARE COYCHURCH ROAD, PENCOED FAIRLAWN/GLOSSOP TERRACE, PENCOED COYCHURCH ROAD, PENCOED PENPRYSG ROAD, PENCOED HIGH STREET, HEOL-Y-CYW C7 C8 MAIN ROAD, COYCHURCH WHITETHORN DRIVE, BRACKLA C9 C10 C11 CAE BRACKLA, BRACKLA CHANNEL VIEW, BRACKLA BRACKLA WAY, BRACKLA (ARCHDEACON) BRACKLA WAY, BRACKLA (JUNIOR/INFANT) MEADOW RISE, BARCKLA HEOL-Y-GROES, LITCHARD HEOL-YR-YSGOL, COITY FIVE BELLS ROAD, BRIDGEND MINERVA STREET, BRIDGEND EWENNY ROAD, BRIDGEND MOUNT EARL, BRIDGEND BRYNTEG AVENUE, BRIDGEND MERTHYR MAWR ROAD, BRIDGEND COWBRIDGE ROAD, BRIDGEND SOUTH STREET, BRIDGEND QUARELLA ROAD, BRIDGEND BROOK STREET, BRIDGEND COITY ROAD, BRIDGEND C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 C21 C22 C23 C24 C25 C26 August 2011 Comments SHOPS/SURGERY/COM.CENTRE CARE HOME FIRE STATION/SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS/CHURCH/SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE/SURGERY/SHOPS CARE HOME SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL/SHOPS SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY/CHURCH/COM.CENTRE COLLEGE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY CARE HOME HOSPITAL Page 45 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Secondary Footways Area D Plan Ref D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8 D9 D10 D11 D12 D13 D14 D15 D16 D17 D18 D19 D20 D21 D22 D23 D24 August 2011 Location COMMERCIAL STREET, NANTYMOEL KATIE STREET, BLAENGARW HIGH STREET OGMORE VALE OXFORD STREET, PONTYCYMMER KENRY STREET, EVANSTOWN BLACKMILL SQUARE INTER VALLEY ROAD, LEWISTOWN A4061, PANTYRAWEL BETHANIA ROW, OGMORE VALE COMMERCIAL STREET/CWRT GWALIA, OGMORE VALE OGWY STREET, NANTYMOEL ABERGARW INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, ABERGARW HEOL CANOLA, SARN (INFANT) HEOL CANOLA, SARN (NURSERY) HEOL CANOLA,SARN HEOL-YR-YSGOL, SARN BRYN ROAD, BRYNCETHIN BETTWS ROAD, BETTWS LLANGEINOR SQUARE HEOL GELLILODRA, LLANGEINOR MEADOW/IVOR STREET, PONTYCYMMER LOWER ADARE STREET, PONTYCYMMER VISTORIA STREET, PONTYCYMMER STATION/BRIDGE STREET, BLAENGARW Comments SHOPS SHOPS SHOPS SHOPS SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS CARE HOME CARE HOME FIRE STATION SHOPS/SCHOOL/CARE HOME SURGERY/COM.CENTRE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY/SHOPS/COM.CENTRE SCHOOL/CARE HOME SCHOOL ENTRANCE SHOPS/SCHOOL/COM.CENTRE SCHOOL/SHOPS/COM.CENTRE SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE SCHOOL ENTRANCE SURGERY SCHOOL ENTRANCE Page 46 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Appendix V SOUTH WALES TRUNK ROAD AGENCY GRITTING ROUTES South Wales Trunk Road Agency August 2011 Page 47 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Appendix VI Forms August 2011 Page 48 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN DISTRIBUTION LIST Copy No Post Holder 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23 24 25. 26. CorporateDirector Communities Head of Street Scene Group Manager – Public Protection Group Leader Highways and Fleet Group Leader Street Works Highway Asset Maintenance Manager Assistant Highways Maintenance Manager Highways Maintenance Engineer Street Works Manager Highway Inspector Highway Inspector Highways Inspector Highway Inspector NRSWA Inspector Highway Maintenance Technician Street Lighting Engineer Street Lighting Supt. Duty Officer Box Highway Direct Services Manager Highway Works Manager Highway Superintendent Assistant Highway Superintendent Assistant Highway Superintendent Fleet Services Manager Group Leader Transportation Passenger Transport Coordination Team Leader Client and Business Manager The Rhiw Car Park Leader Deputy Leader Cabinet Member for Communities Members’ Library Chief Executive Officer Head of Emergency Planning Highway Asset Maintenance Manager (Home) Highway Construction Manager (Home) Highway Works Manager (Home) Group Leader Street Works (Home) Bryncethin Call Centre Rhondda-Cynon-Taff Neath & Port Talbot Vale of Glamorgan Council South Wales Trunk Road Agency MeteoGroup South Wales Police Ditto Ditto Ditto Ditto Fire Service Ambulance Service L Fradd R. Fletcher Lee Jones R G Jenkins A.H. Jenkins J C Jenkins Tim Cox G. Owen I. David N. Minchington D. Hearne N. Hopkins L Bale P. Simpson B Moffat Clive Blackshaw A. Elward c/o J C. Jenkins S. Cottrell M. Dragic R.Combarro P Reynolds D Clements A.W. Thomas J. Duddridge Kevin Sales 27 28. 29. 30. 31. 32 33 34. 35. 36. 37. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 August 2011 A Godsall A Moore Councillor M E J Nott Councillor D Sage Councillor P White J Farrar J. Cooper J C. Jenkins S. Cottrell Milan Dragic A.H. Jenkins J Thomas H Thomas C. Deere A Loosemore A Gould Richard Hogg Superintendent, F Division Bridgend. Officer in Charge, Central Area Control Room. Emergency Planning Officer. Superintendent, Operational Support Division. Traffic Management Officer, F Division and Motorway. Page 49 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 HIGHWAYS WINTER MAINTENANCE ACTION ON WEATHER FORECAST PLANNED ACTION FOR: ISSUING OFFICER: Fax: Tel: Mobile: INSTRUCTIONS GIVEN TO: HIGHWAY DIRECT SERVICES ORDER NOS: TIME: NARRATIVE: Start time: SALTERS: No. OF UNITS WITH / WITHOUT PLOUGHS SECOND LINE: SIGNATURE OF ISSUING OFFICER: ORIGIN: METEOGROUP UK VARIATIONS TO ORIGINAL INSTRUCTION Issued by: Time: Date: Issued to: NARRATIVE: SIGNATURE OF ISSUING OFFICER: ORIGIN: FAX DISTRIBUTION: 1. Highway Construction Services 642840 5. Group Leader Street Works 646972 August 2011 2. SW Police 869399 3. Duty Officer (By phone) when action instructed 5.Meteo Group Forecaster 02079 637579 4. Group Leader Transportation 642580 6. Fleet Services 642869 Page 50 COMMUNITIES DIRECTORATE August 2011 WINTER MAINTENANCE PLAN 2011-2012 Page 51