The Effect of Soil Hydraulic Properties and Deep Seepage Losses on Drainage Flow using DRAINMOD By Debjani Deb, ABE 527 (Term project) ABSTRACT The water management simulation model DRAINMOD was used to analyze a tile drained, agricultural Indiana watershed. The input parameters for the simulation were climatic data, soil hydraulic properties, crop data and the drainage design parameters. The error encountered in drainage flow due to uncertainty in soil hydraulic properties and deep seepage losses at the Animal Science Watershed, Tippecanoe County, Indiana was studied. It was concluded that the deep seepage losses contributes a portion of base flow in the stream flow. In order to simulate the observed drainage results, deep seepage needs to be considered. Along with deep seepage losses, it was also seen that soil hydraulic properties also affects drainage. Simulating the same input parameters under different soil type, results in different drainage flows and seepage. INTRODUCTION Drainage is the practice of removing excess water from the land and is used as one of the most important land management tools for improved crop production. It is necessary for economical and efficient crop production. Since drainage and the related design parameters like soil, drain spacing, depth of drain, effective radius, distance from surface to restricting layer, distance from drain to effective drainage barrier etc. affects the pattern of water flow from the land and also the water quality, modeling of the drainage flow is very beneficial. Computer simulation models helps in predicting subsurface drain flow and water table depth in a greater variety of conditions than what is feasible through monitoring. DRAINMOD is a computer simulation model, designed for soils with high water table and subsurface drains. It relates water management system with water table and soil water conditions. DRAINMOD was chosen as it can analyze input data to evaluate sub-surface hydrology of a tile drained watershed by allowing simulations of surface and sub-surface hydrology while accounting for the tile drainage. The model is physical, dynamic, distributed, and deterministic and event based. This means that the model is based on the laws of physics, parameters have more variability over the modeled area and simulation of a single storm event enables the analysis of hydrological effect of the storm on the watershed. The field-testing results of DRAINMOD depend on the amount of field-specific input data. DRAINMOD hydrology component has been tested for different soils and climates. Reported average standard errors and average deviations for subsurface drain flow range from 0.06 to 0.14 and 0.08 to 0.36 cm/day, respectively (Mosley, 1998). The objective of this study is to asses the error encountered in drainage flow due to uncertainty in soil hydraulic properties and deep seepage losses at the Animal Science Watershed, Tippecanoe County, Indiana using DRAINMOD as it simulates the hydrology of poorly drained, high water table soils and predicts the effects of drainage on water table depths, the soil water regime and crop yields. It also helps in simulating the performance of water table management systems along with the lateral and deep seepage from the field. The portion of rainfall or applied irrigation water that is in excess of the water holding capacity passes through the rooting zone and is subsequently unavailable for crop use is known as deep seepage. Deep seepage contributes a portion of base flow in the stream flow. A hydrological assessment using DRAINMOD has been previously done on the Animal Science Watershed based on the assumptions that the impermeable layer of the watershed was at 6 ft deep with no deep seepage and the calculation of soil types was based on visual assessment from the USDA soil map and some basic calculation. The analysis of base flow in this study was not precise as deep seepage losses which contribute to the base flow were not taken into consideration and calculation of soil types were not accurate and hence introduced errors and uncertainty in the analysis. The above mentioned limitations of the previous hydrological analysis of the Animal Science Watershed has been addressed by a systematic procedure to ascertain and quantify the uncertainty introduced into the results due to the cumulative effects of input uncertainty and data variability. MODEL DESCRIPTION Drainage Theory By developing one of the fundamental equations used to calculate water table equilibrium from rainfall or irrigation water, S.B. Hooghoudht became one of the earliest contributors in the field of watershed drainage processes. Hooghoudt's drainage equation (Hooghoudt 1940) gives a mathematical relation of the parameters involved in the subsurface drainage of flat land by a system of horizontal and parallel ditches or pipe drains without entrance resistance, placed at equal depth and subject to a steady recharge evenly distributed over the area (Figure 1). h2 = - R (x2 – Sx) + H2 k (Luthin, 1966) where h = height of water table above the impermeable layer R = rainfall rate k = hydraulic conductivity of the homogeneous soil S = distance between drains H = height of water in the drains q x Figure 1: Diagram showing Hooghoudht’s drain flow equation (DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). DRAINMOD is a computer simulation model that simulates the hydrology of a poorly drained soil for short/long periods of time and models the field scale effects of drainage on related water management systems. DRAINMOD has been used mostly as a research tool to study the performance of broad range of drainage and sub-irrigation systems and their effects on water use, crop response, treatment of wastewater, and pollutant movement from agricultural fields. DRAINMOD was developed by Skaggs (1978) for design and evaluation of multicomponent water management systems that include surface drainage, subsurface drainage, controlled drainage, and subirrigation as shown in Figure 1 (Skaggs, 1982), which illustrates the basic subsurface drain hydrologic phenomena of the model. The rate of water drained from the profile is dependent on the drainage design like drain depth and spacing, the effective profile depth, hydraulic conductivity of the soil and the depth of water in the drains. Figure 2: Schematic of water management system with sub surface drains that may be used for drainage or subirrigation (DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). The model is based on a water balance for a soil profile (Fig 3). The model predicts the rate of infiltration, drainage, evapotranspiration and water table fluctuations on a daily basis in response to given inputs consisting of climatic data, soil and crop properties, and drainage design parameters. Approximate methods are used to evaluate the various mechanisms of soil water movement and storage. The accuracy of the approximate methods was determined by comparing them to exact methods over a range of soils and boundary conditions. Figure 3: Schematic of water management system modeled by Components used in the water balance is shown in the diagram DRAINMOD (DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). The basic relationship in the model is a water balance for a thin section of soil of unit surface area, which extends from the impermeable layer to the surface and is located midway between adjacent drains. The water balance for a time increment Δt can be written as, ΔVa = D + ET + DS – F (1) (1) where, ΔVa is the change in air volume or the water free pore space (cm), D is lateral drainage from (or subirrigation into) the section (cm), ET is evapotranspiration (cm), DS is deep seepage (cm), and F is infiltration (cm). The amount of run-off and storage is computed from the water balance at the soil surface, a water balance for each time increment Δt is computed as, P = F + ΔS + RO (2) where, P is precipitation (cm), (2) F is infiltration (cm), ΔS is the change in volume of water stored on the surface (cm), RO is runoff (cm). Basically, one hour is the time increment used in both equations. However, time increments of 3 minutes or less are used to compute F when rainfall rates exceed the infiltration capacity. When there is no rainfall and drainage and ET rates are slow such that the water table position moves slowly with time, the time increment of 1 day is used in equation (1). When drainage is rapid but no rainfall occurs, Δt of 2 hours is used in equation(1) (DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). The following are components used in DRAINMOD: Precipitation records constitute one of the major inputs for DRAINMOD driving the water balance. Rainfall data over short time increments will allow better estimates of the model components like infiltration, runoff and surface storage than infrequent data. Since hourly rainfall data is easily available the model uses a basic time increment of 1 hour for rainfall data. Infiltration is affected by several soil factors, crop factors and climatic factors. Soil factors affecting infiltration are hydraulic conductivity, initial water content, depth of profile, surface compaction and water table depth. The plant/crop factors are extent of cover and depth of root zone. The climatic factors are intensity, duration, time and distribution of rainfall, temperature and extent to which the soil is frozen. DRAINMOD uses the Green-Ampt equation to compute infiltration (Skaggs, 1980). f = Ks + KsMSav (3) F where f is infiltration rate (cm/hr), Ks is hydraulic conductivity of the wetted zone (cm/hr), M is the initial soil water deficit, Sav is the effective suction at the wetting front (cm), F is the cumulative infiltration (cm) The Green-Ampt equation was originally derived for deep homogeneous profiles with uniform initial water content and assumes that water enters the soil as slug flow resulting in a sharply defined wetting front which separates a zone which has been wetted by a totally uninfiltrated zone ((DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). For any specific soil type with known initial water content the above equation reduces to f = A/F + B (4) where, A and B are constants based on soil properties. Surface drainage is characterized by the average depth of depression storage that must be satisfied before runoff can begin (Skaggs, 1982).Depression storage is further broken down into a micro component and a macro component. Figure 2 shows the components of the depression storage. Macro component, Sm, is the maximum surface storage which must be filled before runoff occurs. The macro component is due to larger surface depressions which may be altered by land forming or grading. The micro-component, S1, represents storage in small depressions due to surface structure and cover. Surface storage could be considered as a time dependent function and can be simulated during the year. However, it is assumed to be constant in the present model version. Figure 4: Schematic of Drainage from a ponded surface (DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). Subsurface drainage: The rate of subsurface water movement into drain tubes or ditches depend on hydraulic conductivity of the soil, drain spacing and depth, and profile depth and water table elevation. DRAINMOD calculates the subsurface drainage rates based on the assumption that lateral water movement occurs mainly in the saturated region; thus the lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity is used. When water table is completely below soil surface and the ponded water depth is less than S1, Hooghoudt’s equation is used in DRAINMOD (Bouwer and van Schilfgaarde, 1963). q = 8Kdem + 4 Km2 CL2 where, q = flux (cm/hr) (5) m = midpoint water table height above the drain (cm) K = lateral saturated hydraulic conductivity (cm/hr) L = drain spacing (cm) C = ratio of average flux between drains to the flux midway between drains (assumed = 1) de = equivalent depth from drain to restrictive layer (cm), (Calculated using equation developed by Moody (1966)) When the ponded depth is larger than S1, Kirkham (1957) equation is used: q = 4πK(t + b - r) gL (6) where, t = ponded depth (cm) b = distance from surface to drain (cm) r = radius of drain (cm) g = constant based on drain size, depth, and spacing and depth of profile. Both equations depends on the amount of surface storage that is present and assume drainage is limited by the rate of soil water movement to the lateral drains but not the drainage coefficient. The drainage coefficient is a drainage design input parameter that defines the drain’s capacity. When the flux calculated is greater than the drainage coefficient, the flux is set equal to the drainage coefficient. Sub-irrigation is a form of water table management that provides both drainage and irrigation requirements for crops with one subsurface system. It involves the application of irrigation water below the ground surface by raising the water table to within or near the root zone. The quality of the water must be evaluated to determine suitability for the planned crop and soil before subirrigation is installed. Figure 5: Schematic of Sub Irrigation (DRAINMOD Reference Report, 1980). When subirrigation is part of the water table management system the equation developed by Ernst is used to calculate for the drainage flux from the drain to the soil profile (Skaggs,1980). q = [4Km (2ho +ho)] /L2 Do (7) where, Do = yo + d d = distance from the drain to the respective layer (cm) yo = distance from the drain to the water table above the drain (cm). DRAINMOD limits the drainage flux to the value of the drainage co-efficient which is computed by Manning’s formula as: DC = (864000 R2) / 2At 3S Adn (8) where DC is the drainage co-efficient (cm/day) R = Hydraulic Radius (m) S = Slope of tile At = cross sectional area of the tile (sq. m) Ad = area drained by the tile (sq. m) n = roughness co-efficient of the tile. Evapotranspiration is determined in two steps by DRAINMOD. Evapotranspiration (ET) is computed from potential evapotranspiration (PET) which is defined as the maximum amount of water that will leave the soil system by evapotranspiration when there is sufficient supply of soil water. Actual ET is the amount that can be supplied from the water table plus the amount available from the unsaturated zone, hence it is limited by soil water conditions. DRAINMOD uses the Thornthwaite (1948) method is used to calculate PET. This method uses the latitude and heat index for the location along with daily maximum and minimum air temperatures (Skaggs, 1982). The monthly PET is expressed as ej = cTja (9) where, ej = monthly potential evaporation Tj = monthly mean temperature c and a are constants depending on the location and temperature Rooting depth helps in defining the zone from which water can be removed when necessary to supply for ET. Rooting depth in DRAINMOD is a function of Julian date and since simulation process is continuous for several years, an effective rooting depth is defined for all periods. The effective rooting depth for a fallow soil is defined as the depth of the thin layer that will dry out at the surface. Vertical/Deep Seepage The portion of rainfall or applied irrigation water that in excess of the water holding capacity passes through the rooting zone and is subsequently unavailable for crop use is known as Deep Seepage. Deep seepage contributes a portion of base flow in the stream flow. Vertical seepage losses become important when the restricting layer confines a groundwater aquifer with a hydraulic head different from the shallow water table. If the watershed has deep seepage, an application of Darcy’s law is used to calculate the flow through the restrictive layer (Skaggs, 1980). qv = Kv (h1 - h2) / D (10) where, qv = flux (cm/hr) Kv = the effective vertical conductivity of the restrictive layer (cm/hr) h1 = average distance from the bottom of the restricting layer to the water table (cm). h2 = the hydraulic head in the ground water aquifer referenced to the bottom of the restrictive layer (cm) D = thickness of the restrictive layer (cm). METHODOLOGY A. Designate Test Area (Animal Science Watershed, Tippecanoe County). The study watershed is the 314 ha tile drained Animal Science Watershed, located in the northwest portion of Tippecanoe County, Indiana near Lafayette. It is located west of Purdue University and south of the Purdue University Animal Science Research and Education Centre. It is entirely agricultural, with the main crop being corn and soil is predominantly silt loam. B. Obtain Data needed for analysis (refer to the MS thesis by Rhea Sammons, ABE 2002) For this project DRAINMOD requires the following input data: General Climate Soil Properties Crop Drainage Design Parameters Seepage General Input: The general input file consists of two categories – simulation options and water management options. The sub-surface flow under water management is set to Conventional. Weather Input: Rainfall Temperature Description Source file Description Daily Rainfall Data agro.rai PET Source file Daily Maximum and Minimum Rainfall for March – Temperature November was collected by the Marshall Ditch gauging station located directly south of the watershed outlet whereas the rainfall for DecemberFebruary was collected by the Lafayette Gauging station. Description Values WLafAgro.TEM Thorne Waite Parameters Compiled from the Indiana Climate website Heat Index 47 PET Month January February March April May June July August September October November December PET Factor 5.67 5.00 2.84 1.98 1.51 1.26 1.12 1.08 1.09 1.20 1.45 2.86 Crop Input: Accurate simulation of hydrology requires input of land use data including crop type. DARINMOD requires the following inputs: Maximum effective Crop rooting Depth for corn = 2.5 feet Cropping window and the growing season: Crop Corn Planting Date May 2, 2001 Harvest Date Yield (l/acre) October 20, 187 bu 2001 Acres Planted 132 (Source: MS thesis by Rhea Sammons, ABE 2002). The input file used for this project is AScorn.cin Drainage Design Input: The design of the drainage system was based on the Indiana Drainage Guidelines. DRAINMOD requires the following data as part of the drainage system design: Depth from the soil surface to the tile drain Spacing between Drains Effective Radius of the drains Distance from the surface to the impermeable layer Equivalent Depth of the tile drain to the impermeable layer and drainage coefficient (to calculate Kirkham’s co-efficient) Depth of the Restricting layer (cm) Initial Depth to water table. Parameters Drain Depth (cm) Drain Spacing (m) Effective Radius (cm) Drainage Co-efficient (cm/day) Depth of the Restricting layer (cm) Initial Depth to Water table (cm) Values 121 41.63 3.3 1.8 180 60 Seepage Design Consists of: Peizometric Head of the aquifer Thickness of the restricting layer Vertical conductivity of the restricting layer Soil Input: Inputs for the soil data consists of soil moisture characteristic curve and the saturated hydraulic conductivity. Soils located in the Animal Science watershed are Drummer, Throckmorton, Peotone, Toronto-Millbrook (Toronto 1) and Toronto-Octagon (Toronto 2). Soil permeability is a key factor governing the rate of water movement from ditches to adjacent fields, and the upward movement of water from the water table to the plant roots. Good lateral movement of water will occur in moderate to highly permeable soils. While Evans and Skaggs (1989) recommended a permeability of about 0.45 m/day, experience in eastern Canada has shown that water table management is also feasible on soils with permeabilities of 0.3 m/day. A restrictive soil layer, not far from the bottom of the subsurface drain pipes, will reduce deep seepage losses. The two dominant soil types in the area of study are Drummer and Toronto1. The soil input files have been prepared (refer to Rhea Sammon’s Thesis ‘ABE 2002) on the basis of Wiersma’84 datasets and SSURGO soil data tables. The Wiersma data has been used to create graphs of the water content curves from sample depth, bulk specific gravity (gms/cm3) for each sample depth, percent water by weight versus the water tension for each sample depth. The saturated hydraulic conductivity for each soil was found using the soil textures of the SSURGO data tables. C. DRAINMOD simulations were performed to compare and analyze the effect of two different soil types (Drummer and Toronto 1) on drainage flow. After the generalized simulations with different sets of design parameters another set of simulation was performed for each type of soil with varying levels of deep seepage and the impermeable layer at different depths in order to find out variation drainage flow with deep seepage and depth of restricting layer. D. Results and Discussion The results of the different simulations can be categorized into three sections: Variation of drainage and seepage with respect to the input parameters Variation of drainage with Soil Types (Drummer and Toronto 1) i) Variation of the drainage and seepage with respect to the input parameters Drain Depth: Drainage flow is directly related to drain depth. A very deep tile will drain a wide area and hence the amount of flow will increase. Variation of Seepage w ith Depth of Tile Drain Seepage (cm) 38. 555 38. 55 38. 545 38. 54 38. 535 Seepage 38. 53 38. 525 38. 52 38. 515 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 D e p t h ( c m) Seepage is indirectly related to the drain depth. This is because as the tile drains are placed deeper the amount of water to be drained increases. This leads to a reduction in the amount of water that is available for seepage. Hence seepage reduces. Drain Spacing: Drain Spacing is inversely related to the amount of drainage. As the spacing between the tiles increases, the amount of water available for drainage decreases. Tile drains must be spaced more closely in slowly permeable material if the water table is to be lowered in a reasonable time. Seepage increases with increase in the spacing. This is because of the fact that increase in spacing reduces the amount of water available to be drained. So the excess water which could not be drained is lost through seepage in due course of time. Initial Depth of Water Table Variation of Drainage w ith Initial Depth of Water Table Drainage (cm) 0.025 0.02 0.015 Drainage 0.01 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Depth (cm ) Increase in the initial depth to water table indicates low water availability (low water table conditions). As such excess water which needs to be drained is also reduced. Hence drainage reduces with increase in the depth to water table. Seepage (cm) Variation of Seepage with Iniatial Depth of Water Table 40.5 40 39.5 39 38.5 38 37.5 37 36.5 36 35.5 Seepage 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Depth (cm) Low water table conditions indicate reduced availability of water, hence loss of water through seepage is also reduced. Effective Radius Variation of Seepage w ith Effective Radius of Tile Drain Radius (cm) 45 40 35 30 25 Dr ai nage 20 15 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Spacing (cm ) Both Drainage and Seepage are invariant with the effective radius of the tile drains. Depth of the Restricting Layer Variation of Drainage with Depth of the Restricting Layer Drainage (cm) 0.006 0.005 0.004 0.003 Draiange 0.002 0.001 0 0 50 100 150 200 Depth (cm) Drainage increases with the increase in the depth of the restricting layer. The restricting layer is assumed to have very low permeability which impedes the movement of water. The deeper the layer is, more surface area can be drained which in turn will increase the amount of drainage. Variation of Seepage w ith Depth of the Restricting Layer Seepage (cm) 45 40 35 30 25 Seepage 20 15 10 5 0 0 50 100 Depth (cm ) 150 200 Seepage also increases with increase in the depth to the restricting layer. This is also for the same reason as drainage. Deeper restricting layer means more amount of water available for drainage/ seepage. Thickness of the Restricting Layer Variation of Drainage w ith thickness of the Restricting Layer Drainage (cm) 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 Drainage 0.004 0.002 0 0 50 100 150 200 Depth (cm ) Drainage increases with increase in the thickness of the restricting layer. This explained by the fact that a thick impermeable layer will allow less water to pass though it than a thin impermeable layer. Hence the amount of water in excess is more, hence drainage increases. Variation of Seepage w ith thickness of the Restricting Layer Seepage (cm) 70 60 50 40 Seepage 30 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 Depth (cm ) Seepage increases with decreasing thickness of the restricting layer. This is because more amount of water can pass through a thin layer of very low permeability than a thick layer that is nearly impermeable. Vertical Conductivity of the Restricting Layer Variation of Drainage w ith Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of the Restricting Layer Drainage (cm) 0.035 0.03 0.025 0.02 Drainage 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Hydraulic Conductivity (cm /hr) Drainage increases with decreasing vertical conductivity of the restricting layer. Decrease in the vertical conductivity of the restricting layer results in low permeability of the restricting layer. Hence water accumulates (as it is not able to pass through) and is available for drainage. The lesser the permeability of the restricting layer, more is the amount of water that accumulates. Variation of Seepage with Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of the Restricting Layer 38.545 Seepage (cm) 38.54 38.535 38.53 38.525 Seepage 38.52 38.515 38.51 38.505 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 Hydraulic Conductivity (cm) Seepage increases with increasing vertical conductivity of the restricting layer. Increase in the vertical conductivity of the restricting layer results in higher permeability of the restricting layer. Hence water passes through the restricting layer easily, thus increasing the seepage. ii) Variation of the drainage with respect to the input parameters with different soil types Drain Depth Variation of Drainage with Drain Depth for different Soil Types 0.035 0.03 Draiange (cm) 0.025 0.02 Drummer 0.015 Toronto 1 0.01 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Depth (cm) Drain Spacing Variation of Drainage with Drain Spacing for different Soil Types 0.07 Draiange (cm) 0.06 0.05 0.04 Drummer 0.03 Toronto 1 0.02 0.01 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 Spacing (cm) Initial Depth to Water Table Variation of Drainage with Initial Depth to Water table for different Soil Types 0.035 Draiange (cm) 0.03 0.025 0.02 Drummer 0.015 Toronto 1 0.01 0.005 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Depth (cm) It is obvious from the graphs above that under similar design parameters the drainage flow varies with soil types. The drainage in the Drummer soil is less than that that of the Toronto 1 soil type. This is because the hydraulic conductivity of Drummer (0.17 cm/hr) is more than that of Toronto 1 (0.153 cm/hr). This makes Drummer more permeable and leads to less drainage. The graph below explains this: Drainage Flow in different soil types when all input parameters are similar E. Calibrate the model. Once the model is run with the default parameters the model needs to be calibrated. Model calibration is required to standardize the model. Calibration serves to increase the accuracy of a general model by temporarily making the model a specific model for a specified situation. It also determines the deviation from a standard in order to compute erroneous factors. Usually, calibration involves running the model with normal inputs and comparing the output generated to the field data. Comparison between observed and modelled drainage data for Toronto Soil 1.00E+00 9.00E-01 8.00E-01 Drainage (cm) 7.00E-01 6.00E-01 5.00E-01 Modelled Toronto 4.00E-01 Observed Data 3.00E-01 2.00E-01 1.00E-01 0.00E+00 -1.00E-01 0 100 200 300 400 Julian Date Drainage Flow in Different Soil Types 1.00E+00 9.00E-01 8.00E-01 Drainage (cm) 7.00E-01 6.00E-01 5.00E-01 Modelled Drummer 4.00E-01 Modelled Toronto 3.00E-01 controlled 2.00E-01 1.00E-01 0.00E+00 -1.00E-01 0 100 200 300 400 Julian Date Calibrated Parameters: Drain Depth: 150 cm Initial Depth to Water Table : 80 cm Vertical Conductivity of the restricting layer: 0.0000012 cm/hr The PET values for certain months has been changed like Jan is 10, February is 8 Nov. is 5 and Dec is 15 Saturated Conductivity of Layer 4 for Drummer soil is 2.4 cm/hr and for Toronto Soil is 0.8 cm/hr. The deviation of the model data from the observed data is more prominent in the winter months. This is because of DRAINMOD’s limitation for not accounting frozen soil conditions. F. Perform a sensitivity analysis based on the results Sensitivity Analysis A sensitivity analysis is conducted to determine which parameters are sensitive to the model. Sensitivity (S) is defined as the derivative of the model results with respect to a parameter of interest. Values of S close to zero indicate small sensitivity while high values of S indicate the sensitivity of the parameter. A negative S value means that the parameter is inversely related to the model. Depending on the results of the generalized simulations, sensitivity analysis for this project involves the following parameters: Drain Depth Drain Spacing Initial Depth to Water Table Depth to Restricting Layer Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of the restricting layer Thickness of the Restricting layer A linear sensitivity analysis has been used based on the linear sensitivity equation. S = {(b2-b1)/(b2+b1)/2}/{(p2-p1)/(p2+p1)/2} where, b1 and b2 are the corresponding output values for the parameters p1 and p2. The range of the parameters tested and the sensitivity values computed are provided in the tables below. Table 2: Parameters for Sensitivity Analysis: Parameter Drain Spacing Drain Depth Effective Radius of Drain Drainage Co-efficient Initial Depth to Water Table Depth to Restricting Layer Thickness of the Restricting layer Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of the restricting layer Unit cm cm cm cm/day cm cm cm cm/hr Default 4163 121 3.3 1.8 60 180 71 (Drummer) 16(Toronto 1) 0.17 (Drummer) 0.153 (Toronto 1) Range+ 91.44-152 1500-4163 1.9-3.3 1-3.81 0-100 125-180 25-100 16 0.035-.17 + Values have been referred from Indiana Drainage Guide and Rhea Sammon’s thesis ABE’2002. Table 2: Sensitivity Analysis with Soil Type: Drummer Variables Drain Depth Drain Spacing Values of Input Parameter Min Max p1 p2 91.4 121 4 121 152 1500 2400 Initial Depth to 0 Water Table 60 Depth to Restricting 125 Layer 135 Thickness of the 25 Restricting 71 layer Vertical Hydraulic 0.03 Conductivity of the 5 restricting layer 0.08 5 Drainage (cm) Sensitivity (output) Min b1 0 Max b2 0.01 0.01 2400 4163 60 100 135 Seepage (cm) (output) Sensitivity 7.19 Min b1 36.89 Max b2 36.87 0.02 2.94 36.87 36.86 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.01 0 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 0.01 -2.17 -1.67 -0.50 -3.00 26.0 36.82 36.85 39.6 36.87 31.19 36.85 36.87 36.87 33.6 32.11 0.002 180 71 0.01 0 0.01 0.01 0.00 2.08 32.11 32 36.87 36.87 0.38 0.15 100 0.01 0.01 0.00 36.87 39.94 0.24 0.085 0.04 0.02 -0.80 36.84 36.86 0.80 0.17 0.02 0.01 -1.00 36.86 36.87 1.00 -0.002 -0.001 0.001 -0.036 -0.19 1.00 Table 3: Sensitivity Analysis with Soil Type: Toronto 1 Variables Drain Depth Values of Input Parameter Min Max p1 p2 91.44 121 Drain 1500 Spacing 2400 Initial Depth 0 to Water 60 Table Depth to 125 Restricting 135 Layer Thickness of 16 the 96 Restricting layer Vertical 0.038 Hydraulic Conductivity of the 0.076 restricting layer Drainage (cm) (output) Min Max b1 b2 Sensitivity Seepage (cm) (output) Min Max b1 b2 121 152 2400 4163 60 0 0.005 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.005 0.01 0.02 0.005 0.005 7.12 2.94 -0.87 -2.23 -0.6 38.55 38.54 38.5 38.52 40.01 38.54 38.52 38.52 38.54 38.54 100 0.005 0 -4 38.54 36.18 135 0 0.005 1.9 180 0.005 0.005 0 30.26 38.54 96 0.005 0.01 0.45 38.54 51.38 144 0.01 0.01 0 51.38 59.26 Sensitivity -0.0009 -0.0023 0.0019 0.001 -0.019 -0.126 30.74 30.26 1.02 0.52 0.2 0.36 0.076 0.03 0.01 -1.49 38.51 38.53 0.0008 0.153 0.01 0.005 -1 38.53 38.54 It should be noted that when using different base values, the sensitivities are different. In different locations, with the change of input variables or parameters, sensitivities would be changed too. This linear sensitivity assumes there is no interaction between input variables or parameters. Discussion of the Sensitivity Analysis The drainage is highly sensitive to the following parameters: Drain Depth Drain Spacing Initial Depth to Water Table Hydraulic Conductivity of the Restricting Layer Thickness of the Restricting Layer Depth to the Restricting layer It is seen from the sensitivity analysis that the drainage flow is highly sensitive to drain depth and spacing. It is also highly sensitive to the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the 0.0004 restricting layer. It is moderately sensitive to the depth and thickness of the restricting layer. Other than the design parameters it was observed that the Soil Properties affects the drainage flow to a great extent. The soil properties which affect drainage flow are hydraulic conductivity, initial water content in a soil, surface compaction, depth of profile and water table depth. Amongst these the effect of soil hydraulic properties and initial water table depth was studied. Initial depth to water table affects both drainage and seepage inversely. Increase in the depth to water table reduces the amount of water available for drainage/seepage and hence drainage/seepage decreases. Hydraulic Conductivity of the soils inversely affects drainage. The physical and chemical properties of the two soils Drummer and Toronto 1 are given in Table 4. Drummer soils have a higher hydraulic conductivity and allow water to pass through more easily than the Toronto soils hence the lower drainage in Drummer. A decrease in the hydraulic conductivity of the restricting layer makes the layer less permeable to flow and hence increases drainage. Table 3. Physical and chemical properties of selected soils. Soil Silt Clay Organic C Cation exchange capacity _%_ cmolc/kg Toronto 67.6 20.5 1.34 9.89 Drummer 66.2 21.2 2.91 27.1 Lee et al. (1997). The amount of drainage also increases if the seepage losses are minimized. The factors to which seepage is sensitive to are: Initial Depth to water table Depth of the Restricting layer Thickness od restricting layer Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of the Restricting Layer. Seepage decreases with decrease in the depth to the restrictive layer hence increasing drainage flow. An increase in the thickness of the restricting layer decreases seepage and thus increases the drainage flow. Decreasing the initial depth to water table will decrease seepage as less amount of water will be available for seepage. Decreasing the vertical hydraulic conductivity of the restricting layer makes the layer less permeable and hence decreases the seepage. Decreasing seepage will increase in the amount of drainage flow. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The study was conducted to evaluate the performance of DRAINMOD for simulating subsurface drain flow taking deep seepage into consideration under different soil conditions in the Animal Science Watershed. Analysis of the input parameters were carried out and calibration processes for the hydrology were conducted. The results strongly agreed with the established effects of different design parameters on subsurface drain flow. The trend of the modeled data nearly matches with the trend of the observed data. The outcome of this study is that the deep seepage loss contributes a portion of the base flow to the stream flow. In order to simulate the observed results one needs to consider the deep seepage losses. Deep seepage is affected by the depth, thickness and hydraulic conductivity of the restricting layer. So varying the above three parameters will vary the deep seepage losses. The best values for the parameters were used to calibrate the model. Secondly it was also notes that soil hydraulic properties affect drainage. Simulating the drainage flow with same input parameters for different soil types resulted in variation of drainage and also seepage. The model did not predict well for winter and early spring based on current inputs. This may be because of DRAINMOD’s limitation of not accounting for frozen soil conditions. This can be improved by considering the effect of snow and frozen conditions on soil water processes by adjusting the monthly PET. The accuracy of predicting the flow in the Animal Science Watershed strongly depended on inputs and outputs. The output results can be refined by extensive sensitivity analysis of the sensitive parameters to determine the level of sensitivity of each of these parameters and a realistic range of values for each parameter can be established. 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