note on reviews -

(Where an item is translated or revised, an asterisk * indicates the most authoritative version)
‘Une note papyrologique’, Revue des Etudes Grecques 77 (1964) p.568.
2. ‘The Quinquennium Neronis and the Stoics’, Historia 14 (1965) 41-61.
3. ‘Philodemus on the Good King According to Homer’, Journal of Roman Studies 55 (1965)
Jacob Burckhardt, History of Greek Culture trans. Palmer Hilty, CR 15 (1965) 209-12.
William Anderson, Man’s Quest for PoliticaL Knowledge: The Study and Teaching of Politics
in Ancient Times, CR 15 (1965) 340-1.
Fergus Millar, A Third-Century Historian: A Study of Cassius Dio, Oxford Magazine 4 March
1965, 264-5.
4. Ð ¢rca‹oj dasmÒj, Historia 15 (1966) 142-56.
J.A. Straub, Vom Herrscherideal in der Spätantike, CR 16 (1966) 102-5.
Heinrich Dörrie, Der Königskult des Antiochos von Kommagene im Lichte neuen Inschriftenfunde, CR 16 (1966) 105-8.
Hans-Werner Ritter, Diadem und Königsherrschaft. Untersuchungen zu Zeremonien und
Rechtsgrundlagen des Herrschaftsantritts bei den Persern, bei Alexander dem Grossen und im
Hellenismus, CR 16 (1966) 224-7.
5. ‘Aristeas and Ptolemaic Kingship’, Journal of Theological Studies 18 (1967) 337-71.
Albrecht Dihle, Umstrittene Daten: Untersuchungen zum Auftreten der Griechen am Roten
Meer, CR 17 (1967) 79-81.
Helmut Berve, Gestaltende Kräfte der Antike, CR 17 (1967) 102-4.
A.D. Momigliano, Studies in Historiography, CR 17 (1967) 198-9.
Gerhard Binder, Die Aussetzung der Königskindes: Kyros und Romulus, CR 17 (1967) 329-32.
Adda B. Bozeman, Politics and Culture in International History, CR 17 (1967) 399.
B. Grenzheuser, Kaiser und Senat in der Zeit von Nero bis Nerva, JRS 57 (1967) 250-1.
6. ‘Divine Right in the Dunciad (iv, 175-88)’, Notes and Queries 15 (1968) 208-11.
Hans Drexler, Die Entdeckung des Individuums, CR 18 (1968) 121.
Hermann Strasburger, Die Wesensbestimmung der Geschichte durch die antike
Geschichtsschreibung, CR 18 (1968) 218-21.
Francis Dvornik, Early Christian and Byzantine Political Philosophy: Origins and
Background, Journal of Theological Studies 19 (1968) 673-8.
7. Review Discussion of Macmullen, Enemies of the Roman Order, Journal of Roman Studies
59 (1969) 261-5.
Carl Schneider, Kulturgeschichte des Hellenismus i, CR 19 (1969) 69-72.
Jack Goody (ed.), Literacy in Traditional Societies, Oxford Magazine 6 June 1969, 346-7.
Colin Kraay, Greek Coins in History, Oxford Magazine 21 November 1969, 75.
‘The New Province’, contribution to Winston Churchill, History of the English-speaking
Peoples (1969) no 2, 76-80.
8.‘Hecataeus of Abdera and Pharaonic Kingship’, Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 56 (1970),
Alexander Randa (ed.), Mensch und Weltgeschichte: zur Geschichte der
Universalsgeschichtsschreibung, Journal of Theological Studies 21 (1970) 533.
Hans Galinsky, Naturae Cursus. Der Weg einer antiken kosmologischen Metapher von der
Alten in die Neue Welt, CR 20 (1970) 53-4.
Franz Lämmli, Homo Faber: Triumph, Schuld, Verhängnis?, CR 20 (1970) 202-3.
Pierre Lévêque, The Greek Adventure, CR 20 (1970) 309-12.
F.W. Walbank, The Awful Revolution: the Decline of the Roman Empire in the West, JRS 60
(1970) 264.
P. Lévêque, Le Monde hellénistique JHS 90 (1970) 250.
9. ‘Herodotus and Hellenistic Culture’, Classical Quarterly 22 (1972), 200-13.
10. ‘Mercurius Oxoniensis Philologiae Suae’ (a medieval Latin hymn for the centenary of the
Cambridge Philological Society), Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 198
(1972) 2.
R.A. Tomlinson, Argos and the Argolid, TLS 25 August 1972, 992.
James Bowen, A History of Western Education vol. 1: The Ancient World, Orient and
Mediterranean 2000BC-1054 AD, Times Educational Supplement 16.6.1972, 21.
11. ‘André Aymard’, Rivista Storica Italiana 85 (1973) 217-21.
12. ‘Hecataeus of Abdera and Theophrastus on Jews and Egyptians’ (with M. Stern), Journal of
Egyptian Archaeology 59 (1973) 159-60.
(with Caroline Montagu), J. Bielawski and M.Plezia, Lettre d’Aristote à Alexandre sur la
politique envers les cités, JHS 93 (1973) 226-8.
D.A. Russell, Plutarch, Oxford Magazine 91 (1973) 11-12.
T.B.L. Webster, Athenian Culture and Society, TLS 22 June 1973, 710.
Peter Green, A Concise History of Ancient Greece, TLS 30 November 1973, 1471.
J.R. Hamilton, Alexander the Great, TLS 25 January 1974, 80.
M.I. Finley, Democracy Ancient and Modern, TLS 1 March 1974, 205.
J.K. Anderson, Xenophon, TLS 30 August 1974, 927..
Arnaldo Momigliano, Polybius between the English and the Turks; Olivier Reverdin (ed.),
Polybe, TLS 18 Oct 1974, 1158.
V. Bérard, Dans le sillage d’Ulysse: album Odysséen. Photographies de F. Boissonnas, JHS
94 (1974) 181.
13. ‘Aristeas and his Sources’, Studia Patristica 12 (1975) 123-8.
A. Burton, Diodorus Siculus Book I. A Commentary, JHS 95 (1975), 214-5.
P.W. and K. Lehmann, Samothracian Reflections: Aspects of the Revival of the Antique, JRS
66 (1976) 249-50.
D.B. Thompson, Ptolemaic Oinochoai and Portraits in Faience: Aspects of the Ruler-cult, JHS
96 (1976) 218-9.
I Claudius (BBC), TLS 5 November 1976, 1394.
Pompeii AD 79 (British Museum), TLS 26 November 1976, 1485.
14. ‘Grecia antica’, Enciclopedia Europea 5 (1977) 753-61.
Hermann Broch, The Death of Virgil, TLS 2 March 1978, 109.
15. Early Greece (London, 1980): Spanish edition 1981, German edition 1982, Italian and
American editions 1983.
16. ‘The Death of Virgil’, Hesperiam 3 (1980) 7-18.
Howard Brenton, The Romans in Britain, TLS 24 October 1980, 1199.
Caligula (Prince Charles Cinema), TLS 28 November 1980, 1359.
M.I. Finley, Ancient Slavery and Modern Ideology, New Statesman 28 November 1980, 26-7.
John Onians, Art and Thought in the Hellenistic Age: the Greek World View 350-50 B.C. The
Burlington Magazine January 1981, 41-2.
Christopher Logue, War Music (BBC Radio 1), TLS 8 May 1961, 516.
Gore Vidal, Creation, TLS May 29 1981, 595.
The Image of Augustus (British Museum), TLS 12 June 1981, 670.
Henri-Pierre Roché, Jules and Jim, TLS 9 October 1981, 1152.
The Oresteia (Olivier Theatre), TLS 11 December 1981, 1440.
M.I. Finley (ed.), The Legacy of Greece: a New Appraisal, Times 17 December 1981, 13.
Mary Renault, Funeral Games, 1 January 1982, 12.
The Oresteia in London, Omnibus 3 (March 1982), 8-10.
Hugh Lloyd-Jones, Blood for the Ghosts and Classical Survivals, Observer 20 June 1982, 31.
Marguerite Yourcenar, Fires, TLS 13 August 1982, 875.
17. ‘The Greek Symposion in History’, Tria Corda, Studi in onore di Arnaldo Momigliano
(Como 1983) 257-72 (a shorter version of this paper was published in Times Literary
Supplement Nov. 6, 1981, 1307-8).
18. ‘The Symposion as Social Organisation’, The Greek Renaissance of the 8th Century B.C.:
Tradition and Innovation ed. R. Hägg (Athens/Stockholm 1983) 195-9.
19. ‘Symposion and Männerbund’, Concilium Eirene XVI.1 (Prague 1983) 47-52.
Peter Vansittart, Three Six Seven, TLS 3 April 1983, 205.
M.I. Finley, Politics in the Ancient World, TLS 26 August 1983, 895-6.
G.E.M. de Sainte Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, New Statesman, 7
January 1983, 24.
20. ‘Rileggendo Il buon re secondo Omero’, Cronache Ercolanesi 14 (1984) 157-60.
Kenneth McLeish, Children of the Gods TLS 27 January 1984, 94.
Sophocles, Antigone (Cottesloe Theratre), TLS 8 June 1984, 639.
George Steiner, Antigones, TLS 24 August 1984, 947-8
21. ‘Symposium and Genre in the Poetry of Horace’, Journal of Roman Studies 75 (1985) 3950.
22. ‘At the Etruscan Banquet’, Times Literary Supplement Aug.30, 1985, 948 and 960.
War in History and Literature, TLS 17 May 1985, 546.
23. Oxford History of the Classical World (Oxford, 1986), ed. with John Boardman and Jasper
Griffin: Spanish translation 1988, Italian translation 1991, Hungarian translation 1996, Greek
translation n.d.
24. ‘Greek Historians’, Oxford History of the Classical World (1986) 186-203.
25. ‘Life and Society in Classical Greece’, ibid pp. 204-33.
26. ‘Aristeasbrief’, Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum Suppl. 1 (1986) 573-86.
Tony Harrison, Dramatic Verse 1973-1985, TLS 6 June 1986, 615.
Sophocles, The Theban Plays (BBC2), TLS 19 September 1986, 1033.
Alan Bullock, The Humanist Tradition in the West, Oxford Magazine No. 5 Hilary Term 1986,
*27. ‘The Letter of Aristeas’, Studi Ellenistici II ed. B. Virgilio (Pisa, 1987) 15-29 (revised
English version of no. 26).
28. ‘Professor Arnaldo Momigliano’, obituary, The Times, Thursday September 3rd 1987, p.
29. ‘Il simposio e l'orgia nel mondo antico’, Storia e Dossier 2 (1987) no. 10, 26-30.
30. ‘Translations and Imitations’, Homo Viator. Classical Essays for John Bramble ed. M.
Whitby, P. Hardie, Mary Whitby (Bristol, 1987) 323-32.
31. ‘Arnaldo Momigliano’, Journal of Roman Studies 77 (1987) xi-xii.
32. ‘Herodotus and Oral History’, Achaemenid History II: the Greek Sources. Proceedings of
the Groningen 1984 Achaemenid History Workshop ed. H. Sancisi-Weerdenburg and A. Kuhrt
(Leiden 1987) 93-115.
33. ‘Cities of Reason’, Archives Européennes de Sociologie 28 (1987) 325-46.
34. ‘La legge soloniana sulla hybris’, Annali, Istituto Universitario Orientale di Napoli (AION)
9 (1987) 117-25.
35. ‘Greek Forms of Government’, Civilization of the Ancient Mediterranean: Greece and
Rome ed. M. Grant and R. Kitzinger (New York 1988) 439-86.
36. ‘The Ionian Revolt’, chapter 8 in Cambridge Ancient History 2nd edn. vol IV (1988) 46190.
37. ‘Momigliano e la cultura inglese’, Rivista storica italiana 100 (1988) 422-39.
38. ‘Death and the Symposion’, AION 10 (1988) 239-57.
Donald Kagan, The Fall of the Athenian Empire, New York Times Book Review section,
May 22, 1988 p.26.
Seneca, Oedipus (Almeida Theatre), TLS 2-8 September, 964.
39. ‘The Word is Mightier than the Pen’, (review discussion of six books on literacy and
orality), TLS June 16-22 1989 pp.655-6.
40. ‘Russell Meiggs’, obituary, The Guardian Wednesday June 28th, 1989, p.47.
41. ‘Omero e l'etnologia’, Magna Graecia 24, 9/10, Settembre-Ottobre 1989, 1-6.
Rosalind Thomas, Oral Tradition and Written Record in Classical Athens, TLS Dec. 8-14,
1989 pp. 1353-4.
42. Paul Veyne, Bread and Circuses (London, 1990) abridged with an introduction by Oswyn
Murray (pp. vii-xxiii).
43. Sympotica: a symposium on the symposion (Oxford, 1990); revised paperback edition with
addenda, 1994.
44. The Greek City from Homer to Alexander (Oxford, 1990), ed. with Simon Price; French
translation 1992; Greek translation 2007.
45. Latin Poetry and the Classical Tradition: Essays in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
(Oxford-Warburg Studies: Oxford, 1990), ed. with Peter Godman.
46. ‘Sympotic History’, Sympotica ed. O. Murray (Oxford, 1990) 3-13.
47. ‘The Affair of the Mysteries: Democracy and the Drinking Group’, ib. 149-61.
48. Bibliography, ib. 321-38.
*49. ‘Cities of Reason’, The Greek City from Homer to Alexander ed. O. Murray and S.Price
(Oxford, 1990) 1-25. (Revision of no. 33). Published in Japanese in Thought 7 (1999) 9-29.
50. ‘The Idea of the Shepherd King from Cyrus to Charlemagne’, Latin Poetry and the
Classical Tradition: Essays in Medieval and Renaissance Literature ed. P. Godman and O.
Murray (Oxford-Warburg Studies: Oxford, 1990) 1-14.
*51. ‘Sweet Feasts of the Grape’, Times Higher Education Supplement 6.7.1990, 13 and 17.
(Revised English version of no. 29; shorter version published in Oxford Today 3.3, Trinity
Issue 1991, 15-6).
*52. ‘The Solonian Law of hubris’, Nomos: Essays in Athenian Law, Politics and Society ed. P.
Cartledge, P. Millett, S. Todd (Cambridge, 1990) 139-45. (English version of no. 34)
Robin Osborne, Classical Landscape with Figures, English Historical Review 105 (1990)
Barry Cunliffe, Greeks, Romans and Barbarians: Spheres of Interaction, Classical Review
40 (1990) 343-5.
53. ‘Tony Harrison: Poetry and the Theatre’, Tony Harrison ed. Neil Astley (Bloodaxe Critical
Anthologies 1: Newcastle upon Tyne, 1991) 262-74.
54. ‘L'uomo e le forme di socialità’, L'uomo greco ed. J.-P. Vernant (Bari, 1991) 219-56 (= ‘El
hombre y las formas de sociabilidad’, El Hombre Griego (Madrid, 1993) 249-87; ‘Die
griechische Mensch und die Formen der Geselligkeit’, Der Mensch der griechischen Antike
(Frankfurt, 1993) 255-94; ‘L'homme grec et les formes de socialité’, L'homme grec (Paris,
1993) 277-318; ‘O Homem e as formas da sociabilidade’, O Homem Grego (Lisbon, 1993)
199-228; ‘O ellenas anthropos kai oi morphes koinonikotetas’, O Ellenas Anthropos (Athens,
1996) 323-77). (See no. 69)
55. ‘A.R. Burn’, obituary, The Independent Thursday 27 June 1991, 13.
56. ‘War and the Symposium’, Dining in a Classical Context ed. W.J. Slater (Ann Arbor,
1991) 83-104.
57. ‘The Social Function of Art in Early Greece’, New Perspectives in Early Greek Art ed. D.
Buitron-Oliver (Washington, 1991) 23-30.
*58. ‘Arnaldo Momigliano in England’, The Presence of the Historian: Essays in Memory of
Arnaldo Momigliano (History and Theory Beiheft 30, 1991) 49-64 (a revised English version
of no.37).
59. ‘History and Reason in the Ancient City’, Papers of the British School at Rome 59 (1991)
60. ‘A "Stork-Vase" from the Mola di Monte Gelato’, Papers of the British School at Rome 59
(1991) 177-95, with Peter Parsons, T.W. Potter and Paul Roberts.
Donald Kagan, Pericles of Athens and the Birth of Democracy, TLS April 12, 1991,.8.
Anthony Grafton, Defenders of the Text, TLS Aug. 16, 1991, 5.
61.‘Falaride tra mito e storia’, Agrigento e la Sicilia greca ed. L. Braccesi and E. De Miro
(Roma, 1992) 47-60.
62. ‘Les règles du symposion ou comment problématiser le plaisir’, La Sociabilité à table:
commensalité et convivialité à travers les âges ed. M. Aurell, O. Dumoulin, F. Thelamon
(Rouen, 1992) 65-8.
*63. ‘Omero e l'etnografia’, Atti del VII congresso internazionale di studi sulla Sicilia antica in
Kokalos 34-5 (1988-9 - published Roma, 1992) 1-17 (revised version of no. 41).
64. ‘Introduction to the Discussion’ (sez. ‘La condizione della donna’, FIEC Conference, Pisa
1989), Studi italiani di filologia classica 10 (1992) 709-14.
65. Early Greece: second edition (London and Harvard 1993): German edition 1995 (6 th
edition 1998); French edition 1995, Italian edition 1996; Polish edition 2005; Chinese edition
2008, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese editions believed forthcoming.
66. La città greca (Einaudi, Torino, 1993).
67. Introduction to Demetri Porphyrios: Selected Buildings and Writings (London, 1993) 7-8.
*68. ‘Symposium and Genre in the Poetry of Horace’, Horace 2000: a Celebration ed. Niall
Rudd (London, 1993) 89-105 (revised version of no. 21).
69. ‘Polis and Politeia in Aristotle’, The Ancient Greek City-State: Symposium in the occasion
of the 250th Anniversary of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters ed. M.H.
Hansen (Historisk-filosofiske Meddseleser 67, Det Kongelige Danske Videnskabernes Selskab,
Copenhagen, 1993) 197-210.
K.J. Dover (ed.), Perceptions of the Ancient Greeks, TLS April 23, 1993.
70. ‘Animals of the polis’, (review-discussion of five books) TLS No 4750, April 15th 1994 34.
71. ‘The Ecology and Agrarian History of Ancient Greece’, Vestnik Drevnei Istorii 2 (1994)
87-96 (in Russian); also published in English in the Italian journal Opus 11 (1992 - sic) 11-23.
72. ‘Anastylosis and Historical Integrity’, Acropolis Restoration: the CCAM Interventions, ed.
R. Economakis (London, 1994) 212-3.
73. ‘Nestor's Cup and the Origins of the Symposion’, Apoikia: scritti in onore di Giorgio
Buchner, AION n.s.1 (1994) 47-54.
Archestratus: the Life of Luxury. Trans. John Wilkins and Shaun Hill, Financial
Times weekend july summer 1994.
74. In Vino Veritas (British School at Rome, 1995), ed. with Manuela Tecusan.
75. ‘La nuova scienza di Roma arcaica’, prefazione alla seconda edizione di R.M. Ogilvie, Le
origini di Roma (Bologna, 1995) 11-16.
76. ‘Histories of Pleasure’, In Vino Veritas ed. O. Murray and M. Tecusan (London, 1995) 316.
*77. ‘Forms of Sociality’, The Greeks ed. J.-P. Vernant (Chicago, 1995) 218-53 (English
version of no. 54).
78. ‘Liberty and the Ancient Greeks’, The Good Idea ed. J.A. Koumoulides (New York, 1995)
E. Ross Holloway, The Archaeology of Early Rome and Latium, TLS 14 April 1995, 9
(this was used in the preface to the second Italian edition of Ogilvie, Le Origini di Roma)
no. 75)
79. ‘Arnaldo Momigliano’, Dictionary of National Biography: 1986-1990 (Oxford, 1996) 3068.
80. ‘Art, Culture and Totalitarian Ideology in Greece of the 30s’ (Conference Report),
Synthesis: Review of Modern Greek Studies 1.1 (1996) 63-4.
81. ‘Russell Meiggs, Practical Historian’, Roman Ostia Revisited ed. A.Gallina Zevi, A.
Claridge (British School at Rome, London, 1996) 5-11.
82. ‘Hellenistic Royal Symposia’, Aspects of Hellenistic Kingship ed. P. Bilde, T. EngbergPedersen, L. Hannestad, J. Zahle (Studies in Hellenistic Civilization VII (Aarhus, 1996) 15-27.
83. ‘L'histoire’, Le savoir grec ed. J. Brunschwig, G.E.R. Lloyd (Paris, 1996) 368-78.
84. ‘La Grecia degli “eroi”: mito, storia, archeologia’, I Greci 2. Una storia greca I.
Formazione ed. S. Settis (Torino, 1996) 173-88.
85. ‘Convivium’, ‘kingship’, ‘polis’, ‘politics’, ‘symposium’, ‘symposium literature’, Oxford
Classical Dictionary (third edition) ed. S. Hornblower. A.J. Spawforth (Oxford, 1996) 387,
807, 1205, 1207, 1461 (‘kingship’, ‘polis’, ‘politics’, ‘symposium’ also in The Oxford
Companion to Classical Civilization (Oxford, 1998).
86. ‘Falaride tra mito e storia’, L’Incidenza dell’Antico: Studi in memoria di Ettore Lepore
ed. Luisa Breglia Pulci Doria (Napoli 1996) 165-80 (= no. 61).
Paul Veyne, Le Quotidien et l’intéressant, TLS 5 July 1996, 26.
‘Self-Promotion Exercise’, Oxford Magazine no 134 Second Week Michaelmas Term,
pp.4-5 (a satirical attack on the new paper professors, which won me some friends and 250
87. ‘ “It was a dark and stormy night...” David Jones and History’, David Jones, Artist and Poet
ed. Paul Hills (Warwick, 1997) 1-17.
88. ‘George Forrest’, obituary. A version of this appeared in the Daily Telegraph, Thursday
October 23rd 1997 p. 31; the original was privately circulated.
89. ‘The Beginnings of Greats, 1800-1872. II. Ancient History’, The History of the University
of Oxford vol.VI. Nineteenth Century Oxford, Part I ed. M.G. Brock, M.C. Curthoys (Oxford,
1997) 520-542.
Joseph Rykwert, The Dancing Column, AA Files 33, 1997 96-9.
90. Jacob Burckhardt, The Greeks and Greek Civilization translated by Sheila Stern, edited
with an introduction by Oswyn Murray (London and New York, 1998).
91. ‘Rationality and the Greek City: the Evidence from Kamarina’, The Polis as an Urban
Centre and as a Political Community, Acts of the Copenhagen Polis Centre 4 (1997) 493-504
(Italian version published in J.-P.Vernant and others, Venticinque secoli dopo l’invenzione
della democrazia (Fondazione Paestum, 1998) 21-8).
92. ‘Stork-Vase’, Excavations at the Mola di Monte Gelato ed. T.W. Potter and A.C. King
British School at Rome Archaeological Monographs 11(1997) 356-66, with Peter Parsons and
Paul Roberts (republication of no. 60).
93. ‘Elisabeth Murray’, obituary. A version of this appeared in the Daily Telegraph, Monday
February 23rd 1998 p. 23 (see also address at memorial service for K.M.E. Murray, Chichester
Cathedral, 18th May 1998).
94. ‘The Art of Pluck’, Oxford Today 10 no 3 (Trinity 1998) 14-6.
95. ‘Pierre Vidal-Naquet et le métier d’historien de la Grèce: l’ “école de Paris”’, Pierre VidalNaquet, un historien dans la cité ed. François Hartog, Pauline Schmitt, Alain Schnapp (Paris
96. ‘Modello biografico e modello di regalità’, I Greci 2. III Trasformazioni ed. S. Settis
(Torino 1998) 249-69.
97. Introduction to Jacob Burckhardt, The Greeks and Greek Civilization translated by Sheila
Stern, edited with an introduction by Oswyn Murray (London and New York, 1998) xi-xliv.
98. oi kanwnej tou sumposiou h h problhmatikh thj hdonhj, Istoria thj diatorfhj ed. Anna
Matthaiou (Athens 1998) (translation of no 57).
Luciano Canfora, Le Mystère Thucydide, TLS Aug 21, 1998 p. 25.
Introduction to a series of drawings of the Iliad by Paul Thomas, exhibited at the
Cheltenham Literary Festival, and also in London at the Hellenic Cultural Centre
99. ‘Losing the Marbles’, TLS No 5045 December 10, 1999 14-15.
*100. ‘Gnosis and Tradition’, Studia Graeca et Latina in honorem Pavel Oliva, Eirene 35
(1999), 61-77.
William St Clair, Lord Elgin and the Marbles, History Today 49 (1), January 1999, pp. 54 5.
Yun Lee Too and Niall Livingstone (eds.), Pedagogy and Power: Rhetorics of Classical
Learning, TLS 5027 Aug 6 1999 pp.3-4 (subsequent correspondence). Reprinted in The
Introduction to Porphyrios Associates: Recent Works (Andreas Papadakis Publisher, 1999),
p. 7.
101. ‘What is Greek about the Polis?’, Polis and Politics, Studies in Ancient Greek History
presented to Mogens Herman Hansen, ed. P. Flensted-Jensen, T.H. Nielsen, L. Rubenstein
(Copenhagen 2000), 231-44.
*102. ‘Feasting and Alcohol in Ancient Societies’, Studies in Chinese and Western Classical
Civilizations. Essays in honour of Prof. Lin Zhi-chun on his 90th Birthday (Nankai 2000) 35064.
103. ‘Ancient History, 1872-1914’,The History of the University of Oxford vol.VI. Nineteenth
Century Oxford, Part 2 ed. M.G. Brock, M.C. Curthoys (Oxford 2000) 333-60.
104. ‘The Classical Background’, Eric James Mellon, Ceramic Artist ed. Paul Foster, Otter
Memorial Paper no 11 (Chichester 2000) 27-31.
105. ‘La Convivialité dans les cultures de l’antiquité: la Méditerannée et la Chine’,
Bacchanales. Actes des colloques Dionysos de Montpellier (1996-1998) ed. R. O’Hanlon, M.
Bideaux, P. Sauzeau (Montpellier 2000) 7-21 (French translation of no. 102).
Christopher Stray, Classics Transformed. Schools, Universities, and Society in England,
1830-1960, CR 50 (2000) 256-9.
106. Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean in the Ancient World translated by Sian Reynolds,
with an introduction by Oswyn Murray (London 2001).
107. ‘Fernand Braudel’, Introduction to Fernand Braudel, The Mediterranean in the Ancient
World (London 2001) ix-xxii.
108. ‘Gnosis and Tradition’, Agon, Logos, Polis: the Greek Achievement and its Aftermath ed.
J.P. Arnason, P. Murphy (Stuttgart 2001) 15-28 (republication of no. 95).
109. ‘Sir Laurence Whistler (1912-2000)’, Balliol College Annual Record 2001, 33-6.
*110. ‘Herodotus and Oral History’, The Historian’s Craft in the Age of Herodotus ed. N.
Luraghi (Oxford 2001) 16-44 (republication of no. 32).
111. ‘Herodotus and Oral History Reconsidered’, The Historian’s Craft in the Age of
Herodotus ed. N. Luraghi (Oxford 2001) 314-25.
‘Holywell Manor approaches its 70th birthday’, Floreat Domus: Balliol College News no 7
June 2001.
112. ‘Burckhardt, Nietzsche and Socrates’, Jacob Burckhardt, Storia della cultura, storia
dell’arte ed. M. Ghelardi, M. Seidel (Venezia 2002) 55-61.
113. ‘History’, The Greek Pursuit of Knowledge ed. J. Brunschwig, G.E.R. Lloyd (Harvard
2003) 177-86 (English version of no. 78).
114. ‘Sympotica – twenty years on’, Symposium. Banquet et représentations en Grèce et à
Rome, Pallas 61 (2003) 13-21.
115. ‘Classics in England: School and University’ (with Penelope Murray), Modern Society
and the Classics (in Japanese) ed. Tsukimura (Kobe 2003) 62-7.
116. ‘Bulwer Lytton – More than Just a Dandy’, TLS No. 5252, Nov 28 2003 14-5.
117. Edward Bulwer Lytton, Athens: Its Rise and Fall Bicentenary edition edited by Oswyn
Murray (London 2004).
118. ‘A Lost School of History: Ancient Greece in the Age of Reform’, Introduction to Edward
Bulwer Lytton, Athens: Its Rise and Fall, Bicentenary edition edited by Oswyn Murray
(London 2004) 1-34.
119. ‘Book VI: a fragment transcribed and edited by Oswyn Murray’, Bulwer Lytton o.c. 52595.
120. ‘Mike’, Michael Bacharach 1936-2002 ed. D. Gambetta and N. Gold (2004), pp. 19-21.
Philip McDonagh, Carraroe in Saxony and Memoirs of an Ionian Diplomat, Balliol
College Annual Record 2004, 38-9.
121. ‘Professor Oliver Lyne’, obituary Daily Telegraph Wednesday March 30, 2005 p. 23;
revised version Balliol College Annual Record 2005 pp. 37-8.
122. ‘Zeno and the Art of Polis Maintenance’, The Imaginary Polis, ed. M.H. Hansen
(Copenhagen 2005) 202-21.
123. ‘Peter Brunt’, obituary The Guardian Monday November 28, 2005 p. 33.
I Gildenhardt, M. Ruehll (eds), Out of Arcadia: Classics and Politics in Germany in the
age of Burckhardt, Nietzsche and Wilamowitz, German History 23 (2005) 273-4.
124. ‘Pierre Vidal-Naquet’, obituary The Independent Friday 4 August 2006 pp. 42-3.
125. ‘Burckhardt and the Archaic Age’, Jacob Burckhardt und die Griechen ed. L. Burckhardt,
H.-J.Gehrke (Basel 2006) 247-61.
‘What Caesar’s Men Did’, review of Howard Brenton, The Romans in Britain TLS 24 February
2006, 16.
Tom Holland, Persian Fire, Anglo-Hellenic Review 34 (2006) 20-1.
126. Holywell Manor: an Anecdotal History compiled by Oswyn Murray (Oxford 2007).
127. A Commentary on Herodotus Books I-IV by David Asheri, Alan Lloyd, Aldo Corcella;
edited by Oswyn Murray and Alfonso Moreno (Oxford 2007) (Greek translation 2010).
128. ‘Jean-Pierre Vernant’, obituary The Independent 11 January 2007 (a version of this
appeared in Greek in Politis Jan 2007 no 151.5 pp. 49-51).
129. ‘British Sparta in the Age of Philhellenism’, The Contribution of Ancient Sparta to
Political Thought ed. N. Birgalias, K. Buraselis, P. Cartledge (Athens 2007) 345-89.
130. ‘Niebuhr en Gran Bretaña’, Revista de Historiografía 6 (2007) 76-83.
131. ‘Philosophy and Monarchy in the Hellenistic World’, Jewish Perspectives on Hellenistic
Rulers ed. T. Rajak, S. Pearce, J. Aitken and J. Dines (California 2007) 13-28.
John Henderson, Oxford Reds, TLS 5419 Feb 9th, 2007, 8.
John Ray, The Rosetta Stone TLS October 19th 2007,. 24.
James Davidson, The Greeks and Greek Love, Literary Review Nov 2007, 25-6.
Christopher Stray (ed), Gilbert Murray Reassessed: Hellenism, Theatre, and International
Politics, TLS 21-8 December 2007, 31.
Leandro Polverini (ed.) Arnaldo Momigliano nella storiograμa del Novecento; with
Giovanna Granata (ed.) L’archivio Arnaldo Momigliano. Inventario analitico, CR 57
(2007) 299-302.
132. ‘Anthony Burgess and the Loom of Language’, Anthony Burgess and Modernity ed. Alan
R. Roughley (Manchester 2008) 242-51.
133. ‘The Odyssey as Performance Poetry’, Performance, Iconography, Reception: Studies in
honour of Oliver Taplin ed. M. Revermann and P. Wilson (Oxford 2008) 161-76.
134. ‘Ptolemaic Royal Patronage’, Ptolemy II Philadelphus and his World ed. P. McKechnie
and P. Guillaume, Mnemosyne Suppl. 300 (Leiden 2008) 9-24.
135. ‘Ireland invents Greek History: the lost historian John Gast’, Hermathena 185 (2008;
published 2011) 23-106.
P.N. Miller (ed), Momigliano and Antiquarianism, English Historical Review 123 (2008)
Obituary of Richilda Maisie Nora Murray for The (Subud) Journal 63-4 August 2008 20-1
136. ‘The Culture of the Symposion’, A Companion to Archaic Greece ed. Kurt A. Raaflaub
and Hans von Wees (Chichester 2009) 508-23.
137. ‘In Search of the Key to All Mythologies’, Translating Antiquity ed. Stefan Rebenich,
Barbara von Reibnitz, Thomas Späth (Basel 2010) 119-29.
138. ‘Modern Perceptions of Ancient Realities from Montesquieu to Mill’, Démocratie
athéniennes – Démocratie moderne: Tradition et Influences Entretiens Fondation Hardt
LVI (Vandoeuvres-Genève 2010) 137-66.
139. ‘Conclusion’ ibid. pp. 395-401
140. ‘Niebuhr in Britain’, Historiographie de l’antiquité et transferts culturels: Les
histoires anciennes dans l’Europe des XVIIIe et XIXe siècles, ed. Chryssanthi Avlami and
Jaime Alvar (Rodopi, Amsterdam-New York 2010) 239-54 (English version of no. 125).
141. ‘Momigliano on Peace and Liberty (1940)’, Acta Universitatis Carolinae –
Philologica I Graecolatina Pragensia XXIII (2010; published 2011) 81-96; reprinted in
The Annual of Texts by Foreign Guest Professors (University of Prague) 4 (2010) 95114.
142. ‘Ancient History in the Eighteenth Century’, Afterword to The Western Time of
Ancient History, ed. A Lianeri (Cambridge 2011) 301-6.
143. ‘Le Repentir de Gilbert Murray’, La République des Lettres dans la Tourmente (19191939) ed. A. Compagnon (CNRS Paris 2011) 125-34.
144. Contribution to 99 words ed. Liz Gray (London 2011)
When I was young I wrote many serious scholarly reviews, as a means of clarifying my own ideas.
But later I found that reviewing took up too much time, and that no-one read scholarly reviews
except as a short-cut to avoiding reading the book. Also authors were extremely sensitive to
criticisms of their work, and one ended up with as many enemies as readers. I therefore made a
conscious decision to follow the example of Cicero in relation to prosecutions, and only to review
occasionally, and where possible for one or more of the following reasons: books or works of art
that I admired, books which were important for cultural reasons, and in order to persuade a broader
public of the continuing importance of the classical tradition. My reviews since 1974 have
therefore usually been written for newspapers and cultural journals (which had the advantage that I
was often paid for the review). Under Reviews I also record minor journalism (such as
introductions to catalogues).
Forthcoming articles
‘Friendship’ (conference on Les Plaisirs intellectuels, Paris 2001) in my Festschrift
‘Euphrosyne’ ((Conference on Le Plaisir, Paris 1999, Conference Piazza Armerina 2005)
‘The Chorus of Dionysus: Alcohol and Old Age in the Laws’ (Conference Stanford 2007)
‘The Olympic Games – Athens to Beijing’ (Conference St Louis 2007)
Arnaldo Momigliano, Peace and Liberty in the Ancient World (Cambridge UP)
‘Arnaldo Momigliano in Britain: the War Years’ (introduction to above)
‘Hedonism and History’ (Warburg Institute lecture 1996) – Poznan lecture 2009
Il simposio nel Ovest (Magna Grecia conference 2009; English version Oxford 2011)
The Legacy of Arnaldo Momigliano (ed. O. Murray and Tim Cornell) 2011)
J-P Vernant in the anglophone tradition (August 2010)
Marathon and the Philhellenes 2-4 July (August 2010)
‘Renouveler l’histoire des moeurs’ (2010) Pauline Schmitt Festschrift
Books and articles in advanced state of preparation (work in progress)
Herodotus Commentary v-ix
Peri Basileias: Studies in Greek Kingship (Collected Essays in Greek History 1)
Euphrosyne: Drinking Greek Style (Collected Essays in Greek History 2)
Cities of Reason (Collected Essays 3: Classical and Modern)
Europa and the Bulldog: studies in the history of the classical tradition (Collected Essays 4)
Unpublished Articles:
‘The Architecture of Reason in Ancient Greece’ (The Art of Building Cities, Classical
Architecture League, Chicago 1995).
‘The Crisis of Theory in History’ (Manchester University lecture 1996)
A number of lectures before theatrical performances printed in the Artists of Dionysus programmes
Series Edited
Fontana History of the Ancient World (6 volumes by Murray, Davies, Walbank, Ogilvie,
Crawford, Wells, 1976-84; second edition, 5 revised volumes by the above with new volume by
Averil Cameron, 1992-6). American, Spanish, German and Italian editions.
Blackwells Classical Studies (works by Vogt, Momigliano, Avi-Yonah, Jenkyns, Wood and
Wood, Burkert, M.H.Hansen x 2).
Current projects:
Bibliotheca Academica Translationum (project supported by the Hulme Research Fund, Oxford
University, the AHRB, the European Commission and Google Books)
A Short History of Pleasure (book commissioned by Penguin)
The Ancient Greeks (book commissioned by Penguin)
A Commentary on Herodotus Books V-IX (with Vanessa Cazzato)