oral presentation - Teaching & Learning

Graduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning: ELT505: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning:
oral presentation
Developed by Dr Sharon Thomas and Moira Cordiner
Synopsis of the task and its context
This is the first task in the unit and is weighted 30%. It is an individual oral presentation to peers of 35-40 minutes based on a critical review of a journal article from
the scholarship of teaching and learning literature. Students are advised to select a discipline-specific or generic journal article that is an example of practitioner
research, rather than one that is purely theoretical or conceptual. Guidelines are provided to students to:
 help them structure the content of their presentation including key questions to answer
 ensure that interaction with the class group is a feature of the presentation, either throughout the presentation or at the end in the form of a question/answer
Match between learning outcomes/objectives and criteria for the task
Learning outcomes
new task-specific criteria
On completion of this unit, you should be able to:
To complete this task, you are to:
3. communicate in academic teaching and learning contexts by
presenting (orally) to peers and writing a scholarly research article
1. communicate in an academic teaching and learning context
1. critically reflect upon the scholarship of teaching and learning
literature and issues pertinent to your and others’ teaching and
learning contexts
2. design and conduct a research-based inquiry into an aspect of a
specific teaching and learning context
2. critically reflect upon the scholarship of teaching and learning literature
 critique journal article
 apply knowledge derived from the critique to own teaching and learning context
not assessed in this task
Student name:
ELT505 assessment task 1: Oral presentation
1. communicate in
an academic
teaching and
learning context
weighting 30%
In your presentation, you:
In your presentation, you:
 consistently demonstrated confident
 demonstrated confident and skilful
and skilful interpersonal oral
interpersonal oral communication by:
communication by:
 minimally referring to prepared notes
 maintaining eye contact with the audience
 using an open, relaxed posture
In your presentation, you:
 demonstrated knowledge of
interpersonal oral communication by:
In your presentation, you:
 demonstrated some knowledge of
interpersonal oral communication by:
 partially referring to prepared notes
 mostly maintaining eye contact
with the audience
 facing the audience
 at times being able to speak
without reference to prepared
 at times making eye contact with
the audience
 mostly facing the audience
 being audible
 generating some sporadic
audience interest
 answering questions and
acknowledging comments from the
Weighting 40%
 being consistently audible and
varying volume, intonation, pitch
and pace of delivery in light of
audience response
 maintaining audience interest and
enhancing their understanding
with well-placed questions and/or
 responding to questions and
comments from the audience
sensitively and knowledgeably
 being consistently audible and
varying volume, intonation, pitch
and pace of delivery
 asking questions of the audience
 responding to questions and
comments from the audience
 formally acknowledging references/sources
 cohesively and logically organised
the selected content:
 being audible and, at times,
varying volume, intonation and
 responding to questions and
comments from the audience
 acknowledging some references/sources
 meeting the given time frame
 logically organised the selected
 effectively organised the selected
 to mostly suit audience and
 to suit audience and purpose
 into a clearly delineated
 into a clearly delineated introduction, body and conclusion
introduction (including ‘hook’), body
and conclusion
 including relevant, scholarly, up-to-date information
 including relevant, scholarly
 partially organised the selected
 to suit audience OR purpose
 into loosely linked sections
 including scholarly information
ELT505 assessment task 1: Oral presentation
In your presentation, you:
 using relevant and well designed
supporting materials that enhanced
the presentation and assisted the
audience’s understanding
2. critically reflect
upon the
scholarship of
teaching and
learning literature
 critique journal
 apply knowledge
derived from the
critique to own
teaching and
learning context
Weighting 60%
weighting 30%
In your presentation, you:
 using relevant supporting materials
that enhanced the presentation
and assisted the audience’s
 thoroughly and insightfully critiqued a
 thoroughly critiqued a personally
personally selected and current,
selected and current, practice-based
practice-based scholarship of
scholarship of teaching and learning
teaching and learning journal article
journal article by:
 appraising both the strengths and the limitations of the study’s purported aims,
design and findings
 making insightful comparisons
between your selected article and
relevant unit readings
 making consistent comparisons
between your selected article and
relevant unit readings
 explicitly applied knowledge derived
from your critique of the journal
article to your own practice and
discipline by:
 explicitly applied knowledge derived
from your critique of the journal
article to your own practice by:
 thoroughly evaluating and justifying
its relevance in terms of:
 usefulness
 limitations of both content and
 implications for your own
teaching and learning practice as
well as potential teaching and
learning research
 evaluating its relevance in terms of:
 usefulness
 limitations of content
 implications for your own
teaching and learning practice
In your presentation, you:
 using relevant supporting materials
that complemented the
In your presentation, you:
 using some relevant supporting
 critiqued a personally selected and current, practice-based scholarship of
teaching and learning journal article by:
 explaining some of the strengths
and the limitations of the study’s
purported aims, design and
 describing some of the strengths
and the limitations of the study’s
purported aims, design and
 making some brief comparisons
between your selected article and
some unit readings
 making tenuous links between your
selected article and some unit
 applied knowledge derived from your critique of the journal article to your own
practice by:
 commenting on its relevance in
terms of:
 usefulness
 implications for your own
teaching and learning practice
 commenting on its relevance to
your own teaching and learning