THE JACK RUSSELL TERRIER CLUB OF SOUTH AFRICA Association Incorporated under Section 21 2002/009114/08 Animal Improvement Act, Breed Society #62/98/B-64 The Club for the ORIGINAL Jack Russell Terrier Founded in 1981 LEONIE OOSTHUIZEN: BREED RECORDS OFFICER Telephone: (H) 023 616 2558 86 Louisiana Street Fax: (H) 023 616 2558 or 0866103365 Bonnievale Cell: 082 053 3180 6730 E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________ BREEDER’S LICENCE APPLICATION NEW APPLICATIONS: APPLICATION FEE R2000.00 Complete and return with R200.00 fee (This is an annual fee payable by 28 Feb of each year) Name Address: Code Telephone No Fax No Cell No Email Membership No Kennel Name 2nd Choice I am a fully paid up member of the Jack Russell Terrier Club of South Africa and agree to abide by the Breeder’s Code of Conduct, which, by my signature hereto, confirm I have read and understand. (Breeder’s Code of Conduct overleaf). SIGNATURE: _______________________________ DATE: ________________________________ BREED RECORDS OFFICE USE ONLY: Application accepted: _____________________________ Date: ______________________________ Licence No: BRLIC ________________ Comment: _______________________________________ BREEDERS CODE OF CONDUCT 1. To abide by the aims and objects of the Club, as laid down in the Constitution of the Jack Russell Terrier Club of South Africa. 2. Breed only with terriers on the Breeding Register and aim towards improvement, and achieving gameness/working/registration status for breeding stock. 3. Pups must be inoculated, de-wormed a minimum of three times, not less than 8 weeks of age on leaving breeder, and be given a JRTCSA Certificate of Origin issued by the Breed Records Officer. 4. Every effort must be made to find suitable homes and educate the new owners in ALL aspects of owning a Jack Russell Terrier. It is the Breeder’s responsibility to take back any terrier they have bred. Absolutely NO selling of pups to pet shops or dealers. Encourage people to join the Club, giving them an Introductory Letter with membership application enclosed. 5. Avoid the following practices, considered to be detrimental to the physical and mental development of the breed: a) b) c) d) Matings between: parent/offspring; brother/sister; or half brother/sister. A mating which results in any one ancestor appearing more than 4 times in the 5-generation pedigree of the offspring. Mating a bitch during her first season, unless she is over the age of one year. It is recommended by the Club that subsequent litters should be no more than every other season (for a bitch who cycles every 6-8 monthls, or every two seasons, followed by a season’s rest (for a bitch with a 9-12 month cycle or longer). Ensure all terriers have been approved for breeding by an A grade judge (or designated official), before a mating occurs, and especially that no obvious genetic faults are apparent on BOTH terriers. 6. All breeders must sign their annual Breeder’s Licence and return it to the Breed Records Officer by the 28 th February each year. Failure to do this will mean that no Litter Returns will be processed. LICENCES ARE RENEWABLE ANNUALLY AND SUBJECT TO JRTCSA TERMS AND CONDITIONS. BREACH OF THIS CODE OF CONDUCT WILL RESULT IN YOUR PAYING A FINE, OR YOUR LICENCE BEING SUSPENDED OR REVOKED. IF YOUR MEMBERSHIP LAPSES, SO DOES YOUR BREEDER’S LICENCE. THE FULL LICENCE FEE WILL THEN BE PAYABLE AGAIN SHOULD YOU WISH TO REGISTER A LITTER UNDER YOUR KENNEL NAME. ISSUED BY: BREED RECORDS OFFICER