Sung Yung, This letter is to help you get started unraveling the new RTA code. 1) Changes in Philosophy 2) overview of the code 3) summary of specfic changes The files discussed in this document are: a) /src_gsfc/ ========== airsrad1.F airsrad2.F cldy_rad2.F comp_alt.F location grav.F set_solar.F solar computes a clear radiance subroutine to support cldy_rad2() computes a cloudy radiance computes the altitude from the current state and z(P,T,water,ozone,latitude,g(z)) computes gravity as a function of latitude, longitude, altitude, and wind reads the UMBC solar radiance file ..OR.. sets the radiance to the Planck function at 5600 K. set_orbit.F converts solar radiance into spectral flux at the Earth sun_distance.F computes the Earth-Sun distance in astronomical units (AU) at a specified time b) /umbc9803/ ========== common blocks load_ir.F) static common block for RTA variables (loaded by profile dependent common block for predictors, etc. I/O routines for RTA (static) variables --------------------------------------load_ir.F reads the new RTA file and parses into rta_apod.F reads apodization parameters from I/O routines for profile variables ---------------------------------init_rtacom.F initializes values within setang_ir.F sets all necessary secant angles as a function of view angle, solar zenith angle, and altitude init_trace.F reads/sets trace gas profiles for methane, carbonmonoxide and sets CO2 perturbation value. If not called then the init_rta.F standard values are assumed. computes all the predictors channel dependent routines -------------------------ir_rta.F computes thermal and solar transmittance for a specific channel ir_rta3.F computes thermal transmittance for FIXED, WATER, and OZONE (diagnostic routine) comp_down.F computed down-welling thermal term (called by ir_rta.F, cldy_rad2.F) UMBC subroutines called by ir_rta() and ir_rta3() ------------------------------------------------qikexp.F UMBC's quick EXP function calokw.F compute water optical depth with OPTRAN calt1.F RTA #1's caltau() calt2.F .... calt3.F calt4.F calt5.F calt6.F calt7.F calt8.F calt9.F calt10.F calt11.F calt12.F calt13.F calt14.F calt15.F RTA #15's caltau programs used to convert UMBC files to GSFC format -------------------------------------------------cnv_subs.F subroutines for the next 3 programs cnv_598.F convert AIRS and CrIS RTA's delivered in May of 1998 cnv_1098.F convert CrIS RTA's delivered in Oct. 1998 cnv_iasi.F convert NAST and IASI RTA's In addition I have included a number of routines to allow compilation of a test program, comp_rad.F. These modules are NOT expected to be used in the AIRS Science Team code. d) /src_gsfc/ ========== getemis1.F mr2cd.F cd2mr.F sunang2.F sunang.F load_noise.F calc_phi.F calc_nedn.F tai_to_utc.F julian.F dbdt.F zeitbeg.F e) /src_jpl/ ========= brtemp.f lsurface.f meantemp.F openl1.F openl2.F planck.F readl1.F readl2.F softexit.F uppercase.F writl1.F writl2.F f) /mwrta_v4/ ========== amsutau.F bfield.F mw_rta.F mw_rta3.F opac.F open_mw.F opentram.F read_mw.F readtram.F setang_mw.F setmwstart.F shval3.F vlint.F Changes in Philosophy --------------------1) The routine cldy_rad.F should have never been used in the retrieval code. Since a parameter change was necessary for the RTA (solar bi-directional transmittance terms, solar spectral radiance, down-welling terms) I STRONGLY suggest removing this call from all clear radiance computations and replacing it with a call to AIRSRAD1(). By the way, in the near future the cloudy computation will become more complex than the current implementation and removal of cldy_rad.F will make the future modifications much simpler. The call to cldy_rad should only be in FOV simulation (airsbt.F) and in the GSFC cloud height retrieval (cloudhgt.F). 2) The AIRSRAD1() routine originally re-computed the layer average temperature, Tavg(L), for every channel. In a typical retrieval, this operation takes some time (approx. 1%?). Since Tavg(L) is computed in my version of calpar (now called init_rta()), it is passed from this routine into AIRSRAD to save time. 3) ditto for CLDY_RAD. In addition, the JPL version of this routine re-calls AIRSRAD (ncld+1) times each FOV. The (cnld+1) calls to AIRSRAD only need to be done once for the 9 AIRS FOV's. The savings is small (8*(ncld+1) AIRSRAD calls per channel), but non-zero. 4) The new UMBC code is more complex than previous deliveries. There are now 7 types of RTA and some channels have OPTRAN, CO2 coefficients in addition to the "PFASST" coefficients. There is also a downwellling thermal model and standard profiles for water, ozone, carbon-monoxide, and methane. We now require an additional transmittance computation for the bi-directional solar transmittance during the daytime. Even with all the extra complexity the memory storage and exexution time are both smaller than the previous RTA. The old RTA has 2378 channels and the following coefficients AIRS C F W O CO CH4 TOT N*TOT 2380 4 8 13 9 0 0 34 80920 Now channels are grouped into 7 categories as follows 1 FWO AIRS 1561 C 4 F W 8 11 O CO CH4 TOT N*TOT 5 0 0 28 43708 2 FOW 3 FMW 180 122 4 4 8 11 10 8 11 0 4 5 6 7 108 131 144 127 4 11 13 4 11 3 4 8 7 4 8 13 <-- supports OPTRAN as well 0 0 0 9 33 32 5940 3904 3 11 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 42 19 20 26 4536 2489 2880 3302 well FCOW FWO-b FWO-w FWO-m <-- supports OPTRAN as ---2373 ----66759 For the IPO work, I have many additional RTA's. There are now at least 7 instruments supported by this code. There are 8 more RTA's required to support these instruments (calt8.F-calt15). So there is some additional complexity which is not strictly necessary for AIRS, but makes the code much more adapable to the these other RTA's. AIRS does not pay a speed or memory penalty (unless dimensioned for NAST or IASI). For these reasons, I needed to add many items to the RTA file. The original UMBC deliver had 10 files of coefficients (7 RTA's, OPTRAN, CO2, and down-welling coefficients) and computed predictors for each RTA independently. In addition, the THERMAL and SOLAR transmittance was computed on successive calls to calpar and caltau and would have made the implementation into retrievals very cumbersome. I made a single, albeit rather complicated, file structure to allow all possibilities for each channel. The RTA is loaded by load_ir.F into a static common block called I hope these formats can be honored. NOTE: is NEVER required outside the RTA library. are routines to interface to necessary items. There 5) For the profile dependent variable I used a common block called I anticipate that this will not be desirable for the JPL environment so this can be converted to a structure and passed into the routines with require this common block. These are init_rtacom.F init_trace.F init_rta.F ir_rta.F ir_rta3.F setang_ir.F 6) The secant angle computation is much more difficult than before. I have added a routine comp_alt.F (NOT RTA dependent, therefore NOT in the RTA directory) to compute the altitude and pass it to a routine which subsequently computes the secant angle. I suggest that we do not compute it EVERY time, as done currently. Since secant angle is needed for both thermal and solar transmittances and both are a function of altitude, I have placed these within the common block (or JPL structure) and not passed them specifically or as local variables. 7) Trace gases are not used by most routines. Therefore, I have provided an interface, init_trace.F, to these parameters. The user can read the standard profiles and set the profiles to be used by the code. The profiles are stored within and NOT explicitly passed to init_rta.F or ir_rta.F. This was done to make implementation of these new features as painless as possible. Section 2: Overview of the new RTA code ======================================= 1. The comp_rad.F program 2. Overview of the subroutine calls 3. The comprta variable The comp_rad.F program has been provided to illustrate the use of the microwave and infrared rapid transmittance algorithm and utility routines to simulate radiances. This program was used to produce noise free clear radiances for the US standard atmosphere dataset provided in the ~/src/example/ directory and can also be used to compute cloudy radiances with the -cloud option. Compile the libraries, the comp_rad program and then run the script ~/src/example/run_rad to produce your own copy of the radiance files. These can be compared to the files in the ftp site. An integer*4 bitwise flag, called "comprta", has been implemented to improve the performance of the new RTA. This flag can be set to -1 ensure that everything is computed. If computational enhancements are desired, this flag can direct init_rta() and ir_rta() to NOT recompute all the predictors (init_rta()) or transmittances (ir_rta()). This is particularly useful when finite difference Jacobians are computed or when approximate Jacobians are desired. The bit parameters are defined below. At the present time, only the SOLAR and down-welling bits are used. Computation of the trace gases is automatically linked to the calls of load_ir(), setang_ir() and init_trace() - so the individual bits for CO$_2$, CH$_4$, and CO are not used at this time. In the future, the other bits may be implemented for water and ozone. To ensure upward compatibility the user should assume that if a bit is not set, then the predictors and transmittance associated with that state variable may NOT be updated from a previous computation. bit.1 bit.2 bit.3 bit.4 bit.5 bit.6 bit.7 bit.8 bit.9 bit.10 bit.11 1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 secant etc. T(p) terms q(p) terms O3(p) terms CO2 terms CO terms CH4 terms spare spare spare spare bit.12 2048 bit.13 4096 bit.14 8192 bit.15 16384 bit.16 32768 bit.17-bit.32 spare spare SOLAR surface transmittance DOWN-WELLING terms SOLAR profile terms spare For example, to compute all the predictors and transmittances necessary for a cloud free radiance (all levels at the viewing angle and the solar bidirectional transmittance at the surface) the value of comprta would be comprta = crta_all For cloudy radiances we need the bidirectional transmittance at the solar+spacecraft secant angle for all levels. In this case, the flag should be set to comprta = crta_all + crta_SP If a finite difference Jacobian is needed, then the second call (w/ perturbation) to init_rta() and ir_rta() could save time by NOT re-computing predictors and transmittances of the unperturbed state. For example, for water Jacobians, comprta = crta_Q + crta_S + crta_D For long-wave channels, additional time could be saved by not computing the bidirectional transmittance comprta = crta_Q + crta_D Section 3: Summary of Specific Changes ====================================== 1. Derivatives w.r.t. solar reflectivity have factor of 1/PI 2. Derivatives w.r.t. thermal emissivity now has thermal downwelling component For the discussion below, assume the call to IR_RTA() had the following arguments: $ CALL IR_RTA(iphys, n, fx, tau(n), numlev, Psurf, tmp, wcd, ocd, wlcd, Pobs, comprta, Rdown(n), TAUSUN) TAUZSN(n) = TAUSUN(numlev) 1. Derivatives w.r.t. solar reflectivity have factor of 1/PI If the user code (NOAA, GSFC) has direct derviative for the solar reflectivity there is now a difference of 1/3.4159 between the old and new radiative transfer (AIRSRAD1). rhoper = perturbation in solar reflectivity Rsun(n) = solar irradiance (steradians*radiance) at Earth-Sun distance scon = cossun if(iphys.eq.2 .or. iphys.eq.4) scon = scon/PI dR/drho = Rsun(n) * scon * rhoper * TAUZSN(n) 2. Derivatives w.r.t. thermal emissivity now has thermal downwelling component ** Assumes that rho_therm = (1.0-emiss)/pi ** emisper = perturbation to thermal emissivity dR/demis = Planck(f(n),Tsurf)*tau(numlev)*emisper if( then dR/de = dR/de - emisper * Rdown(n)*tau(numlev)/pi endif