Alkalis The opposotite of an acid an acid and an alkali neutralize each other and react to from water and a salt (base) (αλκάλιο). Acid A water- soluble, sour chemical compound that produces positive ions in solutions. Basic and intermediate chemicals Are called commodity chemicals and are produced mainly by large companies and as byproducts of petroleum reefing, using common manufacturing processes. Agricultural chemical A substance (chemical) that is used in agriculture, e.g. pesticide, insecticide, herbicide. Plastics and fibres Man –made polymers, made by the chemical industry, using raw materials obtained from crude oil. Benzene A colourless liquid, flammable, aromatic hydrocarbon that boils at 80.10 c and feezed at 5.4-5.50 c. it is used as a solvent and in making other chemicals, e.g. dyes and drugs. Aromatics Compound with a benzene–like ring. (Αρωματικές ενώσεις) Carbonates A compound which contains carbon and oxygen. E.g. calcium carbonate (limestone). Chlorides A compound containing chlorine and another element Ethylene The simplest olefin, a sweet smelling gas used to make plastics. Fluorides A compound which occurs naturally in both ground water and surface water Industrial gas Used in an industrial process, e.g. the production of steel, plastics chemicals pulp and paper microchips, auto parts, rubber, textile, glass. Methanol Colourless, toxic, flammable alcohol with the formula CH3OH, mixes with water, either alcohol. Nitrates A compound containing NO3 and including nitrogen and oxygen with more oxygen than a nitrate. (νιτρικό άλας ) Olefins Chemically active hydrocarbons, used to make plastics. Oxides A compound of oxygen and another element. (οξείδιο) Polyethylene (Πολυαιθυλένιο) a polymer made from ethylene: it is a tough, study plastic film having very good, low temperature characteristics. Polypropylene A derivative of propylene: it is used to make plastics and fibres with a wide range of applications, e.g. (kitchen tools). Fungicide A chemical that kills or destroys fungi Herbicide A substance that destroys unwanted plants e.g. weeds. Insecticide A substance that kills or destroys insects. Pesticide A substance that kills or destroys small animals. Pest management The reduction of pest problems. Nutrient management The use of a combination of fertilization techniques to ensure healthy growth of crops. Soil management Can improve soils in terms of their fertility. Sustainable production systems A sustainable production system benefits society, the manufacturer and the customer. Easy flow Describes a liquid that runs easily. Flame resistant Describes a substance that can prevent burning. Flame retardant Describes a substance that can reduce, or delay burning. Heat resistant Relating to the ability of a material the prevent heat from flowing through it. Stiff Describes a material that does not bend easily. Tough A material that is hard: difficult to break.