April 7th, 2015 - Park Conservation District

Park Conservation District
5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047
Telephone (406) 222-2899x111
April 7, 2015
USDA Conference Room, 5242 Hwy 89 South, Livingston
11:00 I.
Call the Regular Park CD Board Meeting to Order – Gayleen Malone, Chairman
11:05 II.
Natural Streambed & Land Preservation Act (310) Site Inspection Reports:
A. PK-19-15
Bernadine Gerfen c/o Steve O’Neil: Yellowstone River – Maintenance and
repair of rip rap through repositioning rock back onto armored embankment.
B. PK-16-15
Heart K Land & Cattle Co.: Yellowstone River – Excavation of accumulated
sediment from center of channel and placing sediment along channel margins
below high water elevation in order to maintain flow to side channel inlet.
C. PK-17-15
Corbin Robertson, Jr. c/o DeWitt Dominick: unnamed spring/Yellowstone
River – Restoration of a 400 foot segment of a spring creek through the
removal of ~2,150 cubic yards of accumulated sediment within 4 separate
zones. Maintenance of portions of historic hatchery ponds through the
placement of large woody debris to improve habitat. Relocation of pond outflow
in order to reestablish segment of spring creek.
D. PK-22-15
Samuel Skillman: Shields River – Bank stabilization through the placement of
rock rip rap along approximately 350 feet of riverbank.
E. PK-21-15
Crazy Mountain Ranch: Unnamed Tributary of Rainbow Lake – Installation
of a culvert to provide a stream crossing for horseback riding.
F. PK-20-14
Crazy Mountain Ranch: Unnamed Tributary of Hammond Creek – Removal
of sediment upstream and downstream of culverts along with subsequent
sediment removal within culverts to reestablish flow.
G. PK-14-15
T & P Ranch, LLC/Thomas Harenburg c/o John Hogenson: Shields River –
Bank stabilization in three locations along the riverbank. 1) Pulling 2 large
cottonwood trees up against bank with a track hoe, returning river to original
channel and protecting cottonwood serving as each habitat. Placement of rip
rap to secure trees. 2) Bank stabilization through the placement of debris and
rip rap for protection from further erosion. 3) Bank stabilization through the
placement of logs, which will be keyed in with gravel and rip rap.
H. PK-18-15
4 Diamond Ranch c/o Jim Willis: Cottonwood Creek – Replacement of old
irrigation diversion structures with more functional and efficient structures.
I. PK-01-15
Brenda Gilbert: Billman Creek – Culvert replacement through the installation
of a 5’ diameter squashed culvert.
J. PK-23-15
Paradise Valley Canal c/o Mike Atkins: Mill Creek - Bank stabilization project
by banking back the canal bank and adding rock and anchor trees back to bank
to keep 80-100 feet bank from washing out.
K. PK-24-15
Alvin Pierce: Six Mile Creek – Relocation of existing headgate in order to get
sufficient flow to structure.
12:55 III.
Natural Streambed & Land Preservation Act (310) Discussion:
Emigrant Peak Ranch/Richard Kinkie: Six Mile Creek – Permit modification.
Warren Latvala: Cottonwood Creek – Structure design completed.
Roger Bush c/o Lawrence Dears & Standish Excavation: Yellowstone River –
April 7, 2015
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Park Conservation District
5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047
Telephone (406) 222-2899x111
1:30 V.
Treasurer’s Report and Financial Items
Approval of Checks and Financial Reports.
Minutes Approval – March 3, 2015 Minutes
1:35 VI.
Water Reservations – Duane Claypool/DNRC
Continued discussion regarding the Park CD Water Reservations and the potential acceptance
of reserved water use applications from the Shields River drainage.
1:55 VII.
New Business
A. Central Montana Weed Control Association Noxious Weed Trailer: discussion
B. Noxious Weed Fair: April 28th, Park County Fairgrounds
C. BSWC: update/discussion of projects & activities
D. Floodplain Workshop discussion
E. GPS Unit purchase: update
F. 310 Application: review/discussion of application changes
G. DNRC 310 Admin. grant: update
H. MACD Spring President’s Report: review
I. Montana Watercourse Water Rights Training: April 9th, Billings
J. Montana Envirothon: April 20-21, Lewistown
K. OneMontana/Transition Agriculture: board member interviews with Joe Zimbric
VIII. Planning & Development Board Update– Dave Haug
VIII. NRCS Update –Ron Hoaglund/Dave Molebash
CWMA Update – Jessica Anderson
A. Last meeting: March 17th
B. Next meeting: May 12th
Watershed Business
Upper Yellowstone Watershed Basin
 Last meeting: March 5th
 Next meeting: TBD
Shields Valley Watershed Group
 Last meeting: March 16th
 Next meeting: TBD
Public Comment
Upcoming Events:
April 7, 2015
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Park Conservation District
5242 Highway 89 South Livingston, MT 59047
Telephone (406) 222-2899x111
April 7: Pasture Health Workshop: 12-2pm, Ennis
April 9: Montana Watercourse Water Rights Training: 1-4pm, Billings
April 15: Taxes Due
April 18: Madison & Ruby Valley CDs Banquet: 5:30pm, Elks Club, Virginia City
April 20-21: Montana Envirothon, Lewistown
April 22: 310 applications due to Park CD office
April 22: Earth Day
April 28: Noxious Weed Fair: Park County Fairgrounds
April 29: Proposed 310 site inspections
May 5: Park Conservation District regular board meeting, 11:00am, Livingston USDA Building
May 12: Park County CWMA meeting: 2pm, Livingston USDA Building
May 20: 310 Permits due to Park CD office
May 27: Proposed 310 site inspections
May 5, 2015
USDA Conference Room
Key to Commonly Used Acronyms:
310 Law - Montana Natural
Streambed & Land
Preservation Act (Park CD)
ARRA - American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act (DEQ)
Corps - US Army Corps of
CWMA - Cooperative Weed
Management Area
DEQ – Department of
Environmental Quality
DNRC – Department of
Natural Resources &
EA - Environmental
EPA - Environmental
Protection Agency
April 7, 2015
EQIP - Environmental
Quality Incentives Program
FWP – Fish Wildlife & Parks
MACD – Montana
Association of Conservation
MWCC – Montana
Watershed Coordination
MBMG – Montana Bureau of
Mines & Geology
NRCS – Natural Resource
Conservation Services
Park CD – Park
Conservation District
SAMP - Special Area
Management Plan (Corps)
SNOTEL - Snowpack
Telemetry (NRCS)
SVWG - Shields Valley
Watershed Group
TMDL – Total Maximum
Daily Load (DEQ)
USFS - United States Forest
UYWB – Upper Yellowstone
Watershed Basin
WHIP - Wildlife Habitat
Incentive Program (NRCS)
WPA – Watershed Planning
& Assistance Grant (DNRC)
WRP - Watershed
Restoration Plan (DEQ)
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