
Inject Response Report
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Solar Storm
March 4, 2013
New Hope Neighborhood Emergency Preparedness Program
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
This report contains the inject responses from the Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise.
These responses are unedited and are directly exported from the information typed into the ONX System
during the exercise. The purpose of this report is to provide documentation for your organization’s records
of exact responses captured during the exercise.
www.drc-group.com – info@drc-group.com
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 001
New Hope NEPP
Part 1
Solar Storm – Minus Several Weeks
Residing in a neighborhood that is Disaster Ready is the first step in being
able to adequately respond to and recover from any disaster or emergency.
Is your organization involved in assisting neighborhood residents in preparing
themselves, their families and their homes for a solar storm and other
disasters or emergencies that could strike the region?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – List in detail the various disaster preparedness
activities your organization undertakes to assist with neighborhood
Yearly exercises
Part 4
Monthly briefing through Neighborhood Watch
If the above answer is no. – Identify the name and point of contact information
(Phone Number and / or Web Site) of your community’s agencies or
organizations that would be able to assist with preparing neighborhood
residents for a solar storm or other disasters.
Part 11
(Example: Shoemaker County Office of Emergency Management – 555-5555555 – www.scoem.gov)
(Note: Access www.google.com to search for your community’s agencies or
Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 1:
Part 12
Part 13 Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 2:
Part 14
Part 15 Contact Information – Agency / Organization # 3:
Part 16
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 005
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Minus 4 Hours
Part 1 With CNN, and other news services, covering the story that the United States
could be without communications and utilities for up to a week or longer will
your organization take actions to help assist neighborhood residents with any
last minute preparedness activities?
Part 2 No
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Identify and briefly describe the activities with
which your organization will assist with.
Part 4
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 006
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Minus 3 Hours
Part 1 Would your organization be contacted by emergency management officials
upon learning that the region will be suffering the effects of a severe solar event
within the next few hours?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Identify the emergency response agency that
would have notified your organization.
Part 4 Holmes County Emergency Management, Wanda Stafford via email
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – At what point would your organization be notified.
Part 6
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 008
New Hope NEPP
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Part 1
Based on the fact that once the solar storm has struck normal communications
will be very limited, does your organization have a plan to self-mobilize
following the loss of electricity and communications?
Part 2
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly explain the self-mobilization process.
Part 4
We would self-mobilize and come to the New Hope station.
Due to current circumstances your organization has self-mobilized.
Part 7
Identify the individuals by name and title that would be responsible for
mobilizing your organization.
Part 8
Roger Deal
Part 9
Part 10 Caleb Church
Part 11 Tertiary:
Part 12 Jack Commander
Part 13
Would the same individuals be responsible for leading your organization
during its mobilization?
Part 14 Yes
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 009
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Plus 3 Hours
Now that your organization has mobilized it will be important to effectively
coordinate the various response activities that will need to be undertaken.
Part 1
Identify the individuals that will fulfill the Incident Command System (ICS)
positions and briefly describe the responsibility for each position.
(Example: Logistics Section Chief – John Harper – Is responsible for obtaining
needed equipment and supplies that will be used to respond to the solar storm.)
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Logistics -supplies are at New Hope Station-Roger Deal
Part 2 Planning-Emily Wilkerson
Incident Commander-Caleb Church
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 011
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Plus 9 Hours
Prepare a prioritized action plan (Incident Action Plan) outlining in detail
activities that your organization will undertake following the loss of electrical
utilities and communications due to the solar storm.
Part 1 In preparing the Incident Action Plan (IAP) list any resources that will be needed
to undertake the action as well as develop a timeline for completing the
identified action.
(Example: Action – Canvas the neighborhood to identify any residents that will
need additional assistance due to the loss of electricity and communications. /
Required Resources – Note Pad. / Timeline – 2 Hours.)
Action-Take a look at residents in area that may have limitations. Required
resources-maps, surveys previously done of residents with medical needs.
Part 2
Action-New Hope building is self-sustainable with water and ice. Required
Action-Know who has generator in community. Required resources-gas for
generator. Timeline-unknown when solar storm may occur.
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 012
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Plus 1 Day
Part 1 It will be important for your organization to remain in constant communication
with its members and various response agencies and organizations. Briefly
describe how communications will be maintained knowing that normal
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
communications channels have been totally disrupted:
(Note: Access a copy of the Neighborhood Emergency Radio Communications
Planning document.)
With emergency management officials.
Part 2 Runners via horse or bicycles
Part 3 With law enforcement officials.
Part 4 Horse or bicycles
Part 5 With fire department officials.
Part 6 Horse or bicycles
Part 7 Among team members.
Family Service Radios (provided they still work)
Part 8
New Hope station would become hub for communication
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 013
New Hope NEPP
Needs Assessment
Part 1
Based on the fact that the region as well as most of the United States could be
without utilities for the next week or more prepare a list of resources (services,
materials and supplies) that will be needed to support residents of the
neighborhood following the solar storm.
Need # 1:
Part 2
Part 3
Need # 2:
Part 4
Part 5
Need # 3:
Part 6
Generator capability at New Hope station?
Part 7
Need # 4:
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Part 8
Medical needs
Part 9
Need # 5:
Part 10 Gas reserve for generators
Part 11 Need # 6:
Part 12 Shelter
Part 13 Need # 7:
Part 14 Transportation
Part 15 Need # 8:
Part 16 Law enforcement
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 014
New Hope NEPP
The neighborhood has a number of residents 55 years of age or older that rely
on the volunteers of the Meals on Wheels program to deliver hot meals and
Part 1 Due to the current circumstances, no electricity to prepare food along with the
lack of available volunteers, the Meals on Wheels program has been
discontinued until further notice.
Would your organization assist these senior citizens?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3 If the above answer is yes. – Describe the actions that would be taken.
Part 4 We would assist them with food requirements.
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – What will the senior citizens be told?
Part 6
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 015
New Hope NEPP
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Part 1
As evening of the second day without electricity approaches Mr Jones, a
neighborhood resident, decides to use candles to light his home because the
batteries in his flashlight area dead. Having placed a candle near an open
window he goes into another part of the house. Suddenly a gust of wind blows
the window curtain into the candle’s flame. Within a few moments the house is
on fire.
Due to the lack of communications Mr Jones cannot call 911 to report the fire.
With a neighborhood home on fire, and having no way to contact 911, will
members of your organization have a role in suppressing or mitigating the
spread of the house fire?
Part 2 No
(Note: Consult Section Two – Fire Safety of the CERT Training Manual
regarding actions that could be taken in such an incident.)
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe the actions that will be taken to
suppress and / or mitigate the spread of the fire.
Part 4
Part 5
If the above answer is no. – Identify who will extinguish the fire or at a minimum
prevent the fire from spreading to other homes.
Whoever is available.
In the country-plow fire lane to stop spread of fire from somewhere else.
Part 6
We do not have residents close to each other.
Consider the house a loss.
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 016
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Plus 2 Days
Is your organization in possession of any supplies and / or equipment that can
Part 1 be utilized to assist with response and recovery efforts following the solar
(Note: Access a listing of potential items to incorporate into a Neighborhood
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Disaster Supply Kit.)
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – Prepare an itemized list of the supplies and / or
(Example: Item – Generator / Quantity – 1 / Storage Location – NEPP Trailer)
Roger keeps inventory list here at New Hope station.
Part 4 (see inventory list)
All items are stored in the New Hope station.
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 017
New Hope NEPP
One of your organization’s members, Mr Potter, is suffering a heart attack.
Part 1
911 still cannot be contacted via phone.
Should CPR be started knowing that Emergency Medical Service (EMS)
personnel will not be available to respond to assist?
Part 2 Yes
Part 3
If the above answer is yes. – How will you continue to provide CPR to Mr Potter
without the assistance of EMS?
EMS is located at New Hope station.
Part 4 If EMS is not available, we have an AED available at New Hope station.
We should be able to provide care.
Part 5 If the above answer is no. – Briefly explain why.
Part 6
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 018
New Hope NEPP
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Part 1
Solar Storm – Plus 3 Days
Adam and Beth Morrison are an elderly couple who live in the neighborhood. As
is true with everyone else, they are without power, water and phone service.
Due to the current heat temperatures continue to set all-time highs.
Several of their neighbors have expressed a concern for their well being given
the lack of drinking water and the extreme heat.
Briefly describe the actions that your organization can take to assist the
Part 2
If the couple is willing to relocate, we would move them to the New Hope facility
to supply them with their needs. We would offer to move.
If they do not leave their home, we will supply with water and ice.
Fortified Response - Solar Storm - # 019
New Hope NEPP
Solar Storm – Plus 10 Days
Across the United States electrical and communication systems have been
coming back on-line.
Part 1
With utilities being restored to the neighborhood your organization has decided
to demobilize.
Does your demobilization plan include an operational debriefing of all team
Part 6
Part 7
If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how this debriefing will be
Part 8
We would discuss what went right and what went wrong.
Part 9
Does your demobilization plan include a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
(CISD) of all team members?
Part 10 Unsure
Part 11 If the above answer is yes. – Briefly describe how this debriefing will be
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC
Operation Fortified Response Tabletop Exercise
Inject Responses – March 4 2013
Part 12
Disaster Resistant Communities Group LLC