Drewett (1973), based on the rapid rise of land prices between 1967

An Evaluation of the Impact of Density Regulation on Land Markets in Mumbai
Mr. Ramakrishna Nallathiga
Programme Manager
Bombay First
(Bombay City Policy Research Foundation)
4th Floor, Y B Chavan Centre
Nariman Point
Mumbai 400021
e-mail: ramanallathiga@yahoo.co.uk
The economic justification for the regulation of land markets through land use planning and
other instruments has been well studied and is a well developed subject. However, in the
recent past, there has been an increasing realisation that the regulation of urban land has
been resulting in some undesirable impacts, particularly on the operation of markets, which
has been resulting in an increase in land prices and a reduction in the welfare of people.
This paper presents an attempt made to evaluate the impacts of such regulations, while
focusing on the influence of density regulation on land prices, through a case study of
Mumbai. It has been found that the impact of density regulation was highest in the CBD,
where the demand for space is already high; also, the impact was strong but not significant
in the suburbs. The study results, however, need to be interpreted more carefully in the
light of influence of other land use and housing regulations already in operation.
Key Words:
Land use Regulation, Land use Planning, Density Regulation/ Controls, Land Market, Land
December 2003
Land is an important resource in the production of goods and services. Historically, the allocation
and regulation of its use as well as development have long been traditionally in the hands of
government, across the world. Urban land, in particular, has been considered to be more important
because of the high demand arising from the concentration of economic forces on urban space, on
one hand, and the existence of externalities as well as public goods associated with it, on the other.
As a result, several countries have a variety of methods and a variety of degrees of control over land
resource in place; and, they have different institutions for the allocation and management of urban
land. Balchin et al. (2000), for example, observe that different countries have used a wide variety of
land management policies in the recent past, which exist in different forms: (i) long-term national
and sub-national land use planning e.g., in the UK, Netherlands and Japan; (ii) redevelopment of
schemes e.g., in France, West Germany and Japan; (iii) special land use control in areas of
development e.g., Italy and Japan; (iv) pre-emptive rights e.g., in France and India. Nevertheless,
land use planning is an important institution that has been existent in various countries in various
forms with the primary responsibilities of land allocation, land use regulation and development
control (Harrison 1977). However, apart from making use of it, governments do intervene, either
directly or indirectly, in the operation of land markets through a wide range of economic, policy and
administrative tools. It is this intervention of government in the regulation of land that leaves
behind the question of whether by doing so it results in net gains to the society or any unintended
consequences that result in costs to the society; and also, whether benefits of intervention outweigh
its costs. In the current study, an attempt has been made to examine this aspect and to evaluate the
impacts of it; our particular attention here is on one important aspect – the impacts of density
regulation or density controls. Density regulation or density control is essentially a part of the
development controls under land use regulation that regulate the density of development on a parcel
of land by setting alternative controls like floor area ratios, plot densities and building height
restrictions (ibid).
In theory, land use planning/regulation provides an important as well as significant opportunity to
organize activities in an order that could lead to a harmonious development of land. However, in
recent past it has been subjected to questioning and evaluation with regards to its effectiveness (e.g.,
Corkindale 1996; Cheshire and Sheppard 1997; Bramley et al. 1995).
The planning system
competes, at times conflicts, with alternate systems of resource allocation e.g., markets and
legislation, in attaining the common goal of increasing societal welfare1. It is now reported by
several authors across the world that land use planning/regulation, in some form or other, has
affected the operation of land markets and housing, resulting in some kind of costs or welfare losses
to consumers (Cheshire and Sheppard 1989). These costs might be detrimental to the housing of
low-income groups, who find it difficult to obtain dwelling space on urban land. This paper
presents one such case study which evaluates the density regulation impacts on land markets in
The structure of the paper is as follows. The economic theory on land regulation and its impacts is
discussed first; the approaches taken to the assessment of land use regulation impacts are briefly
reviewed next; the study approach and the research methodology are discussed later; and, finally,
the findings of the study as well as its policy implications are discussed.
It is well laid in urban economics literature that the economic rationale for land use planning/
regulation has major roots in the welfare economic arguments such as public goods nature of the
urban goods and services, externalities associated with their production and consumption, market
failures arising from structural imperfections, information asymmetry, and alternative public
policies (Harrison 1977). The economic justification for land use planning/ regulation comes from
alternative schools of thought, such as neo-classical economics, welfare economics, institutional
economics, public choice theory and socialist economics2. However, the same economic theory
purports that planning/ regulation affects markets, by influencing demand for and supply of land for
housing, and hence equilibrium quantity and price in a neo-classical economic sense (Monk et al.
1991). From a welfare economic perspective, it may reduce efficiency and equity of land allocation
through markets (Hirsch 1979), and from the Marxian socialist economic perspective it may result
class struggle over land or displacement of the working class by filtering down (Lyons 1996).
Institutional economists and public choice theorists argue that it reduces the scope for private
bargaining (Mills 1991) while promoting harmful practices (Mills 1989). The wider theoretical
basis for the existence of impacts implies the need for examining each case of land use regulation
In this study only an economic perspective of land use planning and its impacts is considered; an alternative
perspective from law can also be helpful to understand it in a different manner. Webster (1998), for example,
provides such a law perspective of impacts.
impacts in the context of existing operational framework of the planning/regulatory system before
drawing policy implications.
Although a wider literature exists in the theoretical frameworks of alternative economic thoughts,
neo-classical theory has been the most favoured framework, which is evident from the extent of its
use in empirical literature, in which land and housing are treated as marketed goods in equilibrium
under the operation of equilibrating forces - demand and supply. Alternatively, spatial equilibrium
of land and housing has been dealt with in urban economic theory in an analytical fashion built
upon Von Thunen’s mono-centric city model or its deviants, as most spatial impacts have the roots
in urban economic theory. Land use regulation is exclusively modeled as a constraint in the
optimisation of a choice economic variable in a hypothetical city in these studies and the outcomes
are compared with those that of standard urban economic theory.
It might be interesting to note that the impact of land use regulation on land and housing markets
caught the attention of empiricists quite some time back. As early as in 1973, Drewett found that
the rapid rise of land prices in the UK during 1967-70 was more than that of house prices, and,
therefore, would have contributed to an increased proportion of total costs of housing. Although
this might also be partly due to inelastic supply arising from landowner’s decision to wait, yet the
impact of regulatory system would have been substantial in this case (Drewett 1973). Subsequently,
the impact of land use regulation in the context of UK has been well examined by several
researchers e.g., Cheshire and Sheppard (1997), Monk and Whitehead (1999), Bramley (1993),
Cheshire and Sheppard (1989), Monk et al (1996).
Similarly, in the North American context also, land use regulation impacts have been extensively
discussed with reference to zoning of varied kinds, which is the characteristic of American land use
planning system. Fischel (1975) first acknowledged that the impacts of zoning were reflected in
‘windfall gains’ to some whose land received positive benefits of zoning and ‘wipeouts’ to some
whose land received negative benefits of zoning. Fischel (1987), further, observed that whereas
zoning facilitated the adoption of rules and encouraged exchange of entitlements as well as
protected property rights, yet it imposed costs like suburban sprawl, which might not arise in case of
free market allocation. Similarly, suburban zoning led to efficient allocation of local public goods
(via Tie-bout model), but only at equity losses. A detailed discussion of various empirical studies
on economic impacts in the context of zoning in the USA can also be found in Pogodzinski and Sass
(1991), while a review of literature on such in the UK can be found in Monk et al. (1991).
However, a brief summary of analysis made in both these papers is presented here to shed lights on
the different analytical frameworks used by empirical researchers in assessing impacts of various
kinds of land use regulations on markets. The modelling of regulatory impacts has been done from
both supply as well as demand side.
On supply side, Courant (1976) modeled large lot zoning as a ceiling on capital/land ratio, which
resulted in the cost of producing housing services at a location which is zoned, and as a result,
housing prices unambiguously raised and welfare declined. Moss (1977) also discussed the impacts
of minimum lot zoning, maximum density zoning and maximum bulk zoning as a ceiling on
capital/land ratio, but the modeling was done in an analytical fashion and did not account for spatial
Similarly, Buttler (1981) used a mono-centric model with zoning regulation by
distinguishing three types of zoning regulations – storey heights, building height and density.
However, it was Sheppard (1988) who formally modeled two growth control policies – supply of
space restrictions and containment – similar to others but as a spatial model by incorporating
different classes of consumers. Here, its findings require little more attention for that it brings out
the complexity inherent in the impacts on different classes across different locations. It observes
that the supply of space, when not restrained, lowers rents at all locations for any class, but
increases suburbanization of all classes more centrally located, and effectively reduces the radius of
the city (or, urban sprawl) as well as increases utility for all classes. Whereas the inner-containment
policy lowers rents for all classes in the contained group, it increases rents for more centrally
located unconstrained classes, also increases utility for all classes in group, but has no effect on less
centrally located classes.
Although, it suggests marginal effects of containment policy on
unconstrained classes, it, importantly, avoids externality effects associated with parcel of land,
which are important in urban areas.
On demand-side, the impact of regulation (in the form of zoning) has been modeled as an explicit
restriction on the choice set of consumers. Henderson (1985) modeled two kinds of zoning – large
lot zoning and density regulation under alternative hypotheses concerning whether zoning was
capitalized into land prices. He modeled lot size restrictions itself on supply side i.e., as a restriction
on the substitutability of capital in the production of housing, and then traced through the effects of
this restriction on the demand for housing. In this approach, the production function assumes
constant returns to scale and large lot zoning acts like a fixed factor of production. Large lot zoning
increases costs up to a certain level of housing production in short run. However, the effect would
be less in the long run under the conditions of perfect competition.
Similarly, Cheshire and
Sheppard (1987) modeled the demand side restrictions through hedonic demand function to assess
the comparative effect of planning system/control on housing prices in Darlington and Reading in
various classes of housing. Another important study worth mention is that of Mayer and Somerville
(2000), which modeled the relationship between land use regulation and residential construction. It
found that land use regulation lowered the steady state of new construction to leave up to 45% fewer
starts and price elasticity that more than 20% lower than those in the less regulated markets.
As mentioned earlier, the focus of current study has been on the assessment of impacts of one aspect
of land use regulation – density regulation in Mumbai. Here, we explain the operation of density
regulations in Mumbai first, and then discuss the approach taken to evaluate its impacts in Mumbai.
Development Control Regulations (DCRs) in Mumbai comprise use provisions in various land use
zones, density zoning in terms of dwelling units per unit area and the total development area, which
form an integral part of development plan prepared by Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai
(MCGM), (Phatak 2000). However, there exists another class of development regulations that
operate through building bylaws laid by the MCGM in the same DCRs, which do not concern the
current study. These building bylaws use parameters like ground coverage, maximum height, light
angle, height in relation to width of the road to control the volume of built up area on a given plot of
land (ibid). Essentially, it is the impact of density controls in the form of Floor Space Index (FSI)
that concern the current study. FSI is the maximum permissible ratio of floor space (or built-up)
area to plot area, which was first introduced in 1964. The 1964 DCRs prescribed FSI as high as 4.5
for CBD to 1.0 for suburbs, in step-wise decrease, based on the concept of 1/3rd ground coverage.
However, these were substantially reduced through the modified 1991 DCRs while confining to the
one-third ground coverage rule, the provision laid under which are shown in table 1 (GoM 1991).
The modeling of land use regulation impacts essentially involves identification of other important
variables, apart from those relating to regulation, that influence land prices. In the choice of
variables, the experience of past studies alongwith their modeling parameters has been examined.
The inquiry into variables influencing land prices was interesting to several researchers as early as
in 1970s.
Milgram (1967), based on the observation of statistical models of land price
determination, found that the key variables influencing land prices were both macro variables like
average mortgage interest rate, personal income, housing starts and interest rates, as well as micro
variables like travel time to CBD, distance to major road/ public transport, and property on artery or
not. Similarly, Weiss et al (1967) refer to land values and land development influencing factors as
distance to school, recreation, play ground, and shopping centre. Stegman (1969) included
neighbourhood quality as an important variable in land prices determination; and other variables
include externalities, interdependencies, levels of land and property taxation, and historical factors.
Likewise, Asabere and Huffman (1999) assumed that land values are a function of location,
physical and market attributes. More comprehensively, Pogodozinski and Sass (1991) assumed that
household utility is a function of income net of housing and commuting expenditure, leisure time,
consumption of housing services, housing attributes.
Literature and empirical studies suggest that several general as well as specific variables influence
land prices, the exact number of which can only be fixed within the constraints of data availability,
econometric and formal construct of the model relevant to particular study.
The neoclassical economic theory suggests that urban land and housing markets are under
equilibrium due to the operation of demand and supply forces. In short run, the supply of land (and
housing units on it) is fixed (SS); hence, ceteris paribus any changes in demand will lead to an
equilibrium price rise from P* to P’ (as shown in figure 1) (Harrison 1977). Land use regulation
raises the demand for land (and housing units) from DD to D’D’ in an analogous manner to result in
a price rise above ‘free market’ level (Bramley et al 1995). In this comparative statics approach, the
‘price effect’ of land use regulation could be evaluated by modelling the equilibrium demand and
supply functions. In conventional economic terms, the quantity of good (land parcel/housing unit)
demanded and supplied could be expressed as,
Qd = f {Y, Pn, …} and
Qs = f {P, T, …}
Here Y, P, Pn, and T are household income, price of the good, population and technology. As the
supply of land (and housing) is fixed under short run equilibrium, equating the quantity demanded
and supplied yields a reduced form equation of the form below.
P = f { Y, Pn, T, …}
This simple model with household as a unit could be extended to urban areas with spatial units by
including house/land attributes, location, and infrastructure, which results in an aggregated standard
urban economic model, in which the levels of public goods and other spatial attributes determine
land prices. Land use regulation, or any aspect of it, enters as one variable determining the land
values over space. In order to account for the influence of taxes on land value, as suggested in tie
bout hypothesis, taxes collected has been made one variable. The standard urban economic theory
suggests that the land value/rent declines with distance away from CBD, as alternative uses bid up
to determine the demand for land (and housing), hence its price (Evans 1985). Ceteris paribus, land
use planning/ regulation raises the gradient line above the level than that of in its absence, while
assuming existence of spatial equilibrium in the markets with no constraints for expansion as a
mono-centric city (Bramley et al. 1995) (shown in figure 2). This effect resulting in absolute price
rise can be observed using a model3 in reduced form of demand and supply, specified above, with
land use regulation (here, density control is one aspect of it) as a policy/regulatory variable in the
form of a ‘dummy’ variable.
Now, the methodology followed in current study, which is essentially based on this approach, is
explained in the following section.
Using the approach outlined above, an attempt has been made to evaluate the impact of FSI
restriction on the operation of land markets, particularly on land prices. The exercise confined to
the urban land within the municipal boundary of Mumbai city, while avoiding inclusion of any rural
land. The methodology followed, in terms of data, variables and model structure, is explained
Data sets
At the outset, ward level data on public goods and services, demographics and budgetary details for
the years 1994 and 1999 were obtained from MCGM, which cover 23 wards in the island city,
suburbs, and extended suburbs. A ward, as opposed to individual housing unit, was chosen as the
unit of analysis so that the effects of externalities related to the neighbourhood, property, and
building services at plot level could be avoided. Local public goods and externalities would then
become important determinants of land prices.
However, as the observations of land prices
(obtained from MMRDA) and density controls (or, FSI) were not recorded at ward level, but at
select locations in case of former and area/zone wide provisions in case of latter, they were
translated into ward level data by making a one-to-one correspondence using a city map featuring
wards and locations. Owing to the fact that land price observations were not available in case of
some wards, the data set used for computation consisted of observations for only 20 wards. The
ward-wise data obtained from the MCGM were quite detailed and comprised of variables related to
urban services, which are listed in table 2. As most of the variables were correlated to either ward
area or ward population or both, they were normalized by ward area, while population density was
retained for further use in the computation of income variable. The specification of all variables in
a single measure (or normalization) would have avoided biases associated with the size of ward
(Gujarati 1992).
Linear variation in land value/rent or price is assumed in this model rather than a non-linear variation.
Variable Selection
Using the data pertaining to the variables described above, a preliminary analysis was performed to
diagnose the structure that they would exhibit. The descriptive statistics of the variables suggested
that most of them were positively skewed (right tailed unsymmetrical) and their vertical profile was
different from that of the normal distribution, which implied a non-normal distribution of data.
However, as the data pertain to the spatial units in nature, non-normal nature was anticipated.
Further, most of the variables had also shown an anticipated pattern of declining trend in magnitude
with distance away from center, analogous to that found in case of a typical ‘mono-centric city’. At
this stage, it was found that the variables ‘fire fighting’ and ‘water recreation’ were imperfectly
distributed and had shown a far different pattern from that anticipated. These facilities existed
merely based on the availability of space rather than demand; hence, they were dropped from
further analysis. It was also found that the land prices were sensitive to the location with respect to
major transport route - rail and road transit - and access to it. The city has two major modes of
public transport - rail and road – along the eastern and western parts of the city, of which the latter
has better access to and service of public transport. A qualitative (or, ‘dummy’) variable - WTransp – was used to denote whether the ward fell on the western rail and road transit or not.
The correlation analysis of data suggested that high correlations were prevalent among the
variables, but most of them were statistical coincidences except those associated with population
density, which was strongly correlated with several other variables, and hence used as a joint
variable in forming ‘income’ variable explained later. At the beginning there were still 17 variables
that could be used in regression. Given the small size of data set and also to avoid econometric
problems associated with too many variables, a majority of the variables were grouped under two
main variables -public goods and externalities. The grouping was done such that the variables
falling under public goods entered multiplicatively, whereas the variables falling under externalities
entered such that those with positive externality effects entered multiplicatively and those with
negative externality effects entered divisively. The products of the grouped variables were natural
log transformed to ensure that the linear relation was preserved and possible hetero-skedasticity was
A careful observation of data on externalities indicated that the variable ‘slums’
distorted the spatial distribution, hence was excluded from it in final analysis.
The variable
‘income’ was a product of per capita income of the zone in which the ward was located4 and
prevalent ward population density. The variable ‘Taxes’ was a lump of all kinds of taxes collected
by local authority i.e., MCGM. Density control, in the form of FSI, was the development control
Per capita income observed in BMRDA (1987) were extrapolated to current level using an inflation index.
variable considered here. The grouping of independent variables and alongwith unit of measurement
is shown in table 2.
Model Specification
The basic model underlying the analysis using the approach outlined earlier was a reduced form
standard urban economic model of demand and supply in land/housing markets in this study. It is
analogous to those used by Richardson (1977) (cited in, Bramley et al 1995), Pogodozinski and Sass
(1991), and Case and Mayer (1995); it comes in more close to the last but with more explanatory
variables and treats income as not a constant but a variable over space. Further, a ward, as opposed
to housing unit, was the unit of analysis in this model, which would have avoided the effects of
local externalities and also reduced the variability of dependant variable with given correlation of
independent variables as found in Reynolds and Amrhein5 (1998). The reduced form equation for
equilibrium land and housing prices across jurisdictions (wards) can be expressed as:
Land Price = f {Public goods, Externalities, Income, Tax, Density Control, Transportation System}
Or, for any ward at location j, mathematically,
Pjl = f (PGlj, Elj, Imj, Tlj, DCnj, TSnj)
Where, the superscripts in the equation denote the variability in observations with l = 1..20,
m = 1..3, and n=1..2, whereas the subscripts denote the value taken at any location
(j=1..20). The econometric translation of this model gives rise to
P = 0 + 1 ln PG + 2 ln E + 3 I +  4 T + 5 DC + 6 TS + 
Where 0 is the intercept or constant, 1-5 are coefficients of the parameters in the model, and  is
the error associated with it. It was expected that
(PG)/P>or < 0,
E/P> or < 0,
(DC)/P >or <0, and
Model Construction
The basic purpose of regression analysis was to understand the effect of the key control variable –
density control – on the dependent variable i.e., land prices, in the construct of model specified
However, for a given correlation of dependent variable they observe the effect is vice versa, and the
implications of effects of resolution are not quite clear.
above. This could be understood in two ways - one in the presence of controls against the absence
of such (as a dummy in econometric terms), another in the variation through the stringency of
controls (as a stepped variable)6. The regression analysis presented here used the former. The
density control variable, in the form of FSI, takes only 3 values – 1.33, 1.0, and 0.75, while in the
analysis density controls FSI-1.33 and FSI-0.75 enter as independent dummy variables7. As data
existed for two time points, pooled regression analysis8 was performed to compare results with
those of cross-sections data analysis9. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression analysis was
carried out using data, and the outputs are summarized in table 3.
Statistical Testing
Statistical testing of the model constructed in both the cases was done to check for the common
problems associated with regression results and a summary of it is presented below. The prevailing
diagnostics of R2 and t-ratio did not suggest any multi-collinearity problem in the analysis, which
was confirmed by the correlation matrix of independent variables. An examination of residuals
gave an impression that heteroskedasticity might have prevailed in the model constructed, but Park
test suggested that heteroskedasticity was not affecting the model in both cases. However, spatial
autocorrelation is a problem encountered with most of the analysis of spatial data. A visual
examination of plots of residuals did not suggest presence of any spatial autocorrelation; however, a
thorough examination of presence of spatial autocorrelation was beyond the scope of current study.
The results of regression analysis can be summarized in three major important conclusions arrived
 First, the dummy variable FSI-1.33 is statistically significant in explaining the land values in
the construct of the model results imply, which implies that the density control impact is
significant in already highly dense areas. As most of the highly dense areas are in the CBD, it
reflects that the effect of density controls is strongest in already dense areas and city centres,
where the demand for land as well as the built space is very high. It also reflects that both
residential and commercial property prices in CBD are more influenced by the density controls
Further, if density controls are also variable over space the relative price effects of density controls i.e., price
differences across space, can also be evaluated by making use of it as a variable in the model. However, the
results have to be considered more carefully due to the likely presence of ‘auto correlation’ in the spatial data.
Only two of them enter the equation, while third (FSI-1.0) will act as baseline.
Here, markets are also assumed to be under no cyclical changes (booms and busts).
Another dummy variable – Time – enters the model.
when compared to residential property in suburbs. Moreover, the density control dummy for
beyond suburbs i.e., FSI-0.75, not significant implies the weaker influence in areas beyond
suburbs on one hand, and on the other hand, it implies that the density control dummy for
suburbs i.e., FSI -1.0, is significant. This implies that the effect of density regulation is also
stronger in the areas where the demand for property is already very high. This is somewhat
consistent with findings of other studies (e.g., Bertaud and Brueckner 2003; Green 1999;
Monk and Whitehead 1999; Bramley 1993; and, Cheshire and Sheppard 1987). However, in
case of other studies the effect on suburban residential properties and beyond has also been
high, which is not the case here, i.e., strength of relation is relatively significant but
statistically not significant.
 Second, the results indicate that the provision of public goods and the existence of externalities
do not significantly influence urban land prices. This is surprising as it suggests that the role
of public goods (community infrastructure) as well as externalities is statistically insignificant
in the explanation of land prices, which is contrary to the belief expressed in literature. One
possible explanation might be that as the demand for land increases very high (as evident by
the rapid population growth) and the supply restricted in many ways10, urban land prices are
determined in narrow (or, thin) markets and hence provision of public goods and presence of
externalities may have little (marginal) effect on land prices.
Further, accessibility to
transportation (‘W-Transp’ dummy variable) is another important determinant of land prices in
the pooled analysis, which is true in case of many cities across the world (e.g., FTA 2002).
Moreover, in Mumbai, in spite of congestion, the road and rail transport network has been
excellent and also the provision of public transit.
 Third, a large value of constant term and its statistical significance in determining land price
indicates that the model could be incomplete. Partly, this is true as the model do not consist of
financial variables such as mortgage interest rate, trade and financial investment, as well as
other economic variables which might be determining the land prices than those variables
modeled alone. However, this problem could not be overcome with the given limited data
available and econometric problems of losing degrees of freedom by including too many
variables when there were fewer number of records in cross-sections data. The tax variable is
statistically not significant and takes a positive sign, as taxation seems to raise the demand for
land (Harvey 2000). The prevalence of high tax rates in commercial areas of CBD, where the
intensity of commercial activities is higher, also perhaps supports this. The income variable is
statistically insignificant in cross-sectional analysis, but significant in pooled analysis, whereas
its sign is different from that anticipated which is quite puzzling.
For example, the physical form and structure of the city itself presents one such constraints alongwith
several past interventions through legislation
Land use regulations, when implemented without a careful thought of intended objectives vis-à-vis
anticipation of their implications, result in unintended effects on urban economic growth (Staley
1997) and only benefit those who have already occupied the urban land (Harrison 1977). However,
the current study finds that the effect of such regulation on the operation of land markets appears to
be stronger, which in turn would influence the housing availability, access and affordability. In
particular, the study observed that the impact of these regulations is very high in commercial areas,
where the demand is already high, as well as residential suburbs, but not in the areas beyond the
suburbs. As noted by Stegman (1969) and Whitehead (1983), we also find that it is an irony that
planning decisions are resulting in economic and social costs that are borne by the sector of housing
market i.e., low income group, whose price elasticity of demand is very high. This has also been
spelt out in the document of UNCHS (1983). The recent attempts in obtaining variances in density
regulation in the case of slum rehabilitation schemes and public amenities proves that the costs of
density regulation are now acknowledged and are given away by extending relaxations to all major
housing projects. The argument of lesser infrastructure available is also an unfound case; rather it
needs to be provided while levying the user charges. Mayer and Somerville (2000) clearly vindicate
the need for encouraging development through markets and utilize development impact fees and
other such means for financing the development of infrastructure. They found that development or
impact fees affects relatively little on new construction but regulations that lengthen the
development process or otherwise constrain new development have larger and more significant
effects. However, there is a host of other legislations that also influence the operations of land
markets which could not be modeled in the study, which when done will lead to the realization that
the compound impacts of regulations might be much higher.
Table 1: Density Controls in the form of FSI in various parts of Mumbai
Bombay (Island) City
Bombay Suburbs – Classified
(Comprises M and N wards and parts of other areas)
Remaining parts of Greater Bombay
Bombay Suburbs – Rural Areas
Table 2: Variable grouping and measurement units
Public Goods
Public Toilets
Entertainment Centres
Fire Hydrants
Street lights
Eating Points
Water Supply
Recreation & Welfare centers
Motor Garages
Traffic Islands
Commercial Centres
million Rs/ km2
million Rs/ km2
Density control
Table 3: Summary output of the regression
R2 (R2adjusted)
F (Sign F)
Ln (Pub Goods)
Ln (External)
Cross-sections Regression (N=20)
0.745 (0.596)
Coefficient (Std. Error)
** significant at 95% confidence level
* significant at 90% confidence level
Pooled Regression (N=40)
0.702 (0.624)
9.11 (0.000)
Coefficient (Std. Error) t-ratio
Figure 1: Conceptual diagram of Land use regulation effect upon the demand for and price of land
Land Price/
Land price/rent curve
with regulation
Land price/rent curve
without regulation
Distance away from CBD
Figure 2: Illustration of rise in land prices/rents with space under the operation of density regulation
in a mono-centric city
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