Spring 2012 Retreat Make-up Options
If you were unable to attend the Spring 2012 retreat, complete ONE of the following make-up options.
Form is due on Monday, April 30 th (the last meeting of the semester). Forms should be turned in to Mónica Roel (Chaplain) at the meeting or to the KTB folder. The forms can also be turned in as soon as the make-up is completed.
2 sessions led by the Apostle’s of the Interior Life
Each session consists of a talk and discussion led by the Sisters over a topic important to
women today.
Sessions start at 6:30 PM and are held at the Traditions (in the Theater on the 5
March 18
No cost th and April 22 nd
To register please email Sr. Celestina at srcele@gmail.com
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature: th floor.)
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
- 2 sessions by the Apostle’s of the Interior Life
Each session starts at 7:30 PM and consists of an hour spent in a dorm on campus
(announced by the Sisters the week of) coming together to pray.
February 22 nd , March 7 th and 21 st , April 11 th and 25 th
No cost.
No need to register – simply show up!
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
– 3 sessions
Schedule 3 spiritual direction sessions with one of our St. Mary’s spiritual directors to
discuss your prayer life and to grow in your relationship with God
No cost.
Schedule an individual appointment with either Carolyn Ruffino at clruff137@hotmail.com or Rosemary Thompson at 281-732-0804.
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
– 5 day retreat lead by the Apostle’s of the Interior Life
The retreat consists of different individual activities and talks which take place March 11 th through the 15 th in Lake Travis.
Register at the receptionist’s desk.
The retreat costs $70.
For more information, contact Sister Raffaella at srraffaella@gmail.com.
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
– 2 sessions
Attend sessions of either one of the available book studies.
The sessions will begin the week of March 20/21 and will go through the week of April
These two studies will be: o o
“Reading the Old Testament in the New” - a study on the Gospel of Matthew
(Tuesday nights at St. Mary’s 6:30-8:00 Room 201) and
“A Biblical Walk through the Mass” (Wednesday nights on Campus 6:30-7:45 in
Rudder T302).
There is no cost and no registration needed.
For more information, contact Sister Bible Study Leadership at
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature:
St. Mary’s Signature: ____________________ Member Signature: