Communiqué of the 5th National Stakeholders` Forum on the

Communiqué of the 2-Day National Conference on the Application of
Meteorological Information in Weather Disaster Risk Reduction and
Socio-Economic Planning at Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, Abuja
13 – 14 February 2013
Following the directive of the Honourable Minister of Aviation, Princess Stella Adaeze Oduah, OON,
the Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) organised a National Conference on the Application
of Meteorological Information in Weather Disaster Risk Reduction and Socio-Economic Planning
at the Sheraton Hotels and Resorts, Abuja from 13 – 14 February 2013. The National Conference is a
key component of the presentation of this year’s Seasonal Rainfall Prediction (SRP). The SRP
provides essential weather advisories and early warnings to planners, decision-makers and operators
in the various rainfall-sensitive socio-economic sectors, such as air, marine and land transport,
agriculture, water resources, power, construction, health to mention a few. NIMET presents the SRP
early in the year, so as to create sufficient lead-time for adequate preparation against risks and
hazards associated with weather and climate extremes.
The objectives of the Conference include:
(a) to bring together stakeholders in a Provider-User Interface platform to develop strategies for
effective applications of meteorological information in the different socioeconomic sectors;
(b) to promote synergies between NIMET and relevant stakeholders on disaster risk reduction; and
(c) to create awareness on the need to mainstream meteorological information into every aspects of
planning, policy and practice for sustainable development in Nigeria.
Participants at the Conference included all major Stakeholders and Sector players at national,
state and local governments levels, especially in air transportation, disaster risk management,
agriculture and food security, water resources management, health, energy sectors. Also in attendance
were those in the private sector, non-governmental organisations, business and professional bodies,
academia and research institutions. Other participants included Legislators, State Commissioners,
Members of the International Community/Development Partners, Donor Agencies and the Media.
The Chief Host, Dr. Anthony C. Anuforom, Director General/Chief Executive Officer,
Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NIMET) and the Permanent Representative of Nigeria with World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO) delivered the Welcome Address.
The 2-Day National Conference had four Technical Sessions with two Sessions per day. On
the first day, subthemes ‘Meteorological Information’ and ‘Disaster Monitoring, Evaluation and
Risk Reduction’ were considered. The second day featured the subthemes ‘The Role of Weather in
Socio-Economic Planning and National Development’ and ‘Environment and Socio-Economic
The National Conference makes the following recommendations:
1. There is an urgent need to develop a National Framework for Climate Services (NFCS) in
Nigeria similar to Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) of the World
Meteorological Organisation (WMO). Crop and animal agriculture, which can benefit the
most from the Seasonal Rainfall Prediction (SRP) should serve as a pilot initiative to build
people’s capacity to cope with natural disasters such as drought and flooding.
2. NIMET to work with stakeholders at the state level to interpret the Seasonal Rainfall
Prediction to prepare advisories for users at the grassroot in local languages.
3. Political office holders and traditional rulers should be involved in their constituencies in the
dissemination of weather and climate advisories at the grassroots.
4. There should be an inter-ministerial Committee set up to implement the recommendations of
the Seasonal Rainfall Prediction (SRP) within States down to local levels that will include
MDAs such as NIMET, Water Resources, Agriculture, NEMA, National Planning
Commission and other related organizations with National Planning as coordinator while
NIMET and NIHSA serve as focal points. Nigerian and international experts should be drawn
from relevant fields to serve as technical advisors/members.
5. Develop an effective nation-wide mechanism for delivery of weather and climate information
from the climate information providers, to end-users in rural and urban communities in their
local dialect in order to benefit or mitigate the impacts of extreme weather and climate events.
6. NIMET through State Agricultural Development Programmes (ADPs) and LGA should seek
to strengthen their current data-based forecast evaluation by incorporating the end users
assessment of forecast products.
7. There is the need for a strategic partnership between the government and the community
based organization working in the particular community of target as such Civil Society
Organisations who have the last contact with the grass roots and can easily carry out
community mobilization for the agency in charge;
8. Strengthen existing national weather network by adding automated weather stations with teleconnection capability to provide better national coverage of 50-100km per station for better
data gathering and rapid assessment and prediction of emerging calamities.
9. Establish and maintain also both national and international communication networks to enable
observation sites to move data to National Meteorological Centres (NMCs) and bring in data
and products from other parts of the globe;
10. There is need to train and make accessible to the local women and youths simple to operate
telecommunication equipment that serve as siren alarms in case of extreme climate events that
are capable of dislocating communities;
Acknowledgement and Appreciation
27. The National Conference:
Acknowledged with appreciation the invitation extended to all the participants at the
Conference, particularly the invited International guests, Session Chairpersons, Lead
Speakers and Panel discussants and for the choice of the theme “Application of
Meteorological Information in Weather Disaster Risk Reduction and Socio-Economic
Commended the Director General of NIMET and the entire staff of the Agency for
their initiative, dedication and hard work to organize a National Conference preceding
the Annual Seasonal Rainfall Prediction; and
Further commended Her Excellency, Princess Stella Adaeze Oduah, the Honourable
Minister of Aviation for the support provided NIMET towards attaining appreciable
improvement in infrastructural development as well as the enabling environment for
the successes in the Agency.
Dated this 14th day of February, 2013, in Abuja, Nigeria