Patient Specific Funding Application Pro-forma for bladder wall injection of Botulinum toxin type A for Overactive Bladder Syndrome (OAB) in adults Only fully completed forms will be accepted for consideration The completed form must be sent by the hospital commissioning team to the High Cost Drugs Team at If the patient does not fulfil routine commissioning criteria The responsible commissioner will not normally fund any treatment where the patient does not meet the agreed criteria as outlined in this patient specific funding application form. Following a clinical trial, the responsibility for ongoing funding remains with the provider or pharmaceutical company. The commissioner will only fund treatment that meets the commissioned pathway. Applications can be made via the Individual Funding Requests process ONLY where the patient has exceptional clinical circumstances. Please check the commissioner websites for contact details of the IFR team. Patient NHS No. Trust: GP Name: Patient Hospital Number: Patient initials Consultant Making Request: Dob: GP code / Practice code: GP Post code: / / Initiation criteria Patient is >18 years of age Symptom severity (mean number of episodes from patient completed bladder diary of at least 3 days): o void episodes per day Yes/ No Idiopathic or neuropathic OAB? Date recorded: Received and not responded to a trial of lifestyle interventions where these may have a contributory effect: o modified high or low fluid intake Yes/ No/ N/A o incontinence episodes per day o reduced weight Yes/ No/ N/A o urgency episodes per day o reduced caffeine intake Yes/ No/ N/A Urodynamic confirmed detrusor overactivity Yes/ No Date undertaken Received and not responded to appropriate behavioural management programme (e.g. bladder training - lasting at least 6 weeks) Yes/ No Date undertaken Page 1 of 4 Willing and able to self-catheterise. For patients with mixed urinary incontinence: received and not responded to pelvic floor muscle training lasting at least 3 months Patient informed that treatment may be outside of UK marketing authorisation and given informed consent o o Yes/ No/ N/A Yes/ No/ N/A Date undertaken Yes/ No/ N/A Record of prior pharmacological therapies (refer to page 4 for HMMC recommendations) Please provide details of previous or current treatment with antimuscarinics, mirabegron and intravaginal oestrogen (in postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy only). Please note that within discontinuation section, the generic term ‘adverse effects’ is unacceptable. Please state intolerance. Inefficacy is acceptable. State contra-indication if relevant. Drug name Drug dose Drug frequency Start date if known Discontinued? Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/ No Stop date/duration Rationale for discontinuation Botulinum toxin type A product, dose and costing information – complete section for initiation and retreatment Botulinum toxin type A product (brand) and dose to be administered Product (brand): Dose: Drug cost to be charged (including VAT) Activity code and cost to be charged for administration Code: Cost: Retreatment criteria o o In patients meeting initiation criteria to receive treatment, response should be assessed at 3 months following administration. Patients assessed as having a 50% or greater improvement per day in incontinence episodes or urgency episodes are designated as responders and are eligible for further doses at least 6 months after the previous dose if required. Date of previous treatment with botulinum toxin type A Symptom severity assessed at 3 months following treatment with botulinum toxin type A o void episodes per day o incontinence episodes per day o urgency episodes per day Date assessed: Page 2 of 4 Clinician’s Declaration I confirm that I have discussed with the patient and that they understand and consent to their personal information being shared with commissioning organisations and commissioning support organisations for the purposes of funding approval and validation of subsequent invoices. I have also recorded this discussion in the patient’s notes. I confirm the risks and benefits of treatment have been fully discussed with the patient and documented. I confirm that funding approval is subject to initiation and follow up of treatment response being undertaken by a specialist urology team. I acknowledge and adhere to the cost-effective use of botulinum toxin type A for OAB in accordance with the HMMC recommendations and believe that within this Trust the above patient would be best managed using the agent as requested above. Name of consultant (or clinician delegated by consultant): Signature (electronic signature): Date: / / If this patient is being jointly managed by a second consultant, please state name here: Name: Date: Signature (or email confirmation) by Trust Chief Pharmacist (or nominated deputy) Name: Signature: Date: / / Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation Team East & North Herts Clinical Commissioning Group (ENHCCG) Page 3 of 4 Hertfordshire Medicines Management Committee recommendations for Bladder wall injection of Botulinum Toxin Type A for the treatment of OAB in adults Name: generic Indication Botulinum toxin type A OAB syndrome Date decision last revised April 2014, update of November 2012 HMMC Decision status Final NICE / SMC Guidance NICE Clinical Guidelines - recommended for restricted use SMC - None HMMC Recommendation: Bladder wall injection of botulinum toxin type A is RECOMMENDED for RESTRICTED USE for the treatment of OAB in adults: Treatment should only be administered in appropriate settings by physicians with appropriate qualifications, training, expertise and competence in the treatment including the required injection technique and equipment. Requesting specialists to complete a funding application pro-forma for each patient May be considered as a treatment option in patients who fulfill the following eligibility and continuation criteria: 1. Received and not responded to a trial of conservative management (where contributory): Lifestyle interventions including: o modify high or low fluid intake o reduce weight if patient is overweight o reduce caffeine. Appropriate behavioural management programme (e.g. bladder training - lasting at least 6 weeks). For patients with mixed urinary incontinence – pelvic floor muscle training lasting at least 3 months. 2. Received and not responded to drug trials of (unless contra-indicated or not tolerated): At least 3 treatments for overactive bladder, including anti-muscarinic drugs and mirabegron where not contraindicated, tried for 3 months each. In postmenopausal women with vaginal atrophy, intra-vaginal oestrogen for 3 months. 3. Urodynamic confirmed detrusor overactivity. 4. Symptom severity of (mean from patient completed bladder diary of at least 3 days): 8 or more frequency episodes per day and 6 or more incontinence episodes per day and/or 8 or more urgency episodes per day. 5. Willing and able to self-catheterise (may not be applicable for patients with MS who may receive botulinum toxin to help them tolerate catheters and stop bypass around catheters) 6. Been informed that treatment may be outside of UK marketing authorisation for this indication (where relevant; Botox is licensed for overactive bladder and neurogenic detrusor overactivity) and given informed consent to treatment (which should be documented). 7. Continuation criteria assessed at 3 months following treatment of: a 50% or greater improvement in incontinence episodes or urgency episodes per day. 8. Repeat injections to be given no less than 6 months following previous injection. Requesting specialists to complete the relevant retreatment section of the funding application proforma for each patient. In accordance with the business case the expected doses to be administered per treatment are as follows: 300 units (for idiopathic) to 500 units (neurogenic) for Dysport®. 100-150 units (for idiopathic) to 200 units (neurogenic) for Botox®. Page 4 of 4