Character Development and Storytelling for Games

Character Development and Storytelling for Games
USC School of Cinematic Arts, CTWR 410
Professor: Danny Bilson
Contact Info:
Office Hours by appointmentusually before or after class.
Course Description:
The dramatic potential of games and interactive entertainment is in its infancy today. Popular
games offer lavish worlds and 3D environments to explore, and attempt to people them with
believable and empathetic characters. There is much room for growth, however, in this aspect of
games; much opportunity for serious writers and creative thinkers to build the foundation for the
next generation of immersive fiction.
The purpose of this class is to give students an understanding of classic dramaturgy –
characterization, motivation, story patterns, structures, styles, genres, etc. -- and to teach them to
use these storytelling skills in a new way to create emotionally rich characters and worlds for
interactive entertainment--In other words, how to convey story through objectives and rewards.
The methods in this class will draw from both the wealth of experience in the Writing Division of the
USC School of Cinema-Television, as well as high-level thinkers in the game industry who are
charting new ground in this area.
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
The class will explore two core creative issues facing game fiction writers- Developing fiction for
existing game mechanics, and inspiring original game mechanics with great fiction.
In addition to this convergence of classic and interactive storytelling methods, the class will have
working interaction with game producers, designers, and writers whose games are pushing the
envelope on the development of character and story in games.
Meeting Information:
The class will meet once a week for three hours. The first hour of each week will be spent
discussing the topics described below and screening/playing example scenes from films and
games. The second two hours will be a working session where student assignments are pitched,
critiqued and revised with input from the entire class.
Pre-requisites: CTIN 488 is recommended but not required.
Required Texts:
There will be no required texts, however students will be called upon to critique fiction from
different games currently published.
Evaluation of student performance:
Class Participation 30%
Game Fiction Reviews 10%
Game Fiction Project 60%
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
Course content (summarized by class meeting)
Week 1: Introduction
Introductions: Who we are and why we are here.
Course overview – objectives, assignments, grading, etc.
How can good writing advance the interactive experience?
Fiction before mechanics or vice versa?
The X and the Y
Final Project: Original game I.P. (build the game you want to play the most) Package, PP
and Walkthrough.
What are student game fiction reviews?
Guest Speakers
Intro PP: Screenwriting in Gamespace
Game intro fiction demo (time permitting)
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
Week 2: Classic characterization
Discussion: Classic characters in games, films, television & literature. What is character in
gamespace? What is motivation in gamespace? Backstory? How do these impact the
creation of game characters?
Student game reviews
Student I.P. pitches
Week 3: Characterization for games
Discussion: Player motivations vs. character motivations. Building character – mechanics vs.
dramatics. Character types, character traits.
Student IP one page treatment due.
Student Game reviews
Discussion: How to provide relevant and immersive fiction to existing game mechanics.
Assignment: Create abstract mechanics then develop relevant fiction.
In class team exercise: Mechanics to Fiction pt. 1
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
Week 4: Empathy and emotion
Student Game Reviews.
Discussion: Meaningful moments, identifying with characters, making choices that matter.
The Three Act structure for games: Opening, Mid Game, End Game.
In class team exercise: Mechanics to Fiction pitches
Week 5: Classic conflict
Student Game Reviews
Discussion: Developing conflict: collision, complication and culmination.
Team Presentations: Mechanics to Fiction to complete.
Week 6: Guest speaker: (time permitting)
Student Game Reviews
Discussion: The development of successful game fiction and characters: Jak & Daxter and
Three act game structure due.
In class team exercise: Fiction to Mechanics Pt. 1
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
Week 7: Story arc
Student Game Reviews
Discussion: The terminology of structure: exposition, point of attack, rising action, turning
point, falling action, revelation, twist, and resolution.
Discussion: How great game fiction inspires great game mechanics.
Assignment: Develop original mechanics from existing fiction.
Week 8: Game conflict, Plotting and subplotting
Student Game Reviews
Discussion: Game objectives related to conflict and story structure. The quest, the journey
and the challenge. Discussion: Classical vs. revolutionary screenplay structure. Dealing with
coincidence in story plotting. The creation of drama and tension. Crucial moments in
In class team exercise: Fiction to Mechanics Pt. 2
Week 9: Developing Game Mechanics from Story
Student Game Reviews
Team Presentations: Fiction to Mechanics
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
Week 10: Guest Speaker on I.P. development (time permitting)
Student Game Reviews
The Franchise Power Point
Level based fiction from group projects Pt 1.
Week 11:
Discussion: Revelation versus emergence. Creation of drama within levels and across
levels. Pacing of playtime and the “mini-arc.” Emergent A.I. versus “scripts”.
Level based fiction presentations.
IP Powerpoints due
Week 12: The Student IP projects
Student Power Points
Week 13: Guest Speaker—
Student Power Point Reviews
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
Week 14:
Discussion: Original character versus licensed properties. Adapting characters & worlds to
interactive environments.
Student Power Point Reviews
Walkthroughs due.
Week 15: Final Presentations with guest feedback. (time permitting)
Selected Power Points for professional presentation and review.
Missing an Assignment Deadline, Incompletes:
The only acceptable excuses for missing an assignment deadline or taking an incomplete in the course are
personal illness or a family emergency. Students must inform the professor before the assignment due date
and present verifiable evidence in order for a make-up to be scheduled. Students who wish to take
incompletes must also present documentation of the problem to the instructor or teaching assistant before
final grades are due.
Note for students with disabilities:
Any student requesting academic accommodations based on a disability is required to register with
Disability Services and Programs (DSP) each semester. A letter of verification for approved
accommodations can be obtained from DSP. Please be sure the letter is delivered to us as early in
the semester as possible. DSP is located in STU 301, and is open 8:30am5:00pm Monday through
Friday. The phone number for DSP is (213) 740-0776.
Academic Integrity:
The School of Cinema-Television expects the highest standards of academic excellence and
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1
ethical performance from USC students. It is particularly important that you are aware of and avoid
plagiarism, cheating on exams, submitting a paper to more than one instructor, or submitting a
paper authored by anyone other than yourself. Violations of this policy will result in a failing grade
band be reported to the Office of Student Judicial Affairs. If you have any doubts or questions
about these policies, consult “SCAMPUS” and/or confer with the instructor.
Character Development for Storytelling
USC School of Cinema-Television, CTWR 4XX 1