12 December 2011 DoReMi WP2 Questionnaire for organizations/groups conducting low dose research The purpose of this questionnaire is to identify national research groups or institutions interested in low dose radiation risk research that are willing to act as contact points in this area. If your organization wishes to show its interest in the low dose risk area, you are welcome to provide information on your capabilities by filling in the questionnaire. This voluntary information contributes to the survey of existing research and competencies in Europe. The responders will receive DoReMi Newsletters as well as information on the activities of DoReMi and MELODI, such as research agendas, calls, workshops and training events. Please fill in the form (see below) and send it by e-mail to: - The project Coordinator: Sisko Salomaa, STUK, Helsinki, Finland (sisko.salomaa@stuk.fi) - The responsible person for the work done on the DoReMi TRA and on structuring the platform MELODI: Dietrich Averbeck, IRSN/CEA, Fontenay-aux-Roses, France (dietrich.averbeck@irsn.fr). All questions regarding this questionnaire should be directed to Dr. Averbeck. Your information will be treated as confidential and the contact information will be used for DoReMi and MELODI distribution lists only. The DoReMi network wishes to thank all those that respond to the questionnaire. A summary of the results of the survey will be provided by IRSN. By today, more than 100 researchers have replied and the information collected has been very useful to inform and to attract new interested partners to take part in DoReMi meetings and MELODI workshops (2nd and 3rd) as well calls for research. The survey also serves as a basis for the identification of infrastructures and national funding possibilities for low dose research. 1 DoReMi WP2 Questionnaire Partner’s full institutional address: Name of your organisation: Address (Organization,Institution/Laboratory): Country: Phone: Fax: E-Mail: Web-site (if applicable): Date of response (dd/mm/yy): Name of the person who completed the questionnaire: First name (initials): Surname: Position in organisation: For each question, please check the box when your answer is yes. 1a. Within your research institution and/or unit how many researchers participate (>50%of time) in projects dedicated to radiation science 5-10 researchers 10-20 researchers 20- 50 researchers 50-100 researchers > 100 researchers 1b. Of these, how many are directly involved in projects pertaining to low dose risk? 5-10 researchers 10-20 researchers 20- 50 researchers 50-100 researchers 100 researchers >100 researchers 2. Your research institution and/or laboratory is committed to sustain (at least in part) Short term low dose research < 5 years Middlelong term low dose research > 5-10 years Long term low dose research > 10-20 years 3a. Your laboratory and/or institution is already involved in low dose radiation research (experimental or/and epidemiological studies considering exposures to doses below 100 mSv). 2 3b. If yes, list below (max five) publications from your low dose radiation Research References: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 4. You are working with high LET radiation low LET radiation at present in the near future at present in the near future 5. You are involved in research work on low dose (<100 mGy) medium dose (100mGy – 2Gy) high dose (> 2 Gy) external exposure internal exposure (contamination with radionuclides - Uranium - Strontium - Tritium - Cesium - Others (please, specify)………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… chronic (low dose rate) exposure fractionated exposure low dose rate (< 20 mGy/min) high dose rate (> 2 mGy/min) microbeam exposures 6. You are involved in research work on molecules cells tissues organs animals mice rats guinea pigs others (please,specify)………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………… man 7. Your research institution and/or laboratory offers Radiation research infrastructures specify: Is your platform open to other users 3 8. Your institution and/or laboratory is part of a platform engaged in Epidemiology (trans-national cohorts) Data bases and tissue banks Platforms of analysis (“omics”) 9. Your institution and/or research laboratory is already engaged in teaching & training of radiation research in university courses on radiation biology 10. Your research institution and/or laboratory is involved in research work on the following themes: at present in the future Risks and Radiation dose-responses for cancer Tissue sensitivities for cancer Individual variability Effects of radiation quality Risks from external exposure Risks and dose-response relationships for non –cancer diseases Others (please, specify)……………… at present in the future …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………….. 11. Is your research institution and /or laboratory involved in providing advice/expertise or consulting on radiation research issues at a national level at an international level on the evaluation of radiation health risks at a national level at an international level 12. Your research institution and/or laboratory has experience in the dissemination of research project outcomes the evaluation of radiation health risks 13. Your research institution and/or laboratory is interested in fundamental research applied medical research applied industrial research environmental research issues 4 molecular epidemiology modelling systems biology 14. Your published work concerns to % fundamental research to % applied medical research to % applied industrial research to % environmental research issues to % molecular epidemiology to % modelling to % systems biology 15. Has your research institution and/or laboratory been already involved in EU (FP3-FP7) projects on low dose research. national international Please provide the names ………………………………………........................................... ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… and acronyms of the projects: 16. Has your research institution and/or laboratory been already involved in EU (FP3-FP7) projects on low dose research (ONLY YES OR NO) at national level not funded by EURATOM 16a Have you participated in multipartner research projects/initiatives or in a transnational consortium 17. Please indicate below any additional information that might be useful to people who read this questionnaire: ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………… 5