Application form - Leeds College of Art

Business Incubation Space
Free Sheaf Street Studio space available for 6 months
Do you have an idea for a creative business?
Would you like to develop your ideas in a space with other like minded creative
entrepreneurs in one of Leeds’ most unique and impressive Studios?
Leeds College of Art and Duke Studios are delighted to offer recent graduates the
chance to start a new business or transfer a growing business, through our
provision of a multidisciplinary creative space at Duke Studios. The space is
available from 1 January 2016.
This is a great opportunity to integrate with the wider creative community in the
city and to support graduates to develop their skills within a professional working
This opportunity is only open to Leeds College of Art ex-students who graduated in
the last 3 years. The space can accommodate up to 3 people and is open to all
disciplines, although more suited to quiet, clean, screen-based work or making.
Duke Studios 2016
If you are interested, please fill in the short form below and return it to by 5.00pm Monday 30 November 2015.
If shortlisted we will ask you to attend a short informal meeting at Duke Studios to
discuss your application.
Mentoring and Support
Up to 8 hours per month of business mentoring and support will be available from
creative industry experts to guide and advise you in all aspects of your business.
In return for the use of the space a £50 deposit is required per month, the £50 will
rolled over each month if attendance has been registered. If studio holders are
not utilising the space on a regular basis as agreed the contract will be reviewed.
It is expected that the space will be used at least five days a week.
Background - Duke Studios
Duke Studios are based on co-working, a revolutionary concept that provides
freelancers and companies with an exciting alternative to the isolated humdrum of
working from home or the inconvenience of travelling to out-of-town studios. At
Duke, creatives can focus on doing what they do best: creating. What’s more, in a
co-working environment individuals are surrounded by a supportive network of
innovative thinkers who provide each other with a constant stream of inspiration.
From a business perspective, Duke Studios’ appeal is simple: the opportunity for
networking is limitless. Co-workers will be able to gain work they never even knew
existed, be that from passing work between each other within the studio or using
their collective power to win contracts that couldn’t have been achieved single
handed. Duke Studios will also act as an agency, actively seeking to find new
business for the talent within its walls.
Everyone has access to all the facilities, so by working at Duke Studios anyone can
instantly expand their business with a whole array of new technology, meeting
space and service areas which they may otherwise not be able to afford.
Duke Studio Facilities
 Space 4.3m x 2.3m
 24 hour/7 day a week access
 Kitchen access and storage
 Business and postal registration
 In-house design services
 Hireable photography studio
 Photography services
 Design studio
 Laser cutting service and hire
 Vinyl cutting service and hire
 Meeting room
 Event and external space
 On-site café
Duke Studios 2016
Year graduated:
Home Phone No:
Please give details and background information about you and your business?
For example:
When did you start your business? What is your core business? W ho
are your clients? What’s your turnover or projected turnover etc?
Please give details about where you would like to be in 3 years time and how
you think the business incubation space will help you achieve that?
When would you plan to move into Duke Studios and how much time would
you spend there?
Duke Studios 2016
I confirm that the information given on this application is true and correct.
Duke Studios 2016