Mental Health Bulletin, July 2008

Community Mental Health
July - August 2015
This bulletin aims to cover topics relevant to mental health staff working in the community, in
particular primary care mental health teams, community mental health teams, child and adolescent
mental health services, and community eating disorders services. Other topics covered include
addictions, mental health promotion, care models, social support and inclusion and early
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This bulletin contains a selection of material gathered from a search of the evidence base, and is
not intended to be comprehensive. Professional judgment should be exercised when appraising
the material. The Library takes no responsibility for the wording, content and accuracy of the
information supplied, which has been extracted in good faith from reputable sources. NHSGGC is
not responsible for the content of external internet sites.
Recent publications – Scotland, UK and International
New Cochrane Systematic Reviews
Assertive outreach/Early intervention
Child and adolescent mental health
Community mental health
Eating Disorders
Mental health promotion
Primary care mental health
Social support/Social Inclusion
Stepped care/Care Models
New resources available from the NHSGGC Library Network
Compiled by:
Tracey McKee
Subject Specialist Librarian (Mental Health/Addictions)
Maria Henderson Library
Admin Building
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
T: 0141 211 3913 F: 0141 211 0348 E:
Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Recent publications – Scotland, UK and International
***Hold Ctrl and click title to launch a copy***
A better understanding: Psychiatry's Social Contract
Report from the Mental Health Foundation, July 2015. [Last accessed 02.10.15]
Drug-related deaths in Scotland in 2014
Report from the National Records of Scotland, August 2015. [Last accessed 02.10.15]
How to improve support and services for destitute migrants
Report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, July 2015. [Last accessed 02.10.15]
Suicide statistics for Scotland: an update of trends to 2014
Statistical report from ISD Scotland, August 2015. [Last accessed 02.10.15]
Which ethnic groups have the poorest health?
Scottish Government report, August 2015. [Last accessed 02.10.15]
New Cochrane Systematic Reviews
KEITH, H., et al, 2015. Pharmacological interventions for self-harm in adults. Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews.
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BELL, S. and BRITTON, A., 2015. Drinking pattern during midlife and risk of developing
depression during 28 years of follow-up: A prospective cohort study. Drug and alcohol
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BEST, D., et al, 2015. Recovery Capital and Social Networks Among People in Treatment
and Among Those in Recovery in York, England. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 33(3), pp.
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GOSSOP, M., 2015. The National Treatment Outcomes Research Study (NTORS) and its
influence on addiction treatment policy in the United Kingdom. Addiction, 110, pp. 50-53.
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LEE, E.B., et al, 2015. An initial meta-analysis of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for
treating substance use disorders. Drug and alcohol dependence,
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RAO, R., et al, 2015. Alcohol use, socioeconomic deprivation and ethnicity in older
people. BMJ Open, 5(8), pp. e007525-e007525.
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Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Assertive outreach/Early intervention
KAM, S.M., et al, 2015. What needs to follow early intervention? Predictors of relapse and
functional recovery following first-episode psychosis. Early Intervention In Psychiatry, 9(4),
pp. 279-283.
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TINDALL, R., et al, 2015. Factors influencing engagement with case managers:
Perspectives of young people with a diagnosis of first episode psychosis. International
Journal Of Mental Health Nursing, 24(4), pp. 295-303.
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WAYNOR, W., R. and DOLCE, J., N., 2015. Improving Employment Outcomes in Assertive
Community Treatment (ACT). Journal of Psychosocial Nursing & Mental Health Services,
53(7), pp. 31-37.
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Child and adolescent mental health
BARBOT, B., et al, 2015. Changes in mental health outcomes with the intensive in-home
child and adolescent psychiatric service: a multi-informant, latent consensus approach.
International Journal Of Methods In Psychiatric Research,
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BENNETT, K., et al, 2015. Preventing Child and Adolescent Anxiety Disorders: Overview
of Systematic Reviews. Depression and anxiety,
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MILLER, K., et al, 2015. Identification with social groups is associated with mental health
in adolescents: Evidence from a Scottish community sample. Psychiatry research, 228(3),
pp. 340-346.
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PALMER, C.J., et al, 2015. Early intervention and identification strategies for young
people at risk of developing mental health issues: working in partnership with schools in
Birmingham, UK. Early Intervention In Psychiatry,
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PAUL, M., et al, 2015. Transition to adult services for young people with mental health
needs: A systematic review. Clinical Child Psychology And Psychiatry, 20(3), pp. 436-457.
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SUCHERT, V., et al, 2015. Sedentary behavior and indicators of mental health in schoolaged children and adolescents: A systematic review. Preventive medicine, 76, pp. 48-57.
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Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Community mental health
BRITTON, P.C., et al, 2015. Comorbid depression and alcohol use disorders and
prospective risk for suicide attempt in the year following inpatient hospitalization. Journal
of affective disorders, 187, pp. 151-155.
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HOLTTUM, S., 2015. Coping with cognitive behaviour therapy for psychosis, adapting it
for another culture, and community inclusion. Mental Health & Social Inclusion, 19(3), pp.
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LEE, M.Y., et al, 2015. Impact of Meditation on Mental Health Outcomes of Female Trauma
Survivors of Interpersonal Violence With Co-Occurring Disorders: A Randomized
Controlled Trial. Journal of Interpersonal Violence,
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MCGRATH, J.J., et al, 2015. Psychotic Experiences in the General Population: A CrossNational Analysis Based on 31,261 Respondents From 18 Countries. JAMA Psychiatry,
72(7), pp. 697-705.
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RAMANUJ, P.P., et al, 2015. Acute mental health service use by patients with severe
mental illness after discharge to primary care in South London. Journal Of Mental Health
(Abingdon, England), , pp. 1-6.
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ROSS, C., et al, 2015. Human trafficking and health: a cross-sectional survey of NHS
professionals' contact with victims of human trafficking. BMJ Open, 5(8), pp. e008682e008682.
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SEARBY, A., et al, 2015. Maturing out, natural recovery, and dual diagnosis: What are the
implications for older adult mental health services? International Journal Of Mental Health
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Eating Disorders
FORSBERG, S. and LOCK, J., 2015. Family-based Treatment of Child and Adolescent
Eating Disorders. Child and adolescent psychiatric clinics of North America, 24(3), pp. 617629.
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ROBINSON, P., H., et al, 2015. Severe and Enduring Anorexia Nervosa (SEED-AN): A
Qualitative Study of Patients with 20+ Years of Anorexia Nervosa. European Eating
Disorders Review, 23(4), pp. 318-326.
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SIDOR, A., et al, 2015. Gender differences in the magnitude of the associations between
eating disorders symptoms and depression and anxiety symptoms. Results from a
community sample of adolescents. Journal Of Mental Health (Abingdon, England), , pp. 1-5.
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SOUNDY, A., et al, 2015. Considering the Role of Physical Therapists Within the
Treatment and Rehabilitation of Individuals With Eating Disorders: An International
Survey of Expert Clinicians. Physiotherapy Research International: The Journal For
Researchers And Clinicians In Physical Therapy,
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VALL, E. and WADE, T.D., 2015. Predictors of treatment outcome in individuals with eating
disorders: A systematic review and meta- 4analysis. The International journal of eating
Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
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Mental health promotion
~no articles this issue~
Primary care mental health
KURAMOTO-CRAWFORD, S., et al, 2015. Differences in patients' perceived helpfulness of
depression treatment provided by general medical providers and specialty mental health
providers. General hospital psychiatry, 37(4), pp. 340-346.
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MANI, M., et al, 2015. Review and Evaluation of Mindfulness-Based iPhone Apps. JMIR
Mhealth And Uhealth, 3(3), pp. e82-e82.
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Social support/ Social inclusion
BROADY, T., R. and STONE, K., 2015. “How Can I Take a Break?” Coping Strategies and
Support Needs of Mental Health Carers. Social Work in Mental Health, 13(4), pp. 318-335.
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DIJKSTRA-KERSTEN, S., et al, 2015. Associations of financial strain and income with
depressive and anxiety disorders. Journal of epidemiology and community health, 69(7), pp.
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DOCKERY, L., et al, 2015. Stigma- and non-stigma-related treatment barriers to mental
healthcare reported by service users and caregivers. Psychiatry research, 228(3), pp. 612619.
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TZOUVARA, V., et al, 2015. A narrative review of the theoretical foundations of loneliness.
British journal of community nursing, 20(7), pp. 329-334.
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WOODHEAD, C., et al, 2015. Mental health among UK inner city non-heterosexuals: the
role of risk factors, protective factors and place. Epidemiology And Psychiatric Sciences, ,
pp. 1-12.
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TWOMEY, C.D., et al, 2015. A systematic review of the predictors of health service
utilisation by adults with mental disorders in the UK. BMJ Open, 5(7), pp. e007575e007575.
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Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Stepped care / Care Models
STILES, W.B., et al, 2015. Effect of duration of psychological therapy on recovery and
improvement rates: evidence from UK routine practice†. The British Journal Of Psychiatry:
The Journal Of Mental Science, 207(2), pp. 115-122.
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VAN DEN HEUVEL, ,S.C.G.H., et al, 2015. Identifying and describing patients' learning
experiences towards self-management of bipolar disorders: a phenomenological study.
Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing,
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New resources available from the NHSGGC Library Network
A selection of recently published resources held across the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Libraries. Items can be sent to your nearest site for collection. If you would like to search the full
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Library Catalogue you can do so from any PC via the following
web address:
Lee, Deborah ; James, Sophie
The compassionate mind approach to recovering from trauma using compassion focused
Robinson, 2012
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 170 LEE 2012
Short, Fay ; Thomas, Phil
Core approaches in counselling and psychotherapy
Routledge, 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 420 SHO 2015
Nicholls, Kevin
Emergency psychiatry
RPsych Publications, 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 401 NIC 2015
Bennett-Levy, James
Experiencing CBT from the inside out: a self-practice/self-reflection workbook for therapists
Guilford Press, 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 425.5 BEN 2015
Meaden, Alan ; Fox, Andrew
Innovations in psychosocial interventions for psychosis: working with the hard to reach
Routledge, 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 200 MEA 2015
Adam, David
The man who couldn't stop: the truth about OCD
Picador, 2014
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 40 ADA 2014
Taylor, David ; Paton, Carol ; Kapur, Shitij
The maudsley prescribing guidelines in psychiatry
12th ed.
Wiley Blackwell, 2015
Leverndale Hospital Library QV 77 TAY 2015
Dykebar Hospital Library QV 77 TAY 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital QV 77 TAY 2015
Adams, Marie
The myth of the untroubled therapist: private
6life, professional practice
Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network
Routledge, 2014
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 62 ADA 2014
Mutsatsa, Stanley
Physical healthcare and promotion in mental health nursing
Sage, 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WY 160 MUT 2015
Thomas, Frank
Solution-focused supervision: a resource-oriented approach to developing clinical expertise
Springer, 2013
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 19.5 THO 2013
Kapalka, George M.
Treating disruptive disorders: a guide to psychological, pharmacological, and combined
Routledge, 2015
Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital WM 190 KAP 2015
Please note that the journal articles you are accessing may be protected by copyright legislation so
there will be a limit on the number of articles you can download, print or photocopy from any single
issue of a journal. If you obtain a copy via your local library's document request service, you will be
required to complete a copyright declaration form. Consult your local library with any queries.
If you have any questions regarding this or any other library services please contact Library staff –
contact details are at the beginning of the bulletin.
Sources used for this bulletin :
Medline, Embase, PsycInfo, Cinahl, The Cochrane Library, ISD Scotland, Centre for Mental Health,
The Kings Fund, The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Mental Health Foundation, Rethink, Scottish
Government, The Department of Health, Scottish Public Health Observatory, SIGN, HIS, NICE,
Audit Scotland, SCIE, NHSGGC Library Catalogue.
Community Mental Health, July - August 2015
Tracey McKee, Subject Librarian, NHSGGC Library Network