Midterm Exam, Preliminary Terms and Concepts Chapters 4, & 5 are very important, you should also be familiar with concepts introduced in chapter 2 such as multiprogramming, timesharing, batch.. etc. Select OS’s from chapter 2 are listed because they introduce important concepts still valid for today’s OS’s. Your instructor’s lecture notes, and power point presentations, are intended to augment your textbook, not replace it. Chapter 1: entire chapter: all sections. What is an operating system. What are the primary responsibilities of an OS.: supporting convenient use and controlling sharing of resources, Primary functions of an OS: User interface, process management, job and session management, device management, time management, memory management, file management, error handling, reliability and security, monitoring and accounting, system management. Review Questions to consider: 1 – 5, Assignment #3 Chapter 2: History of Operating systems: Terms: Process management Process scheduling Punched cards Batch processing systems interactive computing Multi-tasking (timesharing) Atlas OS Input/Output System CTSS CP/M interleaved execution multiprogramming device management interrupts resident monitor/loader JCL batch serial operation batch multiprogramming time quantum/time slicing device driver command line interface OS 360 Unix Share OS MCP RT11 RSTS Concepts: all sections. You should understand the major types of operating systems, how operating systems evolved, why they evolved, features of the different CATAGORIES of operating systems. How did punched cards, magnetic tapes, JCL, magnetic disks, and professional operators revolutionize computing, and how did they help lead to the evolution of operating systems. Know the importance of the “resident loader” (resident monitor). Understand the concepts of multiprogramming, spooling, and multitasking. What is meant by BATCH computing? What is a batch operating system. Questions to consider: 1-7, Assignment questions: 3, Instructors Notes: Lecture notes & power point slides from instructor with information from additional sources. Chapter 4: process management: Terms: Sequential process Thread Context Batch processes Preemption Job concurrent sequential processes process control block (PCB) processor state context switching interactive processes real-time processes fork ready queue SCHEDULING scheduler Concepts: entire chapter!!! - very important chapter-- You must understand what is a process, and what are the different types of processes and what are their characteristics. It is important to understand what it means to execute processes in an interleaved fashion. What is the role of the PCB? What is the context of a process? Understand what is a process state. What are the different process states? What causes a transition from one state to another.. focus on diagram 4-4. Be able to draw a state chart and explain it!!! Be able to discuss the various operations that can be performed on processes, and what they involve (especially creation and termination). Questions to consider: 1 - 10 Instructors Notes: Lecture notes & power point slides from instructor with information from additional sources. Chapter 5 – process scheduling Terms Long term scheduling short term scheduling medium term scheduling Active set swapping dispatcher Process states waiting time response time Preemption FIFO scheduling Dynamic priority scheduling Preemptive scheduling shortest remaining time next Time quantum processor time quantum storage time quantum Round robin scheduling aging feedback queues CPU bound processes I/O bound processes selfish scheduling Active set dispatcher priorities Static priority algorithms dynamic priority algorithms starvation Concepts: Process scheduling: !!!! entire chapter, very important!!!!! --- Know the 3 types of scheduling that can be performed and what each type of scheduling accomplishes. (longterm, short-term, medium-term), know the types of scheduling which must occur in the 3 major types of operating systems (real-time, batch, and interactive). Know the scheduling objectives that are often used in the evaluation of scheduling algorithms. Why is calculating the average waiting time important in assessing an algorithm. Understand the concept of aging!!! Understand what it means for a process to be CPU bound .vs. I/O bound. BE ABLE TO EXPLAIN, EACH OF THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULING ALGORITHMS. Also be able to estimate the average waiting time for a set of processes.. FIFO, shortest job next, shortest time remaining next, round robin (fifo), priority round robin, feed back queues, static priority Questions to review in your text book: 1,2, 3, 4, 7, 8 & 9 Instructors Notes: 1. Notes on Process scheduling: Additional information and terms have been added from other sources . This source adds additional information on I/o vs cpu bound processes, as well as additional objectives of scheduling algorithms 2. Notes on scheduling algorithms: Additional information and terms have been added from other sources This contains additional details about the various scheduling algorithms, and gives examples of calculating the average waiting time of processes. see you instructors lecture notes & power point presentation Chapter 6 – Interrupts Terms: Interrupt Interrupt handler Interrupt Vector Concepts: 1. KNOW THE ISSUES INVOLVED IN HANDLING INTERRUPTS: 1. SAVING THE STATE 2. LINKING TO THE INTERRUPT 3. HANDLING PARAMETERS 4. RESOURCE USE AND PROCEDURE CALLS 5. HANDLING OTHER INTERRUPTS 2. Understand how interrupts affect the flow of control within a program 3. Know the different categories of interrupts: i/O, alert, timer, machine faults, system request interrupts, program fault interrupts. Questions to review: Review: 1- 3 Assignment #5 Instructors notes / slides: Power point slides on Interrupts.