Programme funded by the EUROPEAN UNION European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 MULTI-ANNUAL TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE STRATEGY 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................... 4 1. PURPOSE .................................................................................... 5 2. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 5 3. LEGAL BASIS ................................................................................ 6 4. VISION, MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY .............................. 6 4.1. VISION ............................................................................... 6 4.2. MISSION ............................................................................. 6 4.3. OBJECTIVES ........................................................................ 6 5. IMPLEMENTING SYSTEM OF THE TA STRATEGY ...................................... 7 5.1. THE ACTION PLAN FOR IMPLEMENTING THE MULTI-ANNUAL TAS ........... 7 5.2. THE MAIN BENEFICIARIES OF THE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE COMPONENT . 7 5.3. IMPLEMENTING SYSTEM WHEN JMA IS THE TA BENEFICIARY ................. 8 5.4. IMPLEMENTING SYSTEM WHEN JTS/AA ARE THE TA BENEFICIARIES ........ 9 6. CORE ACTIONS ........................................................................... 11 6.1. A1. SUPPORT FOR THE JMA IN THE OVERALL IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ROUA-MD JOP 2007-2013 ................................................................. 11 6.1.1. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS.......................................................... 11 6.1.2. ELIGIBLE CATEGORIES OF ACTIVITIES: ...................................... 11 PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION..................... 11 STRENGTHENING THE ADMINISTRATIVE CAPACITY OF JMA AND OTHER IMPLEMENTING STRUCTURES ......................................................... 11 PROCUREMENT, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF IT OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES NECESSARY FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME, FOR JMA ................................ 12 6.1.3. IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................. 12 6.2. A2. SUPPORT FOR THE JTS IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RO-UA-MD JOP 2007-2013 ............................................................................... 12 2 6.2.1. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS.......................................................... 12 6.2.2. ELIGIBLE CATEGORIES OF ACTIVITIES: ...................................... 12 PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION..................... 12 PROCUREMENT, INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE OF IT OFFICE EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES NECESSARY FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAMME, FOR JTS AND BRANCH OFFICES ...... 14 6.2.3. IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................. 14 6.3. A3. FINANCING CONTRACT CONCLUDED BETWEEN JMA AND AA FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RO-UA-MD PROGRAMME ................................ 14 6.3.1. ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS.......................................................... 14 6.3.2. ELIGIBLE CATEGORIES OF ACTIVITIES: ...................................... 14 PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION..................... 14 6.3.3. IMPLEMENTATION .............................................................. 15 7. CATEGORIES OF ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE UNDER THE TA COMPONENT OF THE RO-UA-MD JOP 2007-2013 ................................................................ 15 7.1. STAFF EXPENDITURE ............................................................. 15 7.2. TRAVEL EXPENDITURE............................................................ 15 7.3. SERVICES ........................................................................... 16 7.4. SUPPLIES ........................................................................... 16 7.5. FINANCIAL SERVICES ............................................................. 17 7.6. WORKS ............................................................................. 17 7.7. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION COSTS ............................................. 17 7.8. CONTINGENCY RESERVE ......................................................... 18 3 ABBREVIATIONS JOP – Joint Operational Programme TAS – Technical Assistance Strategy JMA – Joint Managing Authority JMC – Joint Monitoring Committee JTS – Joint Technical Secretariat BO – Branch Office NA – National Authorities of partner countries DGAPP – General Directorate for Authorizing Programme Payments DCTI – Directorate for International Territorial Cooperation DAI – Internal Audit Directorate AA – Audit Authority MIS-ETC – Management Information System-European Territorial Cooperation 4 1. PURPOSE The Joint Monitoring Committee is asked to agree with the present technical assistance strategy, including the eligible categories of expenditure. 2. INTRODUCTION „Community assistance may also be used: (a) to finance technical assistance and targeted administrative measures, including those cooperation measures involving public-sector experts dispatched from the Member States and their regional and local authorities involved in the programme” (Article 15 – Types of measures from the REGULATION (EC) No 1638/2006 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 24 October 2006 laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument) The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Moldova 2007-2013 includes a component dedicated to technical assistance. The aim of this component is to achieve effective and efficient implementation of the Programme by enhanced preparatory, monitoring, administrative and technical support, and by ensuring the widest participation possible amongst the public. The Technical Assistance will consist of two main components: 1. Programme management and Implementation and 2. Publicity and information. The first subcomponent of Technical Assistance will allow for the support for the effective management, implementation and evaluation of the Joint Operational Programme. In particular, this activity will support the JMA, Joint Technical Secretariat, Joint Monitoring Committee and the evaluation committees by covering costs related to the organization (including costs to facilitate the participation of the members of these committees) and logistics. Procurement and installation of IT (other than SMIS) and office equipment required for the management and implementation of the Programme is eligible under this component. Furthermore, this component will fund the ad-hoc and on going evaluation of the Programme, including statistics and studies, development of evaluation methods. TA shall also finance audit activities according to the audit plans for projects prepared by the Joint Managing Authority. The second subcomponent of Technical Assistance will support, according to the Communication Plan, activities that promote and publicize the programme together with the results and achievements it has made. It will also finance the organization of activities that seek to increase the awareness of, and information amongst, potential project partners and beneficiaries to ensure the widest participation possible amongst the public. For the purpose of an optimal use of the TA funds and a clearer structure of the Multi-annual TAS, these components are highlighted in the content of this document in the framework of three Core Actions, one of them aimed to support the JTS/Branch Offices one aimed to support the JMA in the overall management and implementation of the ENPI CBC RO-UA-MD JOP and one aimed to support the AA. 5 Each Core Action comprises several categories of eligible activities in accordance with the two components of the TAS and the corresponding chapter of eligible expenditures. According to the Government Decision No. 1631/2009 the Joint Managing Authority for the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine-Moldova 2007-2013 is the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism. 3. LEGAL BASIS - The Regulation No. 1638/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument - Regulation No. 951/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down general provisions establishing a European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument - Government Decision no. 497/2004 setting up the institutional framework for the coordination, implementation and management of structural instruments; - Government Decision no. 1485/2007 setting up the joint technical secretariats and info points for the implementation of European territorial cooperation programmes; - JMC Decision approving the Multi-Annual Technical Strategy. 4. VISION, MISSION AND OBJECTIVES OF THE STRATEGY 4.1. Vision Sound use of the resources in order to ensure efficient, effective and transparent management of the ENPI CBC RO-UA-MD Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013. 4.2. Mission Provide adequate support of the activities (preparation, administration and management, information, publicity and training, development and operation of computerized data exchange systems, procurement of necessary equipment, monitoring, evaluation and control of the programme) in order to efficiently manage the ENPI CBC Joint Operational Programme RO-UA-MD. 4.3. Objectives - To ensure a smooth and effective management of the programme; - To ensure timely and efficient commitment and disbursement of programme funds, in order to cover the needs identified throughout the implementation of the programme; - To increase the general level of information and awareness of the JOP and dissemination of results to ensure that the scope of the Programme is widely understood and that it is accessible to the maximum range of eligible partners; 6 5. IMPLEMENTING SYSTEM OF THE TA STRATEGY The Multi-annual Technical Assistance Strategy (TAS) is a framework document of all TA interventions dedicated to the Joint Operational Programme Ro-Ua-Md and details the basic elements needed to reach the Multi-annual TAS objectives: the stakeholders involved in the implementation of the strategy, the eligible actions, the general methodology and the action plan for implementing the TAS. In order to best assess the TA needs, as well as prepare a viable Multi-annual TA Strategy, the following were considered: - Information and Communication Plan - Implementing chapter of the RO-UA-MD JOP setting up the tasks of the JMA and JTS 5.1. The action plan for implementing the Multi-annual TAS Necessary steps for the implementation of the Multi-annual TAS: Adoption of the RO-UA-MD JOP and of the Information and Communication Plan by the European Commission Issuing the Decision of the JMC approving the Rules of procedure Approval of the Multi-annual TAS by the Joint Monitoring Committee Approval by the JMC of the Annual Technical Assistance Strategies proposed by the JMA Signing of the Implementing Framework Agreement and the multiannual Financing Contracts between JMA and JTS and between JMA and AA. Signing the service contracts between the JTS and the institutions designated by the NAs to host the BOs. 5.2. The main beneficiaries of the technical assistance component are: - The Joint Managing Authority for the Joint Operational Programme RomaniaUkraine-Moldova within the Ministry of Regional Development and Tourism (according to the Government Decision No. 1631/2009); - The Joint Technical Secretariat (JTS) constituted within the CBC Regional Offices Suceava and Iasi having Branch Offices in Ukraine at Odessa and Chernivetska and in the Republic of Moldova at Chisinau; - Audit Authority within the Romanian Courts of Accounts. During the implementation period the JMA, JTS and AA shall use the Technical Assistance funds based on an Annual Technical Assistance Strategy proposed by the JMA in accordance to the Multi-annual TAS and approved by the JMC. According to the Programme document, the JMA established a Joint Technical Secretariat in the Romanian part of the Programme Area, which assists it in the 7 daily management and administration of the operations of the programme. The JTS staff will consist of a multinational team of officers and Technical Assistance of the programme will cover the operating costs of the JTS. Due to the lengthiness of the border and the large dimension of the programme area, the JTS functions in two locations: Regional Office for CBC Suceava and Regional Office for CBC Iasi. JTS will also establish branch offices in Ukraine and Republic of Moldova by signing service contracts following PRAG provisions with the organizations designated by the National Authorities from partner countries to host the BOs. Branch Offices of the JTS will play the role of local contact points that can assist potential applicants with information related to the Programme. The role of the JTS branch offices will be to publicize the programme, to assist in project development, partner search and advise partners on the implementation of projects. JTS branch offices will also provide support to JTS in fulfilling the tasks related to project monitoring (may be involved in on the spot checks, particularly in organizing the site visits to the projects partners located in their interest area). They will work under the coordination of JTS. JMA, Regional Office for Cross border Cooperation Suceava and Regional Office for Cross border Cooperation Iaşi will sign an Implementing Framework Agreement for the entire programme duration that shall establish the cooperation framework between JMA and JTS and shall also define the rights and obligations of the three implementing structures of the programme. In the framework of this Implementing Framework Agreement, multi-annual financing contracts between JTS and JMA will be concluded. In this respect, the JTS will provide JMA with a financing request containing a plan of activities and a proposed budget before signing each contract. In a similar manner, the service contracts between the JTS and the BOs will have the same duration as the financing contracts between the JMA and JTS. The AA shall also submit to the JMA a financing request containing a plan of activities and a proposed budget. The financing contract shall be concluded annually between JMA and AA. The first Financing request will be submitted after the Joint Monitoring Committee of the JOP RO-UA-MD approves the Annual TAS. In the framework of the Implementing System of the TAS two possible situations are identified: 5.3. Implementing system when JMA is the TA beneficiary 1) When the Beneficiary is a unit from the JMA (operational unit (DCTI), financial unit (DGAPP) or internal audit unit (DAI), Joint Monitoring Committee of the RO-UA-MD JOP Approves the Annual TAS ▼ Beneficiary (a unit of JMA) Manages the TA interventions, initiates the public procurement procedures and manages the subsequent contracts, prepares the payment requests, drafts reports on the technical progress of the implementation ▼ 8 Beneficiary (a unit of JMA) Submits TA payment requests to the JMA, validated by first level controllers located in Bucharest ▼ JMA Administratively checks the financing requests and the eligibility of the expenditure and submits the payment requests to GDAPP for payment ▼ JMA Reports to the Joint Monitoring Committee on the implementation status of the Annual TA strategy including the status of the on-going TA interventions 5.4. Implementing system when JTS/AA are the TA beneficiaries 2) When the Beneficiary is the JTS/AA Joint Monitoring Committee of the RO-UA-MD JOP Approves the Annual TAS ▼ Beneficiary (JTS/AA) Manages the TA interventions, initiates the public procurement procedures, manages the subsequent contracts, prepares the payment requests, reports the technical progress of the implementation to the JMA ▼ JTS/AA Submits TA payment requests to the JMA, validated by first level controllers located in Bucharest within MRDT ▼ JMA Administratively checks the financing requests ensuring that their objectives are in line with the Annual TAS and submits them to GDAPP for payment ▼ JMA Reports to the Joint Monitoring Committee on the implementation status of the Annual TA strategy including the status of the on-going TA interventions Each step of the Implementation System will be detailed within the internal procedures of the TA beneficiaries. 9 According to the provisions of the ENPI IR 951/2007 regarding the eligible costs at the programme level (Art 33 paragraph 3 b) stating that travel and subsistence costs for staff and other persons taking part in the joint operational programme are eligible “provided that they do not exceed those normally borne by the authorities appointed to manage the programme”, the rates of the travel and subsistence costs must follow the Romanian relevant national legislation and shall not exceed the costs that are normally supported by the MRDT and Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Suceava and Regional Office for Cross Border Cooperation Iasi (the structures managing the programme), being certified based on the relevant supporting documents. BOs will be established by signing service contracts between JTS and the organizations designated by the NAs to host the BOs. The service contracts must follow PRAG provisions with regards to fee based service contracts, including the provisions regarding the documentary evidence for expenditures. As a general rule, expenditures under the Technical Assistance component are considered eligible as follows: - for the JMA, from the date Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013 is officially approved by the European Commission; - for the JTS, from the date the Implementing Framework agreement for the implementation of Ro-Ua-Md JOP, concluded between the JMA and the JTS, came into force; - for the BOs, from the date the service contracts between JTS and the institutions designated by the National Authorities to host the BOs, come into force; - for the AA, from the date the Financing contract for the implementation of RoUa-Md JOP, concluded between the JMA and the AA, comes into force. Expenditure for implementation of the activities under the TA component is considered eligible under the following general conditions: (a) are necessary for the implementation of the programme according to the criteria defined in the programme document and by the Joint Monitoring Committee; (b) comply with the principles of sound financial management in particular value for money and cost-effectiveness; (c) are recorded in the accounts of the programme, are identifiable, verifiable and backed by original supporting documents; (d) have been incurred in compliance with the relevant procurement procedures. For all types of expenditure considered eligible under the TA component of the programme, the provisions of the national and Community legislation in force must be fully respected. The expenditure already financed fully or partially from other national, European or international financial instruments is not considered eligible expenditure. 10 6. CORE ACTIONS 6.1. A1. Support for the JMA in the overall implementation of the RO-UA-MD JOP 2007-2013 6.1.1. Eligible applicants - Relevant units within JMA (DCTI, DGAPP, DAI) 6.1.2. Eligible categories of activities: Programme management and implementation o Monitoring of the Programme o Coordination and monitoring of the JTS activities o Development of project ideas (mainly of the large scale investment project) Ad-hoc evaluations of the RO-UA-MD JOP 2007-2013 o Audit of the Programme according to the Art. 29 and 30 of the Implementing Regulation No. 951/2007 o Development of the documents for the future programming period o Preparation, publication and dissemination of information and publicity materials (current official programme documents, bulletins, brochures, posters, objects with EU logo and programme logo) including translation of information materials o Information and publicity regarding RO-UA-MD Programme according to the Information and Communication Plan (organization of conferences, fora, presentations, workshops, seminars, awareness raising campaigns, etc) o Evaluation of the activities comprised in the Information and Communication Plan o Designing, updating of the information and managing the web site o Contracting the evaluators* and assessors for the evaluation committees *Only in special cases, assessors may be contracted. The activities related to information and publicity are described in an Information and Communication Plan annexed to the programme and detailed in an Annual Information and Communication Plan approved by the JMC as part of the Annual TAS. The Annual Information and Communication Plan may be revised with the agreement of the Joint Monitoring Committee. The indicators used, will be mainly quantitative ones (number of promotional materials created and distributed, number of events organized, specific media indicators). Strengthening the administrative capacity of JMA and other implementing structures* o Developing, organizing and delivering training session and workshops for the JMA and JTS/BOs and AA staff involved in the implementation of the programme o Organizing internships, study visits, training sessions in similar bodies within other Member States 11 o Elaboration of the training manuals and support materials for training sessions o Elaboration/revision of internal procedures manuals *All the activities under this category shall focus on management and implementation related themes. Procurement, installation and maintenance of IT office equipment and vehicles necessary for the management and implementation of the Programme, for JMA o Procurement of office equipment (PCs, notebooks, telephones, fax machines, copy machines, printers, photo cameras, video cameras, flipcharts, video projector, etc) o Procurement of vehicles o Procurement of IT software o Maintenance services for the IT equipment and vehicles 6.1.3. Implementation JMA for the RO-UA-MD JOP is the sole eligible applicant for Core Action 1. A global financing decision shall replace the financing contract when the JMA is the beneficiary of TA. The JMA shall prepare an annual work plan for its envisaged activities for the following year and a proposed budget related to them that will be annexed to the Annual TAS and submitted for approval of the Joint Monitoring Committee. The expenditure incurred under the eligible activities of Core Action 1 shall be duly justified with documentary evidence (service contracts, invoices, internal memoranda etc.) and will follow the rules established within the JMA Procedures Manual. 6.2. A2. Support for the JTS in the implementation of the RO-UA-MD JOP 20072013 6.2.1. Eligible applicants - JTS 6.2.2. Eligible categories of activities: Programme management and implementation o Monitoring, including one site visit before the signing of the contracts, travel of the JTS and Branch Offices’ staff in the region for on the spot and control visits* 12 o Supporting the JMA in preparation of Guidelines for applicants and related documentation o Collecting and registration of project application o Organising and ensuring the secretariat or performing assessment services for the evaluation committees o Ensuring the Permanent Secretariat of the Joint Monitoring Committee meetings (including preparation, copying and distribution of the Committee’s documentation, reports and annual and final reports, etc) o Receiving and carrying out the operational and financial verification of the requests for payments, submitted by the beneficiaries, together with report and supporting documents o Verifying the documents submitted by the beneficiaries and sending them to the JMA with a notification regarding the regularity and compliance with the eligibility rules of the expenditure o Introducing data in the MIS-ETC o Assisting the beneficiaries in implementing the projects o Preparation, publication and dissemination of information and publicity materials (current official programme documents, bulletins, brochures, posters, objects with EU logo and programme logo) including translation of information materials o Information and publicity activities at regional level regarding RO-UA-MD Programme according to the Information and Communication Plan including the distribution of the support documentation (organization of conferences, fora, presentations, road shows, workshops, seminar, awareness raising campaigns, etc) o Providing JMA with updated information to be published on the web site o Organization and delivering training addressed to beneficiaries, especially Lead partners o Setting up a network for exchanging information between local and regional stakeholders, in order to raise awareness, co-operate/exchange experience and publicize good practice Part of these activities will be outsourced throughout TA contracts. The activities related to information and publicity are described in the Information and Communication Plan annexed to the programme and detailed in Annual Information and Communication Plan approved by the JMC as part of the Annual TAS. The Annual Information and Communication Plan may be revised with the agreement of the Joint Monitoring Committee. The indicators used, will be mainly quantitative ones (number of promotional materials created and distributed, number of events organized, specific media indicators). * In monitoring the projects, JTS will be supported by its Branch Offices located in Ukraine and Republic of Moldova, particularly by organizing site visits to the project partners located in their corresponding area. 13 Procurement, installation and maintenance of IT office equipment and vehicles necessary for the management and implementation of the Programme, for JTS and Branch Offices o Procurement of office equipment (PCs, notebooks, telephones, fax machines, copy machines, printers, photo cameras, video cameras, flipcharts, video projector, etc) o Procurement of vehicles o Procurement of furniture o Procurement of IT software o Maintenance services for the IT equipment and vehicles 6.2.3. Implementation JTS for the RO-UA-MD JOP is the sole eligible applicant for Core Action 2. JMA, Regional Office for Cross border Cooperation Suceava and Regional Office for Cross border Cooperation Iaşi signed an Implementing Framework Agreement for the entire programme duration that established the cooperation framework between JMA and JTS and also defined the rights and obligations of the three implementing structures of the programme. Multi-annual financing contracts will be concluded between the Joint Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat following the JMC decision. Each multi-annual financing contract shall be drafted on the basis of a financing request filled in by the JTS after the approval of the proposed budget. The financing contracts concluded between JMA and JTS will contain achievement indicators that will be strictly monitored throughout the contract implementation. Based on these indicators the JMA will evaluate the degree of completeness and conformity with the Implementing Framework Agreement of the contractual duties of the JTS. The Branch Offices of the JTS shall be established by signing service contracts following the provisions of PRAG between JTS and the institutions designated by the National Authorities to host the BOs. The rules related to the contracting and implementation of the activities comprised under this subcomponent are detailed in the Internal Procedures Manuals for Technical Assistance of the JMA and JTS. 6.3. A3. Support to AA for the implementation of the RO-UA-MD programme 6.3.1. Eligible applicants - AA 6.3.2. Eligible categories of activities: Programme management and implementation o Audit of the programme according to the Art. 31 of the Implementing Regulation No. 951/2007 14 6.3.3. Implementation AA for the RO-UA-MD JOP is the sole eligible applicant for Core Action 3. A financing contract will be concluded between the Joint Managing Authority and the Audit Authority on an annual basis following the JMC decision regarding the Annual TAS. The financing contract shall be drafted on the basis of a financing request filled in by the AA after the approval of the annual work plan and proposed budget. The rules related to the contracting and implementation of the activities comprised under this subcomponent are detailed in the Internal Procedures Manual for Technical Assistance of the JMA. 7. CATEGORIES OF ELIGIBLE EXPENDITURE UNDER THE TA COMPONENT OF THE RO-UA-MD JOP 2007-2013 7.1. Staff expenditure Staff expenditure is eligible, including the contribution of the employer, based on the individual labour contract for the JTS staff having tasks in the implementation and management of the JOP, provided that the provisions of national legislation are fully respected. (a) Support staff expenditure is eligible, including the contribution of the employer, based on the individual labour contract for the JTS staff having support technical, financial, accounting, legal human resources and audit functions related to the implementation and management of the JOP, provided that the provisions of national legislation are fully respected. (b) Bonuses and extra working hours are eligible if the provisions of national legislation in force are fully respected and are granted after the prior approval of the Joint Managing Authority. Staff expenditure mentioned above will be reimbursed based on the individual labour contract and according to the proportion of time spent working for the programme. 7.2. Travel expenditure Travel expenditure, including international and local transport, airport taxes, accommodation and daily allowance, according to the limits established by the national legislation in force for public institutions and approved by the JMC, are eligible as follows: (a) for the staff of the Joint Managing Authority as well as for the persons invited by this structure for participation at JMC meetings, technical meetings, other type of reunions, conferences, seminars, other information and communication events organized for the programme, training activities, monitoring visits to the projects and to the JTS; (b) for the staff of the Joint Technical Secretariat and its Branch Offices for participation at the JMC meetings, technical meetings, other type of reunions, conferences, seminars, other information and communication events organized for the programme, training activities, monitoring visits to the projects and to the JTS; (c) for the staff of the Audit Authority for participation at training activities and to audit mission to projects and to the JTS; 15 (d) for the members of JMC or their substitutes and/or delegations for the participation at JMC meetings, technical meetings, other type of reunions, conferences, seminars, other information and communication events organized for the programme; (f) for the members of Evaluation Committees that participate at the meetings of the Evaluation Committee. 7.3. Services The categories of eligible expenditure for services are the following: (a) expenditure for studies, analyses, reports according to the objectives of the programme; (b) expenditure for audit provided that these services would be outsourced; (c) expenditure for publicity and information – organizing events, conferences, seminars, presentations and other similar events, publicity campaigns, expenditure for the web site of the programme, expenditure for publications and promotional materials for the implementation of the programme; (d) expenditure incurred for organizing the meetings of the Joint Monitoring Committee, Evaluation Committee, working groups, as well as other committees established for managing the programme, technical meetings, other types of meetings; (e) expenditure for renting vehicles for the implementation of the programme; (f) expenditure for training of the staff involved in the management and implementation of the programme; (g) expenditure for translation and implementation services necessary for the management and implementation of the programme; (h) expenditure for consultancy and technical expertise, economic and financial expertise, accounting, fiscal and law expertise necessary for the management and implementation of the programme; (i) expenditure for postal and courier services for the documents related to the programme; (j) expenditure for IT services: maintenance and service of IT and communication equipments; maintenance, updating and development of IT applications of the equipments used for the management and implementation of the programme; (k) expenditure for renting meeting rooms; (l) expenditure for catering services; (m) expenditure for archiving the documents related to the programme; (n) other expenditure for services implementation of the programme. necessary for the management and 7.4. Supplies The categories of eligible expenditure for supplies include the expenditure for procurement of IT and communication equipments, office equipments, furniture, vehicles including the costs for maintenance and service for equipments and vehicles; mandatory insurance for the vehicles. 16 (a) The procurement of vehicles is eligible under the following conditions: - is necessary for the implementation of the programme; - the value of eligible expenses cannot exceed 15.000 Euros for each vehicle; - the beneficiary fully respects the information and publicity requirements. (b) The categories of eligible expenditure for supplies also include expenditure for procurement of IT software, licences, brands, patents; (c) expenditure for procurement of inventory objects is also eligible; (d) expenditure for procurement of consumables necessary for the proper functioning of the TA beneficiaries is also eligible. 7.5. Financial services Financial services costs for opening and managing the separate bank accounts for the programme implementation period as well as bank charges for transnational bank transfers are eligible. (a) expenditure for fees is eligible for participation to trainings and events directly linked to the implementation of the programme of the staff involved in the management and implementation of the programme; (b) expenditure for notary fees is eligible provided that it is directly linked to the operation and are necessary for the implementation of the eligible activities corresponding to the programme; (c) Value Added Tax for the expenditure made is eligible provided that the TA beneficiary cannot reclaim it from other sources; (d) expenditure for visa taxes and health insurance is eligible provided that it is directly linked to the operation and are necessary for the implementation of the eligible activities corresponding to the programme; 7.6. Works Expenditure for works is considered eligible if aimed for sanitation and improvement of the headquarters of the Joint Technical Secretariat and/or the Joint Managing Authority. 7.7. General administration costs The eligible general administration costs include expenditure for renting the headquarters of the JTS, cost of utilities: running water, heat, electric power, sewerage, sanitation, natural gas, multiplying costs, phone, fax, internet, postal and courier services; procurement of cleaning materials and services for the JTS locations; protocol expenses as well as other type of expenses absolutely necessary for the implementation of the programme. (a) General administration costs are eligible under the following conditions: - for the Joint Technical Secretariat, the amount does not exceed 10% of the total eligible costs reimbursed under each contract - for the Joint Managing Authority, the amount does not exceed 10% of the total eligible costs reimbursed 17 (b) The calculation method used for the calculation of the pro rate for reimbursement of the general administration costs shall be established by the Joint Managing Authority and shall be annexed to the financing contract and the global financing decision. 7.8. Contingency reserve The annual TA budget for the Joint Managing Authority and Joint Technical Secretariat may comprise a contingency reserve that shall not exceed 5% of the total budget allocated to each of these TA beneficiaries. The reserve may be spent only for expenditure mentioned by the present document as being eligible. The reserve mentioned above may be used by the Joint Technical Secretariat only after the prior approval of the Joint Managing Authority. The categories of eligible expenditure under the TA component of the programme (Chapter 7) are presented in accordance with the Minister Order no. 637/2009 approving the eligible categories of eligible expenditure under the TA component of the RO-UA-MD JOP 2007-2013. Therefore, provided that such a case would arise, any modifications of the relevant national legislation, particularly the above mentioned Minister Order, shall reflect in the revision of the present document. 18