D34 Manage project handover guidance, completion and feedback

D34 Manage project handover guidance, completion and feedback
D34.3 Obtain and evaluate project feedback information and make improvements
Performance Criteria - this involves being
able to...
(a) promote the value of making improvements from
feedback throughout the project and encourage
all those involved in the project to cooperate
and obtain feedback information
(b) identify and agree the areas to focus on for
making improvements from feedback
(c) identify and agree valid and reliable methods and
sources for obtaining feedback information on
completed projects and for assessing and
recommending improvements from feedback
(d) obtain, investigate and assess feedback
information from all relevant methods and
(e) review the feedback information, matching it
against the original requirements and objectives
and summarise both positive and negative factors
(f) recommend improvements from feedback
received and justify the recommendations to
decision makers
(g) classify improvements from feedback which
have been agreed and incorporating the
improvements accurately into updated procedures
and databases
(h) summarise changes and improvements from
feedback which have been agreed and promote
them for adoption and use
The Range...
[1] Improvements from feedback:
• management procedures;
• client, design and construction team
• working arrangements;
• formal and informal communications;
• quality assurance and control;
• design and technical appraisal;
• operational appraisal;
• performance in use;
• energy use;
• sustainability including carbon use;
• benchmarking;
• post project review;
• performance in situ
[2] Those involved with the project:
• the design team;
• specialist consultants;
• the client;
• contractors;
• site inspectorate;
• users;
• community;
• managing agents
[3] Feedback information:
• approved providers;
• contract documentation;
• project documentation;
• organisational documentation;
• users;
• community;
• standard details;
• specifications;
• product information;
• government and statutory publications;
• research and advisory data;
• periodicals and abstracts
[4] Methods and sources:
• project records and documentation;
• open book accounting;
• site inspections;
• scientific research and data;
• studies of performance in use;
• meetings;
• questionnaires;
• reports;
• warranty claims;
• Post Construction Evaluation;
• Post Occupancy Evaluation
[5] Types of database:
• manual files;
• library;
• standard drawings;
D34 Manage project handover guidance, completion and feedback
D34.3 Obtain and evaluate project feedback information and make improvements
The Evidence - performance and
The Evidence - knowledge and
Product Evidence:
(1) What do you identify as the areas to focus on for
making improvements from feedback?
(understanding) (b) [1]
(1) Record(s) of promotion of and agreement on, obtaining
and making improvements from feedback (a,b,c)
(2) Record(s) of obtained feedback information which
includes investigation, assessment, review and
summary recommendations for improvements (d,e,f)
(3) Record(s) of improvements classified into procedures
and databases and promote (g,h) [1,5]
Process Evidence:
None applicable
(2) How do you summarise changes and improvements
from feedback which have been agreed? (application)
(h) [1]
(3) How and why do you recommend improvements from
feedback received to decision makers? (synthesis) (f)
(4) How and why do you promote changes and
improvements from feedback which have been
agreed for adoption and use? (synthesis) (h) [1]
(5) How and why do you agree the areas to focus on for
making improvements from feedback? (evaluation)
(b) [1]
(6) How and why do you justify the recommendations to
decision makers? (evaluation) (f) [1]
(7) How and why do you promote the value of making
improvements from feedback? (synthesis) (a) [1,2]
(8) How do you encourage all those involved in the
project to cooperate and obtain feedback
information? (application) (a) [2,3]
(9) How do you summarise both positive and negative
factors from the feedback information? (application)
(e) [3]
(10) How and why do you review the feedback
information? (analysis) (e) [3]
(11) How and why do you match feedback information
against the original requirements and objectives?
(synthesis) (e) [3]
(12) What do you identify as valid and reliable methods and
sources for obtaining feedback information on
completed projects and for assessing and
recommending improvements from feedback?
(understanding) (c) [1,2]
(13) How do you obtain feedback information from all
relevant methods and sources? (application) (d) [3,4]
(14) How and why do you investigate and assess feedback
information from all relevant methods and sources?
(analysis) (d) [3,4]
(15) How and why do you agree valid and reliable methods
and sources for obtaining feedback information on
completed projects and for assessing and
recommending improvements from feedback?
(evaluation) (c) [1,3,4]
(16) How do you classify improvements from feedback
which have been agreed and incorporate
improvements from feedback which have been
agreed accurately into updated procedures and
databases? (application) (f) [1,5]