ETHERTON CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT INFORMATION 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 ● (270) 759-0030 ● Fax: (270) 767-0471 Full Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: ____________ Zip: _________________________ Home Phone: ______-______-_______Work Phone: ______-______-_______ Cell Phone: ______-______-___________ Email Address: ____________________________________ Are you a student? Yes No Full-Time Part-Time Employer or School: _____________________________________________ Occupation: __________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________ Social Security #: _______-______-_______ Married Single Widow(er) Divorced Gender: Male - Female Separated If married: Spouse’s Name __________________________ Spouse’s Birth Date ________________________________ INSURANCE INFORMATION (Please allow our staff to photocopy your current health ins. card(s) & a photo I.D.) Do you have insurance? Yes No Primary Ins: ______________________ Secondary Ins: _____________________ Are you the policy holder? Yes No If no, Name of Policy Holder ________________________________________ Date of Birth of Policy Holder: ____________ Policy Holder’s Social Security Number: ___________________________ I hereby instruct and direct any and all insurance companies, lawyers or employers liable for my health care benefits to pay by check made out and mailed to: Etherton Chiropractic ● 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 Or: If my current policy prohibits direct payment to the doctor, then I hereby also instruct and direct you to make out the check to me and mail it as follows: _ (my name)____ ● c/o Etherton Chiropractic ● 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 The professional or medical expense benefits allowable and otherwise payable to me under my current insurance policy as payment toward the total charges for the professional services rendered. THIS IS A DIRECT ASSIGNMENT OF MY RIGHTS AND BENEFITS UNDER THIS POLICY. This payment will not exceed my indebtedness to the above-mentioned assignee, and I have agreed to pay, in a current manner, any balance of said professional service charges over and above this insurance payment. I hereby authorize and direct you, my insurance carrier, to pay directly to Etherton Chiropractic such sums as may be due and owing this office for services rendered me, both by reason of accident or illness and by reason of any other bills that are due this office and withhold such sums from any disability benefits, medical payment benefits, no-fault benefits, health and accident, Workers’ Compensation benefits, or any other insurance benefits obligated to reimburse me from any settlement, judgment or verdict on my behalf as may be necessary to adequately protect Etherton Chiropractic. I hereby further give lien to said office against any and all insurance benefits named herein and any and all proceeds of any settlement, judgment or verdict which may be paid to me as a result of the injuries or illness for which I have been treated for by Etherton Chiropractic. This is to act as an assignment of my rights and benefits to the extent of the office’s services provided. I understand that I remain personally responsible for the total amounts due the office for services rendered. I further understand and agree that this Assignment, Lien, and Authorization does not constitute any consideration for the office to await payments, and they may demand payments from me immediately upon rendering services at their option. A photocopy of this Assignment shall be considered as effective and valid as the original. I also authorize the release of any information pertinent to my case to any insurance company, adjustor, or attorney involved in this case to facilitate collection under this Assignment, Lien and Authorization. I understand I am ultimately responsible for payment to this office. If for any reason my insurance company should pay me for services received in this office instead of paying directly to Etherton Chiropractic, I understand that payment is for services performed here, and I must bring the payment in immediately upon receipt. Payment is required at time of service. Patient’s Signature ___________________________________________________________ Date ___________________ How did you hear about us? ____________________________________________________________________________ ETHERTON CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT CASE HISTORY 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 ● (270) 759-0030 ● Fax: (270) 767-0471 What is your major complaint? _________________________________ Date problem began? _____________________ How did this problem begin (falling, lifting, etc.)? _________________________________________________________ How is your condition changing? NOT CHANGING Have you had this condition in the past? YES - NO How often do you experience your symptoms? Constantly (76- -75% of the day) Occasionally (26-50% of the day) Intermittently (0-25% of the day) Describe the nature of your symptoms: Tightness Stabbing Throbbing Sharp Dull Numb Burning Shooting Tingling Radiating Pain Other: __________________________________________________________ Please rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 (0= no pain and 10= excruciating pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How do your symptoms affect your ability to perform daily activities such as working or driving? (0= no effect and 10= no possible activities) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What activities aggravate your condition (working, exercise, etc)? _____________________________________________ What makes your pain better (ice, heat, massage, etc)? ______________________________________________________ What is your SECOND complaint? _________________________________Date problem began? __________________ How did this problem begin (falling, lifting, etc.)? _________________________________________________________ How is your condition changing? NOT CHANGING Have you had this condition in the past? YES - NO How often do you experience your symptoms? Constantly (76- -75% of the day) Occasionally (26- ermittently (0-25% of the day) Describe the nature of your symptoms: Tightness Stabbing Throbbing Sharp Dull Numb Burning Shooting Tingling Radiating Pain Other: __________________________________________________________ Please rate your pain on a scale of 1 to 10 (0= no pain and 10= excruciating pain) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 How do your symptoms affect your ability to perform daily activities such as working or driving? (0= no effect and 10= no possible activities) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 What activities aggravate your condition (working, exercise, etc)? _____________________________________________ What makes your pain better (ice, heat, massage, etc)? ______________________________________________________ Patient’s Signature __________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ ETHERTON CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT CASE HISTORY 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 ● (270) 759-0030 ● Fax: (270) 767-0471 List any Allergies: -Ray Dye None List ALL Past Medical History conditions: -Back Pain None Our consultation and examination may indicate that x-rays are necessary to accurately diagnose and analyze your spinal condition. Should x-rays be necessary, we would like to confirm that you are not pregnant at this time: Female History: Are you pregnant at this time? Yes No Unsure but could be Date of last menstrual cycle _________________ Regular Irregular Using birth control pills: Yes No List Type of Medications you are taking: Muscle Relaxe None List any Surgeries: Back Brain Elbow Other: ______________ Foot Hip Knee Neck Neurological Shoulder Wrist None Are you experiencing or do you have any of the following: in Have you had any auto or other accidents recently? None of the above When? _____________________________________ Describe: __________________________________________________________________________________________ Patient’s Signature ______________________________________________________ Date ________________________ ETHERTON CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT CASE HISTORY 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 ● (270) 759-0030 ● Fax: (270) 767-0471 List your Family History: ____ None of the above - how many per day? _________________ s - how many per day? _________________ List any diagnosed conditions: (examples diabetes, cancer etc) ________________________________________________ List any cracked or broken bones & when occurred: ________________________________________________________ List any hospitalizations other than surgeries, when & what for: _______________________________________________ PLEASE MARK YOUR AREAS OF PAIN ON THE DIAGRAM BELOW Main reason for consulting the office: Become pain free Explanation of my condition Learn how to care for my condition Reduce symptoms Resume normal activity level Have you ever had chiro When? ____________ Why? __________________ Where? ___________________________________ Were XWhen was your last adjustment? _______________ Patient’s Signature __________________________________________________________ Date ____________________ ETHERTON CHIROPRACTIC CONSENT TO TREAT FORM V. Wade Etherton, D.C. B. Dobry Etherton, D.C. 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 (270) 759-0030 Fax: (270) 767-0471 Patient Name: _______________________________________________ Date ___________________ A patient coming to the doctor gives the doctor permission and authority to care for the patient in accordance with appropriate tests, diagnosis and analysis. The clinical procedures performed are usually beneficial and seldom cause any problem. In rare cases underlying physical defects, deformities, or pathologies may render the patient susceptible for injury. The doctor, of course, will not provide specific healthcare, if he/she is aware that such care may be contra-indicated. It is the responsibility of the patient to make it known or to learn through health care procedures, from whatever he/she is suffering from: latent pathological defects, illnesses or deformities which would otherwise not come to the attention of the physician. I understand that it is my responsibility to fill out my case history completely and to the best of my knowledge, and to inform the doctor of any information that is not listed on my case history. I also understand that it is my responsibility to inform the doctor of changes that may occur once I have filled out that information. I authorize V. Wade Etherton, D.C. or Bambi Dobry Etherton, D.C. to treat me. I have read and understand the foregoing. Patient’s Signature _____________________________________________Date___________________ Please inform the receptionist if the patient is under 18; a parent or guardian must sign a consent to treat a minor form. ETHERTON CHIROPRACTIC PATIENT AUTHORIZATION V. Wade Etherton, D.C. B. Dobry Etherton, D.C. 1103 Chestnut St. Murray, KY 42071 (270) 759-0030 Fax: (270) 767-0471 Patient Authorization for the Use and Disclosure of Protected Health Information 1. I have been presented a copy of the Etherton Chiropractic Notice of Privacy Policy. 2. I have read and fully understand the Etherton Chiropractic Notice of Privacy Policy. 3. I am aware I can contact the Privacy Officer at any time regarding any questions I may have concerning the Etherton Chiropractic Notice of Privacy Policy. 4. I understand I can request a limitation to the disclosure of my protected health information at any time in writing. 5. I expressly acknowledge that this authorization is voluntary. 6. I understand I may get a copy of this form by request after I sign it. 7. I understand that the information used or disclosed pursuant to this authorization, may be subject to being disclosed again by the recipient and that this information will no longer be protected by federal privacy regulations. 8. I hereby authorize Etherton Chiropractic to use and/or disclose my protected health information in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Etherton Chiropractic Notice of Privacy Policy. Name of patient ___________________________________________ (please print) Signature _____________________________________________________ Of patient or legal guardian if patient is under 18 or otherwise unable to sign for himself/herself. Date of Authorization ___________________________________________ (Authorization expires three years from date above)