WallMuse Pre-Launch Press Release

WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
Transform your spaces with virtual art exhibitions
Pre-Launch 30 March 2012
WallMuse SARL info@wallmuse.com +33 (0)1 70 70 79 91 www.wallmuse.com
WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
3 ....... About WallMuse
4 ....... WallMuse Application
5 ....... WallMuse Montages
Examples of Montages and curating on different screens
7 ....... The Catalogue / Data Base
8 ...... Digital Management Rights and Media Encryption
9 ....... A Participatory Approach to the Arts and Culture
The Public and Professional Beneficiaries
9 ....... The Art Partners
A shared business model
11 ...... The Different Users
Home usage
Art centres, museums, festivals
Teaching and e-learning
Professionals from hotels, restaurants and transport services
13 ..... WallMuse Subscriptions
14 ..... WallMuse Technology Adapted to Contemporary Arts
15 ..... WallMuse First Art Partners
16 ..... WallMuse Start-Up Key Stages
17 ..... The Team
18 ..... Contacts
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
About WallMuse
WallMuse is a multimedia application which offers, to the public and various professionals, affordable and easy access to high
quality modern and contemporary art photos and videos, visible in high definition, on various screens simultaneously, in the spaces
of their choice.
Based on the Internet, WallMuse allows an innovative approach to sharing art and documents indexed within a database, and
protecting the related rights and encrypting its media.
WallMuse facilitates access to the Arts in a participative and fun mode: users are encouraged to view or create Montages from
artworks which they represent and have access to.
WallMuse is a new tool allowing artists, curators and cultural and multimedia professionals to share art works. It facilitates
access to the Arts and the creation of Montages for all publics.
Different media (videos, photos, sound tracks, etc.) can be visualised on different screens in a complementary way,
simultaneously and interactively. The process is orchestrated in time and space as virtual art exhibitions. The HD quality and
synchronised use of different screens and projectors facilitate full screen projections and a better resolution of artworks.
WallMuse offers the possibility to access art and culture in response to current practices consisting of sharing art with various
publics and professionals such as hotels, restaurants and transport services that wish to transform their spaces into virtual art
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
WallMuse Application
WallMuse offers services to all the different users of contemporary creation and mediation:
Artists and art professionals publish their creations, indicate the associated rights, and may present their works
The public can access selected content as Montages via subscriptions, and discover new information via the open public
HD quality allows for the full screen viewing, upon multiple screens, of digitally curated artworks, at home or in public spaces
Subscribers can search the catalogue and create their own Montages, which can also be “spacialized” on different screens
Site & Home Usage Example
(See other photos)
WallMuse SARL info@wallmuse.com +33 (0)1 70 70 79 91 www.wallmuse.com
WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
WallMuse Montages
Artworks, whatever format, are indexed under various categories (title, artist, movement, format, etc).
All types of media are supported (videos, photos, sound) and optimised to support HD viewing.
Art professionals can specify the nature of artworks, the associated rights and various accessibility parameters, created as
Montages, for 1 or multiple screens, either for education or esthetical objectives, or for various curating approaches, reflecting their
collections, exhibitions and events.
Subscribers can search the Catalogue and visualise Artworks, when associated rights permit, and use them in Montage curations
synchronised with Create Montages tools. Once a Montage is made, it may be played on different screens and configured to
preference, integrating artistic content in various screen environments.
Examples of Montages and Curations using Different Screens upon a Time Line
One screen can show the artwork while another screen displays an interview with the artist. The media are synchronised within the
Montages and according to the screen environment configuration of the viewer.
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
Create Montages Screen
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
The Catalogue / Data Base
WallMuse offers users a virtual Catalogue of the Montages available. A search can be conducted using different categories and
criteria (art theme and movement, name, media, origin, etc.).
The available Montages are administered by the Art Partners: museums, art centres, galleries, artists and communities.
Search Montages Screen
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
Digital Management Rights and Media Encryption
WallMuse integrates different rights as desired by artists, their right holders or representatives. The system that manages the rights
and the encryption allows an optimal security level.
Artworks that are shared through WallMuse are filtered based on the type of rights, under a DRM system described below.
Distributed Montages are also protected and encrypted, and can only be viewed by subscribers: a unique solution to encourage
legal sharing, in respect to rights, positioning WallMuse as a credible alternative to the abusive use of artworks on the Internet.
DRM & Encryption
Country Rights
Suitable for children
Art Partners
and artists or
right holders
Access control
Commercial usage
Home or
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
A Participatory Approach to the Arts and Culture
WallMuse encourages different publics to access the arts in a participatory way: users can create Montages with their own or other
artworks, if rights permit.
With the help of various Art Partners, WallMuse will offer subscriptions to home users that will include all the tools and
documentation needed to create Montages for one or many screens, making the creation of Montages simple and intuitive.
Public and Professional Beneficiaries
WallMuse distinguishes:
 Art Partners that provide artistic and educational content (artists, curators, museums, art centre professionals, teachers,
students and involved communities), and
 End Users (home users, professional users such as hotels, restaurants, transport services (airports, train stations)
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
Art Partners
WallMuse considers those that place artistic content as Art Partners and has developed a Shared Business Model which
redistributes 50% of revenues to providers of content, either based on the number of subscribers their site generates, or from their
audience within WallMuse’s direct offer to public or professional end users.
A Shared Business Model
The Shared Business Plan allows Artists, Curators, Museums, Art Centres, Galleries and other artistic providers to generate
revenues from those directly handled by WallMuse towards public and professional end users such as hotels, restaurants
and transport services.
For example, an Artistic Partner who has produced some Montages will receive 50% of revenues generated by
WallMuse, calculated on a prorata basis from its generated audience: the more a Montage is viewed, the more it will
generate revenues.
Such revenues for each Artistic Partner are accessed online and transferred every quarter.
When the WallMuse application is installed on an Art Partners’ Web site and that it generates subscribers (through its
subdomain), 50% of these subscriptions are transferred every quarter.
Art Partners can highlight their Montages to their subscribers. If a subscriber recommends the application to other
users which subscribe, revenues will be again attributed to the Art Partners.
Each Art Partner has access to its statistics (on one hand the number of subscribers, and on the other the audience indicators) so
they can manage their money transferred (see Terms of Service).
WallMuse SARL info@wallmuse.com +33 (0)1 70 70 79 91 www.wallmuse.com
WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
The Different Users
Home Usage
Home users can access Montages to suit their tastes, configure their screens and devices, and transform their living spaces into
virtual art exhibitions.
Communities can organise Montages collectively, and share them easily with a wider group of amateurs or contributors. Rights can
be managed through Creative Commons, which facilitates decomposition and mash-ups of Montages.
Such user groups have the possibility, for example, to develop installations and original Montages for the Internet, or interior or
outdoor spaces.
Artists and Curators
Artists may directly provide content and information about their materials, organise Montages to show their works, exhibitions or
events, and constitute a reference base as direct and indirect viewers.
WallMuse offers artists and curators an ideal platform to reference their works by producing Montages that are encrypted and
handle their rights.
Artists and curators can integrate artworks and exhibitions within WallMuse’s catalogue, produce and share Montages, and benefit
from HD distribution of their activities.
Imagined as an effective solution for galleries and artists, WallMuse offers gallery managers the possibility to share their collections
and manage their artistic rights. Events can also be put online to inform subscribers.
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
Art Centres and Museums
WallMuse offers Museums and Art Centres the possibility for becoming artistic content partners. The application is designed to
manage HD, full screen and multi-screen viewing in different media formats. WallMuse offers a practical solution to managing
distribution rights as well as a robust encryption of media artworks.
WallMuse integrates artistic viewing rights, as opposed to current Internet practices.
The Shared Business Model offers the possibility for Museums and Art Partners to generate revenues from B2C and B2B space
Education and e-learning
WallMuse offers the education and learning sectors (whether interested in learning methods, multimedia research or the arts) the
possibility to create Montage discourses either individually or in collaboration with a wider group. A number of interactive contents
will be targeted to education and learning
WallMuse wishes to integrate schools and universities by offering free usage and partnerships.
Hotels, restaurants, transport services
Professional subscriptions are envisaged with public spaces so they can share artworks from WallMuse’s Montages catalogue.
Such users can include their own Montages; however this might restrict the viewing of certain Montages having rights indicating no
commercial purposes. Professional users can enhance their interiors by managing the viewing of certain Montages on various
screens and in different rooms and buildings.
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
WallMuse Subscriptions
WallMuse, is an “à la carte” application. WallMuse may be adapted to the needs of different users and offers different types of
Subscriptions to home users to enhance their interiors
A professional offer to museums and art centres, also festivals to distribute their events and collections
An offer to galleries and artist they represent
An offer for artists to present their work as well as independent curators
An offer dedicated to collaborative participative that can be shared amongst communities
An educational offer for to teachers, facilitators and learners
Hospitality & transport subscriptions for businesses that require cultural content for their pubic spaces
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
WallMuse Technology Adapted to the Contemporary Arts
The technology is adapted to modern and contemporary art:
­ All modern media formats are supported
- Slides, photos, with or without sound tracks
- Videos (most formats and codecs)
- Notes and comments on artworks
­ « Spacialization » of artworks for different screens is integrated into the application
- Montage-making tools easy to use for multiple screen viewing
- Multi screen broadcasting
- Patent entitled « Method and System for the Synchronised Broadcasting of Complementary Media on a Plurality of
Broadcasting Devices »
­ Specially optimized to support HD « live » broadcasts
­ Encryption and screen recording prevention
­ The respect of art rights managed throughout the chain
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
WallMuse First Art Partners
WallMuse is now being released to a broad range of art professionals. Its development was realised with initial Art Partners from
photo, video, performing arts and festivals. Here are some the first who have contributed to the fine tuning of the service:
The Athens House of Photography
Booze Cooperativa
Phototheatron is composed of experienced staff with an active
presence in the areas of both photography and events organizing.
This guarantees the quality of the exhibitions, lectures and
publications, as well as securing the necessary relations with both the
Greek and the international photography scene that will ensure the
participation of the most important photographers in each and every
event. A number of exhibitions and lecturers have been produced
under WallMuse
Booze Cooperativa is a public venue exhibiting young local talents
aiming to access the international film art scene. It is based in a neoclassical three floor building in central Athens, comprising 5 spaces
(basement, ground floor, loft, first floor and theatre scene) and has a
system of network projectors on the ground and 1st floors. Its spaces
have been widely used in the production of short films, TV series,
video clips, video art, documentaries etc.
Piraeus “Protect the Small, Med (sustainable fish cooking)
Athens Fringe Network
Adopted by an entire city PtS, Med will have a positive impact for the
city’s image, Its professionals, citizens, tourists and radiate the
outcomes throughout Greece and to other areas of the Mediterranean.
WallMuse will provide Montages around art and the Med by photo and
video artists of the region to restaurants and interested publics.
Synthesis Media Company, in collaboration with the Edinburgh
Festival Fringe, hosts ever year its international arts festival in
Technopolis, Athens. By adopting a successful format, young and
upcoming artists represent all art forms. This is an attempt to create
the first off-Athens network.
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
WallMuse Start-Up Key Stages
March 2009: ......
July 2009 ...........
July 2009 ...........
Dec. 2009 ..........
April 2010 ..........
Oct. 2010 ...........
Nov. 2010 ..........
May 2011 ...........
Aug. 2011 ..........
Sept. 2011 .........
Oct. 2011 ...........
Oct. 2011 ...........
Jan. 2012 ...........
Jan. 2012 ...........
Jan. 2012 ...........
Feb. 2012 ..........
Mar. 2012...........
Patent filed in France entitled Method and System for the Synchronised Broadcasting of Complementary Media
on a Plurality of Broadcasting Devices
Realisation of WallMuse’s language by Olivier Morgan
Arcadi Ile de France Cultural Funding for Multimedia to prepare WallMuse Alpha prototype
Realisation of WallMuse Alpha prototype
Preparation of R&D FP7 Proposal with different European R&D agencies (Cultural Heritage FP7-ICT-2009-6)
Realisation of website design with help of users and professional curators
Finalisation of the specifications of WallMuse Beta version with some programming
Patent approved by French INPI bureau
Pursuing WallMuse Beta programming
Creation de WallMuse SARL with a capital of 42 500 Euros
Finalisation of a first Business Plan
Fund for Innovation from Ile de France for a total of 14 700 Euros
IT and PR Preparatory Meetings in Paris for launch
Demos (Mains d'Oeuvres France) and individual training for artists and curators
CNC RIAM proposal preparation
Encryption means and architecture design to include TV and pads
Pre-launch to Art Professionals 30 March @La Cantine, in French at 9h30, in English at 11h30 CET
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WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
The Team
Alexandre Z. Khan, Conceiver, Coordinator, Marketing, Licensing; Partner
Frédéric Ortun, Integration & R&D, development of mobile/pad versions; Partner
Gerasimos Tzoganis, Front End Development & R&D; Partner
Gonzague Defos du Rau, Back End Development and R&D; Partner
Billy Chevallereau, Financial Advisor; Partner
Olga Halkidou, Montages Custom Services
Judith Lavagna, Communication
WallMuse SARL info@wallmuse.com +33 (0)1 70 70 79 91 www.wallmuse.com
WallMuse Pre-Launch to Art Professionals
Press Release
Alexandre Z. Khan, Director
+ 33 (0)1 70 70 79 91
Headquarters, France:
WallMuse SARL, 34, rue Truffaut, 75017 Paris, France
Tel. France: + 33 (0)1 70 70 79 91
Legal Representation, UK:
WallMuse c/o Celerity Accounts, 1st Floor, 55-59 Shaftesbury Avenue, London W1D 6LD UK
Tel. UK: +44 (0)20 70 99 48 01
Technical Support, Greece:
WallMuse, Porinou Street 8, 11742 Athens, Greece
Tel. Greece: +30 21 09 23 69 96
WallMuse SARL info@wallmuse.com +33 (0)1 70 70 79 91 www.wallmuse.com