Dec 24, 2004. Terrestrial biodiversity papers related to fire, ecosystem restoration, fuels management, and post-fire rehabilitation: Basic and applied science THEMES INCLUDE: Effects of fire exclusion; ecosystem restoration; fire effects; post-fire options; social research; economic research; management applications. Citations compiled between 2002 and 2004 by Patrick Daigle Biodiversity Branch, Terrestrial Ecosystem Science Section Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection All the citations contained her relate to terrestrial biodiversity in some way -- these are gleaned from a large set of biodiversity citations I’ve compiled. NOTE: Staff at MoF/WLAP/MSRM can take advantage of an electronic Table of Contents (TOC) Service. Due to limited time, during 2004, I compiled and distributed only those fire-related papers that agency staff members were NOT able to access via the library ToC Service. To perform a rudimentary search of the citations: go to EDIT, click on FIND, enter a keyword and hit FIND NEXT. You might want to try a few different keywords … to optimize your search. Obtain electronic papers from hot-linked websites. Obtain paper copies from a library. Ecological and Financial Assessment of Late Successional Reserve Mgmt. 2001. Hummel, M. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: WA, landscapes, silviculture, fire, Northern spotted owl, restoration. US-FS PNW Res. Stn. PNW-RN-531. Responses of amphibians to fire disturbance in PNW [US] forests: A review. 2002. Bury, B. et al. IN proceedings: the role of fire for nongame wildlife management and community restoration: traditional uses and new directions. US-FS NE Research Stn. GTR -NE-288 OTHER KEYWDS: stream amphibians, riparian & stream habitat, fuels mgmt, prescribed burns. Click to the proceedings, and then scroll to pages 34-42 Fire, landslides, and forest harvesting: The effects of disturbances. 1999. Cowell, D. OTHER KEYWDS: ground beetles, birds, small mammals, caribou, lichen. Cordillera 6(4): 12-17. Natural disturbance regimes in the Cariboo Forest Region: What is known to guide forest mgmt? 2000. Wong, C. Report prepared for Lignum. OTHER KEYWDS: IDF, SBPS, & SBS biogeoclimatic zones, natural variability, Dec 24, 2004. forest/grassland dynamics, fire intervals/severity/size, insects, pathogens, windthrow, aboriginal burning, recommendations. Simulating historical disturbance regimes and stand structures in old-growth ponderosa pine/Doug-fir forests. 2001. Hillis, M. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: MT, fire intervals, tree stocking, spp composition, restoration. In proceedings: [US] National silviculture workshop. US-FS Rocky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-19: 51-59. Historical stand reconstruction on ponderosa pine forest to guide silvi Rx's. 1999. Harrod, R. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: WA, fire, ponderosa pine and Doug-fir plant association types, plant association groups, stand structure, tree spatial planning (clumped/regular/random), tree stand density, restoration, tree marking guidelines. For Ecol and Mgmt 114(1999): 433-446. Understanding the connection between Historic Range of Variation, current social values, and developing Desired Future Conditions. 2001. Blocker, L. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: land use, western larch & ponderosa pine cover types, fire regimes, changes in composition & patch size, insects, pathogens, wood utilization, habitat, forage. In proceedings: [US] National silviculture wkshop. US-FS Rocky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-P-19: 51-59. Simulating historical variability in the amount of old forests, Oregon Coast Range. 2000. Wimberley, M. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: fire. Conserv Biol 14(1): 167-180. A STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT OF FIRE HAZARD IN MONTANA. 2001. Fiedler, C. et al. Joint Fire Sciences Program and the US-FS PNW Res. Stn. OTHER KEYWDS: ecological function. A Collaborative Approach for Reducing Wildland Fire Risks to Communities and the Environment: 10-Year Comprehensive Strategy. 2001. [US] Western Governor's Assn. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration. Effects of the Hatchery complex fires on N. spotted owls in the E. WA Cascades. 1997. Strand, L. et al. In First conference on fire effects on rare/endangered spp and habitats (Greenlee and Jason, eds.). Internet Assn of Wildland Fire: 123-129. OTHER KEYWDS: owl habitat, habitat reserves, fire regimes, mgmt strategies… Forest health and Spotted owls in the E Cascades of WA. 1996. McCracken, J. et al. Trans 61st N. Amer. Wildl. & Nat. Resour. Conf: 519-527. OTHER KEYWDS: fire suppression, fire refugia, dense stands, pre-settlement & current conditions. The role of disturbance in the ecology and conservation of birds. 2001. Brawn, J. et al. Annual Rev. Ecol. Syst. 32:251-276. OTHER KEYWDS: Fire, flood, and silvicultural disturbances. Dynamics of an old-growth, fire-initiated, subalpine forest in southern interior BC: tree size, age, and spatial structure. 2002. Antos, J. and R. Parish Can. J. For. Res. 32(11): 1935-1946. Climate change and forest disturbances. 2001. Dale, V. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: introduced spp, fire frequency/intensity/duration, timing of fire and drought, insects, pathogens, hurricanes, windstorms, ice storms, landslides, disturbance interactions, economic costs, strategies for dealing with disturbances. BioScience 51(9):723-734. Effects of Stand-Replacement Fire and Salvage Logging on a Cavity-Nesting Bird Community in Eastern Cascades, WA. 2001. Haggard, M. and W. Gaines. NW Sci 75. OTHER KEYWDS: snags. Social Complexity and the Management of Small-Diameter Stands. 2001. Findley, A., M. Carroll and K. Blatner. J. of Forestry 99(12). OTHER KWYWDS: restoration, silviculture, fire, social science, WA. Dec 24, 2004. Measuring Forest Restoration Effectiveness in Reducing Hazardous Fuels. 2001. Fulé P. et al. J. of Forestry 99(11):24-29. OTHER KEYWDS: thinning, enhanced crown-fire resistance, fire mgmt, AZ. 92610D028446.pdf?link= THE EFFECT OF FIRE ON THE POPULATION VIABILITY OF AN ENDANGERED PRAIRIE PLANT. 2001. Kaye, T. et al. Ecological Applications 11(5): 1366–1380. Comparisons between wildfire and forest harvesting and their implications in forest management. 2001. McRae, D. et al. Environ Rev. 9(4): 223-260. Smoke on the Hill: A Comparative Study of Wildfire and Two Communities. 2003. Blatner, K. et al. WJAF 18(1):6070. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration, wildfire, prescribed fire, social research. HANDBOOK OF CONTROL AND MITIGATION MEASURES FOR SILVICULTURAL OPERATIONS. 2000. Gallagher, A. et al. National Council for Air and Stream Improvement (NCASI) Tech Bulletin. OTHER KEYWDS: BMPs, water quality, fish, roads, riparian, harvesting, buffers, coarse woody debris, site prep, regeneration, fire mgmt, wetlands. Watershed Impacts of Logging and Wildfire: Case Studies in Canada. 2002. Pinel-Alloul, B. et al. Land and Reservoir Mgmt. 18(4): 307-318. Whitebark pine, grizzly bears and red squirrels. 2001. Mattson, D., K. Kendall, and D. Reinhart. In: Whitebark pine communities: Ecology and restoration: 121-136. Island Press. Washington, DC Long-term fire regime estimated from soil charcoal in coastal temperate rainforests. 2002. Lertzman, K. et al. Conservation Ecology 6(2): 5. OTHER KEYWDS: Clayoquot Sound, Fraser Valley. The historical ecology handbook: A restorationist's guide to reference ecosystems. 2001. Egfan, D. and E. Howell. Island Press. Fire and seedling population dynamics in western Oregon prairies. 2000. Maret, M. and M. Wilson. J of Veg Sci 11(2): 307-314. A sustainable alternative to administrative set-asides for providing late-successional forest habitat in fireregulated landscapes. 2001. Camp, A. In proceedings: Mgmt of Fire-Maintained Ecosystems: 21-23. Forestry Continuing Studies Network. OPTIMAL FIRE MANAGEMENT FOR MAINTAINING COMMUNITY DIVERSITY. 1999. Richards, S. et al. Ecol Appl 9(3): 880–892. Biomass flow in western forests: simulating the effects of fuel reduction and presettlement restoration treatments. 2001. Hollenstein, K. et al. J. of Forestry 99(10):12-19. Effects of stand composition on fire hazard in the mixed-wood Canadian boreal forest. 2000. Hely, C. et al. J of Veg Sci 11(6):813-824. The ecology and management of dead wood in western forests. 2002. Laudenslayer, W. et al, Tech Coordinators. US-FS PSW Research Station, Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-181. Includes: Fire as a Coarse Filter for Snags and Logs. Agee, J. Assessing the Effect of Fire Regime on Coarse Woody Debris. Wright, P. et al. Selection of fire-created snags at two spatial scales by cavity-nesting birds. Saab, V. et al. Dec 24, 2004. Influence of fire on the dynamics of dead woody material in forests of California and southwestern Oregon. Skinner, C. Effects of Ecosystem Restoration Treatments on Cavity-nesting Birds, Their Habitat, and Their Insectivorous Prey in Fire-maintained Forests of Southeastern BC. Machmer, M. The Role of Disturbance in Creating Dead Wood: Insect Defoliation and Tree Mortality in Northeastern Oregon. Youngblood, A. and B. Wickman. Overview of Agents and Patterns of Mortality and Resulting Coarse Woody Debris Recruitment in Western Forests. Steed, B. and M. Wagner. Dead Wood and Fire Relationships in Southwestern Oregon Western Hemlock Forests. White, D. et al. Effects of Prescribed Fire in Ponderosa Pine on Key Wildlife Habitat Components: Preliminary Results and a Method for Monitoring. Randall-Parker, T. and R. Miller. EFFECTS OF FIRE ON SENSITIVE PLANT SPECIES OF THE CLEARWATER NATIONAL FOREST: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. 2001. Lichthardt, J. Idaho Department of Fish and Game, CDC. Bird communities associated with live residual tree patches within cutblocks and burned habitat in mixedwood boreal forests. 2000. Schiek, J. and K. Hobson. CJFR 30:1281-1295. The Challenge of Restoring Natural Fire to Wilderness. 2000. Parsons, D. In: Wilderness science in a time of change conference - Volume 5: Wilderness ecosystems, threats, and management. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-15-VOL-5: 276-282. Restoration of Natural Fire to United States Wilderness Areas. 2000. Parsons, D. In proceedings: Personal, societal, and ecological values of wilderness: Sixth World Wilderness Congress proceedings on research, management, and allocation, vol. II. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-14: 42-47. Restoring Natural Fire to Wilderness: How Are We Doing? 1998. Parsons, D. and P. Landres. In proceedings: 20th Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: Fire in ecosystem management: shifting the paradigm from suppression to prescription. Allen Press: 366-373. A Burning Interest in Boreal Forests: Researchers in Alaska Link Fires with Climate Change. 2001. Senkowsky, S. BioSci 51 (11): 916- 921. Review paper: A critique of silvicultural approaches to managing defoliating insects in North America. 2000. Muzika, R and A. Liebold. Ag and Forest Entomology 2(2):97-105. OTHER KEYWDS: fire suppression, restoration. Aspen, Elk, and Fire: The Effects of Human Institutions on Ecosystem Processes. 2002. Hessl, A. BioSci 52(11): 1011-1022. Invasive plants and fire in the deserts of North America. 2001. Brooks, M. and D. Pyke. IN proceedings of the Invasive Spp Workshop: The role of fire in the spread and control of invasive spp. US_FS Tall Timbers Res Stn Misc Publication 11:1-14. Effects of fire and post-fire salvage logging on avian communities in conifer-dominated forests of the Western United States. 2002. Kotliar, N. et al. Studies in Avian Biology. 25: 49–64. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Bird counts of burned versus unburned sagebrush sites. 2002. Welch, B. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn Res Note RMRSRN-16. Annual and decadal climate forcing of historical fire regimes in the interior Pacific Northwest, USA. 2002. Heyerdahl, E. et al. The Holocene. 12(5): 597–604. Dec 24, 2004. The cascading effects of fire exclusion in Rocky Mountain ecosystems. 2002. Keane, R. et al. IN Rocky Mountain futures: an ecological perspective. Island Press: 133–152. Cascading effects of fire exclusion in the Rocky Mountain ecosystems: A literature review. 2002. Keane, R. et al. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-91. Fire suppression in threatened, endangered and sensitive species' habitats. 1997. Sheppard, G. and A. Farnsworth. In proceedings: Fire effects on rare and endangered species and habitats conference, Coeur d"Alene, ID. pp. 337-340. International Assn of Wildland Fire. Effects of fire management practices on butterfly diversity in the forested western United States. 2003. Huntzinger, M. Bio Conserv 113(1):1-12. 69998%23408119!&_cdi=5798&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=aba83054f55 93616d5ffd02c4ff86752 ECOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF FUEL MODIFICATION ON ARTHROPODS AND OTHER WILDLIFE IN AN URBANIZING WILDLAND. 2003. Longcore, T. The Urban Wildlands Group, Los Angeles, CA. The interacting effects of ungulates and fire on forest dynamics: An analysis using the model FORSPACE. 2003. Kramer, K. et al. For Ecol and Mgmt 181(1-2): 205-222. 8%23441121!&_cdi=5042&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=f522ea19662 c817fe65f47f038816613 A review of prescribed burning effectiveness in fire hazard reduction. 2003. Fernandes, P. and H. Botelho. Internat J of Wildland Fire 12(2): 117-128. Restoring Ecosystem Health in Frequent-Fire Forests of the American West. 2003. Covington, W. Ecolog Restoration 21(1). A Citizen's Call for Ecological Forest Restoration: Forest Restoration Principles and Criteria. 2003. DellaSalla, D. et al. Ecol Restoration 21(1). Small diameter timber alchemy: Can utilization pay the way towards fire resistant forests? 2000. Fried, J. et al. US-FS PSW Res Stn GTR. Rehabilitation Following Wilderness Fire Suppression Activities. No date. IN: Wilderness Manager's Toolbox. On Sponsored by the U of Montana et al. OTHER KEYWDS: hand-constructed firelines, fire access trails, helispots, staging areas, fire-fighter camps, pumpsites, rehab standards. Cabinet Complex [northwest Montana] (Case Study): Fire Suppression Rehabilitation Plan. No date. IN: Wilderness Manager's Toolbox. On Sponsored by the U of Montana et al. OTHER KEYWDS: hand-constructed firelines, other disturbed areas. Cabinet Complex [northwest Montana] - Rehab Plan Checklist and Workload. No date. IN: Wilderness Manager's Toolbox. On Sponsored by the U of Montana et al. Wilderness Fire Suppression Rehab Plan [Oregon]. No date. IN: Wilderness Manager's Toolbox. On Sponsored by the U of Montana et al. OTHER KEYWDS: higher-level plan goals, soils standards, old-growth standards, Spotted owl, hand-constructed firelines, fire access trails, tractor firelines, blasted firelines, roads, helispots, fire-fighter camps, abandoned equipments, archaeological concerns, water sources. Dec 24, 2004. MIST -- Minimum Impact [Fire] Suppression Tactics: Implementation Guidelines. No date. IN: Wilderness Manager's Toolbox. On Sponsored by the U of Montana et al. OTHER KEYWDS: camps, personal conduct, helispots, fire lines, mop-up. Restoration after wildfire: Preserving what remains. 2002. Rohden, S. Land and Water 46(5): 54-61. Vegetation Dynamics under fire exclusion and logging in a Rocky Mountain watershed: 1856-1996. 2003. Gallant, A. et al. Ecological Applications 13(2):385-403. Effect of thinning and prescribed burning on wildfire severity in ponderosa pine forests. 2002. Pollet, J. and P. Omi. International J of Wildland Fire 11:1-10. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration. Effect of fuels treatment on wildfire severity. 2002. Omi, P. and E. Martinson. Final report submitted to the Joint Fire Science Program Governing Board, March 25, 2002. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration. Effects of the Rat and Hatchery Creek [WA] fires on four rare plant spp. 1997. Harrod, R. et al. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp., Orobanche pinorum. Spotted owls and the 1994 fires on the Yakama Indian Reservation [WA]. 1997. Bevis, K. et al. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. The role of fire in sustaining Northern goshawk habitat in Rocky Mtn forests. 1997. Graham, R. et al. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp. Postfire succession in Pinus albicaulis – Abies lasiocarpa forests of southern BC. 2003. Campbell, E. and J. Antos. Can. J. Bot./Rev. Can. Bot. 81(4):383-397. Subalpine ecosystems: The roles of whitebark pine and fire. 1997. Murray, M. et al. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. The impact of post-fire seeded grasses on native vegetation communities in northern Idaho. 1997. Geier-Hayes, K. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration Wildlife habitat preservation and enrichment during and after fires. 1997. Brown, T. and L. Bright. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration, snags. Cooperative interagency forest recovery efforts: Dealing with fire's aftermath. 1997. Campbell, V. and J. Bush. Proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Threatened Spp and Habitats. Internat Assn of Wildland Fire. OTHER KEYWDS: communication, planning, monitoring, education. Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration. 2003. Omi, P. and L. Joyce (tech eds). US-FS Rocky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-P-29. Go to site, then scroll down to papers including: Performance of Fuel Treatments Subjected to Wildfires. Martinson, E. and P. Omi. Canopy Fuel Treatment Standards for the Wildland-Urban Interface. Scott, J. Aspen Response to Prescribed Fire, Mechanical Treatments, and Ungulate Herbivory. Kilpatrick, S. et al. Comparing Two Methods of Identifying Ecological Restoration Opportunities. Chew, J. Social Sciences and the Economics of Moderation in Fuels Treatment. Rideout, D. Dec 24, 2004. Costs for Reducing Fuels in Colorado Forest Restoration Projects. Lynch, D. and K. Mackes. People and Fire in Western Colorado: Methods of Engaging Stakeholders. Burns, S. et al. From Analysis Paralysis to Agency-Community Collaboration in Fuels Reduction for Fire Restoration: A Success Story. Ingalsbee, T. Hazardous Fuel Reduction in the Blue Mountains: Public Attitudes and Opinions. Toman, E. and B. Shindler. Key Issues in Fire Regime Research for Fuels Management and Ecological Restoration. Veblen, T. Mapping the Cheatgrass-Caused Departure from Historical Natural Fire Regimes in the Great Basin, USA. Menakis, J. et al. Uncertainty in Fire History and Restoration of Ponderosa Pine Forests in the Western US. Baker, W. and D. Ehle. Expectation and Evaluation of Fuel Management Objectives. M. Finney and J. Cohen. Wildland Fire Use: A Wilderness Perspective on Fuel Management. Miller, C. Fire Regime Condition Class and Associated Data for Fire and Fuels Planning: Methods and Applications. Hann, W. and D. Strohm. Wildland and prescribed fire management policy, implementation procedures reference guide. 1998. Zimmerman, T. and D. Bunnell. Sponsored by five US agencies. Timber Basin Wildfire Rehabilitation and Timber Salvage: Environmental Assessment. 2001. Ralston, B. et al. US BLM. EA Number: OR 054-01-115. . The Biscuit Fire: Management options for forest regeneration, fire and insect risk reduction, and timber salvage. Website at The Biscuit Fire: Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER). Website Evaluating the effectiveness of post-fire rehabilitation treatments. 2000. Robichaud, P. et al. US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-63. Study plan: A national study of the consequences of fire and fire surrogate treatments. 2001. Fieldler, C. University of Montana, Lubrecht Forest. Fire and fire surrogates national study: Mission Creek site, Okanagan and Wenatchee National Forests [WA]. 2001. Agee, J. et al. Assessing values of air quality and visibility at risk from wildland fires. 2003. Furguson, S. et al. US-FS PNW Res. Stn, Research Paper PNW-RP-550 Estimating historical variability of natural disturbances in BC. 2003. Wong, C. et al. BC MoF Forest Science Program Land Mgmt Hdbk 53. Soil, litter, and CWD habitats for arthropods in eastern Oregon and Washington. 2001. Niwa, C. et al. NW Sci 75:141-148. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, timber harvesting, arthropod function. Bitteroot fires 2000: An assessment of post-fire conditions with recovery recommendations. 2000. US-FS Bitteroot National Forest. OTHER KEYWDS: soils, watersheds, wildlife, plants, grasslands, invasive spp, wildland-urban interface, wilderness, etc A Strategic Assessment of Forest Biomass and Fuel Reduction Treatments in Western States. 2003. Rummer, R. et al. Dec 24, 2004. FIRE EFFECTS GUIDE. 2001. Miller, M. (ed.). [US] National Interagency Fire Center. OTHER KEYWDS: fuels, plants, wildlife, grazing mgmt, water, soils, cultural resources, air. Fire and Fire Surrogate Treatments for Ecosystem Restoration. Website Alternative ponderosa pine restoration treatments in the western US. 2001. McIver, J. et al. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-22: 104-109. Burning questions: A social science research plan for federal wildland fire mgmt. 2002. [US] National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Hands-on learning: Its effectiveness in teaching the public about wildland fire. 2003. Parkinson, T. et al. J of Forestry 101(7):21-26.;jsessionid=28g5shjnhg53r.circus?issue=infobike://saf/jof/2003 /00000101/00000007&index=7 Distance education: A new course in wildland fire ecology. 2003. Walstad, J. et al. J of Forestry 101(7): 16-20. BFEC74FE17A9.pdf?link= Fuel reduction strategies in forest communities: A longitudinal analysis of public support. 2003. Shindler, B. and E. Toman. J of Forestry 101(6): 8-15.;jsessionid=28g5shjnhg53r.circus?issue=infobike://saf/jof/2003 /00000101/00000006&index=4 Response of Vegetation to Burning in a Subalpine Forest Cutblock in Central British Columbia: Otter Creek Site. 2003. Hamilton, E. and L. Peterson. BC-FS, Research Branch Research Rpt 23. An analysis of escaped fires from broadcast burning in the Pr George Forest Region of BC. 2003. Lepine, F., C. Opio, and D. Ayers. BC J of Ecosystems and Mgmt 3(2). Fire and aquatic ecosystems of the western USA: Current knowledge and key questions. 2003. Bisson, P. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 178(1-2): 213-229. c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=4709527f01c02aa7048f1969eaf88930 Environmental Effects and Economics of Mechanized Logging for Fuel Reduction in Northeastern Oregon MixedConifer Stands. 2003. McIver, J. et al. WJAF 18(4):238-249. CB81D74E56E.pdf?link= Coarse woody debris: Managing benefits and fire hazard in the recovering forest. 2003. Brown, J. et al. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-105. OTHER KEYWDS: fire behaviour, reburn severity Influences on Prescribed Burning Activity and Costs in the [US] National Forest System. 2001. Cleaves, D. et al. US-FS S Res Stn GTR-SRS-37. OTHER KEYWDS: costs, concerns, barriers to prescribed burning. Dec 24, 2004. The Economics of Prescribed Burning: A Research Review. 2000. Hesseln, H. Forest Sci 46(3):322-334. OTHER KEYWDS: wildland-urban interface, risk mgmt, cost/benefit, cost effectiveness. 8736080F7B.pdf?link= Western forest, fire risk, and climate change. 2004. Rapp, V. US-FS PNW Res. Stn. Science Update 6. After the fires: The ecology of change in Yellowstone National Park. 2004. Wallace, L. (ed.). Yale U Press. OTHER KEYWDS: ecosystem response, wildlife, landscape ecology, ecosystem resilience. Surprise and lessons from the Yellowstone fires. 2003. Turner, M. et al. Frontiers in Ecol and the Environ 1(7): 351358. OTHER KEYWDS: role of Coarse Woody Debris, aspen, post-fire veg, heterogeneity. Reduction of fire hazard through thinning/ residue disposal in the urban interface. 1998. Kalabokidis, K. and P. Omi. Internat J of Wildland Fire 8(1):29-35. OTHER KEYWDS: fuel types, slash treatments, crown fire potential, Colorado. Factors influencing [US] Forest Service managers' risk behaviour. 1990. Cortner, H. et al. Forest Sci 36(3):531-548. OTHER KEYWDS: prescribed fire, motivation, avoiding risk, taking risk, decision making, wildland-urban interface. Fire hazards at the urban-wildland interface: What the [US] public expects. 1990. Cortner, H. et al. Environ Mgmt 14(1):57-62. OTHER KEYWDS: public and home-owner awareness, knowledge, perceptions and risk. Forging a Science-Based [U.S.] National Forest Fire Policy. 2003. Franklin, J. and J. Agee. Issues in Sci and Technology, fall 2003. WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT: Additional Actions Required to Better Identify and Prioritize Lands Needing Fuels Reduction. 2003. U.S. GAO. GAO- 03-805. Wildland Fires: Forest Service's Removal of Timber Burned by Wildland Fires. 2003. U.S. GAO. GAO-03-808R. OTHER KEYWDS: salvage logging. WILDLAND FIRE MANAGEMENT: Reducing the Threat of Wildland Fires Requires Sustained and Coordinated Effort.. 2002. U.S. GAO. GAO-02-843T. Salvage Harvesting Policies after Natural Disturbance. 2004. D. B. Lindenmayer, D. et al. Science 303: 1303. Influencing public attitudes toward prescribed fire policies. 1997. Bright, A. In proceedings: Environmental Regulation and Prescribed Fire: Legal and Social Challenges. Center for Pro Development, Florida State U. OTHER KEYWDS: persuasion theory, communication, influence factors. Effects of fire and post-fire salvage logging on avian communities in conifer-dominated forests of the western US. 2002 Kotiar, N. et al. Studies in Avian Biology 25:49-64. Science Basis for Changing Forest Structure to Modify Wildfire Behavior and Severity. 2004. Graham, R. et al. USFS Rocky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-120. Bridging the Worlds of Fire Managers and Researchers: Lessons and Opportunities from the Wildland Fire Workshops. 2004. White S. OTHER KEYWDS: fuels, fire regimes, fire behaviour, fire effects, climate, listed spp, invasive spp, erosion, water quality, smoke, decision-making, Oregon, Colorado, Arizona, partnerships. Dec 24, 2004. Fire on the Mountain: Birds and Burns in the [US] Rocky Mountains. 2003. Kotiar, N. et al. US-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Tech Rpt PSW-191. Relationships of Fire Ecology and Avian Communities in North America. 2003. Saab, V. et al. US-FS Pacific Southwest Research Station, General Tech Rpt PSW-191. Protecting people and sustaining resources in fire-adapted ecosystems: A cohesive strategy. 2000. Laverty, L. and J Williams. US Forest Service Management response to the US Govt Accounting Office Report GAO/RCED-99-65. Wildfire Suppression: Strategies for containing costs. 2002. Gadsby, J.W. et al. A Report by a Panel of the [US] National Academy of Public Administration. OTHER KEYWDS: fuel mgmt, risk 1/$FILE/WILDFIRE+SUPPRESSION+Report+Sept+02.pdf Improving Fire Hazard Assessment at the Urban-Wildland Interface: Case Study in South Lake Tahoe, CA. 2002. de Jong, L. US-FS PSW Res Stn, Center for Urban Forest Research, Internal Report FIRE 1. Preparing a Community Wildfire Protection Plan: A Handbook for Wildland–Urban Interface Communities. 2004. Developed by five US organizations. OTHER KEYWDS: fuel mgmt, risk, priorities, step-by-step approach. Testing a basic assumption of shrubland fire mgmt: How important is fuel age? 2004. Moritz, M. et al. Frontiers in Ecol & the Environment 2(2):67-72. Wildlife Considerations for Small Diameter Timber Harvesting. 2002. Lehmkuhl, J. et al. In proceedings: Small diameter timber symposium. OTHER KEYWDS: fuel mgmt, source/ sink habitats, seral stages, birds, guidelines. Thinning and prescribed fire and projected trends in wood product potential, financial return, and fire hazard in Montana. 2004. Barbour, J. et al. US-FS PNW Res. Stn. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-606. OTHER KEYWDS: ecosystem restoration. Restoration of landscape function: reserves or active management? 2003. CAREY, A. Forestry 76(2): 221-230. OTHER KEYWDS: old growth, Flames in our forest: disaster or renewal? 2002. Arno, S. and S. Allison-Bunnell. Island Press. OTHER KEYWDS: economics, fuel reduction, Rx fire, risks, benefits. Chapter 9: Fire-prone forests: can we adapt to them? Chapter 10: Restoring nature's creative force National conference on the social acceptability of fuel treatments on western public lands. 2001. Burchfield, J. Bolle Center for People and Forests: Missoula, MT. Modifying wildfire behavior--the effectiveness of fuel treatments: The status of our knowledge. 2003. Carey, H. and M. Schumann. The Forest Trust, Southwest Community Forestry Research Center, Southwest Region Working Paper 2. OTHER KEYWDS: thinning, ponderosa pine, Rx fire. Fuel reduction in lodgepole pine stands in Banff National Park. 1999. Hirsch, K. and I. Pengelly. In conference proceedings: Crossing the millennium: Integrating spatial technologies and ecological principals for a new age in fire management. U. of Idaho and International Association of Wildland Fire. Fire and fire-suppression impacts on forest-soil carbon. 2003. Page-Dumroese, D. et al. In: The potential of U.S. forest soils to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect; Chapter 13: 201-210. CRC Press. Dec 24, 2004. Multiresource effects of a stand-replacement prescribed fire in the Pinus contorta-Abies lasiocarpa vegetation zone of central Washington. 2002. Tiedemann, A. and P. Woodard. US-FS Gen. Tech. Rpt. PNW-GTR-535. OTHER KEYWDS: birds, soils, small mammals, elk. Dealing with public concerns in restoring fire to the forest. 2002. Weldon, L. Tree Farmer. March/April: 35-37. Reintroducing fire in eastside ponderosa pine forests: A long-term test of fuel treatments. 1999. Youngblood, A. and G. Riegel. In proceedings: Joint Fire Science conference and workshop, U. of Idaho and the International Association of Wildland Fire: 142-150. Wilderness Fire Science: A State-of-Knowledge Review. 2000. Agee, J. IN proceedings: Wilderness science in a time of change. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-P-15. 5 volumes. 2000. OTHER KEYWDS: fire regimes, models, ecology, and behaviour... Mixed-Severity Fire Regimes in the Northern Rocky Mountains: Consequences of Fire Exclusion and Options for the Future. 2000. Arno, S. et al. IN proceedings: Wilderness science in a time of change. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-P-15. 5 volumes. OTHER KEYWDS: historical conditions, current conditions, trends, restoration strategies Fire-Climate Interactions in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness Area [MT]. 2000. Kipfmueller, K. and T. Swetnam. IN proceedings: Wilderness science in a time of change. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-P-15. 5 volumes. OTHER KEYWDS: drought The Challenge of Restoring Natural Fire to Wilderness. 2000. Parsons, D. IN proceedings: Wilderness science in a time of change. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn, RMRS-P-15. 5 volumes. OTHER KEYWDS: issues, options Historical meadow dynamics in southwest BC: A multidisciplinary analysis. 2003. Lepofsky, D. et al. Conservation Ecology 7(3): 5. OTHER KEYWDS: forest encroachment, fire suppression Effects of uncertainties about stand-replacing natural disturbances on forest-management projections. 2004. Sutherland, G. et al. BC J for Ecosystems and Mgmt 4(2). Restoring Indian-Set Fires to Prairie Ecosystems on the Olympic Peninsula. 2003. Ecol Restoration 21(4): 296-301. Reducing fire hazard: balancing costs and outcomes. 2004. Rapp, V. US-FS PNW Res Stn Sci Update 7. Southwest Oregon Biscuit Fire. An Analysis of Forest Resources and Fire Severity. 2004. Azuma, D. et al. US-FS PNW Res Stn Res. Pap. PNW-RP-560. OTHER KEYWDS: inventory, rehabilitation. WILDLAND FIRE USE: THE DILEMMA OF MANAGING AND RESTORING NATURAL FIRE AND FUELS IN US WILDERNESS. 2004. Parsons, D., P. Landres, and C. Miller. IN proceedings of Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress of Fire Ecology, Prevention, and Mgmt. Tall Timbers Research Stn Misc Publication 13. OTHER KEYWDS: fire mgmt plans, restoration, prescribed fire Towards ecological forestry: A proposal for Indicators of Sustainable Forest Mgmt inspired by natural disturbances. 2000. Kneeshaw, D. et al. Sustainable Forest Mgmt Network, Edmonton. Emulating Natural Forest Landscape Disturbances: Concepts and Applications. 2004. Perera, A. et al. (editors). Columbia U Press. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, insects, BC, Pacific Northwest. This book includes the following chapters (and more): Dec 24, 2004. Emulating Natural Forest Disturbance: What Does This Mean? Kimmins, JP. The Ecological and Genetic Basis for Emulating Natural Disturbance in Forest Management: Theory Guiding Practice. Thompson, I. and A. Harestad. Predicting Fire Regimes at Multiple Scales. Keane, R. et al. Empirical Approaches to Modeling Wildland Fire in the Pacific Northwest Region of the US: Methods and Applications to Landscape Simulation. McKenzie, D. et al. Simulating Forest Fire Regimes in the Foothills of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. Li, C. Using Criteria Based on the Natural Fire Regime to Evaluate Forest Management in the Oregon Coast Range of the US. Wimberly, M. et al. Using a Decision Support System to Estimate Departures of Present Forest Landscape Patterns from Historical Conditions: An Example from the Inland Northwest Region of the US. Hessburg, P. et al. Emulating Natural Forest Disturbance in the Wildland--Urban Interface of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of the US. Romme, W. et al. Consequences of Emulating Natural Forest Disturbance: A Canadian Forest Industry Perspective. 2004. Hebert, D. Emulating Natural Forest Landscape Disturbances: A Synthesis. 2004. Perera, A. et al. Comparing potential fuel treatment trade-off models. 2003. Weise, D. et al. In proceedings: Systems analysis in forest resources: 15-25. Kluwer Academic Publishers. OTHER KEYWDS: fire behaviour, smoke, succession, alternatives simulated are prescribed fire, timber harvest, no treatment, Montana. Combining simulation and optimization for evaluating the effectiveness of fuel treatments for four different fuel conditions at landscape scales. 2003. Chew, J. et al. In proceedings: Systems analysis in forest resources: 35-46. Kluwer Academic Publishers. OTHER KEYWDS: risks, fire, insects, disease, prescribed fire, timber harvest, Montana. Determining forest fuel treatment levels for the Bitteroot Front using Vegetation Dynamics Development Tool (VDDT). 2003. In proceedings: Systems analysis in forest resources: 47-59. Kluwer Academic Publishers. OTHER KEYWDS: risk, fire. Habitat patterns in forested landscapes: Management practices and the uncertainty associated with natural disturbances. 2000. Klenner, W., W. Kurz, and S. Beukema. Cmptrs and Electronics in Agric 27(1-3):243-262. 729998%23198631!&_cdi=5006&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=2335d a4e3490aead0d8f0db1df04f70a Wildfire and Conservation in the Western US. 2004. Williams, J. and D. DellaSala (editors). Conservation Biology 18(4). Papers include: Death Rides the Forest: Perceptions of Fire, Land Use, and Ecological Restoration of Western Forests. Kauffman, B. Wildfire Policy and Public Lands: Integrating Scientific Understanding with Social Concerns across Landscapes. Dombeck, M. et al. Climatic Change, Wildfire, and Conservation. McKenzie, D. et al. Forest Restoration and Fire: Principles in the Context of Place. Brown, R., J. Agee, J. Franklin. Impacts of Fire-Suppression Activities on Natural Communities. Backer, D. et al. Dec 24, 2004. Postfire Seeding for Erosion Control: Effectiveness and Impacts on Native Plant Communities. Beyers, J. Postfire Management on Forested Public Lands of the Western US. Beschta, R. et al. Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: a Synthesis of Fire Policy and Science. DellaSala, D. et al. Simulated indigenous mgmt: A new model for ecological restoration in [US] National Parks. 2003. Anderson, M.K. and M. Barbour. Ecol Restor 21(4): 269-277. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, disturbances, plant dispersal, plant genes. Effects of Prescribed Fire and Season of Burn on Recruitment of the Invasive Exotic Plant, Potentilla recta, in a Semiarid Grassland. 2003. Lesica, P. and B. Martin. Restoration Ecology 11(4): 516 OTHER KEYWDS: Montana. Initial Effects of Prescribed Fire on Morphology, Abundance, and Phenology of Forbs in Big Sagebrush Communities in Southeastern Oregon. 2003. Wrobleski, D. and B. Kauffman. Restoration Ecology 11(1): 82 Wildfire, Fuel Reduction, and Herpetofaunas across Diverse Landscape Mosaics in [US] Northwestern Forests. Bury, B. Conservation Biology 18(4). OTHER KEYWDS: frogs, salamanders, lizards, snakes. A Collaborative Fire Hazard Reduction/ Ecosystem Restoration Stewardship Project in a Montana Mixed Ponderosa Pine/Douglas-Fir/ Western Larch Wildland Urban Interface. 2004. Slaughter, S. et al. In Silviculture in special places: Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-34. Effectiveness of needle cast at reducing erosion after forest fires. 2003. Pannkuk, C. and P. Robichaud. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH 39(12). Shrub Response from Prescribed Burns on the Lolo National Forest [western Montana]: Net Changes in Ungulate Forage Production, Relationship to Residual Conifer Density and Fire Severity, and Strategies for Successful Burning. 1999. Hillis, and V. Applegate. In proceedings: Wildlife Society Fire Effects Symposium. Is Forest Structure Related To Fire Severity? Yes, No, and Maybe: Methods and Insights in Quantifying the Answer. 2004. Jain, T. and R. Graham. In Silviculture in special places: Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-34. OTHER KEYWDS: research methods. Invertebrate biodiversity, forestry and emulation of natural disturbance: A down-to-earth perspective. 1999. Spence, J. et al. In proceedings: PNW Forest and Rangeland Soil Organism symposium. US-FS PNW Res Stn, PNWGTR-461: 80-90. Landscape Fire Simulation and Fuel Treatment Optimization. 2004. Finney, M. IN: Methods for Integrated Modeling of Landscape Change: Interior Northwest Landscape Analysis System. US-FS PNW Res Stn GTR 610, Chpt 9: 117-131. Disturbance departure and fragmentation of natural systems in the [US] interior Columbia basin. 2003. Hann, W. et al. US-FS PNW Res Stn Res. Pap. PNW-RP-545. Aspen Response to Prescribed Fire, Mechanical Treatments, and Ungulate Herbivory. 2003. Kilpatrick, S. et al. IN Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-29: 93-102. OTHER KEYWDS: elk, moose, deer. Dec 24, 2004. Comparing Two Methods of Identifying Ecological Restoration Opportunities. 2003. Chew, J. IN Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-29: 135-142. The Post-Burning Response of Bark Beetles to Prescribed Burning Treatments. 2003. Ganz, D. et al. IN Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-29: 143-158. Costs for Reducing Fuels in Colorado Forest Restoration Projects. 2003. Lynch, D. and K. Mackes. IN Fire, fuel treatments, and ecological restoration: Conference proceedings. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-P-29: 167-176. OTHER KEYWDS: economics. Fuel treatments at the Wildland-Urban Interface: Common concerns in diverse regions. 2002. Winter, G. et al. J of Forestry 100(1):15-21. 519533FA623.pdf?link= Spotted owls and the 1994 fires on the Yakama Indian Reservation. 1997. Bevis, K. et al. In proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Endangered Spp and Habitats, Coeur d'Alene, ID. Internat. Assoc. of Wildland Fire. Effects of the Hatchery Complex Fires on Northern Spotted Owls in the Eastern Washington Cascades. 1997. Gaines, W. et al. In proceedings: Fire effects on Rare and Endangered Spp and Habitats, Coeur d'Alene, ID. Internat. Assoc. of Wildland Fire. Baked Apple Fire Salvage: FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT UMPQUA NATIONAL FOREST. 2004. Anderson, D. et al. OTHER KEYWDS: Spotted owl, snag & green tree retention, other wildlife & habitat, approx 100,000 cubic metres salvage logged (~ 3000 truckloads). Spotted Owl use of Habitat Impacted by 1994 Fires on the Yakama Indian Reservation: Three Years Post-Fire. 1998. King, G. Presented at: Fire Effects on Rare and Endangered Species and Habitats Conference, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. Assessing the Need, Costs, and Potential Benefits of Prescribed Fire and Mechanical Treatments to Reduce Fire Hazard in Montana and New Mexico. 2001. Barbour, J. et al. US-FS PNW Res Stn OTHER KEYWDS: fuels. Black-backed Woodpecker Picoides arcticus: Priority Habitat and Species Management Recommendations. 2003. Lewis, J. et al. Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife. OTHER KEYWDS: bark beetle salvage, post-fire salvage. Resource Advisor's Guide for Wildland Fire. 1996. Anon. [US] National Interagency Fire Center. OTHER KEYWDS: job duties/responsibilities/qualifications, resource values (e.g., habitat, parks, listed spp, archaeological sites, riparian areas, water, recreation, etc), resource impact assessment, Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics, etc. Postfire mortality of ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir: a review of methods to predict tree death. 2004. Fowler, J. and C. Sieg. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn, Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-132. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Dec 24, 2004. Restoring western ranges and wildlands. 2004. Monsen, S. et al. (compilers). US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn, Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-136. Volumes 1, 2, and 3. OTHER KEYWDS: invasive and native spp. Historical Variability of Natural Disturbances in BC: A Literature Review. 2004. Wong, C., H. Sandmann, and B. Dorner. Forest Research Extension Partnership, FORREX Series 12. Natural Disturbance-Based Silviculture for Restoration and Maintenance of Biological Diversity. 2003? Mitchell, R. et al. [US] National Council for Science and the Environment. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp, biological legacies, fire, insects, disease, wind, BC, PNW. Effects of uncertainties about stand-replacing natural disturbances on forest-management projections. 2004. Sutherland, G. et al. FORREX J of Ecosystems and Mgmt 4(2). OTHER KEYWDS: fire, insects, timber harvest Fire effects on belowground sustainability: A review and synthesis. 1999. Neary, D. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 122: 51-71. Fire ecology of the forest Habitat Types of northern Idaho. 1997. Smith, J. and Fischer, W. US-FS Intermountain Res Stn, INT-GTR-363. OTHER KEYWDS: fuels, CWD, soils, hydrology, insects, disease, air quality Post wildfire evaluation to restore or maintain ecosystem health. 1997. US-FS Northern Region, Forest and Rangeland Mgmt. Case Studies in Silviculture. The use of fire in forest restoration. 1996. Hardy, C. and Arno, S. (eds.). US-FS Intermountain Res Stn, INT-GTR-341. OTHER KEYWDS: mgmt goals, planning, whitebark pine, late-successional forests, parks, ponderosa pine, riparian, wildland-urban interface, public concerns, Douglas-fir, Garry oak. Integration of wildland fire mgmt into land mgmt planning: A desk guide. 1997. Anon. US-FS Fire and Aviation Mgmt Staff. Washington, DC. Wildland fire in ecosystems: Effects of fire on fauna. 2000. Smith, J. US-FS Rky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-42, volume 1. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on flora. 2000. Brown, J. and Smith, J. (eds.). US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-42, Volume 2. Data base for early postfire succession in Northern Rocky Mountain forests. 2000. Stickney, P. and Campbell, R. Jr. US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-61CD. FireWorks curriculum featuring ponderosa, lodgepole, and whitebark pine forests. 2000. Smith, J. and McMurray, N. US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-65. OTHER KEYWDS: public school education Exploring information needs for wildland fire and fuels management. 2004. Miller, C. and Landres, P. US-FS Rcky Mtn res Stn RMRS-GTR-127. OTHER KEYWDS: Biophysical variables, social variables, risks, benefits, wildlife, ecosystems Dec 24, 2004. Managing the unexpected in prescribed fire and fire use operations: A workshop on the High Reliability Organization. 2004. Keller, P. (tech. ed.). US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-137. Eighty-eight years of change in a managed ponderosa pine forest. 1999. Smith, H. and Arno, S. US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-23. OTHER KEYWDS: prescribed fire, succession Burning questions: A social science research plan for {US] federal wildland fire mgmt. 2002. Machlis, G. et al. Report to the National Wildfire Coordinating Group. OTHER KEYWDS: social, economic and cultural variables, health and safety, organizational capacity, decision-making, public values, attitudes, behaviours, communication. Conifer density increases in semi-desert habitats of BC in the absence of fire. 2001. Turner, J. and Krannitz, P. NW Sci 75(2): 176-182. Natural disturbance ecology. 1998. Parminter, J. IN: Conservation biology principles for forested landscapes. UBC Press. Pp. 3-41. Rebuilding our connections with the land: Ecological restoration in BC. 2002. Gayton, D. FORREX brochure. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Ground work: Basic concepts of ecological restoration in BC. 2001. Gayton, D. SIFERP Series 3. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Spatial controls of historical fire regimes: A multiscale example from the interior west, USA. 2001. Heyerdahl, E. et al. Ecology 82(3): 660-678. The effects of thinning and similar stand treatments on fire behavior in Western forests. 1999. Graham, R. et al. US-FS PNW Res Stn PNW-GTR-463. Restoration in [US] northwest interior forests. 2000. Hardy, C. et al. In proceedings: Trans 64th N Amer Wildl and Natur Resource Conf. The interaction of fire, fuels, and climate across Rocky Mtn forests. 2004. Schoennagel, T. et al. BioSci 54(7): 661676. Wildfire in Montana: Potential hazard reduction ands economic effects of a strategic treatment program. 2002. Keegan, C. et al. Montana Business Quarterly 40(3): 2-7. Fire hazard and potential treatment effectiveness: A statewide assessment in Montana. 2003. Fiedler, C. J of Forestry 101(2): 7. Overcoming America’s wood deficit: An overlooked option. 2001. Fiedler, C. et al. BioSci 51(1): 53-58. Fire and land management planning and implementation across multiple scales. 2001. Hann, W. and Bunnell, D. Internat J of Wildland Fire 10:389-403. Regional synchronicity in fire regimes of the western Cascades, USA. 2003. Weisberg, P. and Swanson, F. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 172: 17-28. The fires this time, and next. 2001. Pyne, S. Science 294: 1005. Dec 24, 2004. Fire disturbance effects in subalpine forests of north-central Washington. 2001. Schellhaas, R. et al. US-FS Region 6, Okanagan and Wenatchee National Forests. Fire dating from tree rings in western Cascades Douglas-fir forests: An error analysis. 2001. Weisberg, P. and Swanson, F. NW Sci 75(2): 145-156. Vegetation response after wildfires in national forests in northeastern Oregon. 1998. Johnson, C. US-FS PNW Region, R6-NR-ECOL-TP-06-98. Yellowstone fires: A decade later. 1999. Baskin, Y. BioSci 49(2): 93-97. Economics and environmental effects of fuel reduction at Limber Jim. 1998. McIver, J. Blue Mtns Natural Resources Instit Tech Note BMNRI-TN-10. Restoration of degraded lands in the interior Columbia River basin: Passive vs. active approaches. 2001. McIver, J. and Starr, L. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 153(1-3): 15-28. Fire prevention marketing guide. 1996. Anon. US National Fire Coordinating Group. OTHER KEYWDS: public education, building a marketing plan [US] Interagency Fire Education Initiative. Website. US National Park Service. Uncertainty in Fire History and Restoration of Ponderosa Pine Forests in the Western US. 2001. Baker, W. and D. Ehle. CJFR 31: 1205-1226. The management of insects, diseases, fire, and grazing and implications for terrestrial invertebrates using riparian habitats in eastern Oregon and Washington. 2001. Wales, B. NW Sci 75: 119-127. Fire risk in east-side forests. 2002. Rapp, V. Science Update 2. w Benefits of hindsight: Re-establishing fire on the landscape. 2001. Duncan, S. Science Findings 36. Influence of forest structure on wildfire behaviour and the severity of its effects. 2003. Anon. US-FS The role of indigenous burning in land mgmt. 2001. Kimmerer, R. and F. Kanawha Lake. J of Forestry 99(11): 36-41. A145C5795466.pdf?link= Refinancing and Restructuring Federal Fire Management. 2001. Hesseln H. J of Forestry 99(11): 4-8. C51C76F1999.pdf?link= What Is the Price of Catastrophic Wildfire? 2001. Butry, D. et al. J of Forestry 99(11): 9-17. 9A9A744E3BC.pdf?link= Dec 24, 2004. Measuring Forest Restoration Effectiveness in Reducing Hazardous Fuels. 2001. Fulé P. et al. J of Forestry 99(11): 24-29. 92610D028446.pdf?link= A comparison of three techniques to date stand-replacing fires in lodgepole pine forests. 1998. Kipfmueller, K. and W. Baker. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 104: 171-177. Twenty myths about wildland fire history. 2000. Barrett, S. Fire Mgmt Today 60(2): 23-25. Introduction to Aboriginal fire use in North America. 2000. Williams, G. Fire Mgmt Today 60(3): 8-12. Reintroducing Indian-type fire: Implications for land managers. 2000. Williams, G. Fire Mgmt Today 60(3): 40-48. Where have all the fires gone? 2000. Pyne, J. Fire Mgmt Today 60(3): 4-6. Reintroducing fire in eastside ponderosa pine forests: Long-term silvicultural practices. 1999. Youngblood, A. and G. Riegel. . In proceedings: Joint Fire Science conference and workshop, U. of Idaho and the International Association of Wildland Fire: 291-298. Old growth ponderosa pine and western larch stand structures: Influences of pre-1900 fires and fire exclusion. 1997. Arno, S. et al. US-FS Intermountain Res Stn INT-GTR-495. How to build a fire exclusion map. 2000. Barrett, S and J. Ingebretson. Fire Mgmt Today 60(2): 26-30. Homeowner perspectives on fire hazard, responsibility, and management strategies at the Wildland-Urban Interface. 2000. Winter, G. and J. Fried. Society and Natural Resources 13: 33-49. Postfire logging: Is it beneficial to a forest? 2002. Duncan, S. US-FS PNW Res Stn Science Findings 47. Fire history in the ponderosa pine/ Douglas-fir forests on the east slope of the Washington Cascades. 2000. Everett, R. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 129: 207-225. Solution of forest health problems with prescribed fire: Are forest productivity and wildlife at risk? 2000. Tiedemann, A. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 127:1-18. Biomass Flow in Western Forests: Simulating the Effects of Fuel Reduction and Presettlement Restoration Treatments. 2001. Hollenstein, K. et al. J of Forestry 99(1)): 12-19. 68EDA824EE.pdf?link= Public perspectives on prescribed fire and mechanical thinning. 1997. Shindler, B. Blue Mtns Natural Resources Institute Tech Note BMNRI-TN-9. The effects of prescribed burning on mountain pine beetle in lodgepole pine. 2001. Safranyik, L. et al. Cdn Forest Service PFC Info Rpt BC-X-391. Public perceptions of fire management in BC Provincial Parks. 2004. Dycke, B. et al. Presented at 5th International SAAMPA Conference: Making Ecosystem Mgmt Work. Dec 24, 2004. Understory biomass reducion m,ethods and equipment. 2000. Windell, K. and S. Bradshaw. US-FS Tech and Development Program 0051-2828-MTDC. OTHER KEYWDS: restoration. Tree encroachment in the south Okanagan and lower Similkameen valleys of BC. 2000. Turner, J. and P. Krannitz. In procedings: From science to mgmt and back. FORREX Series No. 1. Mapping fuels and fire regimes using remote sensing, ecosystem simulation, and gradient modeling. 2004. Rollins, M. et al. Ecol Applications 14(1): 75-95. Fire and vegetation history in the esatern Cascade mountains, Washington. Wright, C. and J. Agee. Ecol Applications 14(2): 443-459. Long-term fire retardants: A review of quality, effectiveness, application and environmental considerations. 2004. Giminez, A. et al. Internat J of Wildland Fire 13: 1-15. llTextIndex=1&RemoteURL=http%3A%2F%2Fcontent%2Eebsco%2Ecom%2FLink%2Easp%3Fformat%3Dfulltext%26ciid %3D5864791%26ftindex%3D1 The economic impacts of fire risk-related biomass reductions on [US] government lands. 2002. Prestemon, J. et al. In proceedings: Small diamter timber: Resource mgmt, manufacturing and markets. Postfire erosional processes in the Pacific Northwest and Rocky Mountain regions. 2003. Wondzell, S. and J. King. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 178: 75-87. A Case Study on the Economics of Thinning in the Wildland Urban Interface. 2004. Larson D. and R. Mirth. WJAF 19(1): 60-65. Fire and amphibians in North America. 2003. Pilliod, D. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 178(1-2): 163-181. 219998%23429536!&_cdi=5042&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=6a72e 1f655172b614bd60e694f0daa6c Status of native fishes in the western United States and issues for fire and fuels management. 2003. Rieman, B. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 178(1-2): 197-211. 219998%23429536!&_cdi=5042&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=c7924 c7cb351b5be3f03ed789ede83c5 Fire and riparian ecosystems in landscapes of the western USA. 2003. Dwire, K. and J.B. Kauffman. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 178(1-2): 61-74. 19998%23429536!&_cdi=5042&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=9b2cac 12bcc842b5d67d4481f33f4e92 Dec 24, 2004. The role of climate and vegetation change in shaping past and future fire regimes in the northwestern US and the . implications for ecosystem management 2003. Whitlock, C. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 178(1-2): 5-21. 19998%23429536!&_cdi=5042&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=ab043c 600b31f61aaa5f530b4b25b555 Applying landscape principles to fire hazard reduction. 2004. Loehle, C. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 198(1-3): Pages 261267. 8%23512218!&_cdi=5042&view=c&_acct=C000045965&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=852502&md5=f742e747238 c94980c6deadd8a264b86 Fighting Fire with Education: What Is the Best Way to Reach Out to Homeowners? 2004. McCaffrey, S. J of Forestry 102(5): 12-19. Wildland fire in ecosystems: effects of fire on air. 2002. Sandberg, D. et al. US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn RMRS-GTR-42vol. 5. Fire regimes in the [US] northern Rockies. 2004. Barrett, S. Fire Mgmt Today 64(2): 32-38. Coping with Interface Wildfire as a Human Event: Lessons from the Disaster/ Hazards Literature. 2004. Kumagai, Y. et al. J of Forestry 102(6): 128-132. F3EA269F19C.pdf?link= Community Wildfire Protection Plans from Four Angles. 2004. Newman, C. J of Forestry 102(6): 4-7. BA417A4923F2.pdf?link= Examining Social Trust in Fuels Management Strategies. 2004. Winter, G. et al. J of Forestry 102(6): 8-15. C1F6EFB85088.pdf?link= Effects of Wildfire on Soils and Watershed Processes. 2004. Ice, G. et al. J of Forestry 102(6): 16-20. EBF6C854C58.pdf?link= The Effect of the Wildland-Urban Interface on Prescribed Burning Costs in the Pacific Northwestern US. 2004. Berry, A. and H. Hesseln. J of Forestry 102(6): 33-37 E7F9C4CCD4B5.pdf?link= Incentives and Timing of Prescribed Fire for Wildfire Risk Management. 2004. Yoder, J. and K. Blatner. J of Forestry 102(6): 38-41 Dec 24, 2004. bin/ds_deliver/1/u/d/ISIS/14940503.1/saf/jof/2004/00000102/00000006/art00008/73D185602DDB29D211030568056E71 A6EEB5AF491F.pdf?link= Causal Reasoning Processes of People Affected by Wildfire: Implications for Agency-Community Interactions and Communication Strategies. 2004. Carroll, M. et al. WJAF 19(3): 184-194. 67141D5951472.pdf?link= Understory response to fuel reduction treatkments in the Blue Mountains of northeastern Oregon. 2004. Metlen, K. et al. NW Sci 78(3): 175-185. What Do Forest Fires Really Cost? 2004. Lynch, D. J of Forestry 102(6): 42-49. D4F1431B1CD5.pdf?link= Importance of non-stand-replacing fier for development of forest structure in the Pacific Northwest, USA. 2003. Weisberg, P. Forest Sci 50(2): 245-258. Effects of invasive alien species on fire regimes. 2004. Brooks, M. et al. BioSci 54(7): 677-688. Applegate [Oregon] Fire Plan. Website. Preparing a community wildfire protection plan: A handbook for Wildland-Urban Interface communities. 2004. Using fire history models to estimate proportions of old growth forest in northwest Montana, USA. 1996. Lesica, P. Biological Conservation 77(1): 33-39. Interagency wildland fire key messages. 2004. National Wildfire Coordinating Group, Wildland fire education working team. Beyond smoke and mirrors: A synthesis of fire policy and science. 2004. Dellasalla, D. et al. Conserv Biol 18(4): 976-. The homeowner’s FireSmart manual: Protect your home from wildfire. BC Forest Service Protection Program. Guidelines for Developing and Managing Ecological Restoration Projects. Website. 2000. Clewell, A. et al. Continuity in fire disturbance between riparian and adjacent sideslopes in the Douglas-fire forest series. 2000. Everett, R. et al. US-FS publication Assessing the impacts of severe fire on forest ecostystem recovery. 2000. Cromack, K. et al. J of Sustainable Forestry 11(1/2): 177-228. Thinning, fire and forest restoration: A science-based approach for national forests in the interior northwest. 2000. Brown, R. Defenders of Wildlife. West Kootenay prescribed burns evaluation. 2002. Poole, K. et al. BC Water, Land and Air Protection, Kootenay Region, Nelson. Dec 24, 2004. Report to the Colville National Forest on the Results of the Deep South Watershed Fire History Research. 2000. Schellhaas, R. et al. US-FS PNW Res Stn, Wenatchee Lab. Burned Area Emergency Rehabilitation Techniques Course. 1999. Various authors. US-FS BAER Committee. Burned Area Emergency Watershed Rehabilitation: Program goals, techniques, effectiveness, and future direction in the 21st century. 2000. Neary, D. et al. US-FS Rcky Mtn Res Stn proceedings RMRS-P-13. Fire economics, planning, and policy: Bottom lines. 1999. Gonzales-Caban, A. and P. Omi (tech coordinators). USFS PSW Res Stn PSW-GTR-173. Symposium proceedings contain many papers, including several related to biodiversity: The [US] National Park Service wildland fire mgmt program. Botti, S. Economic principles of wildland fire mgmt policy. Hesseln, H. and D. Rideout. OWLECON: A spreadsheet program for calculating the economic value to state residents from protecting Spotted owl habitat from fire. Loomis, J. and A. Gonzalez-Caban. Incorporating non-market values in fire mgmt planning. Rideout, D. et al. Appropriate mgmt responses to wildland fire: Options and costs. Zimmerman, T. Prescribed burning costs: Trends and influences in the [US] national forest system. Cleaves, D. et al. Case study of the Modified Fire Suppression option: Three 1997 Alaska fires. Slaughter, K. Efficiency through interagency planning. Leighty, R. and R. Blume. Bitterroot National Forest RESOURCE ADVISOR'S REFERENCE GUIDE. 2004. Anon. US-FS Bitteroot National Forest, western Montana. OTHER KEYWDS: job description/duties related to: wildfire, fire mgmt planning, land and resource values, Minimum Impact Suppression Techniques, fire retardants, post-fire rehabilitation, invasive plants. Yellowstone in the afterglow: Lessons from the fires. 2000. Franke, M. Yellowstone National Park. OTHER KEYWDS: role of fire, change, wildlife, habitats, water. 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress and 5th Symposium on Fire and Forest Meteorology. 2003. Various authors. OTHER KEYWDS: wild and prescribed fire; fire regimes; fire effects on moose, deer, birds, habitat, vegetation, lichens, bark beetles, invasive spp, and soils; economics; monitoring; remote sensing; fuel mgmt; education materials; post-fire rehab. Includes abstracts and some 5 to 18page “extended abstracts”. Biscuit Fire Recovery Project Biscuit Fire Recovery Project: Final Environmental Impact Statement. 2004. Link, T. US-FS and US BLM. OTHER KEYWDS: wildlfire, water, CWD, vegetation, BMPs, socio-economics. The effects of post-fire salvage logging on aquatic ecosystems in the American west. 2004. Karr, J. et al. BioSci 54(11): 1029-1033. Post-Wildfire Conference. 2004. Streamline Watershed Mgmt Bulletin 7(4): 13-19. Includes abstracts about: Effects of fire on soils, hillslope processes, and streamflow. Scott, D. The effects of fire on geomorphic processes. Grainger, B. and D. Wilford. Fire ecology of dry forest ecosystems in the [MoF] Southern Interior Region. Arsenault, A. Dec 24, 2004. Factors Affecting Survival of Fire Injured Trees: A Rating System For Determining Relative Probability of Survival Conifers in the Blue and Wallowa Mountains. 2002. Scott, D. et al. US-FS PNW Region, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest, Blue Mountains Pest Management Service Center Report No. BMPMSC-03-01. Verntaflat Fire [Washington] Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation Plan: Final Accomplishment Report for 2000-2003 Treatments. 2003. Smith, D. et al. US Fish and Wildlife Service. OTHER KEYEWDS: native seed, alien invasive plants. Analysis of the patterns of large fires in the boreal forest region of Alaska. 2002. Kasischke, E. et al. Internat J of Wildfire 11: 131-144. Fire effects on prairies and oak woodlands on Ft Lewis, Washington. 1999. Tvetlen, R. and R. Fonda. NW Sci 73(3): 145 The fallacy of passive mgmt: Managing for firesafe forest reserves. Agee, J. Conserv Biology in Practice 3(1): 18-25. Environmental effects of postfire logging: Literature review and annotated bibliography. 2000. McIver, J. and L. Starr (tech eds.). US-FS PNW Res Stn Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-486. Guidance on Minimum Impact Suppression Tactics. 2003. Anon. US National Wildfire Coordinating Group. Mitigating fire risk to late successional forest reserves on the east slope of the Washington Cascade Range, USA. 1998. Wilson, J. and P. Baker. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 110(1-23): 59-75. Fuel: Logs, sticks, needles, duff, and much more. 1999. Graham, R. In proceedings of Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop: Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age in Fire Management. OTHER KEYWDS: coarse woody debris. THE IDAHO PANHANDLE NATIONAL FORESTS WILDFIRE HAZARD-RISK ASSESSMENT. 1999. Harkins, K. et al. In proceedings of Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop: Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age in Fire Management. OTHER KEYWDS: mountain caribou EVALUATING RISKS AND BENEFITS OF WILDLAND FIRE AT LANDSCAPE SCALES. 1999. Miller, C. et al. In proceedings of Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop: Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age in Fire Management. OTHER KEYWDS: biodiversity ADAPTING FOREST PLANNING DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEMS FOR PRESCRIBED FIRE TREATMENTS. 1999. Barrett, T. et al. In proceedings of Joint Fire Science Conference and Workshop: Crossing the Millennium: Integrating Spatial Technologies and Ecological Principles for a New Age in Fire Management. OTHER KEYWDS: listed spp, wildlife. Integrating ecosystem restoration into forest mgmt: Practical examples for foresters. No date. Douglas, T. BC Terrestrial Ecosystem Restoration Program and Society for Ecological Restoration, BC Chapter. . Snag dynamics in a chronosequence of 26 wildfires on the east slope of the Cascade Range in Washington state, USA. 1999. Everett, R. et al. Internat J of Wildland Fire 9(4): 223-234. Dec 24, 2004. Songbird communities in a pyrogenic habitat mosaic. Stuart-Smith, K. et al. Internat J of Wildland Fire 11: 75-84. Residual trees left by fire: Final report. 1998. Stuart-Smith, K. Enhanced Forest Mgmt Pilot Project Summary Report No. 7. Ecological comparisons between wildfire and logging -- The East Kootenay Songbird Project: Interim report. 1998. Stuart-Smith, K. Enhanced Forest Mgmt Pilot Project Summary Report No. 8. Healing with fire: Sometimes saving a forest means setting it on fire. 1998. Gayton, D. Cdn Geographic pp. 32-42. Three kinds of heterogeneity in fire regimes: At the crossroads of fire history and landscape ecology. 1998. Lertzman, K. et al. NW Sci 72: 4-23. GIS analysis of spatial and temporal patterns of human-caused wildfires in the temperate rain forest of Vancouver Island, Canada. 2001. Pew, K. and C. Larsen. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 140: 1-18. Ecological characteristics of mature forest remnants left by wildfire. 2000. DeLong, C. and W. Kessler. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 131: 93-106. Paleoecology and its application to fire and vegetation mgmt in Kootenay National Park, BC. 2000. Hallett, D. and R. Walker. J of Paleolimnology 24: 401-414. Wildfire regime in the boreal forest and the idea of suppression and fuel buildup. 2001. Johnson, E. et al. Conserv Biol 15(6): 1554 Applying the Natural Variability Concept: Towards Desired Future Conditions. 2000. Parsons, R. et al. In proceedings: Ecosystem Mgmt of Forested Landscapes: Directions and Implementation. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, restoration Disturbances and structural development of natural forest ecosystems with silvicultural implications, using Douglas-fir forests as an example. Franklin, J. et al. Forest Ecol and Mgmt 155: 399-423. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Threads of continuity. 2000. Franklin, J. et al. Conservation Biology in Practice 1(1): 9-16. The interplay between climate change, forests, and disturbances. 2000. Dale, V. et al. The Sc of the Total Environ 262: 201-204. Re-establishing the role of natural disturbance in forest mgmt. 1999. Baskerville, G. In proceedings: Understanding and applying natural disturbance patterns on [Alberta] Front Range landscapes. Foothills Model Forest. Emulating natural forest patterns in the inland northwest, USA. 2002. Hessburg, P. et al. In: Emulating natural forest landscape disturbances: Concepts and applications. Ontario Min Nat Resources, Forest Research Info Paper 149: 79-81. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Back to the future: The value of history in understanding and managing dynamic landscapes. 2004. Morgan, P. In proceedings: Views from the ridge — considerations for planning at the landscape scale. US-FS PNW Res Stn Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-596: 78-84. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, disturbances Historical landscapes and forest structures. 2002. Graham, R. In proceedings: Small Diameter Timber. Washington State U Bulletin MISC0509: 25-31. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Dec 24, 2004. Historical range of variability in eastern Cascade forests, Washington, USA. 2003. Agee, J. Landscape Ecol 18: 725-740. OTHER KEYWDS: fire. Overview of the use of Natural Variability concepts in managing ecological systems. 1999. Landres, P. et al. Ecol Applications 9(4): 1179-1188. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, disturbances Ecological variability of high elevation forests in central BC. 2003. DeLong, C. and D. Meidinger. The Forestry Chronicle 79(2): 259-262. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, disturbances Application of Historical Range of Variability concepts to biodiversity conservation. 1999. Aplet, G. and W. Keeton. In: Practical approaches to the conservation of biological diversity, Chapter 5: 71-87. Island Press. OTHER KEYWDS: fire. The effect of fire severity on early development of understory vegetation following a stand replacing wildfire. 2004. Waring, G. and K. Kemball. In proceedings: 2nd International Wildland Fire Ecology and Fire Management Congress. OTHER KEYWDS: boreal, Manitoba. AN ECOLOGICALLY BASED STRATEGY FOR FIRE AND FUELS MANAGEMENT IN [US] NATIONAL FOREST ROADLESS AREAS. 2001. DellaSala, D. and E. Frost. Fire Mgmt Today 61(2): 12-23. Indians, Fire, and the Land in the Pacific Northwest. 1999. Boyd, R. (ed.). Oregon State U Press. Mapping fire regimes across time and space: Understanding coarse and fine-scale patterns. 2001. Morgan, P. et al. Internat J of Wildland Fire 10: 329-342. The landscape ecology of western forest fire regimes. 1998. Agee, J. NW Sci 72 Special Edition: 24-34. Natural disturbance rate and patch size distribution in forests in northern BC: Implications for forest mgmt. 1998. DeLong, C. NW Sci 72 Special Issue: 35-48. Strategy for management of dry forest vegetation. 2000. Anon. US-FS Okanagan and Wenatchee National Forests. OTHER KEYWDS: fire mgmt, spotted owl, habitat, old growth. Fire suppression and ecosystem carbon storage. 2000. Tilman, D. et al. Ecology 81(10): 2680-2685. REFERENCES ON THE AMERICAN INDIAN USE OF FIRE IN ECOSYSTEMS. 2003. Williams, G. US Bureau of Land Mgmt. Effects of disturbance on birds of conservation concern in eastern Oregon and Washington. 2001. Bull, E. and B. Wales. NW Sci 75 Special Edition: 166-173. OTHER KEYWDS: fire, listed spp. A new course in wildland fire ecology. 2003. Walstad, J. et al. J of Forestry 101(7): 16-20.;jsessionid=n4qk40niis4a.victoria Strength and persistence of fire-induced soil hydrophobicity under ponderosa and lodgepole pine, Colorado Front Range. 2001. Huffman, E. et al. Hydrol Processes 15: 2877-2892. Dec 24, 2004. Causes and consequences of fire-induced soil water repellency. 2001. Letey, J. Hydrol Processes 15: 2867-2875. Post-Fire Rehabilitation Treatments. 2003. Anon. US Natural Resources Conservation Service, Factsheet. Salvage Merchantable Trees. Anon. US Natural Resources Conservation Service, Factsheet. OTHER KEYWDS: fire. Management of Fire Maintained Ecosystems. 2001. Various authors. BC-FS and Forestry Continuing Studies Network, Workshop proceedings. Fire-Resistant Plants for Oregon Home Landscapes. 2002. Fitzgerald, S. and A.J. Waldo. Oregon State U. Forest Resource Note No. 6. Island Remnants on Foothills and Mountain Landscapes of Alberta Part II on Residuals. 2004. Andison, D. Foothills Model Forest, Alberta Foothills Disturbance Ecology Research Series Report No. 6. OTHER KEYWDS: fire Fire in the dry interior forests of British Columbia. 1999. Parminter, J. and P. Daigle. In proceedings: Helping the land heal conference - ecological restoration in BC: 220 - 223. BC Environmental Network Education Foundation. Standing age distributions and fire frequency analysis. 2001. Huggard, D. and A. Arsenault. Can. J. For. Res. 31:369-371. Bark beetle management actions of the 1998 Silver Creek Fire. Jeans-Williams, N. et al. Kamloops Forest Region, Ministry of Forests. Technical Report No. 2. Partial Cutting and Controlled Fire to Restore Old-growth Forest Conditions in the East Kootenay Trench. 1998. Hawe, A. and D. DeLong. In: Managing the Dry Douglas-fir Forests of the Southern Interior: BC Min. For. Research Branch, Working Paper 34. Summaries and observations from three partnership-sponsored NDT4 events. 2001. Gayton, D. (ed.). FORREX File Rpt 01-5. A strategic assessment of crown fire hazard in Montana: potential effectiveness and costs of hazard reduction treatments. Fiedler, C. et al. US-FS PNW Res Stn Gen Tech Rpt PNW-GTR-622. Issues in evaluating the costs and benefits of fuel treatments to reduce wildfire in the Nation’s forests. 2004. Kline, J. PNW Res Stn Res Note RN-542. Effect of fuels reduction on American martens and their prey. 1999. Bull, E. and A. Blumton. US-FS PNW Res Stn Res Note RN-539. TREES, HOUSES, AND HABITAT: PRIVATE FORESTS AT THE WILDLAND-URBAN INTERFACE. 2004. Thompson, J. US-FS PNW Res Stn Sci Findings 68. Economic Value of Big Game Habitat Production from Natural and Prescribed Fire. 2004. González-Cabán, A. et al. US-FS Pacific Southwest Res Stn Research Paper PSW-RP-249. Dec 24, 2004. Social Science in Fuel Management: An Annotated Bibliography on Prescribed Fire. 2001. Kumagai, Y. and S. Daniels. 2001. Oregon State U, Forest Research Lab. Research Contribution 36. Complexity in fire ecology: The Case of the Biscuit Fire. 2003. Atzet, T. Oregon State U, College of Forestry, Starker Lectures. Investigation of Alternative Strategies for Design, Layout and Administration of Fuel Removal Projects. 2003. Mason, L. et al. U of Washington, College of Forest Resources, Rural Technology Initiative. Measuring woodpecker food: a simple method for comparing wood-boring beetle abundance among fire-killed trees. 2002. Powell, H. et al. J. Field Ornith. 73: 130-140.