Cuckoo`s Nest Student-Made Test 100

One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest Student-Made Test
The test items go in order with the plot. 100 x 2 = 200 points. Do your best.
1. Chief describes Nurse Ratched’s lips as being a “Funny orange.”
2. Chief reminisces often about which river?
a. Allegheny
b. Mississippi
c. Columbia
d. Oregon
e. Peace
3. When McMurphy introduces himself to the others in the ward, what does McMurphy call
a. Great Friend
b. Racing Redneck
c. Con Artist
d. Gambling Fool
e. Great Lover
4. The patients tell on each other for petty offenses in the Nurse’s logbook.
5. Chief Bromden has been on the ward the longest.
6. McMurphy wants to be the bull moose loony of the ward.
7. What is Miss Ratched's response when asked her opinion of the new patient (McMurphy)?
a. good-looking
b. friendly
c. amusing
d. respectful
e. controlling
8. The "Combine" is an organization that aims to adjust the “inadequacies” in society, and
Nurse Ratched controls it.
What time are the patients woken up every morning?
a. 5:30
b. 6:00
c. 6:30
d. 7:00
e. 4:15
10. Why does Chief think the Public Relations guy laughs so much?
a. He finds people living in agony amusing.
b. He likes flirting with Nurse Ratched.
c. He is mechanical and in a repetitive mode.
d. He is on a hallucinogen.
e. His hair keeps falling out of scalp and down his collar.
11. What does the "combine" symbolize in Chief's perspective?
A. a hard day’s work on the farm
B. an alternate dimension that removes reality
C. a tool used for fixing up mistakes made in public places (schools, hospitals, etc.)
D. both A and B
E. both B and C
12. What subject is discussed during the first meeting?
a. Pete’s tiredness
b. Harding’s wife
c. changing television time to watch the World Series
d. cigarette rationing
e. Ellis’s peeing problem
13. The doctor is very serious and unhappy while going through McMurphy's file folder (his
history; information about his past).
14. Every time the hospital receives a new patient the doctor goes into his "Therapeutic
Community Speech."
15. How does Chief describe Pete Bancini's arm when Pete hits one of the black boys?
a. hammer
b. wrecking ball
c. ball and chain
d. hulk’s arm
e. stone block
16. What does McMurphy call Group Sessions?
a. chicken parties
b. farm fiestas
c. cruelty charades
d. pecking parties
e. animal parades
17. Mr. Harding says that the Nurse is "So intoxicated with the sweet milk of human kindness
that her deed has generated within her large bosom, that she is beside herself with hatred."
18. What animal does Harding compare the patients and the doctor to?
A. Chickens
B. Dogs
C. Rabbits
D. Wolfs
E. Turkeys
19. Since almost all the Acutes are voluntarily there, why don't they leave as soon as they are
a. They want to prove they’re tough enough to remain.
b. They don’t even realize there is an outside world.
c. They truly enjoy it at the ward.
d. They are afraid of the outside world.
e. Actually, they cannot leave due to state regulations.
20. McMurphy makes a bet, which puts him up against Nurse Ratched. McMurphy bets that he
can get the best of Mrs. Ratched before the week is up.
21. Chief Bromden believes that Nurse Ratched can make time go faster or slower by turning a
22. What in the dayroom bothers McMurphy during their blackjack games but doesn't bother
anyone else?
a. television turned up too loud
b. squeaking chair that Cheswick is sitting in
c. Nurse watching over their shoulders as they play
d. Frederickson chewing gum annoyingly
e. music too loud through intercom
23. What is one of McMurphy's tattoos?
a. dragon
b. cross
c. poker hand
d. a Chinese symbol
e. a whale
24. When Chief wakes up from his awful dream, he realizes that the mental institution cares
and respects more about patients when they are dead rather than when they are alive.
25. Who is the old Vegetable who died the night of Chief’s nightmare?
a. Geever
b. Blastic
c. Taber
d. Ellis
e. Ruckly
26. What locked up item in the cabinet does McMurphy complain about to Nurse Ratched?
a. toothpaste
b. shampoo
c. deodorant
d. comb
e. towel
27. What is Nurse Ratched's first impression when McMurphy walks out of the bathroom in a
a. delight
b. shock
c. sadness
d. glee
e. anger
28. McMurphy made Billy Bibbit blush by telling a story. What nickname did McMurphy give Billy
as a result?
a. “Big” Billy Bibbit
b. Billy “Club” Bibbit
c. “Bad” Billy Bibbit
d. “Billy the Kid” Bibbit
e. “Billy & Clyde” Bibbit
29. What does McMurphy fling at the clock?
a. pasta
b. booger
c. cheese
d. tobacco chew spit
e. butter
30. McMurphy and the doctor want to have a carnival on the ward.
31. The doctor says that the mixed population (Chronics and Acutes) in the ward is a good
32. McMurphy gets mad at the guys for acting too "cagey" about the World Series.
33. Nobody will play poker any longer with McMurphy because he got so mad at everyone that
when he played with them McMurphy got them into very deep debt.
34. What does McMurphy decide to throw through the exterior window of the ward?
a. fist
b. chair
c. bed frame
d. control panel
e. Sefelt’s head
35. The Chief imagines himself in the picture of the man fly fishing.
36. Chief states that McMurphy tries to drag him and the other patients out of the fog.
37. Billy flunked out of college because he had bad grades.
38. Who proposed to a girl and was turned down—and is now haunted by the rejection?
a. Martini
b. Scanlon
c. Bancini
d. Bibbit
e. Sefelt
39. McMurphy wants to change the T.V. time to afternoon so he can watch the World Series
baseball game.
40. Why do Big Nurse and the black boys begin to suspect Chief Bromden of pretending to be
deaf and dumb?
a. Chief calls out McMurphy’s name.
b. Chief raises his hand when McMurphy calls on him.
c. Chief is startled when he hears a black boy’s voice.
d. Chief is seen listening closely—almost conversing—behind Cheswick.
e. Chief talks in his sleep.
41. Chief gets to clean the staff room because he has been at the ward the longest.
42. In the staff meeting, which takes place after Chief raises his hand, who is determined to
"constitute an actual danger" and be "a disturbing influence."
a. Chief
b. Taber
c. Bibbit
d. McMurphy
e. Scanlon
43. Because they think he’s deaf and dumb, Chief gets to hear a group of experts analyzing and
pontificating about McMurphy’s possible conditions.
44. Even after McMurphy has won the bet by “getting Nurse’s goat,” he asks her about her
“measurements,” even further sexually harassing her.
45. The hospital is in the middle of Portland, Oregon.
46. After McMurphy arrives, the men are limited to two packs of cigarettes per day.
47. McMurphy realizes he has to follow the rules if he wants to leave the ward after talking to
a. the lifeguard
b. Chief
c. a nurse from Disturbed
d. Harding
e. Frederickson
48. McMurphy temporarily began conforming to the ways of the ward due to a talk he had with
the lifeguard. Who killed himself in revolt of McMurphy's actions?
a. Sefelt
b. Frederickson
c. Warren
d. Scanlon
e. Cheswick
49. Sefelt gives Dilatin capsules to Fredrickson because he thinks they have disastrous side
50. What rationed luxury does Harding tell his wife about?
a. cigarettes
b. cards
c. chips
d. conversation/manliness
e. EST
51. Which man plays like a jet pilot behind the control panel?
a. Bancini
b. Sefelt
c. Scanlon
d. Frederickson
e. Martini
52. The famous 20th century author Harding makes an allusion to is Ernest Hemingway, when
speaking about EST.
53. McMurphy is flabbergasted when he learns that many of the men—especially the Acutes—are
at the ward voluntarily.
54. Who is known for having epileptic fits?
a. Martini
b. Scanlon
c. Frederickson
d. Sefelt
e. Taber
55. Chief describes his mental pain as, “That single thin note in my head was like tires speeding
down a pavement.”
56. McMurphy has the men practice basketball in the hallways.
57. Chief
speaks about catching what type of fish, primarily?
Northern Pike
Chinook salmon
58. Chief's mother is Caucasian.
59. The black boy was under Chief's bed because he was told to spy on McMurphy.
60. Chief’s father’s name is symbolic and adds deeply to the allegorical quality of the novel.
61. What does McMurphy tell Chief he can do to go on the fishing trip for free?
a. steal music albums from Nurse Ratched’s office
b. lift the control panel
c. talk
d. break out of the ward
e. sneak out with everyone
62. The patients are all unfazed towards Nurse Ratched’s threatening stories and all willingly
volunteer to go on the fishing trip.
63. Candy cannot come on the fishing trip because she is getting married.
64. Before the fishing trip, Ellis actually pulls himself from the wall, shakes Billy’s hand, and
tells Billy to be a fisher of men.
65. McMurphy calls Chief the Bull Goose Looney.
66. Who loaned the green coat to the girl at the bait shop?
a. McMurphy
b. Harding
c. George
d. Sefelt and Frederickson offered
e. Bibbitt
67. While on the fishing trip Sefelt is assigned as captain of the ship.
68. Chief’s thumb gets injured when he and the men catch a small shark.
69. Dr. Spivey helps significantly in making sure the men do not get into big trouble when they
return to the pier from the fishing trip.
70. When the guys arrived back to the hospital after the fishing trip, McMurphy mostly felt
a. excited
b. anxious
c. wasted (drunk)
d. exhausted
e. content
71. After the fishing trip people start questioning McMurphy's reason/motives of being on the
72. McMurphy tells Billy that he should pay Candy “bread” for the trip.
73. When Chief sees McMurphy playing the other guys out of their money, Chief stands up for
them and tells them that he lifted the control panel before.
74. McMurphy fights Washington in the dayroom, where the men play cards.
75. When McMurphy and Chief first arrive in Disturbed all the patients are pacing the room back
and forth.
76. McMurphy and Chief both take the blue capsules before they get sent to EST.
77. When McMurphy and Chief go to get shock therapy after their fight in the shower, who is
the man they see coming out on a gurney?
a. Sefelt
b. Cheswick
c. Lifeguard
d. Scanlon
e. Ruckly
78. Tee Ah Millatoona means the "Pine-That-Stands-Tallest-on-the-Mountain.”
79. McMurphy believes that electroshock treatment is
a. making the fog thicker.
b. making the fog thinner.
c. charging his battery.
d. making him weaker.
e. a total “trip.”
80. Why does Nurse Ratched bring McMurphy back to the ward?
a. He has had too much electroshock therapy.
b. The machine broke down.
c. She thought it would show the men how vulnerable McMurphy is.
d. He is going to be released the next day.
e. She wants him to coach basketball.
81. What does McMurphy NOT do when Nurse Ratched is trying to hold a meeting?
a. wink
b. belch
c. yawn
d. fart
e. sit
82. Billy's "girl" is named Daisy, a longtime friend of McMurphy.
83. Harding tells the girl who comes in the window, “These things don’t happen. These things
are fantasies you lie awake at night dreaming up and then are afraid to tell your analyst.
You’re not really here. That wine isn’t real; none of this exists. Now, let’s go on from
84. What does Harding talk about to the night supervisor to distract her from seeing what's
going on in the ward? (Harding uses his rapier-sharp wit to get them out of a bind.)
a. Existentialism
b. his wife
c. his homosexuality, which is in question, actually, at the novel’s close
d. Billy Bibbit and Candy
e. how the dark helps him achieve a better bowel movement
85. When Harding and the girl leave Chief’s vision, she screams because Harding has a seizure.
86. Harding comes up with the plan to tie Turkle up, making it look like McMurphy tied him up
and took his keys in order to escape.
87. Harding wants his wife to be there when he decides to leave the institution.
88. Three hookers spend the night at the asylum.
89. Which two people were still sleeping when roll was taken?
a. Sandy and Bill
b. Sandy and McMurphy
c. Sandy and Candy
d. Candy and McMurphy
e. Candy and Billy
90. What does McMurphy tell the "Acutes" that they aren't?
a. objects
b. puppets
c. toys
d. robots
e. animals
91. How does Billy Bibbitt eliminate himself?
a. wrists
b. overdose
c. throat
d. drowning
e. hanging
92. What is one thing McMurphy did NOT do to Big Nurse?
a. tried to strangle her
b. poked her eyes out
c. broke her office window
d. ripped her attire open
e. threw a party on her ward
93. How does Chief smother McMurphy’s body, leaving it without pulse?
a. smoke
b. pillow
c. hands to neck
d. injection
e. straitjacket
94. Where does Chief plan on going immediately after escaping?
a. Mexico
b. East Coast
c. his hometown area
d. Oklahoma
e. California
95. Ken Kesey was king of the Happy Hooligans.
96. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is the first novel Ken Kesey wrote.
97. Who plays Chief Bromden in the film?
a. Moses Brings Plenty
b. Daniel Day-Lewis
c. Will Sampson
d. Eric Sorenson
e. Russell Means
98. What is Candy’s female friend’s name in the film?
a. Sandy
b. Violet
c. Honey
d. Rose
e. Daisy
99. Who plays Mr. Turkle in the film?
a. Ted Murphy, Eddie Murphy’s dad
b. Fred Bojangles
c. Roscoe Lee Browne, Chris Rock’s dad
d. Carmelo Anthony
e. Scatman Crothers
Which of the following does not take place in the film?
Dr. Spivey goes on the fishing trip.
The men pretend to watch the World Series of baseball.
McMurphy threatens Washington in the bathing room.
Pete Bancini knocks out a black boy.
Taber cheers after Chief vaults out the window.