2007 South Forsyth Cross Country Team Contract

2010 Grayson Boys Cross Country Team Contract
Head Coach: Rob Blaszkiewicz (Coach B.)
Cell: 240-463-8976
E-Mail: rob_blaszkiewicz@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
Assistant Coach: Alex Sawyer(Coach Sawyer)
Cell: 770-757-1752
E-Mail: Ron_Hunt@gwinnett.k12.ga.us
General Information
1. You must have a current school physical to participate in Cross Country. Please
have a current Physical by June 1st. The physical must be on the mandatory
school physical form.
2. All athletes must be eligible according to the guidelines set by the Georgia High
School Association (GHSA). Eligibility will be sent on August 1, 2010.
3. You must abide by team rules at all times.
Team Rules
1. Smoking – 1st Offense – 1 meet suspension. 2nd offense – dismissal
2. Drinking – same as smoking
3. Drugs – one year suspension
4. Missing start of practice to make up schoolwork. Student/Athlete must inform
Coach B or Coach Hunt before practice. The student will still have to complete
the workout after they make up their schoolwork.
5. After two excused absences, the student will have a meeting with Coach B and
Coach Hunt.
6. Don’t be tardy!!!! First Tardy will result in a fun run with the coaches. Believe
me it isn’t fun!!! Second Tardy will require a conference with Coach B and
Coach Sawyer. Third Tardy will result in the loss of the next meet privilege.
Fourth Tardy will result in the runner being removed from the program.
7. Meet Participation – Participation will be decided upon by the coaching staff and
based on the previous week’s results. Meet participation will be discussed only
with the runner in attendance. If a runner or parent desires to talk about meet
participation, schedule an appointment before practice.
8. Misconduct in the classroom and on the course will not be tolerated. Please show
respect towards all athletes, parents, and officials.
9. Situations may arise which are not covered by these rules. In these situations,
coaches will make decisions and consult with the parents if the situation warrants
it. We will make every attempt to be fair and consistent.
Summer Practice
Any quality program has its athletes doing the essential base mileage in the summer.
My goal is to get a podium spot for our squad. In order to accomplish this goal, WE
NEED TO WORK THIS SUMMER. Each athlete will have a running schedule and log.
I promise you that we will have fun and there will be rewards for your hard work. Each
athlete who meets his or her mileage goals will receive a summer training t-shirt. We
will meet at the Grayson High School Track, 8:00 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday.
On Fridays, 8:00 a.m, conditioning will be held at Tribble Mill Park (Playground,
Holly Pavillion). Conditioning should be done by 10:00 a.m. On Saturdays, 8:00
a.m., conditioning will be held at Harbins Park. For those who can’t make these
workouts, please see Coach B or Coach Sawyerand we will make arrangements to
ensure you meet your mileage goals. If you are on vacation, please keep track of your
July 5 – 11 is the GHSA DEAD WEEK – Athletes must not train with the
Training Philosophy
My training philosophy has its roots in a program started by Arthur Lydiard over 50 years
ago in New Zealand. The season will be divided into a training pyramid. The first
portion and the longest is where we develop our aerobic capacity. Most runners only
peak twice a year. We plan on peaking on November 7, 2009 at the State Meet.
In the summer, we will recruit all of the slow-twitch muscle fibers and increase our
body’s ability to utilize oxygen. In laymen’s terms, we are building a big engine this
summer. We will throw in some aerobic speedwork, but no anaerobic work. You will hit
your peak mileage in the summer. After that, mileage will decrease, but intensity will
increase. Without a base in the summer, it could make your August rather difficult.
In August, we will begin the Strength portion of the season. If you are big fan of hills
and mile repeats, this is your time of the year. These workouts will develop a sense of
pace, power and good form.
The week before the Southeast XC Showdown will kick off our Sharpening portion of the
season. Intensity will once again go up and the volume will be lowered. You will thank
yourself for doing all those miles this summer as you work on leg speed and turnover.
We will go back to the track for some serious interval sessions.
About two weeks before the State Meet, we will begin the Tapering part of our season.
The goal here is to stay fresh, but not lose our edge/speed. We will train almost every
day, but keep the faster running lower in volume and longer runs light in effort. Eat well
and drink plenty of water. Also, sports massages are essential this time of the year.
After the State Meet, go to your favorite junk food or buffet restaurant and treat
To receive a letter:
1. Boys must run 19:00
2. If you have run cross country for four years at GHS, you will receive a letter.
To letter with recognition:
Run the following times: Senior 17:00; Junior 17:30; Sophomore – 18:00;
Freshman – 18:30.
Parent’s Guide to Cross Country
The National Federation of High School Associations has set a minimum distance of
2.5K and a maximum of 5K for cross country races, not to be confused with training
distances that can be greater. Most or all of our races will be 5K, 3.1 miles.
Cross Country is not usually held on a fixed track. Athletes usually run across open
terrain, golf courses, and steeplechase courses; most often through a combination of
woods, fields, and always a hill or two, or three, etc.
Terrains differ for each race. Thus, it is imperative we familiarize ourselves with the
course the night before the race. Also, Cross Country-specific shoes with spikes are a
necessity for optimal racing and safety.
Cross Country scoring is different from most sports, that is, the lowest score wins. A
team usually consists of seven athletes. As each athlete finishes the race, he/she is given
a place while in the chutes. This card is given to the coaches as soon as possible after the
race, to be turned in to the judges.
The places of the first five athletes for each team are added together to determine the
team score. In the event of a tie, the sixth athlete’s places are added to determine the
winner. It is important for the team to run as close to together as possible. For example a
finish of 1, 3, 4 6 and 83, a score of 97, will lose to a team finishing 16, 17, 19, 21, 23,
with a score of 96.
Coach B’s TOP TEN Nutrition Tips
1. Eat your fruits and vegetables
2. Water H20- Divide your body weight in half and that is the number of ounces you
should drink during the day before practice. The morning of a meet, aim for ¼ of
your weight.
3. Limit you consumption of “unnatural foods”
4. Know your body composition (fat% is more important than body weight)
5. Eat early and often with small portions
6. On race-day, don’t be a glutton (liquid calories are easier to digest)
7. Take a Multi-Vitamin every morning.
8. Eat and drink for recovery
9. Iron and Protein two nights before and Carbo Load the night before
10. Rest/Sleep helps your metabolism and body’s ability to burn fat and utilize
Please review the Cross Country rules and regulations
I agree to comply with the team rules and agree to the consequences for violation of
these rules under the terms of the agreement.
Student Name ___________________________________________
Student Signature________________________________________
I have read the team policies with which my daughter/son has agreed to comply and
I understand the consequences if any violation occurs.
Parent/Guardian Name _______________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature____________________________________
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Please sign below if you are willing to let your child ride in a car to a cross
country meet if this becomes necessary. Be aware that your child is not covered by
Forsyth County insurance in a private automobile.
Check the appropriate box or boxes:
____ My child may ride in a car driven by a parent or coach only
____ My child may ride to a meet with another student
____ My child may drive to meets.
We will not hold Coach B, Coach Sawyer, Grayson High School, or Gwinnett
County Board of Education liable as the above guidelines are followed.
Parent/Guardian Signature_________________________________________