Supplementary material. First Author, Year Exclusion Criteria # First Author, Year Exclusion Criteria # First Author, Year Exclusion Criteria # First Author, Year Exclusion Criteria # 9 Roccuzzo & Wilson 2002 5 9, 13 Romeo et al. 2004 7, 9, 13 Romeo et al. 2006 7, 13 Arlin 2006 3 Degidi et al. 2007 6 Jemt & Lekholm 1993 Baelum & Ellegaard 2004 3 Degidi et al. 2006(a) 3 Jeong et al. 2012 Bahat 1993 9 Degidi et al. 2006(b) 6 Lazzara et al. 1998 5 Becker et al. 1999 12 Deporter et al. 1998 7, 13 Lekholm et al. 1994 11, 12 Salvi et al. 2004 5 Becker et al. 2000 12 Deporter et al. 2001(b) 11 Lekholm et al. 1999 7, 12 Schincaglia et al. 2008 5 3, 11 Lemmerman & Lemmerman 2005 6 Schwartz-Arad & Dolev 2000 3, 6 Esposito et al. 2011(a) 9 Machtei et al. 2007 6 Sethi et al. 1996 7, 13 Esposito et al. 2011(b) 9 McGlumphy et al. 2003 7, 13 Sullivan et al. 2001 7, 13 7, 13 Teixeira et al. 1997 3 Behneke et al. 2000 9, 13 Ellegaard et al. 1997 Beschnidt et al. 2003 5, 13 3 Bischof et al. 2006¥ Blanes et al. 2007(a) 5, 13 Feldman et al. 2004 2 Mericske-Stern et al. 2001 Blanes et al. 2007(b) 5, 13 Felice et al. 2010 9 Misch et al. 1999 6 Telleman et al. 2012b 11 3 Fischer et al. 2009 6 Morris et al. 1997 6, 8 Telleman et al. 2012c 11 5, 13 Fugazzotto 2008(a) 3 Morris et al. 2001 5 ten Bruggenkate et al. 1998 7, 12 Bragger et al. 1997 3 Fugazzotto 2008(b) 3 Muftu & Chapman 1998 10, 12 Testori et al. 2002 7, 9, 13 Bragger et al. 1998 12 Frei et al. 2004 3 Testori et al. 2001 9, 13 Block et al. 1996 Bornstein et al. 2005 9, 13 Naert et al. 2002 Buser et al. 1997 12 Ganeles et al. 2008 11 Nedir et al. 2012 8 van Steenberghe et al. 1990 9, 13 Cannizzaro et al. 2008 8 Gómez-Polo et al. 2010 3 Ormianer & Palti 2006 5 Vandeweghe et al. 2011 3 Cannizzaro et al. 2009 10 Grunder et al. 1999 6 Ottoni et al. 2005 6 Weng et al. 2003 Davarpanah et al. 2001 12 Higuchi et al. 1995 9 Pieri et al. 2012 9 Winkler et al. 2000 9, 12 Davarpanah et al. 2002 5, 12 Ibañez et al. 2003¥ 5 Polizzi et al. 2000 Zinsli et al. 2004 9, 13 5 Ibañez et al. 2009 3 Roccuzzo et al. 2001 De Bruyn et al. 1999 1, 5 7, 9, 13 5 ¥ Information retrieved after contact with the corresponding author of the study. € References that were not mentioned in the above table and were included in other systematic reviews in the field may have been excluded during title or abstract screening according to our eligibility criteria. 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