Supplementary Information Supplementary Information for “Climate change and the resurgence of malaria in the East African highlands” This material provides additional information on (1) the availability of the climate data used in the analyses, (2) highland malaria and its importance in the global climate change and health context, (3) recent published statements of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the United States National Academy of Sciences on climate change and health and (4) a more comprehensive reproduction of Fig. 2. 1. Data Sources and Links The global terrestrial surface climatology are distributed for a modest handling charge by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, Norwich (URL: The monthly data are at 0.5 x 0.5 degree spatial resolution (which equates to approximately 55 x 55 km at the equator) and available from January 1901 to December 1995 for mean temperature (oC x 10), diurnal temperature range (oC x 10), precipitation (mm), vapour pressure (hPa x 10), wet day frequency (days) and cloud cover (oktas x 10). 2. Highland malaria and climate change From the very beginnings of malaria research it was recognised that mosquito bionomics and malaria transmission are extremely sensitive to climate1. More recently, this has led to conjecture on the possible future impacts on disease transmission resulting from anticipated climate changes2,3. A logical, if methodologically contentious, extension has been attempts to quantify these impacts geographically based on the outputs of climate change scenarios4-6. In this discussion, areas of high altitude (usually but not exclusively considered to be above 1600m) have been viewed as particularly at risk7, since the extrinsic incubation period of P. falciparum in anophelene vectors is limited by low temperature8,9. It has been argued therefore, that temperature increases will facilitate transmission amongst previously unexposed and hence immunologically naïve populations and so precipitate a public health crisis7. For these reasons areas prone to highland malaria were the focus of these analyses. 3. Policy Statements of International Scientific Originations The following statements are quoted verbatim. From the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 10. “Many vector-, food-, and water-borne infectious diseases are known to be sensitive to changes in climatic conditions. From the results of most predictive model studies, there is medium to high confidencea that, under climate change scenarios, there would be a net increase in the geographic range of potential transmission of malaria and dengue-two vector-borne infections each of which currently impinge on 40-505 of the world populationb. Within their present ranges, these and many other infectious diseases would tend to increase in incidence and seasonality-although regional decreases would occur in some infectious diseases. In all cases, however, actual disease occurrence is strongly influenced by local environmental conditions, socioeconomic circumstances, and public health infrastructure.” a High is a 67-95% chance and medium a 33-67% chance. b Eight studies have modelled the effects of climate change on these disease, five on malaria and three on dengue. Seven use a biological, or processed-based approach, and one uses a statistical approach. From the National Research Council (NRC) of the United States11. “Observation and modelling studies must be interpreted cautiously. There have been numerous studies showing an association between climatic variations and disease incidence, but such studies are not fully able to account for the complex web of causation that underlies disease dynamics and thus may not be reliable indicators of future changes. Likewise, a variety of models have been developed to simulate the effects of climatic change on the incidence of diseases such as malaria, dengue, and cholera. These models are useful heuristic tools for testing hypotheses and carrying out sensitivity analyses, but they are not necessarily intended to serve as predictive tools, and do not include processes such as physical/biological feedbacks and human adaptation. Caution must be exercised in using these models to create scenarios of future disease incidence, and to provide a basis for early warnings and policy decisions.” 3. Comprehensive version of Figure 2 Given the importance of seeing the original meteorological time series for all highland resurgence sites and the limited space available in the main text, Fig.2 is reproduced to include the Kabale, Gikonko and Muhanga sites. a b 30 400 25 300 20 200 15 100 10 MAY 1995 SEP 1992 JAN 1994 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 MAY 1987 SEP 1988 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 JAN 1982 MAY 1983 JAN 1978 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 SEP 1976 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 JAN 1970 MAY 1971 SEP 1972 JAN 1994 MAY 1995 SEP 1992 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 SEP 1988 MAY 1987 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 JAN 1982 MAY 1983 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 0 SEP 1976 JAN 1978 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 SEP 1972 JAN 1970 MAY 1971 5 JAN 1970 point moving average (thick line). g 30 5 0 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 SEP 1992 JAN 1994 MAY 1995 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 SEP 1992 JAN 1994 MAY 1995 MAY 1987 SEP 1988 10 MAY 1987 SEP 1988 100 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 15 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 200 JAN 1982 MAY 1983 20 JAN 1982 MAY 1983 25 JAN 1978 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 h SEP 1976 300 JAN 1978 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 10 SEP 1976 e JAN 1974 MAY 1975 30 MAY 1971 SEP 1972 JAN 1970 MAY 1995 JAN 1994 SEP 1992 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 SEP 1988 MAY 1987 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 MAY 1983 JAN 1982 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 SEP 1976 JAN 1978 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 SEP 1972 JAN 1970 MAY 1995 SEP 1992 JAN 1994 MAY 1991 JAN 1990 MAY 1987 SEP 1988 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 JAN 1982 MAY 1983 JAN 1978 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 SEP 1976 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 MAY 1971 SEP 1972 JAN 1970 MAY 1995 JAN 1994 SEP 1992 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 SEP 1988 MAY 1987 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 MAY 1983 JAN 1982 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 SEP 1976 JAN 1978 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 SEP 1972 MAY 1971 5 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 JAN 1970 MAY 1971 25 MAY 1971 SEP 1972 JAN 1970 MAY 1995 JAN 1994 SEP 1992 JAN 1990 MAY 1991 SEP 1988 MAY 1987 SEP 1984 JAN 1986 MAY 1983 JAN 1982 MAY 1979 SEP 1980 SEP 1976 JAN 1978 JAN 1974 MAY 1975 SEP 1972 MAY 1971 c 300 d 20 200 15 10 100 0 300 f 25 200 20 15 100 0 Figure 2 Meteorological time-series presented by row for Kericho, Kabale, Gikonko and Muhanga. a, c, e and g show minimum (bottom), mean (middle) and maximum (top) monthly temperatures (oC), plotted with a 13 point moving average (thick line) to reveal the long-term movement in these data. b, d, f and h show total monthly rainfall (mm), again plotted with a 13 1. Gill, C. A. The role of meteorology in malaria. Indian J. Med. Res. 8, 633-693 (1921). 2. Rogers, D. J. & Packer, M. J. Vector-borne diseases, models, and global change. Lancet 342, 1282-1284 (1993). 3. Lindsay, S. W. & Birley, M. H. Climate change and malaria transmission. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. 90, 573-588 (1996). 4. Martin, P. H. & Lefebvre, M. G. Malaria and climate - sensitivity of malaria potential transmission to climate. Ambio 24, 200-207 (1995). 5. Martens, P. et al. Climate change and future populations at risk of malaria. Global Environ. Change 9, 89-107 (1999). 6. Rogers, D. J. & Randolph, S. E. The global spread of malaria in a future, warmer world. Science 289, 1763-1766 (2000). 7. Lindsay, S. W. & Martens, W. J. M. Malaria in the African highlands: past, present and future. Bull. W.H.O. 76, 33-45 (1998). 8. Garnham, P. C. C. The incidence of malaria at high altitudes. J. Nat. Mal. Soc. 7, 275-284 (1948). 9. Garnham, P. C. C. Malaria epidemics at exceptionally high altitudes in Kenya. British Med. J. 11, 45-47 (1945). 10. McCarthy, J. J., Canziani, O. F., Leary, N. A., Dokken, D. J. & White, K. S. Climate change 2001: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability - contribution of Working Group II to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2001). 11. NRC. Under the weather: climate, ecosystems, and infectious disease (Committee on Climate, Ecosystems, Infectious Diseases, and Human Health, Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate, National Research Council, Washington D.C., 2001).