Lecture of Clinical Microscopy

Lecture of Clinical Microscopy
Instructor: Ya-Chien Yang
The course is an essential curriculum offered to the juniors of School of
Medical Technology in the first semester. The students have to pass this course
before entering the practice course of Clinical Microscopy.
Course syllabus
This course provides an overview of clinical utilities, principles and techniques
of the clinical microscopy. The course will cover the examinations of urine,
stool, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, ascites and pleural effusion, synovial fluid,
semen, gastric juice and duodenal juice, amniotic fluid, pregnancy test, quality
assurance in clinical microscopy laboratory. The class will also include basic
concepts of clinical physiology, such as EKG and pulmonary function tests. In
addition, specimen collection for microbiological examination and the basics of
the optical microscope will also be introduced.
Laboratory of Clinical Microscopy
Instructor: Ya-Chien Yang
The course is an essential curriculum offered to the juniors of School of
Medical Technology in the first semester. The students have to pass this course
before entering the practice course of Clinical Microscopy.
Course syllabus
This laboratory course is designed to be a procedural-orientated course
coordinating the lecture course of clinical microscopy. Students will be
assigned to practice the examinations of urine, stool, sputum, cerebrospinal
fluid, ascites and pleural effusion, and pregnancy test as performed in the
clinical laboratory. Students will also practice EKG and pulmonary function
tests by using simple instruments.
血液學 (Hematology)
The course (Hematology) is offered to the third year students of our department and is
arranged every Monday afternoon from 3 to 5 at the first semester. This course
introduces normal physiology function of red cells (hematopoiesis, hemoglobin,
metabolism, nutrition, membrane, oxygen carrier and carbon dioxide carrier), white
cells (lymphocyte, neutrophil, monocyte, basophil, eosinophil), platelets and
coagulation (coagulation factors, coagulation, and fibrinolysis).
血液學實驗 (Hematology Experiment)
The course (Hematology Experimant) is offered to the third year students who have
passed the Hematololgy course, it is coupled with Clinical Hematology course, and it
is arranged every Friday afternoon from 1 to 5 at the second semester. In this course,
the students will be trained to familiar to routine hematology experiments at both
principle and practice aspects, such as macroscopic and microscopic observation of
blood, blood counting, blood smear preparation and staining, WBC classification,
special tests for various anemia, bleeding time, PT and aPTT.
臨床血液學 (Clinical Hematology)
The course is for seniors who have knowledge in hematology and have taken
related courses, i.e., basic hematology and laboratory hematology. The
course will cover the following areas: introduction to anemia, acute and
chronic leukemia and lymphoma, multiple myoloma, defects in platelet
structure and function, and in hemostatic function and thrombotic
血庫學 (Blood Banking)
The course (Blood Banking) is for seniors of Medical Technology students, and it is
arranged every Tuesday morning from 9 to 10 at the first semester. This course covers the
following areas: introduction and identification of various blood types, introduction and
preparation of various blood components, various laboratory tests for proper transfusion
and investigation of transfusion reaction.
Instrument Analysis
1 credit
Time: Intensive course before laboratory practices
Room: D506
UV, visible and IR spectrophotometer I & II
JT Kao
Nephelometry and Turbidimetry
RF Hsieh
Scintillation counter
RF Hsieh
Flame photometry
WH Fang
Atomic Absorption
WH Fang
Fluorometry and luminometry
SB Lin
WH Fang
Potentiometry and coulometry
JT Kao
WH Fang
Flow cytometry
RF Hsieh
Automatic blood cell counter
High performance liquid chromatography
SB Lin
Gas chromatography
SJ Liao
LJ Teng
Practice of Clinical Microscopy
Instructor: Ya-Chien Yang
The course is an essential curriculum offered to the seniors of School of
Medical Technology in the both semesters. The students have to pass the
lecture and practice courses of Clinical Microscopy before entering the practice
course. Each small group of 4 to 5 students will practice in the Division of
Clinical Microscopy, Laboratory Medicine Department, NTUH, from Monday
to Friday (8:30 to 17:00) for three weeks.
Course syllabus
This course is designed to provide a clinical laboratory education. Students will
participate in clinical practicum experiences such as the examinations of urine,
stool, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid, ascites and pleural effusion, synovial fluid,
and pregnancy test in the diagnostic laboratory. Students will also get the
supervised phlebotomy experience including routine venipuncture and
specimen handling.
Clinical Bacteriology and Mycology
404 44810
Shen-Wu Ho, Lee-Jene Teng, Shwu-Jen Liaw, Hsin-Chih Lai
This course discusses basic principles and concepts of diagnostic bacteriology
and mycology. It includes two major parts, (I) identification systems and
antimicrobial susceptibility and (II) laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases
at various body sites. In the identification section, the course covers organisms
by taxonomic groups and concentrates on laboratory identification of
significant isolates by conventional methods, rapid tests or new techniques
such as molecular approaches. The references include English textbooks and
recent papers.
(HC Lai)This course is designed for the fourth year students in this
Department. The whole period takes one year. Students are grouped based
on practical situation for efficient teaching purpose. The contents of
the course include: isolation and identification of common and clinically
important bacteria and fungi; The principles and practical operational
procedures are all emphasized. Students learn important techniques
including making staining solution and culture media, and observation of
characteristics of bacterial species. The specific pre-practice
technical training is emphasized for the purpose of training high-quality
National-class experts in the field of clinical diagnosis.
This course is mainly in Laboratory thecniques setup teaching and how to
applicate to clinical tests, and also learn how to do a real clinical work
in the hospital
This course mainly makes a bridging course between basic immunology and
clinical immunology, and mentioned about the applications on disease
association, and also the application of laboratory techniques.
This course mainly in training of various kind of immunology basic
technique and applications.
臨床血液學實習 (Clinical hematology practice)
404 46400
The course (Clinical Hematology Practice) is offered to the fourth year students who
have passed the Hematololgy, Clinical Hematology and Hematology Experiment
courses, it is coupled with Clinical Hematology Experiment course, and it is arranged
for three weeks. In this course, the students will be assigned to participate in the
clinical activities in our Hospital, such as automatic cell counting practice, automatic
differential counter practice, automatic coagulation tests practice, quality control, so
as to understand the basic requirement be a technician at Hematology lab. In addition,
they should be read recent hematology-associated article from updated high-grade
journals and make presentation to class.
臨床血液學實驗 (Clinical hematology Experiment)
404 46420
The course (Clinical Hematology Experimant) is offered to the fourth year students
who have passed the Hematololgy, Clinical Hematology and Hematology Experiment
courses, it is coupled with Clinical Hematology Practice course, and it is arranged for
two weeks. In this course, the students will be trained to familiar to special
hematology experiments in addition to routine tests, so as to be appropriate for the
challenge in Clinical Hematology Practice at our Hospital, such as hemoglobin
electrophoresis, lab tests for hemolytic anemias, cytochemical stains for leukemic
cells, bone marrow observation and differential diagnosis of various bleeding
404 46500
Blood Banking Practice
The course (Blood Banking Practice) is for seniors of Medical Technology students who
have passed Blood Banking and it is arranged for one week. This course provides students
understanding the basic laboratory technique about Blood Banking, such as: blood typing,
direct and indirect Coombs’ test, crossmatching, irregular antibody screening and
identification, preparation and storage of blood components. Moreover, these students
could enter the clinical lab at our hospital for practice and quality control exercise.
Furthermore, these students have the opportunities to Taipei Blood Center for
understanding the complicated procedures from blood correction to blood components in
detail at Friday afternoon.
The course was designed mainly for senior undergraduates, who have
taken microbiology and immunology, of our Department. The course is one
credit and is given every year in Fall semester.
The aim of this course is to help students to understand the underlying
principles and techniques of laboratory diagnosis in viral infectious
disease. The first part of this course is the general introduction to the
tissue/cell cultures, principle of virus culture/isolation, rapid
diagnosis method, all kinds of antigen and antibody detection methods,
such as complement fixation test, neutralization assay, hemagglutination
assay, immunofluorescent assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and
western blotting, etc. The second part consists of in-depth discussions
on each virus, which includes their unique properties, clinical symptoms
and the related laboratory diagnosis methods. Adenovirus, herpes simplex
virus, varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus,
influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, Mumps virus, respiratory syncytium
virus, measles virus, rubella virus, dengue virus, Japanese encephalitis
virus, enterovirus, rotavirus, human immunodeficiency virus, and hanta
virus will be covered in this course.
404 47600
The course was designed mainly for senior undergraduates of our Department.
Microbiology, immunology, clinical virology and clinical virology
experiment are pre-requisites for this course. The course is one credit
and is given eight times every year. For each round, students will practice
in the Division of Clinical Virology, Laboratory Medicine Department,
NTUH, from Tuesday to Friday (8:30 to 17:00) for two weeks.
The course is aimed to help students to understand the overall process
and the routine practices in the viral diagnostic laboratory; and is part
of the training for a medical technologist. Students will learn the virus
isolation, determination of anti-viral antibody, rapid diagnosis, and
chlamydia diagnosis, etc. During the 2-week practice, students must
identify the viral origin of a given unknown specimen using the tests in
the viral diagnostic laboratory. In the second week, each student will
give an oral presentation about one recent paper in related field and
participate in a panel discussion.
The course was designed mainly for senior undergraduates of our Department.
Microbiology, immunology, and clinical virology are pre-requisites for
this course. The course is one credit and is given four times every year.
The aim of this course is to help students familiar with the basic
techniques used in the viral diagnostic laboratory and research in the
future. The course consists of cell culture (preparation of medium,
primary culture and subculture), virus culture (cell culture and chicken
embryo inoculation), titration of virus titer (TCID50 and plaque assay),
complement fixation assay, hemagglutination assay, hemagglutination
inhibition assay, hemadsorption assay, neutralization assay,
Direct/indirect immunofluorescent assay, enzyme-linked immunosorbent
assay, and polymerase chain reaction, etc.
MT4 Practice in Clinical Biochemistry
Time: 3 weeks rotation
Room: Department of Laboratory Medicine, NTUH
This course provide 3 weeks rotation for practicing in Clinical Biochemistry.
All the routine performed analysis should be practiced.
Currently the instruments used by Clinical Biochemistry laboratory include:
General Biochemical assays: Toshiba 100, 200
Blood gas
Dry Chemistry: Vitros 950
HPLC: VMA, catecholamine, HbA1c
Atomic absorption: Copper and lead
Isoenyzyme electrophoresis: CK, LD
Immunoassays: Axysm, TDx, IMX, Vitros eci, Immulite
Manual items: 17 KS, ICG
MT4 Clinical Chemistry Laboratory
Time: 2 weeks rotation
Room: Diognostic Building D302
This course provides basic laboratory technique training. Some topics are selected for
practicing, including:
Orientation, basic techniques, pipetting, reagent preparation, etc
1. Water preparation and determine purity of water.
2. Operation of spectrophotometer and wave length calibration.
3. Glucose determination, enzymatic assay, colorimetric assay, method evaluation,
practice of quality control, interference by lipemia. (DM)
4. Total protein and albumin.
5. Calcium determination, interference by icteric samples. (electrolytes)
6. Creatinine determination, serum and urine, calculation for creatinine clearance test.
(Renal function)
7. Creatine kinase determination. (Cardiac function)
8. Bilirubin determination, direct and indirect (liver function)
9. 17 KS determination. (hormone)