Liver Cirrhosis -

Liver Cirrhosis
PATIENT NAME ______________________________SOC _______________
Anatomy and physiology of the liver.
______ ______ A. The liver is the largest organ of the body and is located in the upper right part
of the abdominal cavity.
______ ______ B. The liver has multiple functions:
______ ______ 1. It produces bile, which aids digestion in the intestines.
______ ______ 2. It stores vitamins A, D, E, K, and B12.
______ ______ 3. It stores glycogen, releasing it as glucose when needed.
______ ______ 4. It metabolizes fats, carbohydrates, and protein.
______ ______ 5. It metabolizes estrogens.
______ ______ 6. It is very important in the coagulation (blood clotting) process.
______ ______ 7. It destroys old, red blood cells and removes bacteria and foreign bodies from
the blood stream.
Define cirrhosis.
______ ______ A. It is a chronic liver disease of progressive degeneration of liver cells causing
disruption of liver function.
______ ______ B. The death of cells is replaced by scar tissue.
factors that may increase the risk of cirrhosis.
______ ______ A. Alcohol abuse (primary cause).
______ ______ B. History of biliary obstruction and infection.
______ ______ C. History of hepatitis or severe congestive heart failure.
______ ______ D. Malnutrition.
______ ______ E. Exposure to chemical and industrial toxins.
______ ______ F. Drug abuse.
signs and symptoms of cirrhosis.
______ ______ A. Early symptoms:
______ ______ 1. Loss of appetite.
______ ______ 2. Nausea and vomiting.
______ ______ 3. Diarrhea or constipation.
______ ______ 4. Fever.
______ ______ 5. General weakness.
______ ______ 6. Edema.
______ ______ B. Late symptoms:
______ ______ 1. Jaundice.
______ ______ 2. Swelling of abdomen and extremities.
______ ______ 3. Skin lesions.
______ ______ 4. Bleeding tendencies.
______ ______ 5. Itching.
______ ______ 6. Weight loss.
______ ______ 7. Fatigue.
Liver Cirrhosis
PATIENT NAME ______________________________SOC _______________
______ ______ 8. Confusion.
measures that prevent or manage cirrhosis.
______ ______ A. Abstain from all alcohol.
______ ______ B. Avoid over-the-counter drugs.
______ ______ C. Plan regular rest periods to decrease demands of the body and increase blood
supply to the liver.
______ ______ D. Provide adequate skin care to protect from injury and to relieve itching:
______ ______ 1. Prevent trauma to skin with frequent position changes, pressure-relief devices,
______ ______ 2. Follow good hygiene measures using soap very sparingly.
______ ______ 3. Keep fingernails short to prevent irritation from scratching.
______ ______ 4. Take medications or treatment as ordered to decrease itching.
______ ______ 5. Use lotions to moisturize skin.
______ ______ 6. Keep room temperature cool.
______ ______ E. Assess for early signs of fluid retention:
______ ______ 1. Weigh daily.
______ ______ 2. Measure abdominal girth.
______ ______ F. Promote adequate nutrition:
______ ______ 1. Eat small frequent meals high in calories and carbohydrates and low in fats.
______ ______ 2. Take vitamin supplements as ordered.
______ ______ 3. Avoid foods high in ammonia and amines such as cheese, salmon, and lima
______ ______ 4. Limit sodium. (Give “Low Sodium Diet” teaching guide
______ ______ G. Avoid contact with people who are ill to avoid infections and report any early
signs of infection.
______ ______ H. Report signs of bleeding and minimize possibility of trauma. (Avoid forceful
nose blowing, avoid straining at stool, use soft toothbrush, etc.)
______ ______ I. Assess mental status and orient client as needed. (Refer to “Safety for the
Confused Client” teaching guide [10.3].)
______ ______ J. Report changes to physician such any increased edema, fever, rapid weight
loss, bleeding of any kind, confusion, personality change, increased abdominal
______ ______ K. Take medications as prescribed and assess for side effects. (Decreased
metabolism increases risk for toxicity.)
______ ______ L. Keep follow-up appointments with physician.
______ ______ M. Use a Medic Alert bracelet or card.
Possible complications.
______ ______ A. Esophageal varices.
______ ______ B. Hemorrhage due to impaired coagulation.
______ ______ C. Encephalopathy.
______ ______ D. Renal failure.
Liver Cirrhosis
PATIENT NAME ______________________________SOC _______________
______ ______ E. Ascites.
______ ______ F. Hepatic coma.