Famous Fluoride Quotes Phillip Allen, MD, PhD, Enviro-Health Concerns, KS: "Perhaps proponents of fluoridation will appreciate knowing that the findings that they are being asked to accept are not the results of 'flawed' studies by poorly trained investigators but are, rather, independently confirmed findings by scientists of recognized stature.... We have spent a major part of the last year studying the fluoridation issue.... In the process, we have become acquainted with the work of outstanding scholars and their admirable effort to inform the public of the risks." Sir Arthur Amies, DDS, concerning fluoridation: "The passion to regulate the lives of others is deep-seated in some individuals. When this is based on political expediency, it is bad, and when it is inspired by an idealism which wishes to inflict benefit on others, it can be dangerous." Robert Atkins, MD: "Bone specialists I've talked to assure me that fluoride not only hinders normal formation of healthy new bone, but by creating crystals of calcium fluoride, actually produces new bone of inferior quality. My advice to you is that if your water isn't fluoridated and your government comes along and wants to fluoridate it, you should yell like hell." Arvid Carlsson, MD, PhD, Nobel Prize Winner in Medicine-Physiology. “Fluoridation is against all modern principles of pharmacology. It’s obsolete. I don’t think anybody in Sweden, not a single dentist, would bring this question up again.” Robert Carton, PhD, former Risk Assessment Scientist, Div. Toxicology, EPA: “Fluoridation presents unacceptable risks to public health, and the government cannot prove its claims of safety. It is clear that fluoride is mutagenic, and that it may well cause cancer. EPA has attempted to silence scientists who do not follow the party line.” “I basically accused EPA of scientific fraud. They did not even attempt to go through the scientific process for determining an acceptable daily dose. They tried at great length to avoid nailing down how much fluoride people were actually getting so they could keep marching with the policy of keeping fluoridation going. A person writing standards for EPA actually told me, in private, that he was lying. He said he was told to lie, and that he had to do what he had to do to keep his job.” “The fluorde drinking water standard is a classic case of political interference with science. The regulation is a fraudulent statement by the Federal Government. There is evidence that critical information in the scientific and technical support documents used to develop the standard was falsified by the Department of Health and Human Services and the Environmental Protection Agency to protect a longstanding public health policy.” “Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time. The Big Lie has been maintained by outright fraud and the persecution of scientists attempting to speak the truth.” Dean Burk, PhD in Biochemistry, former chief of Cytochemistry at the National Cancer Institute: “In point of fact, fluoride causes more cancer death, and causes it faster, than any other chemical.” 2 John Colquhoun, DDS, PhD: “I find it astonishing that, at a time when women’s hip fractures are reaching epidemic proportions, health boards are still claiming that fluoridated water is perfectly safe.” Paul Connett, PhD in Chemistry: “A very powerful lobby has attempted to put the fluoridation debate off-limits… because fluoridation is a house of cards waiting to fall.” C.G. Dobbs, PhD in Microbiology: “[Fluoridation] is of doubtful legality; it offends deep convictions concerning doctoring without consent; it is against the medical tradition of care for the individual; against the function of a public water supply; against sane economics; against the considered opinion of eminent nutritionists, biochemists, physiologists, pharmocologists, allergists, toxicologists; above all, it is against natural caution and common sense.” Mark Diesendorf, PhD, Director, Inst. Sustainable Futures: “A review of recent scientific literature reveals a consistent pattern of evidence – hip fractures, skeletal fluorosis, the effect of fluoride on bone structure, fluoride levels in bones and osteosarcomas – pointing to the existence of causal mechanisms by which fluoride damages bones.” William Douglass, MD: “Fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum. And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in Alzheimer’s victims? You guessed it.” Gregory Erikson, Director of Public Health, Wilmington MA: “This pattern of a higher crude death rate in the cities with fluoridated water supplies was apparent for all categories of death except accidental means and suicide.” Hobart Feldman, MD, American Board of Allergy and Immunology: “Fluoride is capable of producing any number of symptoms. They include drowsiness, profound desire to sleep, dizziness, nasal congestion, sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, coughing, wheezing (asthma), chest pain, hives, and various intestinal symptoms. Most of the information concerning specific reactions to fluoride, as seen in private practice, never reach publication.” George Glasser, science investigator and author: “In technology, fluorine stands alone as an indispensible element, but in the ecosystem it is an insidious toxin.” Richard Gracer, MD, former fluoridation proponent: “…I have not been able to find research that shows that fluoride actually reduces the rate of tooth decay. In fact, the studies I have seen show that it has no effect on this at all.” Ludwig Gross, MD, former Chief of Veterans’ Administration Cancer Research: “The plain fact that fluorine is an insidious poison, harmful, toxic and cumulative in its effects, even when ingested in minimal amounts, will remain unchanged no matter how many times it will be repeated in print that fluoridation of the water supply is ‘safe’.” Barry Groves, author of Fluoride: Drinking Ourselves to Death: “Fluoridation may well turn out to be the greatest scientific fraud ever perpetrated upon an unsuspecting public, a fraud perpetrated by a supposedly caring profession whose philosophy is arrogant and based entirely upon the ignorance of its members.” 3 Roy Hanford, MD, orthopedic surgeon: "We know that when a certain gray-blue halo is seen on the gums, we are dealing with systemic lead poisoning. There is little doubt in my mind that mottled teeth are evidence of…systemic fluorine poisoning." David R. Hill, PhD: “Studies in mainstream peer-reviewed medical journals and government reports now document the fact that serious harms are associated with exposure to small amounts of fluoride – including hip fracture, cancer, and intellectual impairment. There is evidence that both individual and institutional fluoride promoters have stacked the deck, manipulated experimental results, suppressed evidence that spoke against their view, and victimised or smeared those who spoke out against them.” William Hirzy, PhD, EPA: “If this stuff gets out into the air, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the river, it’s a pollutant; if it gets into the lake, it’s a pollutant; but if it goes right straight into your drinking water system, it’s not a pollutant. That’s amazing!” “The EPA’s solution to pollution is dilution, as long as the pollutant is dumped straight into drinking water systems and not into rivers or the atmosphere.” Charles Gordon Heyd, MD, past President of the AMA: “I am apalled at the prospect of using water as a vehicle for drugs. Fluoride is a corrosive poison that will produce serious effects on a long range basis. Any attempt to use water this way is deplorable.” Hippocratic Oath: "Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course." (Fluoride is used as an insecticide, rodenticide, wood preservative and fungicide. A protoplasmic poison, it’s more lethal than lead, slightly less lethal than arsenic.) Journal of the American Dental Association, 1936. The ADA before corporate sponsors: “Fluoride at 1 ppm concentration is as toxic as arsenic and lead… There is an increasing volume of evidence of the injurious effects of fluorine, especially the chronic intoxication resulting from the ingestion of minute amounts of fluorine over a long period of time.” Gerard Judd, PhD in Chemistry, author of Good Teeth Birth to Death: “There are entire nations that are completely non-fluoridated that have far better records of decay reduction than the U.S.” Donald Kennedy, PhD, former FDA commissioner: “Many of the statements in the CR report on fluoridation are directly contradicted by readily available scientific research. Rather than weigh all the new evidence as it appears, in a constant and criticial reevaluation of the advisability of fluoridation, the promoting agencies – most notably the US Public Health Service and the American Dental Association – have chosen to ignore any research that does not support their claims.” Rev. Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “This is a civil rights issue. No one should be subjected to drinking fluoride in their water… The Centers for Disease Control has clearly been trying to preserve fluoridation at all costs, but the facts about fluoride harm are coming out anyway… Black and Latino families are disporporionately harmed.” 4 Rev. Bernice King, JD, daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr: “Water fluoridation needs to end. It is good that organizations are lending their support to help push this outdated and harmful practice of fluoridation toward collapse. This is wonderful news.” Harold Kletschka, MD, Cardiovascular Surgeon: "The fact that fluoride is incorporated into the mineral matrix of bone does not make it an essential nutrient. Other elements hardly considered essential, such as lead and cadmium, also accumulate in bones and teeth, and are not regarded as beneficial." Richard Kunin, MD, President of Society for Orthomolecular Health Medicine: “Today, with so many additional sources of fluoride present in processed foods, commercial beverages, and dental care products that were not there when water fluoridation began, the total intake of fluoride among children has increased well above the initially proposed optimum. With these higher levels of fluoride intake, dental fluorosis and other toxic effects have also increased.” John R. Lee, MD: “Fluoride is toxic to bones and increases risk of fracture at all levels of exposure including fluoridation at 1 ppm. Regardless of any other consideration, this is reason enough to discontinue fluoridation immediately.” “There have been seven studies showing a positive correlation of fluoridation with increased hip fracture incidence and not one acceptable study showing the contrary.” Hardy Limeback, DDS, PhD, former fluoridation proponent: “The evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming… Fluoride may be destroying our bones, our teeth, and our overall health.” Donald MacAuley, DDM, former fluoridation proponent: “In my view, many dentists continue to endorse fluoridation simply because they do not know the truth.” Peter Mansfield, MD: "No physician in his right senses would prescribe for a person he has never met, whose medical history he does not know, a substance which is intended to create bodily change, with the advice: 'Take as much as you like, but you will take it for the rest of your life because some children suffer from tooth decay.' It's a preposterous notion." William Marcus, PhD, Toxicologist: "I've been trying to produce osteosarcoma [bone cancer] in animals for almost 20 years, and the only luck I ever had was with dogs and monkeys... [It] took nearly the lifetime of the animals, and we were using radium, which specifically produces that in bones... And here we have a compound, sodium fluoride, commonly available, that did it in rats in two years or less." Allen McCone, DVM: “Since a hip fracture can change the life of a senior citizen forever, we wonder why any city would continue to fluoridate its water supply now that 1) it has been shown here and abroad that fluoridation is doing little for children’s teeth and 2) more studies revealing fluoride’s harm continue to appear.” Robert Mick, DDS, former fluoridation promoter: “As a result of experiments with animals, we learned that bones, teeth, kidney, livers, and spleens had accumulated up 5 to 500 percent more fluoride than controlled animals. Cripples were born to the third generation.” “Fluoridation is one of the biggest international scandals that has ever been promoted in the name of a health scheme.” Gene Miller, PhD in Biochemistry and Toxicology: "It was found that among the environmental pollutants, fluoride was the most damaging." John Miller, PhD in Biochemistry: “Fluoride acts to tie up magnesium – forming magnesium fluoride – an insoluable compound which thus prevents the essential enzymes from using magnesium. As a result, mental processes are seriously interfered with, and nerve reactions throughout the body depressed. This sort of toxicity is shown by research to play a role in epileptic seizures and other convulsions.” D.B. Mirth, PhD, senior scientist for National Institute of Dental Research, Epidemiology and Oral Disease Prevention Program: “Systemically administered controlled release fluoride did not reduce the incidence of caries.” Knud Moller, MD, Danish Government Pharmocologist: “Fluoridation of public water supplies as well as of all consumables is prohibited by law.” Hans Moolenburgh, MD, author of Fluoride: The Freedom Fight: “Of course there were also those gigantic financial benefits for the industries who could sell a poisonous waste product for stupendous amounts of money, but behind those financial assets loomed another spectre: the small powerful elite feeling the thrill of chemically manipulating a whole population.” Phyllis Mullenix, PhD Toxicology, former Head Toxicologist at Forsyth Dental Center: “The evidence against the safety of this public health policy will keep mounting and never disappear again. My ignorance of fluoride in the beginning was a matter of chance. If you ignore this evidence today, it will be a matter of choice.” Dean Murphy, DDS: “In the 17th and 18th century, fluorine had a nickname. It was called ‘The Devil’s Poison’ because it killed and maimed secretly and without exception. It is my contention that exposure to fluorine and fluoride compounds has caused more disease and deaths than any other substance known to mankind.” William P. Murphy, MD, Nobel Prize Winner: “We need to get more information on the fluoride problem to help those who are, as you are, interested in avoiding fluoridation of our water system.” Janet Nagel, EdD: “Intentional fluoridation of public water supplies is promoted and conducted with blatant disregard for fiscal and environmental responsibility and arrogant contempt for medical ethics… Fluoridation is a gross violation of the public trust and of the human rights fundamental to a free society.” Malcolm Naylor, DDS, Lecturer in preventive dentistry, London: Dr. Naylor reported that when a statistical analysis of 1,000 children was conducted in London, and results were not as fluoridation proponents wanted, the study was quickly abandoned. 6 Waldo Nelson, MD, Editor of Textbook of Pediatrics: “Fluoride salts and compounds are rapidly absorbed and slowly excreted. They are protoplasmic poisons inhibiting cellular enzyme action.” New York State Congress of Parents and Teachers, Inc., Fluoride Task Force Committee: "The future of the earth and the health of people must be considered by all who add any type of chemical to the water we drink, to the air we breathe, and to the soil in which we grow our food. Considering this principle, we feel we must support those who are against fluoridation. For the person who wants, or feels the need for fluoride, it may be easily obtained from mouth rinses, toothpastes, and other dental applications." Gary Null, PhD, researcher and author: “The drive to fluoridate water stems from an inventive (though immoral) scheme to market a toxic waste. At first, industry could dispose of fluoride legally only in small amounts by selling it to insecticide and rat poison manufacturers. Then a commercial outlet was devised in the 1930’s when the aluminum industry waged a public misinformation campaign to convince the public that fluoride in their water was safe and good for them. We’ve been lied to for decades, and it’s a lie that has weakened the immune systems of countless millions. A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud.” Paul Phillips, PhD Biochemistry: "Fluorine is known to be an enzymatic inhibitor which interferes with metabolism of breakdown of glucose... The metabolism of glucose or its breakdown is our primary source of energy for maintaining life and doing useful work." Public Health Service Report, 1993, HEW: "Existing data indicates that subsets of the population may be unusually susceptible to the toxic effects of fluoride and its compounds. These populations include the elderly, people with deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, and/or vitamin C, and people with cardiovascular and kidney problems." J.J. Rae, PhD Biochemistry: “It is a known scientific fact that fluoride is a deadly poison to enzymes, upon which all life depends.” Ionel Rapaport, MD: Reported a correlation between mothers drinking fluoridated water in the range of 1 ppm to 2.6 ppm giving birth to Down Syndrome babies three times more frequently than their unfluoridated counterparts. Henry Rodriguez, League of Latin American Citizens: “The Hispanic community is no longer going to be silent on this issue. Fluoridation is about forcing us to be medicated through our drinking water without our consent or full disclosure of the risks.” Albert Schatz, PhD, Nobel Prize Winner: “Artificial fluoridation of drinking water may well dwarf the thalidomide tragedy… Many victims of artificial fluoridation die quietly during the first year of their lives, or at a later age under conditions where their deaths are attributed to some other cause.” “Fluoridation is a well-documented case of scientific misconduct.” A.K.Shusheela, PhD, Prof. Histocytochemistry, New Delhi: "What is the matter with your scientists that they allow your government to be so stupid?" (Commenting on government support of fluoridation.) 7 Bruce Spittle, MD, PhD: “Some persons are intolerant of small amounts of fluoride, equivalent to that received with municipal water that has been fluoridated. My clinical experience is that the health of some persons is adversely affected by fluoridated water.” Cornelius Steelink, PhD in Chemistry: “ Our committee had access to a recent dental screening of 26,000 elementary school children. When we plotted the incidence of tooth decay versus fluoride content in a child’s neighborhood drinking water, a positive correlation was revealed. In other words, the more fluoride a child drank, the more cavities appeared in the teeth.” Jill Stein, MD, Physicians for Social Responsibility: “Studies suggest that… fluoride exposure, at levels that are experienced by a significant proportion of the population whose drinking water is fluoridated, may have adverse impacts on the developing brain.” Dan Stockin, MPH: “There is growing bipartisan support across the country for halting fluoridation and conducting Fluoridegate investigations.” Douglas D. Styne, MD: "Long-continued ingestion of minute quantitites of fluorine causes disease of the thyroid gland." James Sumner, PhD, Nobel Prize Winner for his work on enzyme chemistry: “Everybody knows that fluorine and fluorides are very poisonous substances and we use them in enzyme chemistry to poison enzymes, those vital agents in the body. That is the reason things are poisoned; because enzymes are poisoned, and that is why animals and plants die.” Philip Sutton, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Department of Oral Medicine and Surgery, Univ. Melbourne, author of Fluoridation: Errors and Omission in Experimental Trials: “The scientific basis of fluoridation is very unsatisfactory. It abounds in contradictions, discrepencies, and omissions of pertinent data. It is promoted, in the main, by emotionbased ‘endorsements’ rather than by scientifically acceptable evidence.” Kosei Takahashi, MD, PhD: “The number of excess Down Syndrome births due to fluoridation is estimated to be several thousand cases annually throughout the world.” Alfred Taylor, PhD, Biochemistry: "The terrifying conclusion of the studies was that fluorine greatly induced a cancer tumor growth. If doctors and the public can be made aware of this catastrophe, fluoridation shall end quickly." "Fluoridation will some day be recognized as the most lethal and stupid 'Health Program' ever conceived by the mind of man, witch doctors and blood-letters not excepted." Hugo Theorell, MD, Nobel Prize Winner for research on enzyme chemistry: “The fluoride ion exerts its toxic effect by inhibiting the action of many enzyme systems.” Kathleen Thiessen, PhD: “The available data, responsibly interpreted, indicate little or no beneficial effect of water fluoridation on oral health. EPA should not assume or suppose beneficial effects of community water fluoridation in evaluating the health risks from fluoride in drinking water." 8 Elichi Tohyama, MD, Department of Preventive Medicine, Okinawa: “A significant positive correlation was found between fluoride concentration in drinking water and uterine cancer mortality in 20 municipalities.” Otto Warburg, PhD, two-time Nobel Prize Winner, former Director of Max Planck Inst. for Cell Physiology: Fluoride ions in low concentrations (0.2 to 1ppm) can disturb and inhibit enzymes which steer the processes of life. At an annual meeting of Nobel Winners Warburg stated, "Many experts agree that one could prevent about 80% of cancers in man if one could keep the known carcinogens from the normal body cells." Shirley Worth, RN, citizen of Rowley MA: “I find it to be incredible that anyone would propose adding a cumulative toxin to a public water supply, a criminal act that purposely contaminates a valuable resource, endangers the health of the public, and literally steals from all individuals the right to their freedom of choice.” John Yiamouyiannis, PhD Biochemistry: “It may at first be difficult to understand how a single substance like fluoride could cause such a wide variety of ill effects at a level as low as 1 part per million. The key is that fluoride at 1 ppm or even less interferes with the normal operation of a number of important enzymes…, proteins found in all living cells. They are responsible for catalyzing (or triggering) the chemical reactions that make life possible…It seems safe to say that fluoride inhibits over 100 different enzymes in the soft tissues of people in fluoridated areas. Thus, since enzymes are present in all living cells and are responsible for virtually all living processes, it is not surprising that fluoride can cause such a wide variety of ill-effects.” from Fluoride: the Aging Factor “Fluoride is a poison more toxic than lead and slightly less toxic than arsenic. If people would vote to put fluoride in their water, why wouldn’t they vote to put arsenic or lead in their water or mercury for that matter? You can spend about a dollar on fluoride and that amount of fluoride will kill about a thousand people. It’s the most economic poison you can get. We actually got an admission from Proctor & Gamble in 1984 that a family-sized tube of Crest contains enough fluoride to kill a small child on the spot.” On the suppression of evidence of fluoridation’s harm: “Such a response is typical of the proponents of fluoridation. The professional sanctions for opposing fluoridation can be severe, and it is best not to even acknowledge evidence of harm or ineffectiveness.” Rev. Andrew Young: ”I am most deeply concerned for poor families who have babies: if they cannot afford unfluoridated water for their babies’ milk formula, do their babies not count? Of course they do. This is an issue of fairness, civil rights, and compassion.” Rudolph Ziegelbecker, MD, PhD, Inst. Environmental Research, Austria: “European scientists, in evaluating USPHS claims of fluoride dental benefits, find these supposed benefits random, ie., not dose-related, and are unconvincing, whereas the toxicity (dental fluorosis) is dose-related.” “Dentists’ dogma and their doctrine that fluoridation is a safe and effective public health measure can no longer be defended in science.” Compiled by Barbara Goll, 978-546-7708, from books by Lou Ronsivalli, Barry Groves, & other sources.