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Year review

Focus Questions


Which BtN story had the biggest impact on you this year? Why?


What were some political changes that occurred in 2010?


What difficult political decisions had to be made this year?


Where is Sarah at the moment and what is she doing there?


What natural or man-made disasters happened this year?


What was your favourite story about kids?


What do you think was the funniest BtN moment for 2010?


What was the most inspirational BtN story and why?


If you could make any changes to BtN what would they be? Tell us on the guestbook http://www.abc.net.au/btn/guestbook.html


What stories would you like to see reported on BtN next year?

Year review 2010

Students choose one of the following investigations.

Investigation One

Students will choose their favourite story from 2010. All BtN stories are in the archives section of the website. http://abc.net.au/news/btn/archives.html

Students watch the story again then reflect on the following questions:

Why did you choose the story?

Why do you think the story was chosen to be on BtN?

What do you think the producers/journalists want kids to know about the topic/issue?

Describe the main issue/message in the story.

What else might the audience want to know about the issue/story? (Ask

 other students in the class.)

What changes would you make to the story? Consider the words, pictures, music and graphics. Explain why you would make the changes.

Working in pairs, students discuss their responses to the questions.

Students can then choose one of the following options to take the investigation further:

Write a follow up news report/update that gives new information about the issue/story. It needs to explain how the issue has been resolved or has changed.

Create another version of the BtN story that includes the changes you would make. Storyboard the new version including graphics and music



Learning Area

English, Society and Environment

Key learning

Students will create an update or another version of a BtN story or choose five stories from 2010 to make a `Best of


© ABC 2010

details. The following website has a storyboarding tool http://kidsvid.4teachers.org/scripting.shtml

Present your work to the class or create a display in the classroom.

Investigation Two

Working in small groups, students choose their five favourite stories from this year http://abc.net.au/news/btn/archives.html


The five stories will make up a

`Best of BtN’ for 2010. To ensure there are a variety of stories, s tudents choose one from each of the following categories:






Students then need to answer the following questions:

Why did you choose the stories?

Describe the main issue/message in each story.

Why do you think kids would be interested in the stories?

Why do you think the stories were chosen to be on BtN?

Write an online poll question for one of the stories and two quiz questions. The transcript may help students to do this. Go to the teachers section on the website to view the transcripts http://www.abc.net.au/btn/teachers.html

To take the investigation further, find out whether there have been any changes to the issue/story and write an update that gives new information to the audience. The update needs to explain how the issue has been resolved or has changed.

Present your `Best of BtN’ to the class. Include information about why you chose the stories, the online poll and quiz questions and the updates to the BtN stories you chose.

 Related Research Links

ABC Behind the News - Archives http://www.abc.net.au/btn/archives.html

© ABC 2010
